RBGen  Version of the Day
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Classes | Enumerations | Functions
RBGen Namespace Reference

Namespace RBGen contains the classes, structs, enums and utilities used by the RBGen package. More...


class  AnasaziPOD
 Class for producing a basis using the Anasazi eigensolver. More...
class  BurkardtFileIOHandler
 FileIOHandler for reading an Epetra_MultiVector from Burkardt data files. More...
class  EpetraCrsMatrixFileIOHandler
 FileIOHandler for reading EpetraCrsMatrix data from a file using EpetraExt. More...
class  EpetraMVFileIOFactory
 Abstract factory for creating a concrete FileIOFactory for reading an Epetra_MultiVector. More...
class  EpetraMVMethodFactory
 Specialization of MethodFactory for Epetra_MultiVector datasets. More...
class  EpetraMVPreprocessorFactory
 Specialization of a PreprocessorFactor for Epetra_MultiVector datasets. More...
class  FileIOHandler
 Abstract base class for reading datasets from files. More...
class  FileIOFactory
 Abstract factory for instantiating FileIOHandler concrete classes. More...
class  Filter
 Class for selecting desired singular values. More...
class  RangeFilter
 Range-based filter. More...
class  ThreshFilter
 Threshold-based filter. More...
class  CompFilter
 Composite filter. More...
class  IncSVDPOD
 Class for producing a basis using the Incremental SVD. More...
class  ISVD_MultiCDUDV
 IncSVD method implementing UDV storage with multiple coordinate descent passes. More...
class  ISVD_MultiSDAUDV
 IncSVD method implementing UDV storage with multiple steepest descent (variant A) passes. More...
class  ISVD_MultiSDBUDV
 IncSVD method implementing UDV storage with multiple steepest descent (variant B) passes. More...
class  ISVD_SingleUDV
 IncSVD method implementing UDV storage with a single coordinate descent pass. More...
class  ISVDMultiCD
 Class for producing a basis using the Incremental SVD in a single pass. More...
class  ISVDMultiSDA
 Class for producing a basis using the Incremental SVD in a single pass. More...
class  ISVDMultiSDB
 Class for producing a basis using the Incremental SVD in a single pass. More...
class  ISVDSingle
 Class for producing a basis using the Incremental SVD in a single pass. More...
class  ISVDUDV
 Class for producing a basis using the Incremental SVD. More...
class  LapackPOD
 Class for producing a basis using LAPACK. More...
class  MatrixMarketFileIOHandler
 FileIOHandler for reading an Epetra_MultiVector from a Matrix Market file. More...
class  Method
 Abstract base class for reduced basis methods. More...
class  MethodFactory
 Abstract factory for creating basis generation methods. More...
class  MSPreprocessor
 Specialization for Preprocessor using Epetra_MultiVector. More...
class  NetCDFFileIOHandler
 FileIOHandler for reading an Epetra_MultiVector from a NetCDF file. More...
class  NoPreprocessor
 Null preprocessor concrete class. More...
class  PODMethod
 Abstract base class for reduced basis POD methods. More...
class  Preprocessor
 Abstract base class for encapsulating dataset preprocessing. More...
class  PreprocessorFactory
 Abstract factory for instantiating Preprocessor concrete classes. More...
class  StSVDRTR
 Class for producing a POD basis using a trust-region optimization on the Stiefel manifold. More...


enum  SortType { LARGEST, SMALLEST }
 Enumerated type to list the selection criteria for singular value filters. More...


< Teuchos::ParameterList
createParams (const std::string &filename)
 Create a Teuchos::ParameterList from an XML file. More...
Teuchos::RCP< std::vector
< std::string > > 
genFileList (const Teuchos::ParameterList &params)
 Extract the filename list from a Teuchos::ParameterList. More...
double BasisAngle (const Epetra_MultiVector &S, const Epetra_MultiVector &T)
 Method for computing the angle between two subspaces represented as Epetra_MultiVector bases. More...

Detailed Description

Namespace RBGen contains the classes, structs, enums and utilities used by the RBGen package.

Enumeration Type Documentation

Enumerated type to list the selection criteria for singular value filters.


Select the largest singular values


Select the smallest singular values

Definition at line 12 of file RBGen_Filter.hpp.

Function Documentation

Teuchos::RCP< Teuchos::ParameterList > RBGen::createParams ( const std::string &  filename)

Create a Teuchos::ParameterList from an XML file.

Definition at line 10 of file RBGen_Params.cpp.

Teuchos::RCP< std::vector< std::string > > RBGen::genFileList ( const Teuchos::ParameterList params)

Extract the filename list from a Teuchos::ParameterList.

Definition at line 161 of file RBGen_Params.cpp.

double RBGen::BasisAngle ( const Epetra_MultiVector S,
const Epetra_MultiVector T 

Method for computing the angle between two subspaces represented as Epetra_MultiVector bases.

Definition at line 10 of file RBGen_Utils.cpp.