11 #include "Teuchos_CompilerCodeTweakMacros.hpp"
25 namespace panzer_stk {
73 for(
auto & workset : *worksets){
77 workset.getIntegrationValues(
81 workset.getPointValues(pd);
84 for(
const auto & bd : needs.
88 workset.getBasisValues(bd,
92 workset.getBasisValues(bd,pd);
109 std::vector<stk::mesh::Entity> elements;
111 worksetSize = elements.size();
Backwards compatibility mode that ignores the worksetSize in the WorksetDescriptor.
const std::string & getSideset(const int block=0) const
Get sideset name.
bool connectsElementBlocks() const
Identifies this workset as an interface between two element blocks.
Teuchos::RCP< panzer::LocalMeshInfo > generateLocalMeshInfo(const panzer_stk::STK_Interface &mesh)
Create a structure containing information about the local portion of a given element block...
const std::string & getElementBlock(const int block=0) const
Get element block name.
Teuchos::RCP< const shards::CellTopology > getCellTopology() const
Get CellTopology for the base cell.
bool useSideset() const
This descriptor is for a side set.
Teuchos::RCP< std::vector< panzer::Workset > > buildWorksets(const panzer_stk::STK_Interface &mesh, const std::string &eBlock, const panzer::WorksetNeeds &needs)
virtual Teuchos::RCP< std::vector< panzer::Workset > > getWorksets(const panzer::WorksetDescriptor &worksetDesc, const panzer::WorksetNeeds &needs) const
Teuchos::RCP< std::map< unsigned, panzer::Workset > > buildBCWorksets(const panzer_stk::STK_Interface &mesh, const panzer::WorksetNeeds &needs_a, const std::string &blockid_a, const panzer::WorksetNeeds &needs_b, const std::string &blockid_b, const std::string &sideset)
const std::vector< panzer::PointDescriptor > & getPoints() const
Get a list of points being requested.
const std::vector< panzer::BasisDescriptor > & getBases() const
Get a list of bases being requested.
Data for determining cell topology and dimensionality.
Teuchos::RCP< const panzer::LocalMeshInfo > mesh_info_
Alternative form of mesh.
Teuchos::RCP< std::vector< panzer::Workset > > buildPartitionedWorksets(const panzer::LocalMeshInfo &mesh_info, const panzer::WorksetDescriptor &description, const Teuchos::RCP< const OrientationsInterface > &orientations)
virtual Teuchos::RCP< std::map< unsigned, panzer::Workset > > getSideWorksets(const panzer::WorksetDescriptor &desc, const panzer::WorksetNeeds &needs) const
const std::vector< panzer::IntegrationDescriptor > & getIntegrators() const
Get a list of integrators being requested.
bool sideAssembly() const
Expects side set assembly on volume.
virtual void setMesh(const Teuchos::RCP< const panzer_stk::STK_Interface > &mesh)
Teuchos::RCP< const STK_Interface > mesh_
#define TEUCHOS_ASSERT(assertion_test)
int getWorksetSize() const
Get the requested workset size (default -2 (workset size is set elsewhere), -1 (largest possible work...
bool requiresPartitioning() const
Do we need to partition the local mesh prior to generating worksets.
Workset size is set to the total number of local elements in the MPI process.
Teuchos::RCP< const OrientationsInterface > getOrientationsInterface() const
Get the orientations associated with the worksets.