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MueLu::AggregationPhase2bAlgorithm< LocalOrdinal, GlobalOrdinal, Node > Class Template Reference

Add leftovers to existing aggregates


In phase 2b non-aggregated nodes are added to existing aggregates. All neighbors of the unaggregated node are checked and the corresponding aggregate weight is increased. The unaggregated node is added to the aggregate with the best weight. A simple penalty strategy makes sure that the non-aggregated nodes are added to different aggregates. The routine runs twice to cover non-aggregate nodes which have a node distance of two to existing aggregates. Assuming that the node distance is not greater than 3 (the aggregate diameter size), running the algorithm only twice should be sufficient. More...

#include <MueLu_AggregationPhase2bAlgorithm_decl.hpp>

Inheritance diagram for MueLu::AggregationPhase2bAlgorithm< LocalOrdinal, GlobalOrdinal, Node >:
MueLu::AggregationAlgorithmBase< LocalOrdinal, GlobalOrdinal, Node > MueLu::BaseClass MueLu::VerboseObject MueLu::Describable Teuchos::VerboseObject< VerboseObject > Teuchos::Describable Teuchos::VerboseObjectBase Teuchos::LabeledObject

Public Member Functions

std::string description () const
 Return a simple one-line description of this object. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from MueLu::AggregationAlgorithmBase< LocalOrdinal, GlobalOrdinal, Node >
virtual ~AggregationAlgorithmBase ()
 Destructor. More...
virtual void BuildAggregatesNonKokkos (const Teuchos::ParameterList &params, const LWGraphHostType &graph, Aggregates &aggregates, AggStatHostType &aggStat, LO &numNonAggregatedNodes) const =0
 BuildAggregatesNonKokkos routine. More...
virtual void BuildAggregates (const Teuchos::ParameterList &params, const LWGraphType &graph, Aggregates &aggregates, AggStatType &aggStat, LO &numNonAggregatedNodes) const =0
 BuildAggregates routine. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from MueLu::BaseClass
virtual ~BaseClass ()
 Destructor. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from MueLu::VerboseObject
VerbLevel GetVerbLevel () const
 Get the verbosity level. More...
void SetVerbLevel (const VerbLevel verbLevel)
 Set the verbosity level of this object. More...
int GetProcRankVerbose () const
 Get proc rank used for printing. Do not use this information for any other purpose. More...
int SetProcRankVerbose (int procRank) const
 Set proc rank used for printing. More...
bool IsPrint (MsgType type, int thisProcRankOnly=-1) const
 Find out whether we need to print out information for a specific message type. More...
Teuchos::FancyOStreamGetOStream (MsgType type, int thisProcRankOnly=0) const
 Get an output stream for outputting the input message type. More...
Teuchos::FancyOStreamGetBlackHole () const
 VerboseObject ()
virtual ~VerboseObject ()
 Destructor. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from Teuchos::VerboseObject< VerboseObject >
 VerboseObject (const EVerbosityLevel verbLevel=VERB_DEFAULT, const RCP< FancyOStream > &oStream=Teuchos::null)
virtual const VerboseObjectsetVerbLevel (const EVerbosityLevel verbLevel) const
virtual const VerboseObjectsetOverridingVerbLevel (const EVerbosityLevel verbLevel) const
virtual EVerbosityLevel getVerbLevel () const
RCP< const ParameterList
getValidVerboseObjectSublist ()
setupVerboseObjectSublist (ParameterList *paramList)
readVerboseObjectSublist (ParameterList *paramList, RCP< FancyOStream > *oStream, EVerbosityLevel *verbLevel)
void readVerboseObjectSublist (ParameterList *paramList, VerboseObject< ObjectType > *verboseObject)
- Public Member Functions inherited from Teuchos::VerboseObjectBase
virtual ~VerboseObjectBase ()
 VerboseObjectBase (const RCP< FancyOStream > &oStream=Teuchos::null)
virtual const VerboseObjectBasesetOStream (const RCP< FancyOStream > &oStream) const
virtual const VerboseObjectBasesetOverridingOStream (const RCP< FancyOStream > &oStream) const
virtual VerboseObjectBasesetLinePrefix (const std::string &linePrefix)
virtual RCP< FancyOStreamgetOStream () const
virtual RCP< FancyOStreamgetOverridingOStream () const
virtual std::string getLinePrefix () const
virtual OSTab getOSTab (const int tabs=1, const std::string &linePrefix="") const
- Public Member Functions inherited from MueLu::Describable
virtual ~Describable ()
 Destructor. More...
virtual std::string ShortClassName () const
 Return the class name of the object, without template parameters and without namespace. More...
virtual void describe (Teuchos::FancyOStream &out_arg, const VerbLevel verbLevel=Default) const
void describe (Teuchos::FancyOStream &out, const Teuchos::EVerbosityLevel verbLevel=Teuchos::Describable::verbLevel_default) const
 Print the object with some verbosity level to an FancyOStream object. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from Teuchos::Describable
void describe (std::ostream &out, const EVerbosityLevel verbLevel=verbLevel_default) const
 LabeledObject ()
virtual ~LabeledObject ()
virtual void setObjectLabel (const std::string &objectLabel)
virtual std::string getObjectLabel () const
DescribableStreamManipulatorState describe (const Describable &describable, const EVerbosityLevel verbLevel=Describable::verbLevel_default)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const DescribableStreamManipulatorState &d)


 AggregationPhase2bAlgorithm (const RCP< const FactoryBase > &=Teuchos::null)
 Constructor. More...
virtual ~AggregationPhase2bAlgorithm ()
 Destructor. More...

Aggregation methods.

void BuildAggregatesNonKokkos (const ParameterList &params, const LWGraph &graph, Aggregates &aggregates, typename AggregationAlgorithmBase< LocalOrdinal, GlobalOrdinal, Node >::AggStatHostType &aggStat, LO &numNonAggregatedNodes) const
 Local aggregation. More...
void BuildAggregates (const ParameterList &params, const LWGraph_kokkos &graph, Aggregates &aggregates, typename AggregationAlgorithmBase< LocalOrdinal, GlobalOrdinal, Node >::AggStatType &aggStat, LO &numNonAggregatedNodes) const
template<bool deterministic>
void BuildAggregates (const ParameterList &params, const LWGraph_kokkos graph, Aggregates &aggregates, typename AggregationAlgorithmBase< LocalOrdinal, GlobalOrdinal, Node >::AggStatType aggStat, LO &numNonAggregatedNodes) const

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from MueLu::AggregationAlgorithmBase< LocalOrdinal, GlobalOrdinal, Node >
using LWGraphHostType = LWGraph
using AggStatHostType = Kokkos::View< unsigned *, typename LWGraphHostType::device_type >
using LWGraphType = LWGraph_kokkos
using AggStatType = Kokkos::View< unsigned *, typename LWGraphType::device_type >
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from MueLu::VerboseObject
static void SetMueLuOStream (const Teuchos::RCP< Teuchos::FancyOStream > &mueluOStream)
static void SetMueLuOFileStream (const std::string &filename)
static Teuchos::RCP
< Teuchos::FancyOStream
GetMueLuOStream ()
static void SetDefaultVerbLevel (const VerbLevel defaultVerbLevel)
 Set the default (global) verbosity level. More...
static VerbLevel GetDefaultVerbLevel ()
 Get the default (global) verbosity level. More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Teuchos::VerboseObject< VerboseObject >
static void setDefaultVerbLevel (const EVerbosityLevel defaultVerbLevel)
static EVerbosityLevel getDefaultVerbLevel ()
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Teuchos::VerboseObjectBase
static void setDefaultOStream (const RCP< FancyOStream > &defaultOStream)
static RCP< FancyOStreamgetDefaultOStream ()
- Static Public Attributes inherited from Teuchos::Describable
static const EVerbosityLevel verbLevel_default
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Teuchos::VerboseObject< VerboseObject >
void initializeVerboseObject (const EVerbosityLevel verbLevel=VERB_DEFAULT, const RCP< FancyOStream > &oStream=Teuchos::null)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Teuchos::VerboseObjectBase
void initializeVerboseObjectBase (const RCP< FancyOStream > &oStream=Teuchos::null)
virtual void informUpdatedVerbosityState () const

Detailed Description

template<class LocalOrdinal = DefaultLocalOrdinal, class GlobalOrdinal = DefaultGlobalOrdinal, class Node = DefaultNode>
class MueLu::AggregationPhase2bAlgorithm< LocalOrdinal, GlobalOrdinal, Node >

Add leftovers to existing aggregates


In phase 2b non-aggregated nodes are added to existing aggregates. All neighbors of the unaggregated node are checked and the corresponding aggregate weight is increased. The unaggregated node is added to the aggregate with the best weight. A simple penalty strategy makes sure that the non-aggregated nodes are added to different aggregates. The routine runs twice to cover non-aggregate nodes which have a node distance of two to existing aggregates. Assuming that the node distance is not greater than 3 (the aggregate diameter size), running the algorithm only twice should be sufficient.


Only nodes with state READY are changed to AGGREGATED. There are no aggregation criteria considered. Especially the aggregation: max agg size criterion is ignored. This is not a problem, since after the previous aggregation phases one should not be able to build too large aggregates.

Definition at line 47 of file MueLu_AggregationPhase2bAlgorithm_decl.hpp.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

template<class LocalOrdinal = DefaultLocalOrdinal, class GlobalOrdinal = DefaultGlobalOrdinal, class Node = DefaultNode>
MueLu::AggregationPhase2bAlgorithm< LocalOrdinal, GlobalOrdinal, Node >::AggregationPhase2bAlgorithm ( const RCP< const FactoryBase > &  = Teuchos::null)


Definition at line 56 of file MueLu_AggregationPhase2bAlgorithm_decl.hpp.

template<class LocalOrdinal = DefaultLocalOrdinal, class GlobalOrdinal = DefaultGlobalOrdinal, class Node = DefaultNode>
virtual MueLu::AggregationPhase2bAlgorithm< LocalOrdinal, GlobalOrdinal, Node >::~AggregationPhase2bAlgorithm ( )


Definition at line 59 of file MueLu_AggregationPhase2bAlgorithm_decl.hpp.

Member Function Documentation

template<class LocalOrdinal , class GlobalOrdinal , class Node >
void MueLu::AggregationPhase2bAlgorithm< LocalOrdinal, GlobalOrdinal, Node >::BuildAggregatesNonKokkos ( const ParameterList params,
const LWGraph graph,
Aggregates aggregates,
typename AggregationAlgorithmBase< LocalOrdinal, GlobalOrdinal, Node >::AggStatHostType aggStat,
LO numNonAggregatedNodes 
) const

Local aggregation.

Definition at line 30 of file MueLu_AggregationPhase2bAlgorithm_def.hpp.

template<class LocalOrdinal , class GlobalOrdinal , class Node >
void MueLu::AggregationPhase2bAlgorithm< LocalOrdinal, GlobalOrdinal, Node >::BuildAggregates ( const ParameterList params,
const LWGraph_kokkos graph,
Aggregates aggregates,
typename AggregationAlgorithmBase< LocalOrdinal, GlobalOrdinal, Node >::AggStatType aggStat,
LO numNonAggregatedNodes 
) const

Definition at line 114 of file MueLu_AggregationPhase2bAlgorithm_def.hpp.

template<class LocalOrdinal , class GlobalOrdinal , class Node >
template<bool deterministic>
void MueLu::AggregationPhase2bAlgorithm< LocalOrdinal, GlobalOrdinal, Node >::BuildAggregates ( const ParameterList params,
const LWGraph_kokkos  graph,
Aggregates aggregates,
typename AggregationAlgorithmBase< LocalOrdinal, GlobalOrdinal, Node >::AggStatType  aggStat,
LO numNonAggregatedNodes 
) const

Definition at line 231 of file MueLu_AggregationPhase2bAlgorithm_def.hpp.

template<class LocalOrdinal = DefaultLocalOrdinal, class GlobalOrdinal = DefaultGlobalOrdinal, class Node = DefaultNode>
std::string MueLu::AggregationPhase2bAlgorithm< LocalOrdinal, GlobalOrdinal, Node >::description ( ) const

Return a simple one-line description of this object.

Reimplemented from MueLu::Describable.

Definition at line 85 of file MueLu_AggregationPhase2bAlgorithm_decl.hpp.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: