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1 // @HEADER
2 // *****************************************************************************
3 // MueLu: A package for multigrid based preconditioning
4 //
5 // Copyright 2012 NTESS and the MueLu contributors.
6 // SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
7 // *****************************************************************************
8 // @HEADER
13 #include "Kokkos_ArithTraits.hpp"
16 #include <Xpetra_Matrix.hpp>
17 #include <Xpetra_IteratorOps.hpp>
20 #include "MueLu_Level.hpp"
21 #include "MueLu_MasterList.hpp"
22 #include "MueLu_Monitor.hpp"
23 #include "MueLu_PerfUtils.hpp"
24 #include "MueLu_TentativePFactory.hpp"
25 #include "MueLu_Utilities.hpp"
27 #include <sstream>
29 namespace MueLu {
31 template <class Scalar, class LocalOrdinal, class GlobalOrdinal, class Node>
34 template <class Scalar, class LocalOrdinal, class GlobalOrdinal, class Node>
37 template <class Scalar, class LocalOrdinal, class GlobalOrdinal, class Node>
39  RCP<ParameterList> validParamList = rcp(new ParameterList());
41 #define SET_VALID_ENTRY(name) validParamList->setEntry(name, MasterList::getEntry(name))
42  SET_VALID_ENTRY("sa: damping factor");
43  SET_VALID_ENTRY("sa: calculate eigenvalue estimate");
44  SET_VALID_ENTRY("sa: eigenvalue estimate num iterations");
45  SET_VALID_ENTRY("sa: use rowsumabs diagonal scaling");
46  SET_VALID_ENTRY("sa: enforce constraints");
47  SET_VALID_ENTRY("tentative: calculate qr");
48  SET_VALID_ENTRY("sa: max eigenvalue");
49  SET_VALID_ENTRY("sa: rowsumabs diagonal replacement tolerance");
50  SET_VALID_ENTRY("sa: rowsumabs diagonal replacement value");
51  SET_VALID_ENTRY("sa: rowsumabs replace single entry row with zero");
52  SET_VALID_ENTRY("sa: rowsumabs use automatic diagonal tolerance");
53  SET_VALID_ENTRY("use kokkos refactor");
56  validParamList->set<RCP<const FactoryBase> >("A", Teuchos::null, "Generating factory of the matrix A used during the prolongator smoothing process");
57  validParamList->set<RCP<const FactoryBase> >("P", Teuchos::null, "Tentative prolongator factory");
59  // Make sure we don't recursively validate options for the matrixmatrix kernels
60  ParameterList norecurse;
61  norecurse.disableRecursiveValidation();
62  validParamList->set<ParameterList>("matrixmatrix: kernel params", norecurse, "MatrixMatrix kernel parameters");
64  return validParamList;
65 }
67 template <class Scalar, class LocalOrdinal, class GlobalOrdinal, class Node>
69  Input(fineLevel, "A");
71  // Get default tentative prolongator factory
72  // Getting it that way ensure that the same factory instance will be used for both SaPFactory and NullspaceFactory.
73  RCP<const FactoryBase> initialPFact = GetFactory("P");
74  if (initialPFact == Teuchos::null) {
75  initialPFact = coarseLevel.GetFactoryManager()->GetFactory("Ptent");
76  }
77  coarseLevel.DeclareInput("P", initialPFact.get(), this);
78 }
80 template <class Scalar, class LocalOrdinal, class GlobalOrdinal, class Node>
82  return BuildP(fineLevel, coarseLevel);
83 }
85 template <class Scalar, class LocalOrdinal, class GlobalOrdinal, class Node>
87  FactoryMonitor m(*this, "Prolongator smoothing", coarseLevel);
89  std::string levelIDs = toString(coarseLevel.GetLevelID());
91  const std::string prefix = "MueLu::SaPFactory(" + levelIDs + "): ";
93  typedef typename Teuchos::ScalarTraits<SC>::coordinateType Coordinate;
94  typedef typename Teuchos::ScalarTraits<SC>::magnitudeType MT;
96  // Get default tentative prolongator factory
97  // Getting it that way ensure that the same factory instance will be used for both SaPFactory and NullspaceFactory.
98  // -- Warning: Do not use directly initialPFact_. Use initialPFact instead everywhere!
99  RCP<const FactoryBase> initialPFact = GetFactory("P");
100  if (initialPFact == Teuchos::null) {
101  initialPFact = coarseLevel.GetFactoryManager()->GetFactory("Ptent");
102  }
103  const ParameterList& pL = GetParameterList();
105  // Level Get
106  RCP<Matrix> A = Get<RCP<Matrix> >(fineLevel, "A");
107  RCP<Matrix> Ptent = coarseLevel.Get<RCP<Matrix> >("P", initialPFact.get());
108  RCP<Matrix> finalP;
109  // If Tentative facctory bailed out (e.g., number of global aggregates is 0), then SaPFactory bails
110  // This level will ultimately be removed in MueLu_Hierarchy_defs.h via a resize()
111  if (Ptent == Teuchos::null) {
112  finalP = Teuchos::null;
113  Set(coarseLevel, "P", finalP);
114  return;
115  }
117  if (restrictionMode_) {
118  SubFactoryMonitor m2(*this, "Transpose A", coarseLevel);
119  A = Utilities::Transpose(*A, true); // build transpose of A explicitly
120  }
122  // Build final prolongator
124  // Reuse pattern if available
125  RCP<ParameterList> APparams;
126  if (pL.isSublist("matrixmatrix: kernel params"))
127  APparams = rcp(new ParameterList(pL.sublist("matrixmatrix: kernel params")));
128  else
129  APparams = rcp(new ParameterList);
130  if (coarseLevel.IsAvailable("AP reuse data", this)) {
131  GetOStream(static_cast<MsgType>(Runtime0 | Test)) << "Reusing previous AP data" << std::endl;
133  APparams = coarseLevel.Get<RCP<ParameterList> >("AP reuse data", this);
135  if (APparams->isParameter("graph"))
136  finalP = APparams->get<RCP<Matrix> >("graph");
137  }
138  // By default, we don't need global constants for SaP
139  APparams->set("compute global constants: temporaries", APparams->get("compute global constants: temporaries", false));
140  APparams->set("compute global constants", APparams->get("compute global constants", false));
142  const SC dampingFactor = as<SC>(pL.get<double>("sa: damping factor"));
143  const LO maxEigenIterations = as<LO>(pL.get<int>("sa: eigenvalue estimate num iterations"));
144  const bool estimateMaxEigen = pL.get<bool>("sa: calculate eigenvalue estimate");
145  const bool useAbsValueRowSum = pL.get<bool>("sa: use rowsumabs diagonal scaling");
146  const bool doQRStep = pL.get<bool>("tentative: calculate qr");
147  const bool enforceConstraints = pL.get<bool>("sa: enforce constraints");
148  const MT userDefinedMaxEigen = as<MT>(pL.get<double>("sa: max eigenvalue"));
149  double dTol = pL.get<double>("sa: rowsumabs diagonal replacement tolerance");
150  const MT diagonalReplacementTolerance = (dTol == as<double>(-1) ? Teuchos::ScalarTraits<MT>::eps() * 100 : as<MT>(pL.get<double>("sa: rowsumabs diagonal replacement tolerance")));
151  const SC diagonalReplacementValue = as<SC>(pL.get<double>("sa: rowsumabs diagonal replacement value"));
152  const bool replaceSingleEntryRowWithZero = pL.get<bool>("sa: rowsumabs replace single entry row with zero");
153  const bool useAutomaticDiagTol = pL.get<bool>("sa: rowsumabs use automatic diagonal tolerance");
155  // Sanity checking
156  TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(doQRStep && enforceConstraints, Exceptions::RuntimeError,
157  "MueLu::TentativePFactory::MakeTentative: cannot use 'enforce constraints' and 'calculate qr' at the same time");
159  if (dampingFactor != Teuchos::ScalarTraits<SC>::zero()) {
160  Scalar lambdaMax;
161  Teuchos::RCP<Vector> invDiag;
162  if (userDefinedMaxEigen == -1.) {
163  SubFactoryMonitor m2(*this, "Eigenvalue estimate", coarseLevel);
164  lambdaMax = A->GetMaxEigenvalueEstimate();
165  if (lambdaMax == -Teuchos::ScalarTraits<SC>::one() || estimateMaxEigen) {
166  GetOStream(Statistics1) << "Calculating max eigenvalue estimate now (max iters = " << maxEigenIterations << ((useAbsValueRowSum) ? ", use rowSumAbs diagonal)" : ", use point diagonal)") << std::endl;
167  Coordinate stopTol = 1e-4;
168  if (useAbsValueRowSum) {
169  const bool returnReciprocal = true;
170  invDiag = Utilities::GetLumpedMatrixDiagonal(*A, returnReciprocal,
171  diagonalReplacementTolerance,
172  diagonalReplacementValue,
173  replaceSingleEntryRowWithZero,
174  useAutomaticDiagTol);
175  TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(invDiag.is_null(), Exceptions::RuntimeError,
176  "SaPFactory: eigenvalue estimate: diagonal reciprocal is null.");
177  lambdaMax = Utilities::PowerMethod(*A, invDiag, maxEigenIterations, stopTol);
178  } else
179  lambdaMax = Utilities::PowerMethod(*A, true, maxEigenIterations, stopTol);
180  A->SetMaxEigenvalueEstimate(lambdaMax);
181  } else {
182  GetOStream(Statistics1) << "Using cached max eigenvalue estimate" << std::endl;
183  }
184  } else {
185  lambdaMax = userDefinedMaxEigen;
186  A->SetMaxEigenvalueEstimate(lambdaMax);
187  }
188  GetOStream(Statistics1) << "Prolongator damping factor = " << dampingFactor / lambdaMax << " (" << dampingFactor << " / " << lambdaMax << ")" << std::endl;
190  {
191  SubFactoryMonitor m2(*this, "Fused (I-omega*D^{-1} A)*Ptent", coarseLevel);
192  if (!useAbsValueRowSum)
193  invDiag = Utilities::GetMatrixDiagonalInverse(*A); // default
194  else if (invDiag == Teuchos::null) {
195  GetOStream(Runtime0) << "Using rowsumabs diagonal" << std::endl;
196  const bool returnReciprocal = true;
197  invDiag = Utilities::GetLumpedMatrixDiagonal(*A, returnReciprocal,
198  diagonalReplacementTolerance,
199  diagonalReplacementValue,
200  replaceSingleEntryRowWithZero,
201  useAutomaticDiagTol);
202  TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(invDiag.is_null(), Exceptions::RuntimeError, "SaPFactory: diagonal reciprocal is null.");
203  }
205  SC omega = dampingFactor / lambdaMax;
206  TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(!std::isfinite(Teuchos::ScalarTraits<SC>::magnitude(omega)), Exceptions::RuntimeError, "Prolongator damping factor needs to be finite.");
208  {
209  SubFactoryMonitor m3(*this, "Xpetra::IteratorOps::Jacobi", coarseLevel);
210  // finalP = Ptent + (I - \omega D^{-1}A) Ptent
211  finalP = Xpetra::IteratorOps<Scalar, LocalOrdinal, GlobalOrdinal, Node>::Jacobi(omega, *invDiag, *A, *Ptent, finalP, GetOStream(Statistics2), std::string("MueLu::SaP-") + toString(coarseLevel.GetLevelID()), APparams);
212  if (enforceConstraints) {
213  if (!pL.get<bool>("use kokkos refactor")) {
214  if (A->GetFixedBlockSize() == 1)
215  optimalSatisfyPConstraintsForScalarPDEsNonKokkos(finalP);
216  else
217  SatisfyPConstraintsNonKokkos(A, finalP);
218  } else {
219  // if (A->GetFixedBlockSize() == 1)
220  // optimalSatisfyPConstraintsForScalarPDEs(finalP);
221  // else
222  SatisfyPConstraints(A, finalP);
223  }
224  }
225  }
226  }
228  } else {
229  finalP = Ptent;
230  }
232  // Level Set
233  RCP<Matrix> R;
234  if (!restrictionMode_) {
235  // prolongation factory is in prolongation mode
236  if (!finalP.is_null()) {
237  std::ostringstream oss;
238  oss << "P_" << coarseLevel.GetLevelID();
239  finalP->setObjectLabel(oss.str());
240  }
241  Set(coarseLevel, "P", finalP);
243  APparams->set("graph", finalP);
244  Set(coarseLevel, "AP reuse data", APparams);
247  if (Ptent->IsView("stridedMaps"))
248  finalP->CreateView("stridedMaps", Ptent);
250  } else {
251  // prolongation factory is in restriction mode
252  {
253  SubFactoryMonitor m2(*this, "Transpose P", coarseLevel);
254  R = Utilities::Transpose(*finalP, true);
255  if (!R.is_null()) {
256  std::ostringstream oss;
257  oss << "R_" << coarseLevel.GetLevelID();
258  R->setObjectLabel(oss.str());
259  }
260  }
262  Set(coarseLevel, "R", R);
265  if (Ptent->IsView("stridedMaps"))
266  R->CreateView("stridedMaps", Ptent, true /*transposeA*/);
267  }
269  if (IsPrint(Statistics2)) {
270  RCP<ParameterList> params = rcp(new ParameterList());
271  params->set("printLoadBalancingInfo", true);
272  params->set("printCommInfo", true);
273  GetOStream(Statistics2) << PerfUtils::PrintMatrixInfo((!restrictionMode_ ? *finalP : *R), (!restrictionMode_ ? "P" : "R"), params);
274  }
276 } // Build()
278 // Analyze the grid transfer produced by smoothed aggregation and make
279 // modifications if it does not look right. In particular, if there are
280 // negative entries or entries larger than 1, modify P's rows.
281 //
282 // Note: this kind of evaluation probably only makes sense if not doing QR
283 // when constructing tentative P.
284 //
285 // For entries that do not satisfy the two constraints (>= 0 or <=1) we set
286 // these entries to the constraint value and modify the rest of the row
287 // so that the row sum remains the same as before by adding an equal
288 // amount to each remaining entry. However, if the original row sum value
289 // violates the constraints, we set the row sum back to 1 (the row sum of
290 // tentative P). After doing the modification to a row, we need to check
291 // again the entire row to make sure that the modified row does not violate
292 // the constraints.
294 template <class Scalar, class LocalOrdinal, class GlobalOrdinal, class Node>
298  LO nPDEs = A->GetFixedBlockSize();
299  Teuchos::ArrayRCP<Scalar> ConstraintViolationSum(nPDEs);
300  Teuchos::ArrayRCP<Scalar> Rsum(nPDEs);
301  Teuchos::ArrayRCP<size_t> nPositive(nPDEs);
302  for (size_t k = 0; k < (size_t)nPDEs; k++) ConstraintViolationSum[k] = zero;
303  for (size_t k = 0; k < (size_t)nPDEs; k++) Rsum[k] = zero;
304  for (size_t k = 0; k < (size_t)nPDEs; k++) nPositive[k] = 0;
306  for (size_t i = 0; i < as<size_t>(P->getRowMap()->getLocalNumElements()); i++) {
310  P->getLocalRowView((LO)i, indices, vals1);
311  size_t nnz = indices.size();
312  if (nnz == 0) continue;
314  vals = ArrayView<Scalar>(const_cast<SC*>(vals1.getRawPtr()), nnz);
316  bool checkRow = true;
318  while (checkRow) {
319  // check constraints and compute the row sum
321  for (LO j = 0; j < indices.size(); j++) {
322  Rsum[j % nPDEs] += vals[j];
324  ConstraintViolationSum[j % nPDEs] += vals[j];
325  vals[j] = zero;
326  } else {
328  (nPositive[j % nPDEs])++;
331  ConstraintViolationSum[j % nPDEs] += (vals[j] - one);
332  vals[j] = one;
333  }
334  }
335  }
337  checkRow = false;
339  // take into account any row sum that violates the contraints
341  for (size_t k = 0; k < (size_t)nPDEs; k++) {
343  ConstraintViolationSum[k] += (-Rsum[k]); // rstumin
345  ConstraintViolationSum[k] += (one - Rsum[k]); // rstumin
346  }
347  }
349  // check if row need modification
350  for (size_t k = 0; k < (size_t)nPDEs; k++) {
351  if (Teuchos::ScalarTraits<SC>::magnitude(ConstraintViolationSum[k]) != Teuchos::ScalarTraits<SC>::magnitude(zero))
352  checkRow = true;
353  }
354  // modify row
355  if (checkRow) {
356  for (LO j = 0; j < indices.size(); j++) {
358  vals[j] += (ConstraintViolationSum[j % nPDEs] / (as<Scalar>(nPositive[j % nPDEs])));
359  }
360  }
361  for (size_t k = 0; k < (size_t)nPDEs; k++) ConstraintViolationSum[k] = zero;
362  }
363  for (size_t k = 0; k < (size_t)nPDEs; k++) Rsum[k] = zero;
364  for (size_t k = 0; k < (size_t)nPDEs; k++) nPositive[k] = 0;
365  } // while (checkRow) ...
366  } // for (size_t i = 0; i < as<size_t>(P->getRowMap()->getNumNodeElements()); i++) ...
367 } // SatsifyPConstraints()
369 template <class Scalar, class LocalOrdinal, class GlobalOrdinal, class Node>
374  LocalOrdinal maxEntriesPerRow = 100; // increased later if needed
375  Teuchos::ArrayRCP<Scalar> scalarData(3 * maxEntriesPerRow);
376  bool hasFeasible;
378  for (size_t i = 0; i < as<size_t>(P->getRowMap()->getLocalNumElements()); i++) {
382  P->getLocalRowView((LocalOrdinal)i, indices, vals1);
383  size_t nnz = indices.size();
384  if (nnz != 0) {
385  vals = ArrayView<Scalar>(const_cast<SC*>(vals1.getRawPtr()), nnz);
386  Scalar rsumTarget = zero;
387  for (size_t j = 0; j < nnz; j++) rsumTarget += vals[j];
389  if (nnz > as<size_t>(maxEntriesPerRow)) {
390  maxEntriesPerRow = nnz * 3;
391  scalarData.resize(3 * maxEntriesPerRow);
392  }
393  hasFeasible = constrainRow(vals.getRawPtr(), as<LocalOrdinal>(nnz), zero, one, rsumTarget, vals.getRawPtr(), scalarData.getRawPtr());
395  if (!hasFeasible) { // just set all entries to the same value giving a row sum of 1
396  for (size_t j = 0; j < nnz; j++) vals[j] = one / as<Scalar>(nnz);
397  }
398  }
400  } // for (size_t i = 0; i < as<size_t>(P->getRowMap()->getNumNodeElements()); i++) ...
401 } // SatsifyPConstraints()
403 template <class Scalar, class LocalOrdinal, class GlobalOrdinal, class Node>
404 bool SaPFactory<Scalar, LocalOrdinal, GlobalOrdinal, Node>::constrainRow(Scalar* orig, LocalOrdinal nEntries, Scalar leftBound, Scalar rghtBound, Scalar rsumTarget, Scalar* fixedUnsorted, Scalar* scalarData) const {
405  /*
406  Input
407  orig data that should be adjusted to satisfy bound constraints and
408  row sum constraint. orig is not modified by this function.
410  nEntries length or 'orig'
412  leftBound, define bound constraints for the results.
413  rghtBound
415  rsumTarget defines an equality constraint for the row sum
417  fixedUnsorted on output, if a feasible solutuion exists then
418  || orig - fixedUnsorted || = min when also
419  leftBound <= fixedUnsorted[i] <= rghtBound for all i
420  and sum(fixedUnsorted) = rsumTarget.
422  Note: it is possible to use the same pointer for
423  fixedUnsorted and orig. In this case, orig gets
424  overwritten with the new constraint satisfying values.
426  scalarData a work array that should be 3x nEntries.
428  On return constrain() indicates whether or not a feasible solution exists.
429  */
431  /*
432  Given a sequence of numbers o1 ... on, fix these so that they are as
433  close as possible to the original but satisfy bound constraints and also
434  have the same row sum as the oi's. If we know who is going to lie on a
435  bound, then the "best" answer (i.e., || o - f ||_2 = min) perturbs
436  each element that doesn't lie on a bound by the same amount.
438  We can represent the oi's by considering scattered points on a number line
440  | |
441  | |
442  o o o | o o o o o o |o o
443  | |
445  \____/ \____/
446  <---- <----
447  delta delta
449  Bounds are shown by vertical lines. The fi's must lie within the bounds, so
450  the 3 leftmost points must be shifted to the right and the 2 rightmost must
451  be shifted to the left. If these fi points are all shifted to the bounds
452  while the others remain in the same location, the row sum constraint is
453  likely not satisfied and so more shifting is necessary. In the figure, the f
454  rowsum is too large and so there must be more shifting to the left.
456  To minimize || o - f ||_2, we basically shift all "interiors" by the same
457  amount, denoted delta. The only trick is that some points near bounds are
458  still affected by the bounds and so these points might be shifted more or less
459  than delta. In the example,t he 3 rightmost points are shifted in the opposite
460  direction as delta to the bound. The 4th point is shifted by something less
461  than delta so it does not violate the lower bound. The rightmost point is
462  shifted to the bound by some amount larger than delta. However, the 2nd point
463  is shifted by delta (i.e., it lies inside the two bounds).
465  If we know delta, we can figure out everything. If we know which points
466  are special (not shifted by delta), we can also figure out everything.
467  The problem is these two things (delta and the special points) are
468  inter-connected. An algorithm for computing follows.
470  1) move exterior points to the bounds and compute how much the row sum is off
471  (rowSumDeviation). We assume now that the new row sum is high, so interior
472  points must be shifted left.
474  2) Mark closest point just left of the leftmost bound, closestToLeftBound,
475  and compute its distance to the leftmost bound. Mark closest point to the
476  left of the rightmost bound, closestToRghtBound, and compute its distance to
477  right bound. There are two cases to consider.
479  3) Case 1: closestToLeftBound is closer than closestToRghtBound.
480  Assume that shifting by delta does not move closestToLeftBound past the
481  left bound. This means that it will be shifted by delta. However,
482  closestToRghtBound will be shifted by more than delta. So the total
483  number of points shifted by delta (|interiorToBounds|) includes
484  closestToLeftBound up to and including the point just to the left of
485  closestToRghtBound. So
487  delta = rowSumDeviation/ |interiorToBounds| .
489  Recall that rowSumDeviation already accounts for the non-delta shift of
490  of closestToRightBound. Now check whether our assumption is valid.
492  If delta <= closestToLeftBoundDist, assumption is true so delta can be
493  applied to interiorToBounds ... and we are done.
494  Else assumption is false. Shift closestToLeftBound to the left bound.
495  Update rowSumDeviation, interiorToBounds, and identify new
496  closestToLeftBound. Repeat step 3).
498  Case 2: closestToRghtBound is closer than closestToLeftBound.
499  Assume that shifting by delta does not move closestToRghtBound past right
500  bound. This means that it must be shifted by more than delta to right
501  bound. So the total number of points shifted by delta again includes
502  closestToLeftBound up to and including the point just to the left of
503  closestToRghtBound. So again compute
505  delta = rowSumDeviation/ |interiorToBounds| .
507  If delta <= closestToRghtBoundDist, assumption is true so delta is
508  can be applied to interiorToBounds ... and we are done
509  Else assumption is false. Put closestToRghtBound in the
510  interiorToBounds set. Remove it's contribution to rowSumDeviation,
511  identify new closestToRghtBound. Repeat step 3)
514  To implement, sort the oi's so things like closestToLeftBound is just index
515  into sorted array. Updaing closestToLeftBound or closestToRghtBound requires
516  increment by 1. |interiorToBounds|= closestToRghtBound - closestToLeftBound
517  To handle the case when the rowsum is low (requiring right interior shifts),
518  just flip the signs on data and use the left-shift code (and then flip back
519  before exiting function.
520  */
521  bool hasFeasibleSol;
522  Scalar notFlippedLeftBound, notFlippedRghtBound, aBigNumber, *origSorted;
523  Scalar rowSumDeviation, temp, *fixedSorted, delta;
524  Scalar closestToLeftBoundDist, closestToRghtBoundDist;
525  LocalOrdinal closestToLeftBound, closestToRghtBound;
526  LocalOrdinal* inds;
527  bool flipped;
529  notFlippedLeftBound = leftBound;
530  notFlippedRghtBound = rghtBound;
532  if ((Teuchos::ScalarTraits<SC>::real(rsumTarget) >= Teuchos::ScalarTraits<SC>::real(leftBound * as<Scalar>(nEntries))) &&
533  (Teuchos::ScalarTraits<SC>::real(rsumTarget) <= Teuchos::ScalarTraits<SC>::real(rghtBound * as<Scalar>(nEntries))))
534  hasFeasibleSol = true;
535  else {
536  hasFeasibleSol = false;
537  return hasFeasibleSol;
538  }
539  flipped = false;
540  // compute aBigNumber to handle some corner cases where we need
541  // something large so that an if statement will be false
542  aBigNumber = Teuchos::ScalarTraits<SC>::zero();
543  for (LocalOrdinal i = 0; i < nEntries; i++) {
545  aBigNumber = Teuchos::ScalarTraits<SC>::magnitude(orig[i]);
546  }
547  aBigNumber = aBigNumber + (Teuchos::ScalarTraits<SC>::magnitude(leftBound) + Teuchos::ScalarTraits<SC>::magnitude(rghtBound)) * as<Scalar>(100.0);
549  origSorted = &scalarData[0];
550  fixedSorted = &(scalarData[nEntries]);
551  inds = (LocalOrdinal*)&(scalarData[2 * nEntries]);
553  for (LocalOrdinal i = 0; i < nEntries; i++) inds[i] = i;
554  for (LocalOrdinal i = 0; i < nEntries; i++) origSorted[i] = orig[i]; /* orig no longer used */
556  // sort so that orig[inds] is sorted.
557  std::sort(inds, inds + nEntries,
558  [origSorted](LocalOrdinal leftIndex, LocalOrdinal rightIndex) { return Teuchos::ScalarTraits<SC>::real(origSorted[leftIndex]) < Teuchos::ScalarTraits<SC>::real(origSorted[rightIndex]); });
560  for (LocalOrdinal i = 0; i < nEntries; i++) origSorted[i] = orig[inds[i]];
561  // find entry in origSorted just to the right of the leftBound
562  closestToLeftBound = 0;
563  while ((closestToLeftBound < nEntries) && (Teuchos::ScalarTraits<SC>::real(origSorted[closestToLeftBound]) <= Teuchos::ScalarTraits<SC>::real(leftBound))) closestToLeftBound++;
565  // find entry in origSorted just to the right of the rghtBound
566  closestToRghtBound = closestToLeftBound;
567  while ((closestToRghtBound < nEntries) && (Teuchos::ScalarTraits<SC>::real(origSorted[closestToRghtBound]) <= Teuchos::ScalarTraits<SC>::real(rghtBound))) closestToRghtBound++;
569  // compute distance between closestToLeftBound and the left bound and the
570  // distance between closestToRghtBound and the right bound.
572  closestToLeftBoundDist = origSorted[closestToLeftBound] - leftBound;
573  if (closestToRghtBound == nEntries)
574  closestToRghtBoundDist = aBigNumber;
575  else
576  closestToRghtBoundDist = origSorted[closestToRghtBound] - rghtBound;
578  // compute how far the rowSum is off from the target row sum taking into account
579  // numbers that have been shifted to satisfy bound constraint
581  rowSumDeviation = leftBound * as<Scalar>(closestToLeftBound) + as<Scalar>((nEntries - closestToRghtBound)) * rghtBound - rsumTarget;
582  for (LocalOrdinal i = closestToLeftBound; i < closestToRghtBound; i++) rowSumDeviation += origSorted[i];
584  // the code that follow after this if statement assumes that rowSumDeviation is positive. If this
585  // is not the case, flip the signs of everything so that rowSumDeviation is now positive.
586  // Later we will flip the data back to its original form.
588  flipped = true;
589  temp = leftBound;
590  leftBound = -rghtBound;
591  rghtBound = temp;
593  /* flip sign of origSorted and reverse ordering so that the negative version is sorted */
595  if ((nEntries % 2) == 1) origSorted[(nEntries / 2)] = -origSorted[(nEntries / 2)];
596  for (LocalOrdinal i = 0; i < nEntries / 2; i++) {
597  temp = origSorted[i];
598  origSorted[i] = -origSorted[nEntries - 1 - i];
599  origSorted[nEntries - i - 1] = -temp;
600  }
602  /* reverse bounds */
604  LocalOrdinal itemp = closestToLeftBound;
605  closestToLeftBound = nEntries - closestToRghtBound;
606  closestToRghtBound = nEntries - itemp;
607  closestToLeftBoundDist = origSorted[closestToLeftBound] - leftBound;
608  if (closestToRghtBound == nEntries)
609  closestToRghtBoundDist = aBigNumber;
610  else
611  closestToRghtBoundDist = origSorted[closestToRghtBound] - rghtBound;
613  rowSumDeviation = -rowSumDeviation;
614  }
616  // initial fixedSorted so bounds are satisfied and interiors correspond to origSorted
618  for (LocalOrdinal i = 0; i < closestToLeftBound; i++) fixedSorted[i] = leftBound;
619  for (LocalOrdinal i = closestToLeftBound; i < closestToRghtBound; i++) fixedSorted[i] = origSorted[i];
620  for (LocalOrdinal i = closestToRghtBound; i < nEntries; i++) fixedSorted[i] = rghtBound;
622  while ((Teuchos::ScalarTraits<SC>::magnitude(rowSumDeviation) > Teuchos::ScalarTraits<SC>::magnitude(as<Scalar>(1.e-10) * rsumTarget))) { // && ( (closestToLeftBound < nEntries ) || (closestToRghtBound < nEntries))) {
623  if (closestToRghtBound != closestToLeftBound)
624  delta = rowSumDeviation / as<Scalar>(closestToRghtBound - closestToLeftBound);
625  else
626  delta = aBigNumber;
628  if (Teuchos::ScalarTraits<SC>::magnitude(closestToLeftBoundDist) <= Teuchos::ScalarTraits<SC>::magnitude(closestToRghtBoundDist)) {
629  if (Teuchos::ScalarTraits<SC>::magnitude(delta) <= Teuchos::ScalarTraits<SC>::magnitude(closestToLeftBoundDist)) {
630  rowSumDeviation = Teuchos::ScalarTraits<SC>::zero();
631  for (LocalOrdinal i = closestToLeftBound; i < closestToRghtBound; i++) fixedSorted[i] = origSorted[i] - delta;
632  } else {
633  rowSumDeviation = rowSumDeviation - closestToLeftBoundDist;
634  fixedSorted[closestToLeftBound] = leftBound;
635  closestToLeftBound++;
636  if (closestToLeftBound < nEntries)
637  closestToLeftBoundDist = origSorted[closestToLeftBound] - leftBound;
638  else
639  closestToLeftBoundDist = aBigNumber;
640  }
641  } else {
642  if (Teuchos::ScalarTraits<SC>::magnitude(delta) <= Teuchos::ScalarTraits<SC>::magnitude(closestToRghtBoundDist)) {
643  rowSumDeviation = 0;
644  for (LocalOrdinal i = closestToLeftBound; i < closestToRghtBound; i++) fixedSorted[i] = origSorted[i] - delta;
645  } else {
646  rowSumDeviation = rowSumDeviation + closestToRghtBoundDist;
647  // if (closestToRghtBound < nEntries) {
648  fixedSorted[closestToRghtBound] = origSorted[closestToRghtBound];
649  closestToRghtBound++;
650  // }
651  if (closestToRghtBound >= nEntries)
652  closestToRghtBoundDist = aBigNumber;
653  else
654  closestToRghtBoundDist = origSorted[closestToRghtBound] - rghtBound;
655  }
656  }
657  }
659  if (flipped) {
660  /* flip sign of fixedSorted and reverse ordering so that the positve version is sorted */
662  if ((nEntries % 2) == 1) fixedSorted[(nEntries / 2)] = -fixedSorted[(nEntries / 2)];
663  for (LocalOrdinal i = 0; i < nEntries / 2; i++) {
664  temp = fixedSorted[i];
665  fixedSorted[i] = -fixedSorted[nEntries - 1 - i];
666  fixedSorted[nEntries - i - 1] = -temp;
667  }
668  }
669  for (LocalOrdinal i = 0; i < nEntries; i++) fixedUnsorted[inds[i]] = fixedSorted[i];
671  /* check that no constraints are violated */
673  bool lowerViolation = false;
674  bool upperViolation = false;
675  bool sumViolation = false;
676  using TST = Teuchos::ScalarTraits<SC>;
677  temp = TST::zero();
678  for (LocalOrdinal i = 0; i < nEntries; i++) {
679  if (TST::real(fixedUnsorted[i]) < TST::real(notFlippedLeftBound)) lowerViolation = true;
680  if (TST::real(fixedUnsorted[i]) > TST::real(notFlippedRghtBound)) upperViolation = true;
681  temp += fixedUnsorted[i];
682  }
683  SC tol = as<Scalar>(std::max(1.0e-8, as<double>(100 * TST::eps())));
684  if (TST::magnitude(temp - rsumTarget) > TST::magnitude(tol * rsumTarget)) sumViolation = true;
686  TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(lowerViolation, Exceptions::RuntimeError, "MueLu::SaPFactory::constrainRow: feasible solution but computation resulted in a lower bound violation??? ");
687  TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(upperViolation, Exceptions::RuntimeError, "MueLu::SaPFactory::constrainRow: feasible solution but computation resulted in an upper bound violation??? ");
688  TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(sumViolation, Exceptions::RuntimeError, "MueLu::SaPFactory::constrainRow: feasible solution but computation resulted in a row sum violation??? ");
690  return hasFeasibleSol;
691 }
693 template <typename local_matrix_type>
695  using Scalar = typename local_matrix_type::non_const_value_type;
696  using SC = Scalar;
697  using LO = typename local_matrix_type::non_const_ordinal_type;
698  using Device = typename local_matrix_type::device_type;
699  using KAT = Kokkos::ArithTraits<SC>;
700  const Scalar zero = KAT::zero();
701  const Scalar one = KAT::one();
703  local_matrix_type localP;
704  Kokkos::View<SC**, Device> ConstraintViolationSum;
705  Kokkos::View<SC**, Device> Rsum;
706  Kokkos::View<size_t**, Device> nPositive;
708  constraintKernel(LO nPDEs_, local_matrix_type localP_)
709  : nPDEs(nPDEs_)
710  , localP(localP_) {
711  ConstraintViolationSum = Kokkos::View<SC**, Device>("ConstraintViolationSum", localP_.numRows(), nPDEs);
712  Rsum = Kokkos::View<SC**, Device>("Rsum", localP_.numRows(), nPDEs);
713  nPositive = Kokkos::View<size_t**, Device>("nPositive", localP_.numRows(), nPDEs);
714  }
717  void operator()(const size_t rowIdx) const {
718  auto rowPtr = localP.graph.row_map;
719  auto values = localP.values;
721  bool checkRow = true;
723  if (rowPtr(rowIdx + 1) == rowPtr(rowIdx)) checkRow = false;
725  while (checkRow) {
726  // check constraints and compute the row sum
728  for (auto entryIdx = rowPtr(rowIdx); entryIdx < rowPtr(rowIdx + 1); entryIdx++) {
729  Rsum(rowIdx, entryIdx % nPDEs) += values(entryIdx);
730  if (KAT::real(values(entryIdx)) < KAT::real(zero)) {
731  ConstraintViolationSum(rowIdx, entryIdx % nPDEs) += values(entryIdx);
732  values(entryIdx) = zero;
733  } else {
734  if (KAT::real(values(entryIdx)) != KAT::real(zero))
735  nPositive(rowIdx, entryIdx % nPDEs) = nPositive(rowIdx, entryIdx % nPDEs) + 1;
737  if (KAT::real(values(entryIdx)) > KAT::real(1.00001)) {
738  ConstraintViolationSum(rowIdx, entryIdx % nPDEs) += (values(entryIdx) - one);
739  values(entryIdx) = one;
740  }
741  }
742  }
744  checkRow = false;
746  // take into account any row sum that violates the contraints
748  for (size_t k = 0; k < (size_t)nPDEs; k++) {
749  if (KAT::real(Rsum(rowIdx, k)) < KAT::magnitude(zero)) {
750  ConstraintViolationSum(rowIdx, k) = ConstraintViolationSum(rowIdx, k) - Rsum(rowIdx, k); // rstumin
751  } else if (KAT::real(Rsum(rowIdx, k)) > KAT::magnitude(1.00001)) {
752  ConstraintViolationSum(rowIdx, k) = ConstraintViolationSum(rowIdx, k) + (one - Rsum(rowIdx, k)); // rstumin
753  }
754  }
756  // check if row need modification
757  for (size_t k = 0; k < (size_t)nPDEs; k++) {
758  if (KAT::magnitude(ConstraintViolationSum(rowIdx, k)) != KAT::magnitude(zero))
759  checkRow = true;
760  }
761  // modify row
762  if (checkRow) {
763  for (auto entryIdx = rowPtr(rowIdx); entryIdx < rowPtr(rowIdx + 1); entryIdx++) {
764  if (KAT::real(values(entryIdx)) > KAT::real(zero)) {
765  values(entryIdx) = values(entryIdx) +
766  (ConstraintViolationSum(rowIdx, entryIdx % nPDEs) / (Scalar(nPositive(rowIdx, entryIdx % nPDEs)) != zero ? Scalar(nPositive(rowIdx, entryIdx % nPDEs)) : one));
767  }
768  }
769  for (size_t k = 0; k < (size_t)nPDEs; k++) ConstraintViolationSum(rowIdx, k) = zero;
770  }
771  for (size_t k = 0; k < (size_t)nPDEs; k++) Rsum(rowIdx, k) = zero;
772  for (size_t k = 0; k < (size_t)nPDEs; k++) nPositive(rowIdx, k) = 0;
773  } // while (checkRow) ...
774  }
775 };
777 template <typename local_matrix_type>
779  using Scalar = typename local_matrix_type::non_const_value_type;
780  using SC = Scalar;
781  using LO = typename local_matrix_type::non_const_ordinal_type;
782  using Device = typename local_matrix_type::device_type;
783  using KAT = Kokkos::ArithTraits<SC>;
784  const Scalar zero = KAT::zero();
785  const Scalar one = KAT::one();
787  local_matrix_type localP;
788  Kokkos::View<SC**, Device> origSorted;
789  Kokkos::View<SC**, Device> fixedSorted;
790  Kokkos::View<LO**, Device> inds;
792  optimalSatisfyConstraintsForScalarPDEsKernel(LO nPDEs_, LO maxRowEntries_, local_matrix_type localP_)
793  : nPDEs(nPDEs_)
794  , localP(localP_) {
795  origSorted = Kokkos::View<SC**, Device>("origSorted", localP_.numRows(), maxRowEntries_);
796  fixedSorted = Kokkos::View<SC**, Device>("fixedSorted", localP_.numRows(), maxRowEntries_);
797  inds = Kokkos::View<LO**, Device>("inds", localP_.numRows(), maxRowEntries_);
798  }
801  void operator()(const size_t rowIdx) const {
802  auto rowPtr = localP.graph.row_map;
803  auto values = localP.values;
805  auto nnz = rowPtr(rowIdx + 1) - rowPtr(rowIdx);
807  if (nnz != 0) {
808  Scalar rsumTarget = zero;
809  for (auto entryIdx = rowPtr(rowIdx); entryIdx < rowPtr(rowIdx + 1); entryIdx++) rsumTarget += values(entryIdx);
811  {
812  SC aBigNumber;
813  SC rowSumDeviation, temp, delta;
814  SC closestToLeftBoundDist, closestToRghtBoundDist;
815  LO closestToLeftBound, closestToRghtBound;
816  bool flipped;
818  SC leftBound = zero;
819  SC rghtBound = one;
820  if ((KAT::real(rsumTarget) >= KAT::real(leftBound * (static_cast<SC>(nnz)))) &&
821  (KAT::real(rsumTarget) <= KAT::real(rghtBound * (static_cast<SC>(nnz))))) { // has Feasible solution
823  flipped = false;
824  // compute aBigNumber to handle some corner cases where we need
825  // something large so that an if statement will be false
826  aBigNumber = KAT::zero();
827  for (auto entryIdx = rowPtr(rowIdx); entryIdx < rowPtr(rowIdx + 1); entryIdx++) {
828  if (KAT::magnitude(values(entryIdx)) > KAT::magnitude(aBigNumber))
829  aBigNumber = KAT::magnitude(values(entryIdx));
830  }
831  aBigNumber = aBigNumber + (KAT::magnitude(leftBound) + KAT::magnitude(rghtBound)) * (100 * one);
833  LO ind = 0;
834  for (auto entryIdx = rowPtr(rowIdx); entryIdx < rowPtr(rowIdx + 1); entryIdx++) {
835  origSorted(rowIdx, ind) = values(entryIdx);
836  inds(rowIdx, ind) = ind;
837  ind++;
838  }
840  auto sortVals = Kokkos::subview(origSorted, rowIdx, Kokkos::ALL());
841  auto sortInds = Kokkos::subview(inds, rowIdx, Kokkos::make_pair(0, ind));
842  // Need permutation indices to sort row values from smallest to largest,
843  // and unsort once row constraints are applied.
844  // serial insertion sort workaround from
845  for (LO i = 1; i < static_cast<LO>(nnz); ++i) {
846  ind = sortInds(i);
847  LO j = i;
849  if (KAT::real(sortVals(sortInds(i))) < KAT::real(sortVals(sortInds(0)))) {
850  for (; j > 0; --j) sortInds(j) = sortInds(j - 1);
852  sortInds(0) = ind;
853  } else {
854  for (; KAT::real(sortVals(ind)) < KAT::real(sortVals(sortInds(j - 1))); --j) sortInds(j) = sortInds(j - 1);
856  sortInds(j) = ind;
857  }
858  }
860  for (LO i = 0; i < static_cast<LO>(nnz); i++) origSorted(rowIdx, i) = values(rowPtr(rowIdx) + inds(rowIdx, i)); // values is no longer used
861  // find entry in origSorted just to the right of the leftBound
862  closestToLeftBound = 0;
863  while ((closestToLeftBound < static_cast<LO>(nnz)) && (KAT::real(origSorted(rowIdx, closestToLeftBound)) <= KAT::real(leftBound))) closestToLeftBound++;
865  // find entry in origSorted just to the right of the rghtBound
866  closestToRghtBound = closestToLeftBound;
867  while ((closestToRghtBound < static_cast<LO>(nnz)) && (KAT::real(origSorted(rowIdx, closestToRghtBound)) <= KAT::real(rghtBound))) closestToRghtBound++;
869  // compute distance between closestToLeftBound and the left bound and the
870  // distance between closestToRghtBound and the right bound.
872  closestToLeftBoundDist = origSorted(rowIdx, closestToLeftBound) - leftBound;
873  if (closestToRghtBound == static_cast<LO>(nnz))
874  closestToRghtBoundDist = aBigNumber;
875  else
876  closestToRghtBoundDist = origSorted(rowIdx, closestToRghtBound) - rghtBound;
878  // compute how far the rowSum is off from the target row sum taking into account
879  // numbers that have been shifted to satisfy bound constraint
881  rowSumDeviation = leftBound * (static_cast<SC>(closestToLeftBound)) + (static_cast<SC>(nnz - closestToRghtBound)) * rghtBound - rsumTarget;
882  for (LO i = closestToLeftBound; i < closestToRghtBound; i++) rowSumDeviation += origSorted(rowIdx, i);
884  // the code that follow after this if statement assumes that rowSumDeviation is positive. If this
885  // is not the case, flip the signs of everything so that rowSumDeviation is now positive.
886  // Later we will flip the data back to its original form.
887  if (KAT::real(rowSumDeviation) < KAT::real(KAT::zero())) {
888  flipped = true;
889  temp = leftBound;
890  leftBound = -rghtBound;
891  rghtBound = temp;
893  /* flip sign of origSorted and reverse ordering so that the negative version is sorted */
895  // TODO: the following is bad for GPU performance. Switch to bit shifting if brave.
896  if ((nnz % 2) == 1) origSorted(rowIdx, (nnz / 2)) = -origSorted(rowIdx, (nnz / 2));
897  for (LO i = 0; i < static_cast<LO>(nnz / 2); i++) {
898  temp = origSorted(rowIdx, i);
899  origSorted(rowIdx, i) = -origSorted(rowIdx, nnz - 1 - i);
900  origSorted(rowIdx, nnz - i - 1) = -temp;
901  }
903  /* reverse bounds */
905  LO itemp = closestToLeftBound;
906  closestToLeftBound = nnz - closestToRghtBound;
907  closestToRghtBound = nnz - itemp;
908  closestToLeftBoundDist = origSorted(rowIdx, closestToLeftBound) - leftBound;
909  if (closestToRghtBound == static_cast<LO>(nnz))
910  closestToRghtBoundDist = aBigNumber;
911  else
912  closestToRghtBoundDist = origSorted(rowIdx, closestToRghtBound) - rghtBound;
914  rowSumDeviation = -rowSumDeviation;
915  }
917  // initial fixedSorted so bounds are satisfied and interiors correspond to origSorted
919  for (LO i = 0; i < closestToLeftBound; i++) fixedSorted(rowIdx, i) = leftBound;
920  for (LO i = closestToLeftBound; i < closestToRghtBound; i++) fixedSorted(rowIdx, i) = origSorted(rowIdx, i);
921  for (LO i = closestToRghtBound; i < static_cast<LO>(nnz); i++) fixedSorted(rowIdx, i) = rghtBound;
923  while ((KAT::magnitude(rowSumDeviation) > KAT::magnitude((one * 1.e-10) * rsumTarget))) { // && ( (closestToLeftBound < nEntries ) || (closestToRghtBound < nEntries))) {
924  if (closestToRghtBound != closestToLeftBound)
925  delta = rowSumDeviation / static_cast<SC>(closestToRghtBound - closestToLeftBound);
926  else
927  delta = aBigNumber;
929  if (KAT::magnitude(closestToLeftBoundDist) <= KAT::magnitude(closestToRghtBoundDist)) {
930  if (KAT::magnitude(delta) <= KAT::magnitude(closestToLeftBoundDist)) {
931  rowSumDeviation = zero;
932  for (LO i = closestToLeftBound; i < closestToRghtBound; i++) fixedSorted(rowIdx, i) = origSorted(rowIdx, i) - delta;
933  } else {
934  rowSumDeviation = rowSumDeviation - closestToLeftBoundDist;
935  fixedSorted(rowIdx, closestToLeftBound) = leftBound;
936  closestToLeftBound++;
937  if (closestToLeftBound < static_cast<LO>(nnz))
938  closestToLeftBoundDist = origSorted(rowIdx, closestToLeftBound) - leftBound;
939  else
940  closestToLeftBoundDist = aBigNumber;
941  }
942  } else {
943  if (KAT::magnitude(delta) <= KAT::magnitude(closestToRghtBoundDist)) {
944  rowSumDeviation = 0;
945  for (LO i = closestToLeftBound; i < closestToRghtBound; i++) fixedSorted(rowIdx, i) = origSorted(rowIdx, i) - delta;
946  } else {
947  rowSumDeviation = rowSumDeviation + closestToRghtBoundDist;
948  // if (closestToRghtBound < nEntries) {
949  fixedSorted(rowIdx, closestToRghtBound) = origSorted(rowIdx, closestToRghtBound);
950  closestToRghtBound++;
951  // }
952  if (closestToRghtBound >= static_cast<LO>(nnz))
953  closestToRghtBoundDist = aBigNumber;
954  else
955  closestToRghtBoundDist = origSorted(rowIdx, closestToRghtBound) - rghtBound;
956  }
957  }
958  }
960  auto rowStart = rowPtr(rowIdx);
961  if (flipped) {
962  /* flip sign of fixedSorted and reverse ordering so that the positve version is sorted */
964  if ((nnz % 2) == 1) fixedSorted(rowIdx, (nnz / 2)) = -fixedSorted(rowIdx, (nnz / 2));
965  for (LO i = 0; i < static_cast<LO>(nnz / 2); i++) {
966  temp = fixedSorted(rowIdx, i);
967  fixedSorted(rowIdx, i) = -fixedSorted(rowIdx, nnz - 1 - i);
968  fixedSorted(rowIdx, nnz - i - 1) = -temp;
969  }
970  }
971  // unsort and update row values with new values
972  for (LO i = 0; i < static_cast<LO>(nnz); i++) values(rowStart + inds(rowIdx, i)) = fixedSorted(rowIdx, i);
974  } else { // row does not have feasible solution to match constraint
975  // just set all entries to the same value giving a row sum of 1
976  for (auto entryIdx = rowPtr(rowIdx); entryIdx < rowPtr(rowIdx + 1); entryIdx++) values(entryIdx) = one / (static_cast<SC>(nnz));
977  }
978  }
979  }
980  }
981 };
983 template <class Scalar, class LocalOrdinal, class GlobalOrdinal, class Node>
985  using Device = typename Matrix::local_matrix_type::device_type;
986  LO nPDEs = A->GetFixedBlockSize();
988  using local_mat_type = typename Matrix::local_matrix_type;
989  constraintKernel<local_mat_type> myKernel(nPDEs, P->getLocalMatrixDevice());
990  Kokkos::parallel_for("enforce constraint", Kokkos::RangePolicy<typename Device::execution_space>(0, P->getRowMap()->getLocalNumElements()),
991  myKernel);
993 } // SatsifyPConstraints()
995 template <class Scalar, class LocalOrdinal, class GlobalOrdinal, class Node>
997  using Device = typename Matrix::local_matrix_type::device_type;
998  LO nPDEs = 1; // A->GetFixedBlockSize();
1000  using local_mat_type = typename Matrix::local_matrix_type;
1001  optimalSatisfyConstraintsForScalarPDEsKernel<local_mat_type> myKernel(nPDEs, P->getLocalMaxNumRowEntries(), P->getLocalMatrixDevice());
1002  Kokkos::parallel_for("enforce constraint", Kokkos::RangePolicy<typename Device::execution_space>(0, P->getLocalNumRows()),
1003  myKernel);
1005 } // SatsifyPConstraints()
1007 } // namespace MueLu
1011 // TODO: restrictionMode_ should use the parameter list.
typename local_matrix_type::non_const_value_type Scalar
MueLu::DefaultLocalOrdinal LocalOrdinal
T & Get(const std::string &ename, const FactoryBase *factory=NoFactory::get())
Get data without decrementing associated storage counter (i.e., read-only access). Usage: Level-&gt;Get&lt; RCP&lt;Matrix&gt; &gt;(&quot;A&quot;, factory) if factory == NULL =&gt; use default factory.
void optimalSatisfyPConstraintsForScalarPDEs(RCP< Matrix > &P) const
std::string toString(const T &what)
Little helper function to convert non-string types to strings.
typename local_matrix_type::device_type Device
static Scalar PowerMethod(const Matrix &A, bool scaleByDiag=true, LocalOrdinal niters=10, Magnitude tolerance=1e-2, bool verbose=false, unsigned int seed=123)
Power method.
bool constrainRow(Scalar *orig, LocalOrdinal nEntries, Scalar leftBound, Scalar rghtBound, Scalar rsumTarget, Scalar *fixedUnsorted, Scalar *scalarData) const
optimalSatisfyConstraintsForScalarPDEsKernel(LO nPDEs_, LO maxRowEntries_, local_matrix_type localP_)
T & get(const std::string &name, T def_value)
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION void operator()(const size_t rowIdx) const
Constructor. User can supply a factory for generating the tentative prolongator.
Timer to be used in factories. Similar to Monitor but with additional timers.
#define TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(throw_exception_test, Exception, msg)
static magnitudeType real(T a)
Print more statistics.
T * getRawPtr() const
size_type size() const
typename local_matrix_type::non_const_ordinal_type LO
constraintKernel(LO nPDEs_, local_matrix_type localP_)
LocalOrdinal LO
One-liner description of what is happening.
void SatisfyPConstraintsNonKokkos(RCP< Matrix > A, RCP< Matrix > &P) const
T * get() const
ParameterList & set(std::string const &name, T &&value, std::string const &docString="", RCP< const ParameterEntryValidator > const &validator=null)
Print even more statistics.
Kokkos::View< size_t **, Device > nPositive
void resize(const size_type n, const T &val=T())
bool isParameter(const std::string &name) const
typename local_matrix_type::device_type Device
static RCP< Matrix > Jacobi(SC omega, const Vector &Dinv, const Matrix &A, const Matrix &B, RCP< Matrix > C_in, Teuchos::FancyOStream &fos, const std::string &label, RCP< ParameterList > &params)
virtual ~SaPFactory()
TEUCHOS_DEPRECATED RCP< T > rcp(T *p, Dealloc_T dealloc, bool owns_mem)
MueLu::DefaultScalar Scalar
Class that holds all level-specific information.
Definition: MueLu_Level.hpp:63
bool isSublist(const std::string &name) const
Timer to be used in factories. Similar to SubMonitor but adds a timer level by level.
void Build(Level &fineLevel, Level &coarseLevel) const
Build method.
Kokkos::View< SC **, Device > ConstraintViolationSum
#define SET_VALID_ENTRY(name)
static RCP< Xpetra::Matrix< Scalar, LocalOrdinal, GlobalOrdinal, Node > > Transpose(Xpetra::Matrix< Scalar, LocalOrdinal, GlobalOrdinal, Node > &Op, bool optimizeTranspose=false, const std::string &label=std::string(), const Teuchos::RCP< Teuchos::ParameterList > &params=Teuchos::null)
T * getRawPtr() const
static std::string PrintMatrixInfo(const Matrix &A, const std::string &msgTag, RCP< const Teuchos::ParameterList > params=Teuchos::null)
void SatisfyPConstraints(RCP< Matrix > A, RCP< Matrix > &P) const
static RCP< Vector > GetMatrixDiagonalInverse(const Matrix &A, Magnitude tol=Teuchos::ScalarTraits< Scalar >::eps()*100, Scalar valReplacement=Teuchos::ScalarTraits< Scalar >::zero(), const bool doLumped=false)
Extract Matrix Diagonal.
Kokkos::ArithTraits< SC > KAT
static magnitudeType magnitude(T a)
void BuildP(Level &fineLevel, Level &coarseLevel) const
Abstract Build method.
typename local_matrix_type::non_const_value_type Scalar
typename local_matrix_type::non_const_ordinal_type LO
Scalar SC
Kokkos::View< SC **, Device > Rsum
const RCP< const FactoryManagerBase > GetFactoryManager()
returns the current factory manager
Definition: MueLu_Level.cpp:73
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION void operator()(const size_t rowIdx) const
ParameterList & sublist(const std::string &name, bool mustAlreadyExist=false, const std::string &docString="")
void optimalSatisfyPConstraintsForScalarPDEsNonKokkos(RCP< Matrix > &P) const
int GetLevelID() const
Return level number.
Definition: MueLu_Level.cpp:51
Exception throws to report errors in the internal logical of the program.
void DeclareInput(Level &fineLevel, Level &coarseLevel) const
static Teuchos::RCP< Vector > GetLumpedMatrixDiagonal(Matrix const &A, const bool doReciprocal=false, Magnitude tol=Teuchos::ScalarTraits< Scalar >::magnitude(Teuchos::ScalarTraits< Scalar >::zero()), Scalar valReplacement=Teuchos::ScalarTraits< Scalar >::zero(), const bool replaceSingleEntryRowWithZero=false, const bool useAverageAbsDiagVal=false)
Extract Matrix Diagonal of lumped matrix.
void DeclareInput(const std::string &ename, const FactoryBase *factory, const FactoryBase *requestedBy=NoFactory::get())
Callback from FactoryBase::CallDeclareInput() and FactoryBase::DeclareInput()
RCP< const ParameterList > GetValidParameterList() const
Return a const parameter list of valid parameters that setParameterList() will accept.
bool IsAvailable(const std::string &ename, const FactoryBase *factory=NoFactory::get()) const
Test whether a need&#39;s value has been saved.
bool is_null() const