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NLPInterfacePack::ExampleNLPBanded Class Reference

Simple scalable serial NLP subclass. More...

#include <NLPInterfacePack_ExampleNLPBanded.hpp>

Inheritance diagram for NLPInterfacePack::ExampleNLPBanded:
Inheritance graph

Constructors / initializers

 ExampleNLPBanded (size_type nD, size_type nI, size_type bw=1, size_type mU=0, size_type mI=0, value_type xo=0.1, value_type xDl=-NLP::infinite_bound(), value_type xDu=+NLP::infinite_bound(), value_type xIl=-NLP::infinite_bound(), value_type xIu=+NLP::infinite_bound(), value_type hl=-NLP::infinite_bound(), value_type hu=+NLP::infinite_bound(), bool nlp_selects_basis=false, value_type diag_scal=10.0, value_type diag_vary=1.0, bool sym_basis=false, value_type f_offset=0.0, value_type co=0.0, bool ignore_constraints=false)
 Constructor. More...

Overridden public members from NLP

void initialize (bool test_setup)
bool is_initialized () const
value_type max_var_bounds_viol () const

Overridden from NLPVarReductPerm

bool nlp_selects_basis () const

Overridden protected methods from NLPSerialPreprocess

bool imp_nlp_has_changed () const
size_type imp_n_orig () const
size_type imp_m_orig () const
size_type imp_mI_orig () const
const DVectorSlice imp_xinit_orig () const
bool imp_has_var_bounds () const
const DVectorSlice imp_xl_orig () const
const DVectorSlice imp_xu_orig () const
const DVectorSlice imp_hl_orig () const
const DVectorSlice imp_hu_orig () const
void imp_calc_f_orig (const DVectorSlice &x_full, bool newx, const ZeroOrderInfoSerial &zero_order_info) const
void imp_calc_c_orig (const DVectorSlice &x_full, bool newx, const ZeroOrderInfoSerial &zero_order_info) const
void imp_calc_h_orig (const DVectorSlice &x_full, bool newx, const ZeroOrderInfoSerial &zero_order_info) const
void imp_calc_Gf_orig (const DVectorSlice &x_full, bool newx, const ObjGradInfoSerial &obj_grad_info) const
bool imp_get_next_basis (IVector *var_perm_full, IVector *equ_perm_full, size_type *rank_full, size_type *rank)
void imp_report_orig_final_solution (const DVectorSlice &x_orig, const DVectorSlice *lambda_orig, const DVectorSlice *lambdaI_orig, const DVectorSlice *nu_orig, bool is_optimal)

Overridden protected methods from NLPSerialPreprocessExplJac

size_type imp_Gc_nz_orig () const
size_type imp_Gh_nz_orig () const
void imp_calc_Gc_orig (const DVectorSlice &x_full, bool newx, const FirstOrderExplInfo &first_order_expl_info) const
void imp_calc_Gh_orig (const DVectorSlice &x_full, bool newx, const FirstOrderExplInfo &first_order_expl_info) const

Detailed Description

Simple scalable serial NLP subclass.

This example NLP is a scalable problem where the basis of the jacobian of the equality constraints is a banded (band width = bw) symmetric positive definite matrix. Both the number of dependnet and independent variables can be varied.

To setup this NLP, the client specifies:

This NLP is defined as:

   min    f(x) = (1/2) * sum( x(i)^2, for i = 1..n )
          c(j) = ( ds(j)*x(j)                                 \
                   - sum( 3/(k)*x(j-k), k=1...klu(j) )        |
                   - sum( fu/(k)*x(j+k), k=1...kuu(j) )       | for j  = 1...nD
                  ) * (x(nD+q(j)) + 1)^2                      |
                  + co(j) == 0                                /

           c(nD+jU) = c(jU) + co(nD+jU)  == 0                 } for jU = 1...mU

           hl(jI) <= x(jI) - x(nD+q(jI)) <= hu(jI)            } for jI = 1...mI

           xl(i) <= x(i) <= xu(i)                             } for i  = 1...n


       n = nD + nI

       m = nD + mU

       mI = mI

       ds(j) = diag_scal * ( (diag_vary - 1)/(nD -1) * (j - 1) + 1 )

            / 3  : if sym_basis = true
       fu = |
            \ 6  : if sym_basis = false

                                / 2  : if floor((j-1)/nI) < nD % nI
       q(j) = floor((j-1)/nI) + |
                                \ 1  : if floor((j-1)/nI) >= nD % nI

                 / bw-1 : if j - bw >= 0                         \
       klu(j) =  |                                               |
                 \ j-1  : if j - bw <= 1                         |
                                                                 | for j=1...nD
                 / bw-1 : if j + bw-1 <= nD                      |
       kuu(j) =  |                                               |
                 \ nD-j : if j - bw <= 1                         /

In the above formuation, the sums are not computed if the upper bounds on k are zero. The term co(j) is an adjustable term that can be used to manipulate the solution. Note that if co(nD+jI) != 0 above, then the undecomposed dependent equality constraints are inconsistent with the decomposed equalities and therefore the NLP is infeasible. An infeasible NLP can also be created by manipulating xl(i), xu(i), hl(jI), hu(jI) and co(j).

For the above NLP, the Jacobian of the decomposed equalities has Jacobian elements:

                     /  -3/(j-i) * (x(nD+q(j)) + 1)^2         : i - klu(i) <= j < i
                     |  ds(j) * (x(nD+q(j)) + 1)^2            : i == j
  d(c(j))/d(x(i)) =  |
                     |  -3/(i-j) * (x(nD+q(j)) + 1)^2         : i < j <= i + kuu(i)
                     |  2 * (c(j) - co(j)) / (x(nD+q(j)) + 1) : i == nD + q
                     \  0                                     : otherwise
                     , for j = 1...nD, i = 1...nD+nI

The above definition shows that for the independent variables, the Jacobian elements are written in terms of the constraint c(j). This fact is exploited in the computational routines when this->multi_calc() == true.

For nD == 7, nI == 2, bw = 2 with floor(nD/nI) = 3 and nD % nI = 1, the Jacobian Gc' looks like:

  1 | x  x                 x    |
  2 | x  x  x              x    |
  3 |    x  x  x           x    |
  4 |       x  x  x        x    |
  5 |          x  x  x        x |
  6 |             x  x  x     x |
  7 |                x  x     x |
      -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -
      1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9

ToDo: Finish documentation!

Definition at line 159 of file NLPInterfacePack_ExampleNLPBanded.hpp.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

NLPInterfacePack::ExampleNLPBanded::ExampleNLPBanded ( size_type  nD,
size_type  nI,
size_type  bw = 1,
size_type  mU = 0,
size_type  mI = 0,
value_type  xo = 0.1,
value_type  xDl = -NLP::infinite_bound(),
value_type  xDu = +NLP::infinite_bound(),
value_type  xIl = -NLP::infinite_bound(),
value_type  xIu = +NLP::infinite_bound(),
value_type  hl = -NLP::infinite_bound(),
value_type  hu = +NLP::infinite_bound(),
bool  nlp_selects_basis = false,
value_type  diag_scal = 10.0,
value_type  diag_vary = 1.0,
bool  sym_basis = false,
value_type  f_offset = 0.0,
value_type  co = 0.0,
bool  ignore_constraints = false 


ToDo: Finish documentation!

Definition at line 53 of file NLPInterfacePack_ExampleNLPBanded.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

void NLPInterfacePack::ExampleNLPBanded::initialize ( bool  test_setup)
bool NLPInterfacePack::ExampleNLPBanded::is_initialized ( ) const
value_type NLPInterfacePack::ExampleNLPBanded::max_var_bounds_viol ( ) const

Implements NLPInterfacePack::NLP.

Definition at line 156 of file NLPInterfacePack_ExampleNLPBanded.cpp.

bool NLPInterfacePack::ExampleNLPBanded::nlp_selects_basis ( ) const

Reimplemented from NLPInterfacePack::NLPSerialPreprocess.

Definition at line 376 of file NLPInterfacePack_ExampleNLPBanded.cpp.

bool NLPInterfacePack::ExampleNLPBanded::imp_nlp_has_changed ( ) const

Reimplemented from NLPInterfacePack::NLPSerialPreprocess.

Definition at line 163 of file NLPInterfacePack_ExampleNLPBanded.cpp.

size_type NLPInterfacePack::ExampleNLPBanded::imp_n_orig ( ) const
size_type NLPInterfacePack::ExampleNLPBanded::imp_m_orig ( ) const
size_type NLPInterfacePack::ExampleNLPBanded::imp_mI_orig ( ) const
const DVectorSlice NLPInterfacePack::ExampleNLPBanded::imp_xinit_orig ( ) const
bool NLPInterfacePack::ExampleNLPBanded::imp_has_var_bounds ( ) const
const DVectorSlice NLPInterfacePack::ExampleNLPBanded::imp_xl_orig ( ) const
const DVectorSlice NLPInterfacePack::ExampleNLPBanded::imp_xu_orig ( ) const
const DVectorSlice NLPInterfacePack::ExampleNLPBanded::imp_hl_orig ( ) const
const DVectorSlice NLPInterfacePack::ExampleNLPBanded::imp_hu_orig ( ) const
void NLPInterfacePack::ExampleNLPBanded::imp_calc_f_orig ( const DVectorSlice &  x_full,
bool  newx,
const ZeroOrderInfoSerial zero_order_info 
) const
void NLPInterfacePack::ExampleNLPBanded::imp_calc_c_orig ( const DVectorSlice &  x_full,
bool  newx,
const ZeroOrderInfoSerial zero_order_info 
) const
void NLPInterfacePack::ExampleNLPBanded::imp_calc_h_orig ( const DVectorSlice &  x_full,
bool  newx,
const ZeroOrderInfoSerial zero_order_info 
) const
void NLPInterfacePack::ExampleNLPBanded::imp_calc_Gf_orig ( const DVectorSlice &  x_full,
bool  newx,
const ObjGradInfoSerial obj_grad_info 
) const
bool NLPInterfacePack::ExampleNLPBanded::imp_get_next_basis ( IVector *  var_perm_full,
IVector *  equ_perm_full,
size_type rank_full,
size_type rank 

Reimplemented from NLPInterfacePack::NLPSerialPreprocess.

Definition at line 306 of file NLPInterfacePack_ExampleNLPBanded.cpp.

void NLPInterfacePack::ExampleNLPBanded::imp_report_orig_final_solution ( const DVectorSlice &  x_orig,
const DVectorSlice *  lambda_orig,
const DVectorSlice *  lambdaI_orig,
const DVectorSlice *  nu_orig,
bool  is_optimal 

Reimplemented from NLPInterfacePack::NLPSerialPreprocess.

Definition at line 365 of file NLPInterfacePack_ExampleNLPBanded.cpp.

size_type NLPInterfacePack::ExampleNLPBanded::imp_Gc_nz_orig ( ) const
size_type NLPInterfacePack::ExampleNLPBanded::imp_Gh_nz_orig ( ) const
void NLPInterfacePack::ExampleNLPBanded::imp_calc_Gc_orig ( const DVectorSlice &  x_full,
bool  newx,
const FirstOrderExplInfo first_order_expl_info 
) const
void NLPInterfacePack::ExampleNLPBanded::imp_calc_Gh_orig ( const DVectorSlice &  x_full,
bool  newx,
const FirstOrderExplInfo first_order_expl_info 
) const

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