49 namespace AbstractLinAlgPack {
79 template <
class T_Iter,
class T_IterCat,
class T_Indice,
class T_ValRef,
class T_Diff>
94 template <
class TT_Iter,
class TT_IterCat,
class TT_Indice,
class TT_ValRef,
class TT_Diff>
308 template <
class Iter,
class Cat,
class Indice,
class ValRef,
class Diff>
iterator_type & operator++()
iterator_type & operator+=(distance_type n)
TransSparseCOOElementViewIter(T_Iter itr)
Construct with the iterator of COO elements to transpose.
iterator_type & operator-=(distance_type n)
pointer_type operator->() const
ElementView & operator=(const ElementView &)
bool operator<(const iterator_type &itr)
const iterator_type operator-(distance_type n) const
TransSparseCOOElementViewIter< T_Iter, T_IterCat,T_Indice, T_ValRef, T_Diff > iterator_type
bool operator<=(const iterator_type &itr)
distance_type operator-(const iterator_type &itr) const
indice_type row_i() const
returns col_j() of the underlying COO element
ElementView< T_Iter, T_IterCat, T_Indice,T_ValRef, T_Diff > element_view_type
iterator_type operator-(distance_type n)
iterator_type & operator--()
Templateded iterator for iterating through a set of COO Matix elements but viewing them in transpose...
reference_type operator*() const
value_ref_type value() const
element_view_type * pointer_type
Type for the object that is returned for the transpose sparse element.
bool operator>=(const iterator_type &itr)
const iterator_type operator++(int)
value_type operator[](distance_type n) const
element_view_type value_type
indice_type col_j() const
returns row_i() of the underlying COO element
bool operator>(const iterator_type &itr)
T_IterCat iterator_category
bool operator!=(const iterator_type &itr)
TransSparseCOOElementViewIter< Iter, Cat, Indice, ValRef, Diff > operator+(Diff n, const TransSparseCOOElementViewIter< Iter, Cat, Indice, ValRef, Diff > itr)
element_view_type element_view_
bool operator==(const iterator_type &itr)
const iterator_type operator--(int)
iterator_type operator+(distance_type n)
const iterator_type operator+(distance_type n) const
element_view_type & reference_type