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Kokkos::GraphRowViewConst< GraphType > Member List

This is the complete list of members for Kokkos::GraphRowViewConst< GraphType >, including all inherited members.

colidx(const ordinal_type &i) const Kokkos::GraphRowViewConst< GraphType >inline
GraphRowViewConst(ordinal_type *const colidx_in, const ordinal_type &stride, const ordinal_type &count)Kokkos::GraphRowViewConst< GraphType >inline
GraphRowViewConst(const typename GraphType::entries_type &colidx_in, const ordinal_type &stride, const ordinal_type &count, const OffsetType &idx, const std::enable_if_t< std::is_integral_v< OffsetType >, int > &=0)Kokkos::GraphRowViewConst< GraphType >inline
lengthKokkos::GraphRowViewConst< GraphType >
operator()(const ordinal_type &i) const Kokkos::GraphRowViewConst< GraphType >inline
ordinal_type typedefKokkos::GraphRowViewConst< GraphType >