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snl_fei::FEMatrixTraits< T > Struct Template Reference

#include <snl_fei_FEMatrixTraits.hpp>

Static Public Member Functions

static const char * typeName ()
static int reset (T *mat)
static int sumInElemMatrix (T *mat, int elemBlockID, int elemID, int numNodes, const int *nodeNumbers, const int *dofPerNode, const int *dof_ids, const double *const *coefs)
static int setDirichletBCs (T *mat, int numBCs, const int *nodeNumbers, const int *dof_ids, const double *values)

Detailed Description

template<typename T>
struct snl_fei::FEMatrixTraits< T >

Internal implementation matrix traits. Define a "template" for accessing matrix data. Provide function stubs for default type "T", which will catch the use of any matrix type for which specialized traits have not been defined.

Definition at line 21 of file snl_fei_FEMatrixTraits.hpp.

Member Function Documentation

template<typename T >
static const char* snl_fei::FEMatrixTraits< T >::typeName ( )

Return a string type-name for the underlying matrix

Definition at line 24 of file snl_fei_FEMatrixTraits.hpp.

template<typename T >
static int snl_fei::FEMatrixTraits< T >::reset ( T *  mat)

Reset (zero) the matrix.

Definition at line 29 of file snl_fei_FEMatrixTraits.hpp.

template<typename T >
static int snl_fei::FEMatrixTraits< T >::sumInElemMatrix ( T *  mat,
int  elemBlockID,
int  elemID,
int  numNodes,
const int *  nodeNumbers,
const int *  dofPerNode,
const int *  dof_ids,
const double *const *  coefs 

Sum an element-matrix contribution into the matrix object

Definition at line 33 of file snl_fei_FEMatrixTraits.hpp.

template<typename T >
static int snl_fei::FEMatrixTraits< T >::setDirichletBCs ( T *  mat,
int  numBCs,
const int *  nodeNumbers,
const int *  dof_ids,
const double *  values 

Enforce Dirichlet boundary conditions on the matrix object

Definition at line 44 of file snl_fei_FEMatrixTraits.hpp.

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