Compadre  1.5.5
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1 #include <vector>
2 #include <map>
3 #include <random>
5 #include <Compadre_Config.h>
6 #include <Compadre_GMLS.hpp>
10 #include <mpi.h>
11 #endif
13 template<typename T1, typename T2>
14 std::pair<T2,T1> swap_pair(const std::pair<T1,T2> &item)
15 {
16  return std::pair<T2,T1>(item.second, item.first);
17 }
19 template<typename T1, typename T2>
20 std::multimap<T2,T1> invert_map(const std::map<T1,T2> &original_map)
21 {
22  std::multimap<T2,T1> new_map;
23  std::transform(original_map.begin(), original_map.end(), std::inserter(new_map, new_map.begin()), swap_pair<T1,T2>);
24  return new_map;
25 }
27 using namespace Compadre;
29 int main (int argc, char* args[]) {
31 // initializes MPI (if available) with command line arguments given
33 MPI_Init(&argc, &args);
34 #endif
36 // initializes Kokkos with command line arguments given
37 Kokkos::initialize(argc, args);
39 // becomes false if the computed solution not within the failure_threshold of the actual solution
40 bool all_passed = true;
42 {
43  // seed random generator
44  srand(1234);
45  Kokkos::Timer timer;
47  int search_type = 0; // 0 - radius, 1 - knn
48  if (argc >= 5) {
49  int arg5toi = atoi(args[4]);
50  if (arg5toi >= 0) {
51  search_type = arg5toi;
52  }
53  }
54  bool do_radius_search = (search_type==0);
55  bool do_knn_search = (search_type==1);
56  printf("do_radius_search: %d\n", do_radius_search);
57  printf("do_knn_search: %d\n", do_knn_search);
59  // check if 4 arguments are given from the command line
60  // multiplier times h spacing for search
61  double h_multiplier = 3.0; // dimension 3 by default
62  if (argc >= 4) {
63  double arg4tof = atof(args[3]);
64  if (arg4tof > 0) {
65  h_multiplier = arg4tof;
66  }
67  }
69  // check if 3 arguments are given from the command line
70  // set the number of target sites where we will reconstruct the target functionals at
71  int number_target_coords = 200; // 200 target sites by default
72  if (argc >= 3) {
73  int arg3toi = atoi(args[2]);
74  if (arg3toi > 0) {
75  number_target_coords = arg3toi;
76  }
77  }
79  // check if 2 arguments are given from the command line
80  // set the number of dimensions for points and the search
81  int dimension = 3; // 3D by default
82  if (argc >= 2) {
83  int arg2toi = atoi(args[1]);
84  if (arg2toi > 0) {
85  dimension = arg2toi;
86  }
87  }
89  //// minimum neighbors for unisolvency is the same as the size of the polynomial basis
90  //const int min_neighbors = Compadre::GMLS::getNP(order, dimension);
92  // approximate spacing of source sites
93  double h_spacing = 1./std::pow(number_target_coords, 0.50 + 0.2*(dimension==2));
94  int n_neg1_to_1 = 2*(1/h_spacing) + 1; // always odd
96  // number of source coordinate sites that will fill a box of [-1,1]x[-1,1]x[-1,1] with a spacing approximately h
97  int number_source_coords = (n_neg1_to_1+1)*(n_neg1_to_1+1);
98  if (dimension==3) number_source_coords *= (n_neg1_to_1+1);
99  printf("target coords: %d\n", number_target_coords);
100  printf("source coords: %d\n", number_source_coords);
102  // coordinates of source sites
103  Kokkos::View<double**, Kokkos::DefaultHostExecutionSpace> source_coords("source coordinates",
104  number_source_coords, 3);
106  // coordinates of target sites
107  Kokkos::View<double**, Kokkos::DefaultHostExecutionSpace> target_coords("target coordinates", number_target_coords, 3);
109  // fill source coordinates with a uniform grid
110  int source_index = 0;
111  double this_coord[3] = {0,0,0};
112  for (int i=-n_neg1_to_1/2; i<n_neg1_to_1/2+1; ++i) {
113  this_coord[0] = i*h_spacing;
114  for (int j=-n_neg1_to_1/2; j<n_neg1_to_1/2+1; ++j) {
115  this_coord[1] = j*h_spacing;
116  for (int k=-n_neg1_to_1/2; k<n_neg1_to_1/2+1; ++k) {
117  this_coord[2] = k*h_spacing;
118  if (dimension==3) {
119  source_coords(source_index,0) = this_coord[0];
120  source_coords(source_index,1) = this_coord[1];
121  source_coords(source_index,2) = this_coord[2];
122  source_index++;
123  }
124  }
125  if (dimension==2) {
126  source_coords(source_index,0) = this_coord[0];
127  source_coords(source_index,1) = this_coord[1];
128  source_coords(source_index,2) = 0;
129  source_index++;
130  }
131  }
132  if (dimension==1) {
133  source_coords(source_index,0) = this_coord[0];
134  source_coords(source_index,1) = 0;
135  source_coords(source_index,2) = 0;
136  source_index++;
137  }
138  }
140  // fill target coords somewhere inside of [-0.5,0.5]x[-0.5,0.5]x[-0.5,0.5]
141  for(int i=0; i<number_target_coords; i++){
143  // first, we get a uniformly random distributed direction
144  double rand_dir[3] = {0,0,0};
146  for (int j=0; j<dimension; ++j) {
147  // rand_dir[j] is in [-0.5, 0.5]
148  rand_dir[j] = ((double)rand() / (double) RAND_MAX) - 0.5;
149  }
151  // then we get a uniformly random radius
152  for (int j=0; j<dimension; ++j) {
153  target_coords(i,j) = rand_dir[j];
154  }
156  }
158  if (do_radius_search) {
159  timer.reset();
160  { // 1D compressed row neighbor lists
161  printf("\n1D compressed row neighbor lists:\n");
162  // Point cloud construction for neighbor search
163  // CreatePointCloudSearch constructs an object of type PointCloudSearch, but deduces the templates for you
164  auto point_cloud_search(CreatePointCloudSearch(source_coords, dimension));
166  Kokkos::View<int*, Kokkos::DefaultHostExecutionSpace> neighbor_lists("neighbor lists",
167  number_target_coords); // first column is # of neighbors
168  Kokkos::View<int*, Kokkos::DefaultHostExecutionSpace> number_neighbors_list("number of neighbors list",
169  number_target_coords); // first column is # of neighbors
171  // each target site has a window size
172  Kokkos::View<double*, Kokkos::DefaultHostExecutionSpace> epsilon("h supports", number_target_coords);
173  Kokkos::View<double*, Kokkos::DefaultHostExecutionSpace> random_vec("random vector", number_target_coords);
175  Kokkos::parallel_for("random perturbation of search size", Kokkos::RangePolicy<Kokkos::DefaultHostExecutionSpace>
176  (0,number_target_coords), [&](const int i) {
177  // value in [-.25, .25]
178  random_vec(i) = 0.5 * ((double)rand() / (double) RAND_MAX) - 0.5;
179  epsilon(i) = (h_multiplier + random_vec(i)) * h_spacing;
180  });
181  Kokkos::fence();
183  // query the point cloud to generate the neighbor lists using a radius search
185  // start with a dry-run, but without enough room to store the results
186  size_t total_num_neighbors = point_cloud_search.generateCRNeighborListsFromRadiusSearch(true /* dry run */,
187  target_coords, neighbor_lists, number_neighbors_list, epsilon);
188  printf("total num neighbors: %lu\n", total_num_neighbors);
190  // resize neighbor lists to be large enough to hold the results
191  Kokkos::resize(neighbor_lists, total_num_neighbors);
193  // search again, now that we know that there is enough room to store the results
194  point_cloud_search.generateCRNeighborListsFromRadiusSearch(false /* dry run */,
195  target_coords, neighbor_lists, number_neighbors_list, epsilon);
197  auto nla(CreateNeighborLists(neighbor_lists, number_neighbors_list));
199  double radius_search_time = timer.seconds();
200  printf("nanoflann search time: %f s\n", radius_search_time);
202  // convert point cloud search to vector of maps
203  timer.reset();
204  std::vector<std::map<int, double> > point_cloud_neighbor_list(number_target_coords, std::map<int, double>());
205  Kokkos::parallel_for("point search conversion", Kokkos::RangePolicy<Kokkos::DefaultHostExecutionSpace>
206  (0,number_target_coords), [&](const int i) {
207  auto &point_cloud_neighbor_list_i = const_cast<std::map<int, double>& >(point_cloud_neighbor_list[i]);
208  for (int j=0; j<nla.getNumberOfNeighborsHost(i); ++j) {
209  point_cloud_neighbor_list_i[nla.getNeighborHost(i,j)] = 1.0;
210  }
211  });
212  double point_cloud_convert_time = timer.seconds();
213  printf("point cloud convert time: %f s\n", point_cloud_convert_time);
214  Kokkos::fence();
216  // loop over targets, finding all of their neighbors by brute force
217  timer.reset();
218  std::vector<std::map<int, double> > brute_force_neighbor_list(number_target_coords, std::map<int, double>());
219  Kokkos::parallel_for("brute force radius search", Kokkos::RangePolicy<Kokkos::DefaultHostExecutionSpace>
220  (0,number_target_coords), [&](const int i) {
221  auto &brute_force_neighbor_list_i = const_cast<std::map<int, double>& >(brute_force_neighbor_list[i]);
222  for (int j=0; j<number_source_coords; ++j) {
223  double dist = 0;
224  for (int k=0; k<dimension; ++k) {
225  dist += (target_coords(i,k)-source_coords(j,k))*(target_coords(i,k)-source_coords(j,k));
226  }
227  dist = std::sqrt(dist);
229  if (dist<(h_multiplier + random_vec(i))*h_spacing) {
230  brute_force_neighbor_list_i[j]=dist;
231  }
232  }
233  });
234  double brute_force_search_time = timer.seconds();
235  printf("brute force search time: %f s\n", brute_force_search_time);
236  Kokkos::fence();
238  timer.reset();
239  // check that all neighbors in brute force list are in point cloud search list
240  int num_passed = 0;
241  Kokkos::parallel_reduce("check brute force search in point cloud search", Kokkos::RangePolicy<Kokkos::DefaultHostExecutionSpace>
242  (0,number_target_coords), [&](const int i, int& t_num_passed) {
243  bool all_found = true;
244  for (auto it=brute_force_neighbor_list[i].begin(); it!=brute_force_neighbor_list[i].end(); ++it) {
245  if (point_cloud_neighbor_list[i].count(it->first)!=1) {
246  all_found = false;
247  }
248  }
249  if (all_found) t_num_passed++;
250  }, Kokkos::Sum<int>(num_passed));
251  Kokkos::fence();
252  if (num_passed != number_target_coords) {
253  printf("Brute force neighbor not found in point cloud list\n");
254  all_passed = false;
255  }
257  num_passed = 0;
258  // check that all neighbors in point cloud search list are in brute force list
259  Kokkos::parallel_reduce("original in brute force search", Kokkos::RangePolicy<Kokkos::DefaultHostExecutionSpace>
260  (0,number_target_coords), KOKKOS_LAMBDA(const int i, int& t_num_passed) {
261  bool all_found = true;
262  for (int j=0; j<nla.getNumberOfNeighborsHost(i); ++j) {
263  if (brute_force_neighbor_list[i].count(nla.getNeighborHost(i,j))!=1) {
264  all_found = false;
265  }
266  }
267  if (all_found) t_num_passed++;
268  }, Kokkos::Sum<int>(num_passed));
269  Kokkos::fence();
270  if (num_passed != number_target_coords) {
271  printf("Point cloud neighbor not found in brute force list\n");
272  all_passed = false;
273  }
275  double check_time = timer.seconds();
276  printf("check time: %f s\n", check_time);
277  }
278  timer.reset();
279  { // 2D neighbor lists
280  printf("\n2D neighbor lists:\n");
281  // Point cloud construction for neighbor search
282  // CreatePointCloudSearch constructs an object of type PointCloudSearch, but deduces the templates for you
283  auto point_cloud_search(CreatePointCloudSearch(source_coords, dimension));
285  Kokkos::View<int**, Kokkos::DefaultHostExecutionSpace> neighbor_lists("neighbor lists",
286  number_target_coords, 2); // first column is # of neighbors
288  // each target site has a window size
289  Kokkos::View<double*, Kokkos::DefaultHostExecutionSpace> epsilon("h supports", number_target_coords);
290  Kokkos::View<double*, Kokkos::DefaultHostExecutionSpace> random_vec("random vector", number_target_coords);
292  Kokkos::parallel_for("random perturbation of search size", Kokkos::RangePolicy<Kokkos::DefaultHostExecutionSpace>
293  (0,number_target_coords), [&](const int i) {
294  // value in [-.25, .25]
295  random_vec(i) = 0.5 * ((double)rand() / (double) RAND_MAX) - 0.5;
296  epsilon(i) = (h_multiplier + random_vec(i)) * h_spacing;
297  });
298  Kokkos::fence();
300  // query the point cloud to generate the neighbor lists using a radius search
302  // start with a dry-run, but without enough room to store the results
303  auto max_num_neighbors = point_cloud_search.generate2DNeighborListsFromRadiusSearch(true /* dry run */,
304  target_coords, neighbor_lists, epsilon);
305  printf("max num neighbors: %lu\n", max_num_neighbors);
307  // resize neighbor lists to be large enough to hold the results
308  neighbor_lists = Kokkos::View<int**, Kokkos::DefaultHostExecutionSpace>("neighbor lists",
309  number_target_coords, 1+max_num_neighbors); // first column is # of neighbors
311  // search again, now that we know that there is enough room to store the results
312  max_num_neighbors = point_cloud_search.generate2DNeighborListsFromRadiusSearch(false /* dry run */,
313  target_coords, neighbor_lists, epsilon);
315  double radius_search_time = timer.seconds();
316  printf("nanoflann search time: %f s\n", radius_search_time);
318  // convert point cloud search to vector of maps
319  timer.reset();
320  std::vector<std::map<int, double> > point_cloud_neighbor_list(number_target_coords, std::map<int, double>());
321  Kokkos::parallel_for("point search conversion", Kokkos::RangePolicy<Kokkos::DefaultHostExecutionSpace>
322  (0,number_target_coords), [&](const int i) {
323  auto &point_cloud_neighbor_list_i = const_cast<std::map<int, double>& >(point_cloud_neighbor_list[i]);
324  for (int j=1; j<=neighbor_lists(i,0); ++j) {
325  point_cloud_neighbor_list_i[neighbor_lists(i,j)] = 1.0;
326  }
327  });
328  double point_cloud_convert_time = timer.seconds();
329  printf("point cloud convert time: %f s\n", point_cloud_convert_time);
330  Kokkos::fence();
332  // loop over targets, finding all of their neighbors by brute force
333  timer.reset();
334  std::vector<std::map<int, double> > brute_force_neighbor_list(number_target_coords, std::map<int, double>());
335  Kokkos::parallel_for("brute force radius search", Kokkos::RangePolicy<Kokkos::DefaultHostExecutionSpace>
336  (0,number_target_coords), [&](const int i) {
337  auto &brute_force_neighbor_list_i = const_cast<std::map<int, double>& >(brute_force_neighbor_list[i]);
338  for (int j=0; j<number_source_coords; ++j) {
339  double dist = 0;
340  for (int k=0; k<dimension; ++k) {
341  dist += (target_coords(i,k)-source_coords(j,k))*(target_coords(i,k)-source_coords(j,k));
342  }
343  dist = std::sqrt(dist);
345  if (dist<(h_multiplier + random_vec(i))*h_spacing) {
346  brute_force_neighbor_list_i[j]=dist;
347  }
348  }
349  });
350  double brute_force_search_time = timer.seconds();
351  printf("brute force search time: %f s\n", brute_force_search_time);
352  Kokkos::fence();
354  timer.reset();
355  // check that all neighbors in brute force list are in point cloud search list
356  int num_passed = 0;
357  Kokkos::parallel_reduce("check brute force search in point cloud search", Kokkos::RangePolicy<Kokkos::DefaultHostExecutionSpace>
358  (0,number_target_coords), [&](const int i, int& t_num_passed) {
359  bool all_found = true;
360  for (auto it=brute_force_neighbor_list[i].begin(); it!=brute_force_neighbor_list[i].end(); ++it) {
361  if (point_cloud_neighbor_list[i].count(it->first)!=1) {
362  all_found = false;
363  }
364  }
365  if (all_found) t_num_passed++;
366  }, Kokkos::Sum<int>(num_passed));
367  Kokkos::fence();
368  if (num_passed != number_target_coords) {
369  printf("Brute force neighbor not found in point cloud list\n");
370  all_passed = false;
371  }
373  num_passed = 0;
374  // check that all neighbors in point cloud search list are in brute force list
375  Kokkos::parallel_reduce("original in brute force search", Kokkos::RangePolicy<Kokkos::DefaultHostExecutionSpace>
376  (0,number_target_coords), KOKKOS_LAMBDA(const int i, int& t_num_passed) {
377  bool all_found = true;
378  for (int j=1; j<=neighbor_lists(i,0); ++j) {
379  if (brute_force_neighbor_list[i].count(neighbor_lists(i,j))!=1) {
380  all_found = false;
381  }
382  }
383  if (all_found) t_num_passed++;
384  }, Kokkos::Sum<int>(num_passed));
385  Kokkos::fence();
386  if (num_passed != number_target_coords) {
387  printf("Point cloud neighbor not found in brute force list\n");
388  all_passed = false;
389  }
391  double check_time = timer.seconds();
392  printf("check time: %f s\n", check_time);
393  }
394  timer.reset();
395  { // convert 2D neighbor lists to 1D compressed row neighbor lists
396  printf("\n2D neighbor lists converted to 1D compressed row neighbor lists:\n");
397  // Point cloud construction for neighbor search
398  // CreatePointCloudSearch constructs an object of type PointCloudSearch, but deduces the templates for you
399  auto point_cloud_search(CreatePointCloudSearch(source_coords, dimension));
401  Kokkos::View<int**, Kokkos::DefaultHostExecutionSpace> neighbor_lists("neighbor lists",
402  number_target_coords, 2); // first column is # of neighbors
404  // each target site has a window size
405  Kokkos::View<double*, Kokkos::DefaultHostExecutionSpace> epsilon("h supports", number_target_coords);
406  Kokkos::View<double*, Kokkos::DefaultHostExecutionSpace> random_vec("random vector", number_target_coords);
408  Kokkos::parallel_for("random perturbation of search size", Kokkos::RangePolicy<Kokkos::DefaultHostExecutionSpace>
409  (0,number_target_coords), [&](const int i) {
410  // value in [-.25, .25]
411  random_vec(i) = 0.5 * ((double)rand() / (double) RAND_MAX) - 0.5;
412  epsilon(i) = (h_multiplier + random_vec(i)) * h_spacing;
413  });
414  Kokkos::fence();
416  // query the point cloud to generate the neighbor lists using a radius search
418  // start with a dry-run, but without enough room to store the results
419  auto max_num_neighbors = point_cloud_search.generate2DNeighborListsFromRadiusSearch(true /* dry run */,
420  target_coords, neighbor_lists, epsilon);
421  printf("max num neighbors: %lu\n", max_num_neighbors);
423  // resize neighbor lists to be large enough to hold the results
424  neighbor_lists = Kokkos::View<int**, Kokkos::DefaultHostExecutionSpace>("neighbor lists",
425  number_target_coords, 1+max_num_neighbors); // first column is # of neighbors
427  // search again, now that we know that there is enough room to store the results
428  max_num_neighbors = point_cloud_search.generate2DNeighborListsFromRadiusSearch(false /* dry run */,
429  target_coords, neighbor_lists, epsilon);
431  auto nla = Convert2DToCompressedRowNeighborLists(neighbor_lists);
433  double radius_search_time = timer.seconds();
434  printf("nanoflann search time: %f s\n", radius_search_time);
436  // convert point cloud search to vector of maps
437  timer.reset();
438  std::vector<std::map<int, double> > point_cloud_neighbor_list(number_target_coords, std::map<int, double>());
439  Kokkos::parallel_for("point search conversion", Kokkos::RangePolicy<Kokkos::DefaultHostExecutionSpace>
440  (0,number_target_coords), [&](const int i) {
441  auto &point_cloud_neighbor_list_i = const_cast<std::map<int, double>& >(point_cloud_neighbor_list[i]);
442  for (int j=0; j<nla.getNumberOfNeighborsHost(i); ++j) {
443  point_cloud_neighbor_list_i[nla.getNeighborHost(i,j)] = 1.0;
444  }
445  });
446  double point_cloud_convert_time = timer.seconds();
447  printf("point cloud convert time: %f s\n", point_cloud_convert_time);
448  Kokkos::fence();
450  // loop over targets, finding all of their neighbors by brute force
451  timer.reset();
452  std::vector<std::map<int, double> > brute_force_neighbor_list(number_target_coords, std::map<int, double>());
453  Kokkos::parallel_for("brute force radius search", Kokkos::RangePolicy<Kokkos::DefaultHostExecutionSpace>
454  (0,number_target_coords), [&](const int i) {
455  auto &brute_force_neighbor_list_i = const_cast<std::map<int, double>& >(brute_force_neighbor_list[i]);
456  for (int j=0; j<number_source_coords; ++j) {
457  double dist = 0;
458  for (int k=0; k<dimension; ++k) {
459  dist += (target_coords(i,k)-source_coords(j,k))*(target_coords(i,k)-source_coords(j,k));
460  }
461  dist = std::sqrt(dist);
463  if (dist<(h_multiplier + random_vec(i))*h_spacing) {
464  brute_force_neighbor_list_i[j]=dist;
465  }
466  }
467  });
468  double brute_force_search_time = timer.seconds();
469  printf("brute force search time: %f s\n", brute_force_search_time);
470  Kokkos::fence();
472  timer.reset();
473  // check that all neighbors in brute force list are in point cloud search list
474  int num_passed = 0;
475  Kokkos::parallel_reduce("check brute force search in point cloud search", Kokkos::RangePolicy<Kokkos::DefaultHostExecutionSpace>
476  (0,number_target_coords), [&](const int i, int& t_num_passed) {
477  bool all_found = true;
478  for (auto it=brute_force_neighbor_list[i].begin(); it!=brute_force_neighbor_list[i].end(); ++it) {
479  if (point_cloud_neighbor_list[i].count(it->first)!=1) {
480  all_found = false;
481  }
482  }
483  if (all_found) t_num_passed++;
484  }, Kokkos::Sum<int>(num_passed));
485  Kokkos::fence();
486  if (num_passed != number_target_coords) {
487  printf("Brute force neighbor not found in point cloud list\n");
488  all_passed = false;
489  }
491  num_passed = 0;
492  // check that all neighbors in point cloud search list are in brute force list
493  Kokkos::parallel_reduce("original in brute force search", Kokkos::RangePolicy<Kokkos::DefaultHostExecutionSpace>
494  (0,number_target_coords), KOKKOS_LAMBDA(const int i, int& t_num_passed) {
495  bool all_found = true;
496  for (int j=0; j<nla.getNumberOfNeighborsHost(i); ++j) {
497  if (brute_force_neighbor_list[i].count(nla.getNeighborHost(i,j))!=1) {
498  all_found = false;
499  }
500  }
501  if (all_found) t_num_passed++;
502  }, Kokkos::Sum<int>(num_passed));
503  Kokkos::fence();
504  if (num_passed != number_target_coords) {
505  printf("Point cloud neighbor not found in brute force list\n");
506  all_passed = false;
507  }
509  double check_time = timer.seconds();
510  printf("check time: %f s\n", check_time);
511  }
512  }
513  else if (do_knn_search) {
515  // do knn search
516  timer.reset();
517  { // 1D compressed row neighbor lists
518  printf("\n1D compressed row neighbor lists:\n");
519  // Point cloud construction for neighbor search
520  // CreatePointCloudSearch constructs an object of type PointCloudSearch, but deduces the templates for you
521  auto point_cloud_search(CreatePointCloudSearch(source_coords, dimension));
523  const int min_neighbors = Compadre::GMLS::getNP(3, dimension);
524  Kokkos::View<int*, Kokkos::DefaultHostExecutionSpace> neighbor_lists("neighbor lists",
525  number_target_coords); // first column is # of neighbors
526  Kokkos::View<int*, Kokkos::DefaultHostExecutionSpace> number_neighbors_list("number of neighbors list",
527  number_target_coords); // first column is # of neighbors
529  // each target site has a window size
530  Kokkos::View<double*, Kokkos::DefaultHostExecutionSpace> epsilon("h supports", number_target_coords);
532  // query the point cloud to generate the neighbor lists using a KNN search
534  // start with a dry-run, but without enough room to store the results
535  auto total_num_neighbors = point_cloud_search.generateCRNeighborListsFromKNNSearch(true /* dry-run for sizes */,
536  target_coords, neighbor_lists, number_neighbors_list, epsilon, min_neighbors, 1.5 /* cutoff_multiplier */);
537  printf("total num neighbors: %lu\n", total_num_neighbors);
539  // resize with room to store results
540  Kokkos::resize(neighbor_lists, total_num_neighbors);
542  // real knn search with space to store
543  point_cloud_search.generateCRNeighborListsFromKNNSearch(false /*not dry run*/,
544  target_coords, neighbor_lists, number_neighbors_list, epsilon, min_neighbors, 1.5 /* cutoff_multiplier */);
546  auto nla(CreateNeighborLists(neighbor_lists, number_neighbors_list));
548  // convert point cloud search to vector of maps
549  timer.reset();
550  std::vector<std::map<int, double> > point_cloud_neighbor_list(number_target_coords, std::map<int, double>());
551  Kokkos::parallel_for("point search conversion", Kokkos::RangePolicy<Kokkos::DefaultHostExecutionSpace>
552  (0,number_target_coords), [&](const int i) {
553  auto &point_cloud_neighbor_list_i = const_cast<std::map<int, double>& >(point_cloud_neighbor_list[i]);
554  for (int j=0; j<nla.getNumberOfNeighborsHost(i); ++j) {
555  double dist = 0;
556  for (int k=0; k<dimension; ++k) {
557  dist += (target_coords(i,k)-source_coords(nla.getNeighborHost(i,j),k))*(target_coords(i,k)-source_coords(nla.getNeighborHost(i,j),k));
558  }
559  dist = std::sqrt(dist);
560  point_cloud_neighbor_list_i[nla.getNeighborHost(i,j)] = dist;
561  }
562  });
563  double point_cloud_convert_time = timer.seconds();
564  printf("point cloud convert time: %f s\n", point_cloud_convert_time);
565  Kokkos::fence();
567  double eps = 1e-14;
568  // need to do a sort by dist, then verify epsilon(i) = 1.5 * knn_distance
569  int epsilon_diff_from_knn_dist_multiplied = 0;
570  Kokkos::parallel_reduce("check kth neighbor in point cloud", Kokkos::RangePolicy<Kokkos::DefaultHostExecutionSpace>
571  (0,number_target_coords), [&](const int i, int& t_epsilon_diff_from_knn_dist_multiplied) {
572  auto &point_cloud_neighbor_list_i = const_cast<std::map<int, double>& >(point_cloud_neighbor_list[i]);
573  std::multimap<double, int> inverted_map = invert_map(point_cloud_neighbor_list_i);
574  int j = 0;
575  for (auto it=inverted_map.begin(); it!=inverted_map.end(); ++it) {
576  if (j==min_neighbors-1) {
577  if (std::abs(epsilon(i)/1.5 - it->first) > eps) {
578  t_epsilon_diff_from_knn_dist_multiplied++;
579  }
580  break;
581  }
582  j++;
583  }
584  }, Kokkos::Sum<int>(epsilon_diff_from_knn_dist_multiplied));
585  if (epsilon_diff_from_knn_dist_multiplied > 0) {
586  printf("1.5*kth_neighbor_distance differs from calculation in epsilon vector.\n");
587  all_passed = false;
588  }
590  // loop over targets, finding knn by brute force
591  // point cloud multiplied kth by 1.5, but we are searching by brute force to ensure that for the distance h,
592  // we find at least as many neighbors as min_neighbors
593  // (not for the 1.5x as many, but rather for 1.0x as many)
594  timer.reset();
595  int total_insufficient_neighbors = 0;
596  std::vector<std::map<int, double> > brute_force_neighbor_list(number_target_coords, std::map<int, double>());
597  Kokkos::parallel_reduce("brute force knn search", Kokkos::RangePolicy<Kokkos::DefaultHostExecutionSpace>
598  (0,number_target_coords), [&](const int i, int& t_total_insufficient_neighbors) {
599  auto &brute_force_neighbor_list_i = const_cast<std::map<int, double>& >(brute_force_neighbor_list[i]);
600  for (int j=0; j<number_source_coords; ++j) {
601  double dist = 0;
602  for (int k=0; k<dimension; ++k) {
603  dist += (target_coords(i,k)-source_coords(j,k))*(target_coords(i,k)-source_coords(j,k));
604  }
605  dist = std::sqrt(dist);
607  // epsilon was set to 1.5 * distance to kth neighbor, but we need distance to kth neighbor
608  if (dist<(epsilon(i)/1.5 + eps)) {
609  brute_force_neighbor_list_i[j]=dist;
610  }
611  }
612  // verify k neighbors found
613  if (brute_force_neighbor_list_i.size() < (size_t)min_neighbors) t_total_insufficient_neighbors++;
614  }, Kokkos::Sum<int>(total_insufficient_neighbors));
615  if (total_insufficient_neighbors > 0) {
616  printf("less neighbors found using kth_neighbor_distance+eps than using knn search.\n");
617  all_passed = false;
618  }
619  double brute_force_search_time = timer.seconds();
620  printf("brute force search time: %f s\n", brute_force_search_time);
621  Kokkos::fence();
622  }
623  timer.reset();
624  { // 2D neighbor lists
625  printf("\n2D neighbor lists:\n");
626  // Point cloud construction for neighbor search
627  // CreatePointCloudSearch constructs an object of type PointCloudSearch, but deduces the templates for you
628  auto point_cloud_search(CreatePointCloudSearch(source_coords, dimension));
630  const int min_neighbors = Compadre::GMLS::getNP(3, dimension);
631  Kokkos::View<int**, Kokkos::DefaultHostExecutionSpace> neighbor_lists("neighbor lists",
632  number_target_coords, 1+min_neighbors); // first column is # of neighbors
634  // each target site has a window size
635  Kokkos::View<double*, Kokkos::DefaultHostExecutionSpace> epsilon("h supports", number_target_coords);
637  // query the point cloud to generate the neighbor lists using a KNN search
638  // start with a dry-run, but without enough room to store the results
639  auto max_num_neighbors = point_cloud_search.generate2DNeighborListsFromKNNSearch(true /* dry-run for sizes */,
640  target_coords, neighbor_lists, epsilon, min_neighbors, 1.5 /* cutoff_multiplier */);
641  printf("max num neighbors: %lu\n", max_num_neighbors);
643  // resize with room to store results
644  Kokkos::resize(neighbor_lists, neighbor_lists.extent(0), 1+max_num_neighbors);
646  // real knn search with space to store
647  max_num_neighbors = point_cloud_search.generate2DNeighborListsFromKNNSearch(false /*not dry run*/,
648  target_coords, neighbor_lists, epsilon, min_neighbors, 1.5 /* cutoff_multiplier */);
650  // convert point cloud search to vector of maps
651  timer.reset();
652  std::vector<std::map<int, double> > point_cloud_neighbor_list(number_target_coords, std::map<int, double>());
653  Kokkos::parallel_for("point search conversion", Kokkos::RangePolicy<Kokkos::DefaultHostExecutionSpace>
654  (0,number_target_coords), [&](const int i) {
655  auto &point_cloud_neighbor_list_i = const_cast<std::map<int, double>& >(point_cloud_neighbor_list[i]);
656  for (int j=1; j<=neighbor_lists(i,0); ++j) {
657  double dist = 0;
658  for (int k=0; k<dimension; ++k) {
659  dist += (target_coords(i,k)-source_coords(neighbor_lists(i,j),k))*(target_coords(i,k)-source_coords(neighbor_lists(i,j),k));
660  }
661  dist = std::sqrt(dist);
662  point_cloud_neighbor_list_i[neighbor_lists(i,j)] = dist;
663  }
664  });
665  double point_cloud_convert_time = timer.seconds();
666  printf("point cloud convert time: %f s\n", point_cloud_convert_time);
667  Kokkos::fence();
669  double eps = 1e-14;
670  // need to do a sort by dist, then verify epsilon(i) = 1.5 * knn_distance
671  int epsilon_diff_from_knn_dist_multiplied = 0;
672  Kokkos::parallel_reduce("check kth neighbor in point cloud", Kokkos::RangePolicy<Kokkos::DefaultHostExecutionSpace>
673  (0,number_target_coords), [&](const int i, int& t_epsilon_diff_from_knn_dist_multiplied) {
674  auto &point_cloud_neighbor_list_i = const_cast<std::map<int, double>& >(point_cloud_neighbor_list[i]);
675  std::multimap<double, int> inverted_map = invert_map(point_cloud_neighbor_list_i);
676  int j = 0;
677  for (auto it=inverted_map.begin(); it!=inverted_map.end(); ++it) {
678  if (j==min_neighbors-1) {
679  if (std::abs(epsilon(i)/1.5 - it->first) > eps) {
680  t_epsilon_diff_from_knn_dist_multiplied++;
681  }
682  break;
683  }
684  j++;
685  }
686  }, Kokkos::Sum<int>(epsilon_diff_from_knn_dist_multiplied));
687  if (epsilon_diff_from_knn_dist_multiplied > 0) {
688  printf("1.5*kth_neighbor_distance differs from calculation in epsilon vector.\n");
689  all_passed = false;
690  }
692  // loop over targets, finding knn by brute force
693  // point cloud multiplied kth by 1.5, but we are searching by brute force to ensure that for the distance h,
694  // we find at least as many neighbors as min_neighbors
695  // (not for the 1.5x as many, but rather for 1.0x as many)
696  timer.reset();
697  int total_insufficient_neighbors = 0;
698  std::vector<std::map<int, double> > brute_force_neighbor_list(number_target_coords, std::map<int, double>());
699  Kokkos::parallel_reduce("brute force knn search", Kokkos::RangePolicy<Kokkos::DefaultHostExecutionSpace>
700  (0,number_target_coords), [&](const int i, int& t_total_insufficient_neighbors) {
701  auto &brute_force_neighbor_list_i = const_cast<std::map<int, double>& >(brute_force_neighbor_list[i]);
702  for (int j=0; j<number_source_coords; ++j) {
703  double dist = 0;
704  for (int k=0; k<dimension; ++k) {
705  dist += (target_coords(i,k)-source_coords(j,k))*(target_coords(i,k)-source_coords(j,k));
706  }
707  dist = std::sqrt(dist);
709  // epsilon was set to 1.5 * distance to kth neighbor, but we need distance to kth neighbor
710  if (dist<(epsilon(i)/1.5 + eps)) {
711  brute_force_neighbor_list_i[j]=dist;
712  }
713  }
714  // verify k neighbors found
715  if (brute_force_neighbor_list_i.size() < (size_t)min_neighbors) t_total_insufficient_neighbors++;
716  }, Kokkos::Sum<int>(total_insufficient_neighbors));
717  if (total_insufficient_neighbors > 0) {
718  printf("less neighbors found using kth_neighbor_distance+eps than using knn search.\n");
719  all_passed = false;
720  }
721  double brute_force_search_time = timer.seconds();
722  printf("brute force search time: %f s\n", brute_force_search_time);
723  Kokkos::fence();
724  }
725  timer.reset();
726  { // convert 2D neighbor lists to 1D compressed row neighbor lists
727  printf("\n2D neighbor lists converted to 1D compressed row neighbor lists:\n");
728  // Point cloud construction for neighbor search
729  // CreatePointCloudSearch constructs an object of type PointCloudSearch, but deduces the templates for you
730  auto point_cloud_search(CreatePointCloudSearch(source_coords, dimension));
732  const int min_neighbors = Compadre::GMLS::getNP(3, dimension);
733  Kokkos::View<int**, Kokkos::DefaultHostExecutionSpace> neighbor_lists("neighbor lists",
734  number_target_coords, 1+min_neighbors); // first column is # of neighbors
736  // each target site has a window size
737  Kokkos::View<double*, Kokkos::DefaultHostExecutionSpace> epsilon("h supports", number_target_coords);
739  // query the point cloud to generate the neighbor lists using a KNN search
740  // start with a dry-run, but without enough room to store the results
741  auto max_num_neighbors = point_cloud_search.generate2DNeighborListsFromKNNSearch(true /* dry-run for sizes */,
742  target_coords, neighbor_lists, epsilon, min_neighbors, 1.5 /* cutoff_multiplier */);
743  printf("max num neighbors: %lu\n", max_num_neighbors);
745  // resize with room to store results
746  Kokkos::resize(neighbor_lists, neighbor_lists.extent(0), 1+max_num_neighbors);
748  // real knn search with space to store
749  max_num_neighbors = point_cloud_search.generate2DNeighborListsFromKNNSearch(false /*not dry run*/,
750  target_coords, neighbor_lists, epsilon, min_neighbors, 1.5 /* cutoff_multiplier */);
752  auto nla = Convert2DToCompressedRowNeighborLists(neighbor_lists);
754  // convert point cloud search to vector of maps
755  timer.reset();
756  std::vector<std::map<int, double> > point_cloud_neighbor_list(number_target_coords, std::map<int, double>());
757  Kokkos::parallel_for("point search conversion", Kokkos::RangePolicy<Kokkos::DefaultHostExecutionSpace>
758  (0,number_target_coords), [&](const int i) {
759  auto &point_cloud_neighbor_list_i = const_cast<std::map<int, double>& >(point_cloud_neighbor_list[i]);
760  for (int j=0; j<nla.getNumberOfNeighborsHost(i); ++j) {
761  double dist = 0;
762  for (int k=0; k<dimension; ++k) {
763  dist += (target_coords(i,k)-source_coords(nla.getNeighborHost(i,j),k))*(target_coords(i,k)-source_coords(nla.getNeighborHost(i,j),k));
764  }
765  dist = std::sqrt(dist);
766  point_cloud_neighbor_list_i[nla.getNeighborHost(i,j)] = dist;
767  }
768  });
769  double point_cloud_convert_time = timer.seconds();
770  printf("point cloud convert time: %f s\n", point_cloud_convert_time);
771  Kokkos::fence();
773  double eps = 1e-14;
774  // need to do a sort by dist, then verify epsilon(i) = 1.5 * knn_distance
775  int epsilon_diff_from_knn_dist_multiplied = 0;
776  Kokkos::parallel_reduce("check kth neighbor in point cloud", Kokkos::RangePolicy<Kokkos::DefaultHostExecutionSpace>
777  (0,number_target_coords), [&](const int i, int& t_epsilon_diff_from_knn_dist_multiplied) {
778  auto &point_cloud_neighbor_list_i = const_cast<std::map<int, double>& >(point_cloud_neighbor_list[i]);
779  std::multimap<double, int> inverted_map = invert_map(point_cloud_neighbor_list_i);
780  int j = 0;
781  for (auto it=inverted_map.begin(); it!=inverted_map.end(); ++it) {
782  if (j==min_neighbors-1) {
783  if (std::abs(epsilon(i)/1.5 - it->first) > eps) {
784  t_epsilon_diff_from_knn_dist_multiplied++;
785  }
786  break;
787  }
788  j++;
789  }
790  }, Kokkos::Sum<int>(epsilon_diff_from_knn_dist_multiplied));
791  if (epsilon_diff_from_knn_dist_multiplied > 0) {
792  printf("1.5*kth_neighbor_distance differs from calculation in epsilon vector.\n");
793  all_passed = false;
794  }
796  // loop over targets, finding knn by brute force
797  // point cloud multiplied kth by 1.5, but we are searching by brute force to ensure that for the distance h,
798  // we find at least as many neighbors as min_neighbors
799  // (not for the 1.5x as many, but rather for 1.0x as many)
800  timer.reset();
801  int total_insufficient_neighbors = 0;
802  std::vector<std::map<int, double> > brute_force_neighbor_list(number_target_coords, std::map<int, double>());
803  Kokkos::parallel_reduce("brute force knn search", Kokkos::RangePolicy<Kokkos::DefaultHostExecutionSpace>
804  (0,number_target_coords), [&](const int i, int& t_total_insufficient_neighbors) {
805  auto &brute_force_neighbor_list_i = const_cast<std::map<int, double>& >(brute_force_neighbor_list[i]);
806  for (int j=0; j<number_source_coords; ++j) {
807  double dist = 0;
808  for (int k=0; k<dimension; ++k) {
809  dist += (target_coords(i,k)-source_coords(j,k))*(target_coords(i,k)-source_coords(j,k));
810  }
811  dist = std::sqrt(dist);
813  // epsilon was set to 1.5 * distance to kth neighbor, but we need distance to kth neighbor
814  if (dist<(epsilon(i)/1.5 + eps)) {
815  brute_force_neighbor_list_i[j]=dist;
816  }
817  }
818  // verify k neighbors found
819  if (brute_force_neighbor_list_i.size() < (size_t)min_neighbors) t_total_insufficient_neighbors++;
820  }, Kokkos::Sum<int>(total_insufficient_neighbors));
821  if (total_insufficient_neighbors > 0) {
822  printf("less neighbors found using kth_neighbor_distance+eps than using knn search.\n");
823  all_passed = false;
824  }
825  double brute_force_search_time = timer.seconds();
826  printf("brute force search time: %f s\n", brute_force_search_time);
827  Kokkos::fence();
828  }
829  } else {
830  all_passed = false;
831  printf("do_radius_search and do_knn_search both false. Invalid combination.\n");
832  }
833 }
835 // finalize Kokkos and MPI (if available)
836 Kokkos::finalize();
838 MPI_Finalize();
839 #endif
841 // output to user that test passed or failed
842 if(all_passed) {
843  fprintf(stdout, "Passed test \n");
844  return 0;
845 } else {
846  fprintf(stdout, "Failed test \n");
847  return -1;
848 }
850 } // main
PointCloudSearch< view_type > CreatePointCloudSearch(view_type src_view, const local_index_type dimensions=-1, const local_index_type max_leaf=-1)
CreatePointCloudSearch allows for the construction of an object of type PointCloudSearch with templat...
int main(int argc, char **argv)
NeighborLists< view_type > CreateNeighborLists(view_type number_of_neighbors_list)
CreateNeighborLists allows for the construction of an object of type NeighborLists with template dedu...
std::pair< T2, T1 > swap_pair(const std::pair< T1, T2 > &item)
std::multimap< T2, T1 > invert_map(const std::map< T1, T2 > &original_map)
static KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION int getNP(const int m, const int dimension=3, const ReconstructionSpace r_space=ReconstructionSpace::ScalarTaylorPolynomial)
Returns size of the basis for a given polynomial order and dimension General to dimension 1...
NeighborLists< view_type_1d > Convert2DToCompressedRowNeighborLists(view_type_2d neighbor_lists)
Converts 2D neighbor lists to compressed row neighbor lists.