Compadre  1.5.5
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3 #include "KokkosBatched_Copy_Decl.hpp"
4 #include "KokkosBatched_ApplyPivot_Decl.hpp"
5 #include "KokkosBatched_Gemv_Decl.hpp"
6 #include "KokkosBatched_Trsv_Decl.hpp"
7 #include "KokkosBatched_UTV_Decl.hpp"
8 #include "KokkosBatched_SolveUTV_Decl_Compadre.hpp"
10 using namespace KokkosBatched;
12 namespace Compadre{
13 namespace GMLS_LinearAlgebra {
15  template<typename DeviceType,
16  typename AlgoTagType,
17  typename MatrixViewType_A,
18  typename MatrixViewType_B,
19  typename MatrixViewType_X>
21  MatrixViewType_A _a;
22  MatrixViewType_B _b;
26  int _M, _N, _NRHS;
31  const int M,
32  const int N,
33  const int NRHS,
34  const MatrixViewType_A &a,
35  const MatrixViewType_B &b,
36  const bool implicit_RHS)
37  : _a(a), _b(b), _M(M), _N(N), _NRHS(NRHS), _implicit_RHS(implicit_RHS)
38  { _pm_getTeamScratchLevel_0 = 0; _pm_getTeamScratchLevel_1 = 0; }
40  template<typename MemberType>
42  void operator()(const MemberType &member) const {
44  const int k = member.league_rank();
46  // workspace vectors
47  scratch_vector_type ww_fast(member.team_scratch(_pm_getTeamScratchLevel_0), 3*_M);
48  scratch_vector_type ww_slow(member.team_scratch(_pm_getTeamScratchLevel_1), _N*_NRHS);
50  scratch_matrix_right_type aa( + TO_GLOBAL(k)*TO_GLOBAL(_a.extent(1))*TO_GLOBAL(_a.extent(2)),
51  _a.extent(1), _a.extent(2));
52  scratch_matrix_right_type bb( + TO_GLOBAL(k)*TO_GLOBAL(_b.extent(1))*TO_GLOBAL(_b.extent(2)),
53  _b.extent(1), _b.extent(2));
54  scratch_matrix_right_type xx( + TO_GLOBAL(k)*TO_GLOBAL(_b.extent(1))*TO_GLOBAL(_b.extent(2)),
55  _b.extent(1), _b.extent(2));
57  // if sizes don't match extents, then copy to a view with extents matching sizes
58  if ((size_t)_M!=_a.extent(1) || (size_t)_N!=_a.extent(2)) {
59  scratch_matrix_right_type tmp(, _M, _N);
60  auto aaa = scratch_matrix_right_type( + TO_GLOBAL(k)*TO_GLOBAL(_a.extent(1))*TO_GLOBAL(_a.extent(2)), _M, _N);
61  // copy A to W, then back to A
62  Kokkos::parallel_for(Kokkos::TeamThreadRange(member,0,_M),[&](const int &i) {
63  Kokkos::parallel_for(Kokkos::ThreadVectorRange(member,0,_N),[&](const int &j) {
64  tmp(i,j) = aa(i,j);
65  });
66  });
67  member.team_barrier();
68  Kokkos::parallel_for(Kokkos::TeamThreadRange(member,0,_M),[&](const int &i) {
69  Kokkos::parallel_for(Kokkos::ThreadVectorRange(member,0,_N),[&](const int &j) {
70  aaa(i,j) = tmp(i,j);
71  });
72  });
73  member.team_barrier();
74  aa = aaa;
75  }
77  if (std::is_same<typename MatrixViewType_B::array_layout, layout_left>::value) {
78  scratch_matrix_right_type tmp(, _N, _NRHS);
79  // coming from LU
80  // then copy B to W, then back to B
81  auto bb_left =
82  scratch_matrix_left_type( + TO_GLOBAL(k)*TO_GLOBAL(_b.extent(1))*TO_GLOBAL(_b.extent(2)),
83  _b.extent(1), _b.extent(2));
84  Kokkos::parallel_for(Kokkos::TeamThreadRange(member,0,_N),[&](const int &i) {
85  Kokkos::parallel_for(Kokkos::ThreadVectorRange(member,0,_NRHS),[&](const int &j) {
86  tmp(i,j) = bb_left(i,j);
87  });
88  });
89  member.team_barrier();
90  Kokkos::parallel_for(Kokkos::TeamThreadRange(member,0,_N),[&](const int &i) {
91  Kokkos::parallel_for(Kokkos::ThreadVectorRange(member,0,_NRHS),[&](const int &j) {
92  bb(i,j) = tmp(i,j);
93  });
94  });
95  }
97  scratch_matrix_right_type uu(member.team_scratch(_pm_getTeamScratchLevel_1), _M, _N /* only N columns of U are filled, maximum */);
98  scratch_matrix_right_type vv(member.team_scratch(_pm_getTeamScratchLevel_1), _N, _N);
99  scratch_local_index_type pp(member.team_scratch(_pm_getTeamScratchLevel_0), _N);
101  bool do_print = false;
102  if (do_print) {
103  Kokkos::single(Kokkos::PerTeam(member), [&] () {
104 #if KOKKOS_VERSION >= 40200
105  using Kokkos::printf;
106 #endif
107  //print a
108  printf("a=zeros(%lu,%lu);\n", aa.extent(0), aa.extent(1));
109  for (size_t i=0; i<aa.extent(0); ++i) {
110  for (size_t j=0; j<aa.extent(1); ++j) {
111  printf("a(%lu,%lu)= %f;\n", i+1,j+1, aa(i,j));
112  }
113  }
114  //print b
115  printf("b=zeros(%lu,%lu);\n", bb.extent(0), bb.extent(1));
116  for (size_t i=0; i<bb.extent(0); ++i) {
117  for (size_t j=0; j<bb.extent(1); ++j) {
118  printf("b(%lu,%lu)= %f;\n", i+1,j+1, bb(i,j));
119  }
120  }
121  });
122  }
123  do_print = false;
125  /// Solving Ax = b using UTV transformation
126  /// A P^T P x = b
127  /// UTV P x = b;
129  /// UTV = A P^T
130  int matrix_rank(0);
131  member.team_barrier();
132  TeamVectorUTV<MemberType,AlgoTagType>
133  ::invoke(member, aa, pp, uu, vv, ww_fast, matrix_rank);
134  member.team_barrier();
136  if (do_print) {
137  Kokkos::single(Kokkos::PerTeam(member), [&] () {
138 #if KOKKOS_VERSION >= 40200
139  using Kokkos::printf;
140 #endif
141  printf("matrix_rank: %d\n", matrix_rank);
142  //print u
143  printf("u=zeros(%lu,%lu);\n", uu.extent(0), uu.extent(1));
144  for (size_t i=0; i<uu.extent(0); ++i) {
145  for (size_t j=0; j<uu.extent(1); ++j) {
146  printf("u(%lu,%lu)= %f;\n", i+1,j+1, uu(i,j));
147  }
148  }
149  });
150  }
151  TeamVectorSolveUTVCompadre<MemberType,AlgoTagType>
152  ::invoke(member, matrix_rank, _M, _N, _NRHS, uu, aa, vv, pp, bb, xx, ww_slow, ww_fast, _implicit_RHS);
153  member.team_barrier();
155  }
157  inline
158  void run(ParallelManager pm) {
159  typedef typename MatrixViewType_A::non_const_value_type value_type;
160  std::string name_region("KokkosBatched::Test::TeamVectorSolveUTVCompadre");
161  std::string name_value_type = ( std::is_same<value_type,float>::value ? "::Float" :
162  std::is_same<value_type,double>::value ? "::Double" :
163  std::is_same<value_type,Kokkos::complex<float> >::value ? "::ComplexFloat" :
164  std::is_same<value_type,Kokkos::complex<double> >::value ? "::ComplexDouble" : "::UnknownValueType" );
165  std::string name = name_region + name_value_type;
166  Kokkos::Profiling::pushRegion( name.c_str() );
168  _pm_getTeamScratchLevel_0 = pm.getTeamScratchLevel(0);
169  _pm_getTeamScratchLevel_1 = pm.getTeamScratchLevel(1);
171  int scratch_size = scratch_matrix_right_type::shmem_size(_N, _N); // V
172  scratch_size += scratch_matrix_right_type::shmem_size(_M, _N /* only N columns of U are filled, maximum */); // U
173  scratch_size += scratch_vector_type::shmem_size(_N*_NRHS); // W (for SolveUTV)
175  int l0_scratch_size = scratch_vector_type::shmem_size(_N); // P (temporary)
176  l0_scratch_size += scratch_vector_type::shmem_size(3*_M); // W (for UTV)
178  pm.clearScratchSizes();
179  pm.setTeamScratchSize(0, l0_scratch_size);
180  pm.setTeamScratchSize(1, scratch_size);
182  pm.CallFunctorWithTeamThreadsAndVectors(*this, _a.extent(0));
183  Kokkos::fence();
185  Kokkos::Profiling::popRegion();
186  }
187  };
191 template <typename A_layout, typename B_layout, typename X_layout>
192 void batchQRPivotingSolve(ParallelManager pm, double *A, int lda, int nda, double *B, int ldb, int ndb, int M, int N, int NRHS, const int num_matrices, const bool implicit_RHS) {
194  typedef Algo::UTV::Unblocked algo_tag_type;
195  typedef Kokkos::View<double***, A_layout, Kokkos::MemoryTraits<Kokkos::Unmanaged> >
196  MatrixViewType_A;
197  typedef Kokkos::View<double***, B_layout, Kokkos::MemoryTraits<Kokkos::Unmanaged> >
198  MatrixViewType_B;
199  typedef Kokkos::View<double***, X_layout, Kokkos::MemoryTraits<Kokkos::Unmanaged> >
200  MatrixViewType_X;
202  MatrixViewType_A mat_A(A, num_matrices, lda, nda);
203  MatrixViewType_B mat_B(B, num_matrices, ldb, ndb);
206  <device_execution_space, algo_tag_type, MatrixViewType_A, MatrixViewType_B, MatrixViewType_X>(M,N,NRHS,mat_A,mat_B,implicit_RHS).run(pm);
208 }
210 template void batchQRPivotingSolve<layout_right, layout_right, layout_right>(ParallelManager,double*,int,int,double*,int,int,int,int,int,const int,const bool);
211 template void batchQRPivotingSolve<layout_right, layout_right, layout_left >(ParallelManager,double*,int,int,double*,int,int,int,int,int,const int,const bool);
212 template void batchQRPivotingSolve<layout_right, layout_left , layout_right>(ParallelManager,double*,int,int,double*,int,int,int,int,int,const int,const bool);
213 template void batchQRPivotingSolve<layout_right, layout_left , layout_left >(ParallelManager,double*,int,int,double*,int,int,int,int,int,const int,const bool);
214 template void batchQRPivotingSolve<layout_left , layout_right, layout_right>(ParallelManager,double*,int,int,double*,int,int,int,int,int,const int,const bool);
215 template void batchQRPivotingSolve<layout_left , layout_right, layout_left >(ParallelManager,double*,int,int,double*,int,int,int,int,int,const int,const bool);
216 template void batchQRPivotingSolve<layout_left , layout_left , layout_right>(ParallelManager,double*,int,int,double*,int,int,int,int,int,const int,const bool);
217 template void batchQRPivotingSolve<layout_left , layout_left , layout_left >(ParallelManager,double*,int,int,double*,int,int,int,int,int,const int,const bool);
219 } // GMLS_LinearAlgebra
220 } // Compadre
template void batchQRPivotingSolve< layout_right, layout_right, layout_left >(ParallelManager, double *, int, int, double *, int, int, int, int, int, const int, const bool)
template void batchQRPivotingSolve< layout_left, layout_right, layout_left >(ParallelManager, double *, int, int, double *, int, int, int, int, int, const int, const bool)
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION int getTeamScratchLevel(const int level) const
template void batchQRPivotingSolve< layout_left, layout_left, layout_right >(ParallelManager, double *, int, int, double *, int, int, int, int, int, const int, const bool)
template void batchQRPivotingSolve< layout_left, layout_left, layout_left >(ParallelManager, double *, int, int, double *, int, int, int, int, int, const int, const bool)
staggered TIMEOUT REQUIRED_FILES< TARGET_FILE:GMLS_Staggered_Manifold_Test > run('${SWIG_PREFIX}/Matlab_1D_Using_Python_Interface.m')
void batchQRPivotingSolve(ParallelManager pm, double *A, int lda, int nda, double *B, int ldb, int ndb, int M, int N, int NRHS, const int num_matrices, const bool implicit_RHS)
Solves a batch of problems with QR+Pivoting.
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION Functor_TestBatchedTeamVectorSolveUTV(const int M, const int N, const int NRHS, const MatrixViewType_A &a, const MatrixViewType_B &b, const bool implicit_RHS)
Kokkos::DefaultExecutionSpace device_execution_space
#define TO_GLOBAL(variable)
Kokkos::View< double **, layout_right, Kokkos::MemoryTraits< Kokkos::Unmanaged > > scratch_matrix_right_type
Kokkos::View< double *, Kokkos::MemoryTraits< Kokkos::Unmanaged > > scratch_vector_type
Kokkos::View< double **, layout_left, Kokkos::MemoryTraits< Kokkos::Unmanaged > > scratch_matrix_left_type
template void batchQRPivotingSolve< layout_right, layout_right, layout_right >(ParallelManager, double *, int, int, double *, int, int, int, int, int, const int, const bool)
void setTeamScratchSize(const int level, const int value)
void CallFunctorWithTeamThreadsAndVectors(C functor, const global_index_type batch_size, const int threads_per_team=-1, const int vector_lanes_per_thread=-1) const
Calls a parallel_for parallel_for will break out over loops over teams with each vector lane executin...
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION void operator()(const MemberType &member) const
template void batchQRPivotingSolve< layout_right, layout_left, layout_left >(ParallelManager, double *, int, int, double *, int, int, int, int, int, const int, const bool)
template void batchQRPivotingSolve< layout_left, layout_right, layout_right >(ParallelManager, double *, int, int, double *, int, int, int, int, int, const int, const bool)
Kokkos::View< int *, Kokkos::MemoryTraits< Kokkos::Unmanaged > > scratch_local_index_type
template void batchQRPivotingSolve< layout_right, layout_left, layout_right >(ParallelManager, double *, int, int, double *, int, int, int, int, int, const int, const bool)