10 #ifndef BELOS_TYPES_HPP
11 #define BELOS_TYPES_HPP
30 BelosError (
const std::string& what_arg) : std::logic_error(what_arg) {}
static const double orthoKappa
DGKS orthogonalization constant.
ScaleType convertStringToScaleType(const std::string &scaleType)
Convert the given string to its ScaleType enum value.
The type of scaling to use on the residual norm value.
Available message types recognized by the linear solvers.
static const double convTol
Default convergence tolerance.
static const double polyTol
Relative residual tolerance for matrix polynomial construction.
Whether the StatusTest wants iteration to stop.
std::string convertStatusTypeToString(const StatusType status)
The string name corresponding to the given StatusType enum value.
std::string convertScaleTypeToString(const ScaleType scaleType)
Convert the given ScaleType enum value to its corresponding string.
Whether to apply the (conjugate) transpose of an operator.
Whether or not to conjugate the transpose for block inner products.
How to reset the solver.
static const double impTolScale
"Implicit Tolerance Scale Factor"
NormType convertStringToNormType(const std::string &normType)
Convert the given string to its NormType enum value.
std::string convertMsgTypeToString(const MsgType msgType)
Show MsgType as a comma-delimited list of names.
BelosError(const std::string &what_arg)
Whether the Belos solve converged for all linear systems.
The type of vector norm to compute.
std::string convertReturnTypeToString(const ReturnType result)
Convert the given ReturnType enum value to its corresponding string.
StatusType convertStringToStatusType(const std::string &status)
The StatusType enum value corresponding to the given string name.
Parent class to all Belos exceptions.
Default parameters common to most Belos solvers.
static const double resScaleFactor
User-defined residual scaling factor.
Belos header file which uses auto-configuration information to include necessary C++ headers...
Style of output used to display status test information.