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1 // @HEADER
2 // *****************************************************************************
3 // Anasazi: Block Eigensolvers Package
4 //
5 // Copyright 2004 NTESS and the Anasazi contributors.
6 // SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
7 // *****************************************************************************
8 // @HEADER
20 #include "AnasaziConfigDefs.hpp"
22 #include <Thyra_DetachedMultiVectorView.hpp>
23 #include <Thyra_MultiVectorBase.hpp>
24 #include <Thyra_MultiVectorStdOps.hpp>
25 #include <Thyra_VectorStdOps.hpp>
27 #include <Teuchos_Ptr.hpp>
28 #include <Teuchos_ArrayRCP.hpp>
29 #include <Teuchos_ArrayView.hpp>
31 namespace Anasazi {
34  //
35  // Implementation of the Anasazi::MultiVecTraits for Thyra::MultiVectorBase
36  //
47  template<class ScalarType>
48  class MultiVecTraits< ScalarType, Thyra::MultiVectorBase<ScalarType> >
49  {
50  private:
51  typedef Thyra::MultiVectorBase<ScalarType> TMVB;
53  typedef typename ST::magnitudeType magType;
55  public:
64  static Teuchos::RCP<TMVB> Clone( const TMVB & mv, const int numvecs )
65  {
66  Teuchos::RCP<TMVB> c = Thyra::createMembers( mv.range(), numvecs );
67  return c;
68  }
74  static Teuchos::RCP<TMVB>
75  CloneCopy (const TMVB& mv)
76  {
77  const int numvecs = mv.domain()->dim();
78  // create the new multivector
79  Teuchos::RCP< TMVB > cc = Thyra::createMembers (mv.range(), numvecs);
80  // copy the data from the source multivector to the new multivector
81  Thyra::assign (Teuchos::outArg (*cc), mv);
82  return cc;
83  }
90  static Teuchos::RCP< TMVB > CloneCopy( const TMVB & mv, const std::vector<int>& index )
91  {
92  const int numvecs = index.size();
93  // create the new multivector
94  Teuchos::RCP<TMVB > cc = Thyra::createMembers (mv.range(), numvecs);
95  // create a view to the relevant part of the source multivector
96  Teuchos::RCP<const TMVB > view = mv.subView ( Teuchos::arrayViewFromVector( index ) );
97  // copy the data from the relevant view to the new multivector
98  Thyra::assign (Teuchos::outArg (*cc), *view);
99  return cc;
100  }
102  static Teuchos::RCP<TMVB>
103  CloneCopy (const TMVB& mv, const Teuchos::Range1D& index)
104  {
105  const int numVecs = index.size();
106  // Create the new multivector
107  Teuchos::RCP<TMVB> cc = Thyra::createMembers (mv.range(), numVecs);
108  // Create a view to the relevant part of the source multivector
109  Teuchos::RCP<const TMVB> view = mv.subView (index);
110  // Copy the data from the view to the new multivector.
111  Thyra::assign (Teuchos::outArg (*cc), *view);
112  return cc;
113  }
120  static Teuchos::RCP< TMVB > CloneViewNonConst( TMVB & mv, const std::vector<int>& index )
121  {
122  int numvecs = index.size();
124  // We do not assume that the indices are sorted, nor do we check that
125  // index.size() > 0. This code is fail-safe, in the sense that a zero
126  // length index vector will pass the error on the Thyra.
128  // Thyra has two ways to create an indexed View:
129  // * contiguous (via a range of columns)
130  // * indexed (via a vector of column indices)
131  // The former is significantly more efficient than the latter, in terms of
132  // computations performed with/against the created view.
133  // We will therefore check to see if the given indices are contiguous, and
134  // if so, we will use the contiguous view creation method.
136  int lb = index[0];
137  bool contig = true;
138  for (int i=0; i<numvecs; i++) {
139  if (lb+i != index[i]) contig = false;
140  }
143  if (contig) {
144  const Thyra::Range1D rng(lb,lb+numvecs-1);
145  // create a contiguous view to the relevant part of the source multivector
146  cc = mv.subView(rng);
147  }
148  else {
149  // create an indexed view to the relevant part of the source multivector
150  cc = mv.subView( Teuchos::arrayViewFromVector( index ) );
151  }
152  return cc;
153  }
155  static Teuchos::RCP<TMVB>
156  CloneViewNonConst (TMVB& mv, const Teuchos::Range1D& index)
157  {
158  // We let Thyra be responsible for checking that the index range
159  // is nonempty.
160  //
161  // Create and return a contiguous view to the relevant part of
162  // the source multivector.
163  return mv.subView (index);
164  }
171  static Teuchos::RCP<const TMVB > CloneView( const TMVB & mv, const std::vector<int>& index )
172  {
173  int numvecs = index.size();
175  // We do not assume that the indices are sorted, nor do we check that
176  // index.size() > 0. This code is fail-safe, in the sense that a zero
177  // length index vector will pass the error on the Thyra.
179  // Thyra has two ways to create an indexed View:
180  // * contiguous (via a range of columns)
181  // * indexed (via a vector of column indices)
182  // The former is significantly more efficient than the latter, in terms of
183  // computations performed with/against the created view.
184  // We will therefore check to see if the given indices are contiguous, and
185  // if so, we will use the contiguous view creation method.
187  int lb = index[0];
188  bool contig = true;
189  for (int i=0; i<numvecs; i++) {
190  if (lb+i != index[i]) contig = false;
191  }
194  if (contig) {
195  const Thyra::Range1D rng(lb,lb+numvecs-1);
196  // create a contiguous view to the relevant part of the source multivector
197  cc = mv.subView(rng);
198  }
199  else {
200  // create an indexed view to the relevant part of the source multivector
201  cc = mv.subView(Teuchos::arrayViewFromVector( index ) );
202  }
203  return cc;
204  }
207  CloneView (const TMVB& mv, const Teuchos::Range1D& index)
208  {
209  // We let Thyra be responsible for checking that the index range
210  // is nonempty.
211  //
212  // Create and return a contiguous view to the relevant part of
213  // the source multivector.
214  return mv.subView (index);
215  }
223  static ptrdiff_t GetGlobalLength( const TMVB & mv )
224  { return mv.range()->dim(); }
227  static int GetNumberVecs( const TMVB & mv )
228  { return mv.domain()->dim(); }
237  static void MvTimesMatAddMv( const ScalarType alpha, const TMVB & A,
239  const ScalarType beta, TMVB & mv )
240  {
241  int m = B.numRows();
242  int n = B.numCols();
243  // Create a view of the B object!
245  B_thyra = Thyra::createMembersView(
246  A.domain(),
247  RTOpPack::ConstSubMultiVectorView<ScalarType>(
248  0, m, 0, n,
249  Teuchos::arcpFromArrayView(Teuchos::arrayView(&B(0,0), B.stride()*B.numCols())), B.stride()
250  )
251  );
252  // perform the operation via A: mv <- alpha*A*B_thyra + beta*mv
253  A.apply(Thyra::NOTRANS,*B_thyra,Teuchos::outArg (mv),alpha,beta);
254  }
258  static void MvAddMv( const ScalarType alpha, const TMVB & A,
259  const ScalarType beta, const TMVB & B, TMVB & mv )
260  {
261  using Teuchos::tuple; using Teuchos::ptrInArg; using Teuchos::inoutArg;
263  Thyra::linear_combination<ScalarType>(
264  tuple(alpha, beta)(), tuple(ptrInArg(A), ptrInArg(B))(), ST::zero(), inoutArg(mv));
265  }
269  static void MvTransMv( const ScalarType alpha, const TMVB & A, const TMVB & mv,
271  {
272  // Create a multivector to hold the result (m by n)
273  int m = A.domain()->dim();
274  int n = mv.domain()->dim();
275  // Create a view of the B object!
277  B_thyra = Thyra::createMembersView(
278  A.domain(),
279  RTOpPack::SubMultiVectorView<ScalarType>(
280  0, m, 0, n,
281  Teuchos::arcpFromArrayView(Teuchos::arrayView(&B(0,0), B.stride()*B.numCols())), B.stride()
282  )
283  );
284  A.apply(Thyra::CONJTRANS,mv,B_thyra.ptr(),alpha,Teuchos::ScalarTraits<ScalarType>::zero());
285  }
290  static void MvDot( const TMVB & mv, const TMVB & A, std::vector<ScalarType> &b )
291  { Thyra::dots(mv,A,Teuchos::arrayViewFromVector( b )); }
295  static void
296  MvScale (TMVB& mv,
297  const ScalarType alpha)
298  {
299  Thyra::scale (alpha, Teuchos::inOutArg (mv));
300  }
304  static void
305  MvScale (TMVB& mv,
306  const std::vector<ScalarType>& alpha)
307  {
308  for (unsigned int i=0; i<alpha.size(); i++) {
309  Thyra::scale (alpha[i], mv.col(i).ptr());
310  }
311  }
321  static void MvNorm( const TMVB & mv, std::vector<typename Teuchos::ScalarTraits<ScalarType>::magnitudeType> &normvec )
322  { Thyra::norms_2(mv,Teuchos::arrayViewFromVector( normvec )); }
331  static void SetBlock( const TMVB & A, const std::vector<int>& index, TMVB & mv )
332  {
333  // Extract the "numvecs" columns of mv indicated by the index vector.
334  int numvecs = index.size();
335  std::vector<int> indexA(numvecs);
336  int numAcols = A.domain()->dim();
337  for (int i=0; i<numvecs; i++) {
338  indexA[i] = i;
339  }
340  // Thyra::assign requires that both arguments have the same number of
341  // vectors. Enforce this, by shrinking one to match the other.
342  if ( numAcols < numvecs ) {
343  // A does not have enough columns to satisfy index_plus. Shrink
344  // index_plus.
345  numvecs = numAcols;
346  }
347  else if ( numAcols > numvecs ) {
348  numAcols = numvecs;
349  indexA.resize( numAcols );
350  }
351  // create a view to the relevant part of the source multivector
352  Teuchos::RCP< const TMVB > relsource = A.subView( Teuchos::arrayViewFromVector( indexA ) );
353  // create a view to the relevant part of the destination multivector
354  Teuchos::RCP< TMVB > reldest = mv.subView( Teuchos::arrayViewFromVector( index ) );
355  // copy the data to the destination multivector subview
356  Thyra::assign (Teuchos::outArg (*reldest), *relsource);
357  }
359  static void
360  SetBlock (const TMVB& A, const Teuchos::Range1D& index, TMVB& mv)
361  {
362  const int numColsA = A.domain()->dim();
363  const int numColsMv = mv.domain()->dim();
364  // 'index' indexes into mv; it's the index set of the target.
365  const bool validIndex = index.lbound() >= 0 && index.ubound() < numColsMv;
366  // We can't take more columns out of A than A has.
367  const bool validSource = index.size() <= numColsA;
369  if (! validIndex || ! validSource)
370  {
371  std::ostringstream os;
372  os << "Anasazi::MultiVecTraits<Scalar, Thyra::MultiVectorBase<Scalar> "
373  ">::SetBlock(A, [" << index.lbound() << ", " << index.ubound()
374  << "], mv): ";
375  TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(index.lbound() < 0, std::invalid_argument,
376  os.str() << "Range lower bound must be nonnegative.");
377  TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(index.ubound() >= numColsMv, std::invalid_argument,
378  os.str() << "Range upper bound must be less than "
379  "the number of columns " << numColsA << " in the "
380  "'mv' output argument.");
381  TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(index.size() > numColsA, std::invalid_argument,
382  os.str() << "Range must have no more elements than"
383  " the number of columns " << numColsA << " in the "
384  "'A' input argument.");
385  TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(true, std::logic_error, "Should never get here!");
386  }
388  // View of the relevant column(s) of the target multivector mv.
389  // We avoid view creation overhead by only creating a view if
390  // the index range is different than [0, (# columns in mv) - 1].
391  Teuchos::RCP<TMVB> mv_view;
392  if (index.lbound() == 0 && index.ubound()+1 == numColsMv)
393  mv_view = Teuchos::rcpFromRef (mv); // Non-const, non-owning RCP
394  else
395  mv_view = mv.subView (index);
397  // View of the relevant column(s) of the source multivector A.
398  // If A has fewer columns than mv_view, then create a view of
399  // the first index.size() columns of A.
401  if (index.size() == numColsA)
402  A_view = Teuchos::rcpFromRef (A); // Const, non-owning RCP
403  else
404  A_view = A.subView (Teuchos::Range1D(0, index.size()-1));
406  // Copy the data to the destination multivector.
407  Thyra::assign (Teuchos::outArg (*mv_view), *A_view);
408  }
410  static void
411  Assign (const TMVB& A, TMVB& mv)
412  {
413  using Teuchos::ptr;
414  using Teuchos::Range1D;
415  using Teuchos::RCP;
417  const int numColsA = A.domain()->dim();
418  const int numColsMv = mv.domain()->dim();
419  if (numColsA > numColsMv) {
420  const std::string prefix ("Anasazi::MultiVecTraits<Scalar, "
421  "Thyra::MultiVectorBase<Scalar>"
422  " >::Assign(A, mv): ");
423  TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(numColsA > numColsMv, std::invalid_argument,
424  prefix << "Input multivector 'A' has "
425  << numColsA << " columns, but output multivector "
426  "'mv' has only " << numColsMv << " columns.");
427  TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(true, std::logic_error, "Should never get here!");
428  }
429  // Copy the data to the destination multivector.
430  if (numColsA == numColsMv) {
431  Thyra::assign (outArg (mv), A);
432  }
433  else {
434  RCP<TMVB> mv_view = CloneViewNonConst (mv, Range1D(0, numColsA-1));
435  Thyra::assign (outArg (*mv_view), A);
436  }
437  }
441  static void MvRandom( TMVB & mv )
442  {
443  // Thyra::randomize generates via a uniform distribution on [l,u]
444  // We will use this to generate on [-1,1]
445  Thyra::randomize(-Teuchos::ScalarTraits<ScalarType>::one(),
447  Teuchos::outArg (mv));
448  }
452  static void
453  MvInit (TMVB& mv,
454  ScalarType alpha = Teuchos::ScalarTraits<ScalarType>::zero())
455  {
456  Thyra::assign (Teuchos::outArg (mv), alpha);
457  }
466  static void MvPrint( const TMVB & mv, std::ostream& os )
467  {
468  Teuchos::RCP<Teuchos::FancyOStream> out = Teuchos::getFancyOStream(Teuchos::rcp(&os,false));
469  out->setf(std::ios_base::scientific);
470  out->precision(16);
471  mv.describe(*out,Teuchos::VERB_EXTREME);
472  }
476  };
480  //
481  // Implementation of the Anasazi::OperatorTraits for Thyra::LinearOpBase
482  //
494  template <class ScalarType>
495  class OperatorTraits < ScalarType, Thyra::MultiVectorBase<ScalarType>, Thyra::LinearOpBase<ScalarType> >
496  {
497  public:
502  static void Apply ( const Thyra::LinearOpBase< ScalarType >& Op, const Thyra::MultiVectorBase< ScalarType > & x, Thyra::MultiVectorBase< ScalarType > & y )
503  {
504  Op.apply(Thyra::NOTRANS,x,Teuchos::outArg (y), Teuchos::ScalarTraits<ScalarType>::one(),Teuchos::ScalarTraits<ScalarType>::zero());
505  }
507  };
509 } // end of Anasazi namespace
511 #endif
512 // end of file ANASAZI_THYRA_ADAPTER_HPP
static void MvNorm(const TMVB &mv, std::vector< typename Teuchos::ScalarTraits< ScalarType >::magnitudeType > &normvec)
Compute the 2-norm of each individual vector of mv. Upon return, normvec[i] holds the value of ...
static Teuchos::RCP< TMVB > CloneCopy(const TMVB &mv, const std::vector< int > &index)
Creates a new MultiVectorBase and copies the selected contents of mv into the new vector (deep copy)...
static void MvDot(const TMVB &mv, const TMVB &A, std::vector< ScalarType > &b)
Compute a vector b where the components are the individual dot-products of the i-th columns of A and ...
Declaration of basic traits for the multivector type.
#define TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(throw_exception_test, Exception, msg)
Virtual base class which defines basic traits for the operator type.
static void MvTimesMatAddMv(const ScalarType alpha, const TMVB &A, const Teuchos::SerialDenseMatrix< int, ScalarType > &B, const ScalarType beta, TMVB &mv)
Update mv with .
static void Assign(const MV &A, MV &mv)
mv := A
Ordinal ubound() const
static void MvPrint(const TMVB &mv, std::ostream &os)
Print the mv multi-vector to the os output stream.
TEUCHOS_DEPRECATED RCP< T > rcp(T *p, Dealloc_T dealloc, bool owns_mem)
static void MvTransMv(const ScalarType alpha, const TMVB &A, const TMVB &mv, Teuchos::SerialDenseMatrix< int, ScalarType > &B)
Compute a dense matrix B through the matrix-matrix multiply .
Ptr< T > ptr() const
Traits class which defines basic operations on multivectors.
static Teuchos::RCP< MV > CloneCopy(const MV &mv)
Creates a new MV and copies contents of mv into the new vector (deep copy).
Virtual base class which defines basic traits for the operator type.
static void MvAddMv(const ScalarType alpha, const TMVB &A, const ScalarType beta, const TMVB &B, TMVB &mv)
Replace mv with .
Anasazi header file which uses auto-configuration information to include necessary C++ headers...
static void MvRandom(TMVB &mv)
Replace the vectors in mv with random vectors.
static Teuchos::RCP< MV > CloneViewNonConst(MV &mv, const std::vector< int > &index)
Creates a new MV that shares the selected contents of mv (shallow copy).
static Teuchos::RCP< const MV > CloneView(const MV &mv, const std::vector< int > &index)
Creates a new const MV that shares the selected contents of mv (shallow copy).
static void SetBlock(const MV &A, const std::vector< int > &index, MV &mv)
Copy the vectors in A to a set of vectors in mv indicated by the indices given in index...
Ordinal lbound() const
OrdinalType numCols() const
static int GetNumberVecs(const TMVB &mv)
Obtain the number of vectors in mv.
static void SetBlock(const TMVB &A, const std::vector< int > &index, TMVB &mv)
Copy the vectors in A to a set of vectors in mv indicated by the indices given in index...
static Teuchos::RCP< TMVB > CloneViewNonConst(TMVB &mv, const std::vector< int > &index)
Creates a new MultiVectorBase that shares the selected contents of mv (shallow copy).
Ordinal size() const
static void MvInit(TMVB &mv, ScalarType alpha=Teuchos::ScalarTraits< ScalarType >::zero())
Replace each element of the vectors in mv with alpha.
static Teuchos::RCP< TMVB > CloneCopy(const TMVB &mv)
Creates a new MultiVectorBase and copies contents of mv into the new vector (deep copy)...
static void MvScale(TMVB &mv, const std::vector< ScalarType > &alpha)
Scale each element of the i-th vector in *this with alpha[i].
static ptrdiff_t GetGlobalLength(const TMVB &mv)
Obtain the vector length of mv.
static void Apply(const Thyra::LinearOpBase< ScalarType > &Op, const Thyra::MultiVectorBase< ScalarType > &x, Thyra::MultiVectorBase< ScalarType > &y)
This method takes the MultiVectorBase x and applies the LinearOpBase Op to it resulting in the MultiV...
static Teuchos::RCP< const TMVB > CloneView(const TMVB &mv, const std::vector< int > &index)
Creates a new const MultiVectorBase that shares the selected contents of mv (shallow copy)...
static void MvScale(TMVB &mv, const ScalarType alpha)
Scale each element of the vectors in *this with alpha.
OrdinalType stride() const
OrdinalType numRows() const
static Teuchos::RCP< TMVB > Clone(const TMVB &mv, const int numvecs)
Creates a new empty MultiVectorBase containing numvecs columns.