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Thyra::AztecOOLinearOpWithSolve Class Reference

Concrete LinearOpWithSolveBase subclass implemented using AztecOO. More...

#include <Thyra_AztecOOLinearOpWithSolve.hpp>

Inheritance diagram for Thyra::AztecOOLinearOpWithSolve:
Inheritance graph


 AztecOOLinearOpWithSolve (const int fwdDefaultMaxIterations=400, const double fwdDefaultTol=1e-6, const int adjDefaultMaxIterations=400, const double adjDefaultTol=1e-6, const bool outputEveryRhs=false)
 The default maximum number of iterations for forward solves. More...
 The default solution tolerance on the residual for forward solves. More...
 The default maximum number of iterations for adjoint solves. More...
 The default solution tolerance on the residual for adjoint solves. More...
 Determine if output for every RHS will be printed or not. More...
void initialize (const RCP< const LinearOpBase< double > > &fwdOp, const RCP< const LinearOpSourceBase< double > > &fwdOpSrc, const RCP< const PreconditionerBase< double > > &prec, const bool isExternalPrec, const RCP< const LinearOpSourceBase< double > > &approxFwdOpSrc, const RCP< AztecOO > &aztecFwdSolver, const bool allowInexactFwdSolve=false, const RCP< AztecOO > &aztecAdjSolver=Teuchos::null, const bool allowInexactAdjSolve=false, const double aztecSolverScalar=1.0)
 Sets up this object. More...
RCP< const LinearOpSourceBase
< double > > 
extract_fwdOpSrc ()
 Extract the forward LinearOpBase<double> object so that it can be modified. More...
RCP< const PreconditionerBase
< double > > 
extract_prec ()
 Extract the preconditioner. More...
bool isExternalPrec () const
 Determine if the preconditioner was external or not. More...
RCP< const LinearOpSourceBase
< double > > 
extract_approxFwdOpSrc ()
 Extract the approximate forward LinearOpBase<double> object used to build the preconditioner. More...
void uninitialize (RCP< const LinearOpBase< double > > *fwdOp=NULL, RCP< const LinearOpSourceBase< double > > *fwdOpSrc=NULL, RCP< const PreconditionerBase< double > > *prec=NULL, bool *isExternalPrec=NULL, RCP< const LinearOpSourceBase< double > > *approxFwdOpSrc=NULL, RCP< AztecOO > *aztecFwdSolver=NULL, bool *allowInexactFwdSolve=NULL, RCP< AztecOO > *aztecAdjSolver=NULL, bool *allowInexactAdjSolve=NULL, double *aztecSolverScalar=NULL)
 Uninitialize. More...

Overridden from LinearOpBase

RCP< const VectorSpaceBase
< double > > 
range () const
RCP< const VectorSpaceBase
< double > > 
domain () const
RCP< const LinearOpBase< double > > clone () const
virtual bool opSupportedImpl (EOpTransp M_trans) const
virtual void applyImpl (const EOpTransp M_trans, const MultiVectorBase< double > &X, const Ptr< MultiVectorBase< double > > &Y, const double alpha, const double beta) const

Overridden from Teuchos::Describable

std::string description () const
void describe (Teuchos::FancyOStream &out, const Teuchos::EVerbosityLevel verbLevel) const

Overridden from LinearOpWithSolveBase.

virtual bool solveSupportsImpl (EOpTransp M_trans) const
virtual bool solveSupportsSolveMeasureTypeImpl (EOpTransp M_trans, const SolveMeasureType &solveMeasureType) const
SolveStatus< double > solveImpl (const EOpTransp M_trans, const MultiVectorBase< double > &B, const Ptr< MultiVectorBase< double > > &X, const Ptr< const SolveCriteria< double > > solveCriteria) const

Detailed Description

Concrete LinearOpWithSolveBase subclass implemented using AztecOO.

This subclass is designed to be very flexible and handle a number of different use cases. It supports forward and optionally adjoint (transpose) solves. I can support inexact solves based on a relative residual norm tolerance or just allow for a default (i.e. tight) linear solve tolerance.

This subclass is not designed to be used directly by users but instead by subclasses of LinearOpWithSolveFactoryBase. One standard implementation that is fairly flexible (and will be make more flexible in the future) is AztecOOLinearOpWithSolveFactory.

This subclass allows for user-defined preconditioners or for built-in aztec preconditioners.

ToDo: Finish documentation!

Definition at line 77 of file Thyra_AztecOOLinearOpWithSolve.hpp.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Thyra::AztecOOLinearOpWithSolve::AztecOOLinearOpWithSolve ( const int  fwdDefaultMaxIterations = 400,
const double  fwdDefaultTol = 1e-6,
const int  adjDefaultMaxIterations = 400,
const double  adjDefaultTol = 1e-6,
const bool  outputEveryRhs = false 

Construct uninitialized but with default option values.

Note, these defaults where taken from NOX::EpetraNew::LinearSystemAztecOO::applyJacobianInverse(...) on 2005/08/15.

Definition at line 196 of file Thyra_AztecOOLinearOpWithSolve.cpp.

Member Function Documentation


The default maximum number of iterations for forward solves.

Thyra::AztecOOLinearOpWithSolve::STANDARD_MEMBER_COMPOSITION_MEMBERS ( double  ,

The default solution tolerance on the residual for forward solves.


The default maximum number of iterations for adjoint solves.

Thyra::AztecOOLinearOpWithSolve::STANDARD_MEMBER_COMPOSITION_MEMBERS ( double  ,

The default solution tolerance on the residual for adjoint solves.


Determine if output for every RHS will be printed or not.

void Thyra::AztecOOLinearOpWithSolve::initialize ( const RCP< const LinearOpBase< double > > &  fwdOp,
const RCP< const LinearOpSourceBase< double > > &  fwdOpSrc,
const RCP< const PreconditionerBase< double > > &  prec,
const bool  isExternalPrec,
const RCP< const LinearOpSourceBase< double > > &  approxFwdOpSrc,
const RCP< AztecOO > &  aztecFwdSolver,
const bool  allowInexactFwdSolve = false,
const RCP< AztecOO > &  aztecAdjSolver = Teuchos::null,
const bool  allowInexactAdjSolve = false,
const double  aztecSolverScalar = 1.0 

Sets up this object.

fwdOp[in] The forward operator object that defines this objects LinearOpBase interface. interface.
fwdOpSrc[in] The source for the forward operator object fwdOp. This also should be the exact same object that is passed in through a LinearOpWithSolveFactoryBase interface.
prec[in] The original abstract preconditioner object that was passed through the LinearOpWithSolveFactoryBase interface. This object is not used for anything and can be set as prec==Teuchos::null.
isExternalPrec[in] True if the precondition was created externally from the LinearOpWithSolveFactoryBase object, false otherwise.
approxFwdOpSrc[in] The source for the original abstract approximate forward operator object that was passed through the LinearOpWithSolveFactoryBase interface. This object is not used for anything and can be set as approxFwdOpSrc==Teuchos::null.
aztecFwdSolver[in] The AztecOO object used to perform forward solves. This object must be be ready to call aztecFwdSolver->SetRHS() and aztecFwdSolver->SetLHS() and then call aztecFwdSolver->Solve().
allowInexactFwdSolve[in] Determines if this->solveSupportsSolveTolType(NOTRANS,SOLVE_TOL_REL_RESIDUAL_NORM) returns true or not. With the current design, an inexact forward solve can not be supported if there is left scaling or a left preconditioner aggregated with *aztecFwdOp.
aztecAdjSolver[in] The AztecOO object used to perform adjoint solves. This object must be be ready to call aztecAdjSolver->SetRHS() and aztecAdjSolver->SetLHS() and then call aztecAdjSolver->Solve().
allowInexactAdjSolve[in] Determines if this->solveSupportsSolveTolType(TRANS,SOLVE_TOL_REL_RESIDUAL_NORM) returns true or not. With the current design, an inexact forward solve can not be supported if there is left scaling or a left preconditioner aggregated with *aztecFwdOp.
linearSystemTransformer[in] This is a transformation object that is called to pre-preprocess the linear problem before a forward and adjoint linear solver and post-process the linear problem after forward and adjoint linear solve. This abstract object is used to deal with scaling and aggregated preconditioners. It is what makes this implementation fairly flexible.


  • fwdOp.get()!=NULL
  • fwdOpSrc.get()!=NULL
  • fwdFwdSolver.get()!=NULL


  • this->range() == fwdOp->range()
  • this->domain() == fwdOp->domain()
  • this->opSupports(M_trans) == opSupports(*fwdOp,M_trans)
  • this->solveSupportsTrans(M_trans) == (aztecAdjSolver.get()!=NULL)
  • this->solveSupportsSolveTolType([NOTRANS,CONJ], SolveMeasureType(SOLVE_MEASURE_NORM_RESIDUAL,SOLVE_MESURE_NORM_RHS)) == allowInexactFwdSolve
  • this->solveSupportsSolveTolType([TRANS,CONJTRANS], SolveMeasureType(SOLVE_MEASURE_NORM_RESIDUAL,SOLVE_MESURE_NORM_RHS)) == (aztecAdjSolver.get()!=NULL&&allowInexactAdjSolve)

ToDo: Finish documentation!

Definition at line 215 of file Thyra_AztecOOLinearOpWithSolve.cpp.

RCP< const LinearOpSourceBase< double > > Thyra::AztecOOLinearOpWithSolve::extract_fwdOpSrc ( )

Extract the forward LinearOpBase<double> object so that it can be modified.

Definition at line 250 of file Thyra_AztecOOLinearOpWithSolve.cpp.

RCP< const PreconditionerBase< double > > Thyra::AztecOOLinearOpWithSolve::extract_prec ( )

Extract the preconditioner.

Definition at line 260 of file Thyra_AztecOOLinearOpWithSolve.cpp.

bool Thyra::AztecOOLinearOpWithSolve::isExternalPrec ( ) const

Determine if the preconditioner was external or not.

Definition at line 269 of file Thyra_AztecOOLinearOpWithSolve.cpp.

RCP< const LinearOpSourceBase< double > > Thyra::AztecOOLinearOpWithSolve::extract_approxFwdOpSrc ( )

Extract the approximate forward LinearOpBase<double> object used to build the preconditioner.

Definition at line 276 of file Thyra_AztecOOLinearOpWithSolve.cpp.

void Thyra::AztecOOLinearOpWithSolve::uninitialize ( RCP< const LinearOpBase< double > > *  fwdOp = NULL,
RCP< const LinearOpSourceBase< double > > *  fwdOpSrc = NULL,
RCP< const PreconditionerBase< double > > *  prec = NULL,
bool *  isExternalPrec = NULL,
RCP< const LinearOpSourceBase< double > > *  approxFwdOpSrc = NULL,
RCP< AztecOO > *  aztecFwdSolver = NULL,
bool *  allowInexactFwdSolve = NULL,
RCP< AztecOO > *  aztecAdjSolver = NULL,
bool *  allowInexactAdjSolve = NULL,
double *  aztecSolverScalar = NULL 


Definition at line 285 of file Thyra_AztecOOLinearOpWithSolve.cpp.

RCP< const VectorSpaceBase< double > > Thyra::AztecOOLinearOpWithSolve::range ( ) const

Implements Thyra::LinearOpBase< Scalar >.

Definition at line 326 of file Thyra_AztecOOLinearOpWithSolve.cpp.

RCP< const VectorSpaceBase< double > > Thyra::AztecOOLinearOpWithSolve::domain ( ) const

Implements Thyra::LinearOpBase< Scalar >.

Definition at line 333 of file Thyra_AztecOOLinearOpWithSolve.cpp.

RCP< const LinearOpBase< double > > Thyra::AztecOOLinearOpWithSolve::clone ( ) const

Definition at line 340 of file Thyra_AztecOOLinearOpWithSolve.cpp.

std::string Thyra::AztecOOLinearOpWithSolve::description ( ) const

Reimplemented from Teuchos::Describable.

Definition at line 349 of file Thyra_AztecOOLinearOpWithSolve.cpp.

void Thyra::AztecOOLinearOpWithSolve::describe ( Teuchos::FancyOStream out,
const Teuchos::EVerbosityLevel  verbLevel 
) const

Reimplemented from Teuchos::Describable.

Definition at line 362 of file Thyra_AztecOOLinearOpWithSolve.cpp.

bool Thyra::AztecOOLinearOpWithSolve::opSupportedImpl ( EOpTransp  M_trans) const

Implements Thyra::LinearOpBase< Scalar >.

Definition at line 440 of file Thyra_AztecOOLinearOpWithSolve.cpp.

void Thyra::AztecOOLinearOpWithSolve::applyImpl ( const EOpTransp  M_trans,
const MultiVectorBase< double > &  X,
const Ptr< MultiVectorBase< double > > &  Y,
const double  alpha,
const double  beta 
) const

Definition at line 446 of file Thyra_AztecOOLinearOpWithSolve.cpp.

bool Thyra::AztecOOLinearOpWithSolve::solveSupportsImpl ( EOpTransp  M_trans) const

Reimplemented from Thyra::LinearOpWithSolveBase< double >.

Definition at line 462 of file Thyra_AztecOOLinearOpWithSolve.cpp.

bool Thyra::AztecOOLinearOpWithSolve::solveSupportsSolveMeasureTypeImpl ( EOpTransp  M_trans,
const SolveMeasureType solveMeasureType 
) const

Reimplemented from Thyra::LinearOpWithSolveBase< double >.

Definition at line 470 of file Thyra_AztecOOLinearOpWithSolve.cpp.

SolveStatus< double > Thyra::AztecOOLinearOpWithSolve::solveImpl ( const EOpTransp  M_trans,
const MultiVectorBase< double > &  B,
const Ptr< MultiVectorBase< double > > &  X,
const Ptr< const SolveCriteria< double > >  solveCriteria 
) const

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