Teuchos - Trilinos Tools Package
Version of the Day
Tries to create LALR(1) parser tables for a given grammar. More...
#include <Teuchos_Parser.hpp>
Inherits invalid_argument.
Tries to create LALR(1) parser tables for a given grammar.
The exception class used throughout the TeuchosParser sub-package. This exception indicates that some input did not satisfy constaints on its format. The most common cases are Teuchos::Reader being given a stream which has some syntax error in it, making it invalid, or some part of the process to convert a Teuchos::Language into Teuchos::ReaderTables has similarly encountered an issue with the given Teuchos::Language. Such exceptions are fully recoverable and should be caught and handled by users as appropriate. The exception string will usually contain rich information about exactly why the exception was thrown and what can be done about it.
Definition at line 64 of file Teuchos_Parser.hpp.