class | Combo |
| Arbitrary combination of status tests. More...
class | Divergence |
| Failure test based on a threshold value of the norm of F. More...
class | Factory |
| Factory to build a set of status tests from a parameter list. More...
class | FiniteValue |
| Failure test based on whether the norm of a vector has a finite value. More...
class | Generic |
| Generic status test to check for convergence or failure of the nonlinear solver. More...
class | MaxIters |
| Failure test based on the maximum number of nonlinear solver iterations. More...
class | NormF |
| Various convergence tests based on the norm of the residual. More...
class | NormUpdate |
| Various convergence tests based on the norm of the change in the solution vector, , between outer iterations. More...
class | NormWRMS |
| Convergence test based on the weighted root mean square norm fo the solution update between iterations. More...
class | NStep |
| Takes n Iterations before declaring convergence. More...
class | RelativeNormF |
| Requires reduction in residual norm compared to initial norm. More...
class | Stagnation |
| Failure test based on the convergence rate between nonlinear iterations. More...