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8 // This defines useful macros like HAVE_MPI, which is defined if and
9 // only if Epetra was built with MPI enabled.
10 #include <Epetra_config.h>
12 #ifdef HAVE_MPI
13 # include <mpi.h>
14 // Epetra's wrapper for MPI_Comm. This header file only exists if
15 // Epetra was built with MPI enabled.
16 # include <Epetra_MpiComm.h>
17 #else
18 # include <Epetra_SerialComm.h>
19 #endif // HAVE_MPI
21 #include <Epetra_CrsMatrix.h>
22 #include <Epetra_Map.h>
23 #include <Epetra_Vector.h>
24 #include <Epetra_Version.h>
26 #include <sstream>
27 #include <stdexcept>
29 // Implementation of the power method for estimating the eigenvalue of
30 // maximum magnitude of a matrix. This function returns the
31 // eigenvalue estimate.
32 //
33 // A: The sparse matrix or operator, as an Epetra_Operator.
34 // niters: Maximum number of iterations of the power method.
35 // tolerance: If the 2-norm of the residual A*x-lambda*x (for the
36 // current eigenvalue estimate lambda) is less than this, stop
37 // iterating.
38 // out: output stream to which to print the current status of the
39 // power method.
40 double
42  const int niters,
43  const double tolerance);
45 int
46 main (int argc, char *argv[])
47 {
48  using std::cout;
49  using std::endl;
51 #ifdef HAVE_MPI
52  MPI_Init (&argc, &argv);
53  Epetra_MpiComm comm (MPI_COMM_WORLD);
54 #else
55  Epetra_SerialComm comm;
56 #endif // HAVE_MPI
58  const int myRank = comm.MyPID ();
59  const int numProcs = comm.NumProc ();
61  if (myRank == 0) {
62  // Print out the Epetra software version.
63  cout << Epetra_Version () << endl << endl
64  << "Total number of processes: " << numProcs << endl;
65  }
67  // The type of global indices. You could just set this to int,
68  // but we want the example to work for Epetra64 as well.
70  // Epetra was compiled only with 64-bit global index support, so use
71  // 64-bit global indices.
72  typedef long long global_ordinal_type;
73 #else
74  // Epetra was compiled with 32-bit global index support. If
75  // EPETRA_NO_64BIT_GLOBAL_INDICES is defined, it does not also
76  // support 64-bit indices.
77  typedef int global_ordinal_type;
80  // The number of rows and columns in the matrix.
81  const global_ordinal_type numGlobalElements = 50;
83  // Construct a Map that puts approximately the same number of
84  // equations on each processor.
85  const global_ordinal_type indexBase = 0;
86  Epetra_Map map (numGlobalElements, indexBase, comm);
88  // Get the list of global indices that this process owns. In this
89  // example, this is unnecessary, because we know that we created a
90  // contiguous Map (see above). (Thus, we really only need the min
91  // and max global index on this process.) However, in general, we
92  // don't know what global indices the Map owns, so if we plan to add
93  // entries into the sparse matrix using global indices, we have to
94  // get the list of global indices this process owns.
95  const int numMyElements = map.NumMyElements ();
97  global_ordinal_type* myGlobalElements = NULL;
100  myGlobalElements = map.MyGlobalElements64 ();
101 #else
102  myGlobalElements = map.MyGlobalElements ();
105  // In general, tests like this really should synchronize across all
106  // processes. However, the likely cause for this case is a
107  // misconfiguration of Epetra, so we expect it to happen on all
108  // processes, if it happens at all.
109  if (numMyElements > 0 && myGlobalElements == NULL) {
110  throw std::logic_error ("Failed to get the list of global indices");
111  }
113  if (myRank == 0) {
114  cout << endl << "Creating the sparse matrix" << endl;
115  }
117  // Create a Epetra sparse matrix whose rows have distribution given
118  // by the Map. The max number of entries per row is 3.
119  Epetra_CrsMatrix A (Copy, map, 3);
121  // Local error code for use below.
122  int lclerr = 0;
124  // Fill the sparse matrix, one row at a time. InsertGlobalValues
125  // adds entries to the sparse matrix, using global column indices.
126  // It changes both the graph structure and the values.
127  double tempVals[3];
128  global_ordinal_type tempGblInds[3];
129  for (int i = 0; i < numMyElements; ++i) {
130  // A(0, 0:1) = [2, -1]
131  if (myGlobalElements[i] == 0) {
132  tempVals[0] = 2.0;
133  tempVals[1] = -1.0;
134  tempGblInds[0] = myGlobalElements[i];
135  tempGblInds[1] = myGlobalElements[i] + 1;
136  if (lclerr == 0) {
137  lclerr = A.InsertGlobalValues (myGlobalElements[i], 2, tempVals, tempGblInds);
138  }
139  if (lclerr != 0) {
140  break;
141  }
142  }
143  // A(N-1, N-2:N-1) = [-1, 2]
144  else if (myGlobalElements[i] == numGlobalElements - 1) {
145  tempVals[0] = -1.0;
146  tempVals[1] = 2.0;
147  tempGblInds[0] = myGlobalElements[i] - 1;
148  tempGblInds[1] = myGlobalElements[i];
149  if (lclerr == 0) {
150  lclerr = A.InsertGlobalValues (myGlobalElements[i], 2, tempVals, tempGblInds);
151  }
152  if (lclerr != 0) {
153  break;
154  }
155  }
156  // A(i, i-1:i+1) = [-1, 2, -1]
157  else {
158  tempVals[0] = -1.0;
159  tempVals[1] = 2.0;
160  tempVals[2] = -1.0;
161  tempGblInds[0] = myGlobalElements[i] - 1;
162  tempGblInds[1] = myGlobalElements[i];
163  tempGblInds[2] = myGlobalElements[i] + 1;
164  if (lclerr == 0) {
165  lclerr = A.InsertGlobalValues (myGlobalElements[i], 3, tempVals, tempGblInds);
166  }
167  if (lclerr != 0) {
168  break;
169  }
170  }
171  }
173  // If any process failed to insert at least one entry, throw.
174  int gblerr = 0;
175  (void) comm.MaxAll (&lclerr, &gblerr, 1);
176  if (gblerr != 0) {
177  throw std::runtime_error ("Some process failed to insert an entry.");
178  }
180  // Tell the sparse matrix that we are done adding entries to it.
181  gblerr = A.FillComplete ();
182  if (gblerr != 0) {
183  std::ostringstream os;
184  os << "A.FillComplete() failed with error code " << gblerr << ".";
185  throw std::runtime_error (os.str ());
186  }
188  // Number of iterations
189  const int niters = 500;
190  // Desired (absolute) residual tolerance
191  const double tolerance = 1.0e-2;
193  // Run the power method and report the result.
194  double lambda = powerMethod (A, niters, tolerance);
195  if (myRank == 0) {
196  cout << endl << "Estimated max eigenvalue: " << lambda << endl;
197  }
199  //
200  // Now we're going to change values in the sparse matrix and run the
201  // power method again.
202  //
204  //
205  // Increase diagonal dominance
206  //
207  if (myRank == 0) {
208  cout << endl << "Increasing magnitude of A(0,0), solving again" << endl;
209  }
211  if (A.RowMap ().MyGID (0)) {
212  // Get a copy of the row with with global index 0. Modify the
213  // diagonal entry of that row. Submit the modified values to the
214  // matrix.
215  const global_ordinal_type gidOfFirstRow = 0;
216  // Since 0 is a GID in the row Map on the calling process,
217  // lidOfFirstRow is a valid LID of that GID in the row Map.
218  const int lidOfFirstRow = A.RowMap ().LID (gidOfFirstRow);
219  int numEntriesInRow = A.NumMyEntries (lidOfFirstRow);
220  double* rowvals = new double [numEntriesInRow];
221  global_ordinal_type* rowinds = new global_ordinal_type [numEntriesInRow];
223  // Get a copy of the entries and column indices of global row 0.
224  // Get global column indices, so that we can figure out which
225  // entry corresponds to the diagonal entry in this row. (The row
226  // Map and column Map of the matrix may differ, so their local
227  // indices may not be the same.)
228  //
229  // Note that it's legal (though we don't exercise it in this
230  // example) for the row Map of the sparse matrix not to be one to
231  // one. This means that more than one process might own entries
232  // in the first row. In general, multiple processes might own the
233  // (0,0) entry, so that the global A(0,0) value is really the sum
234  // of all processes' values for that entry. However, scaling the
235  // entry by a constant factor distributes across that sum, so it's
236  // OK to do so.
237  if (lclerr == 0) {
238  lclerr = A.ExtractGlobalRowCopy (gidOfFirstRow,
239  numEntriesInRow, numEntriesInRow,
240  rowvals, rowinds);
241  }
242  if (lclerr == 0) { // no error
243  for (int i = 0; i < numEntriesInRow; ++i) {
244  if (rowinds[i] == gidOfFirstRow) {
245  // We have found the diagonal entry; modify it.
246  rowvals[i] *= 10.0;
247  }
248  }
249  // "Replace global values" means modify the values, but not the
250  // structure of the sparse matrix. If the specified columns
251  // aren't already populated in this row on this process, then this
252  // method fails and returns nonzero. Since we have already called
253  // FillComplete() on this matrix, we may not modify its graph
254  // structure any more.
255  if (lclerr == 0) {
256  lclerr = A.ReplaceGlobalValues (gidOfFirstRow, numEntriesInRow,
257  rowvals, rowinds);
258  }
259  }
261  if (rowvals != NULL) {
262  delete [] rowvals;
263  }
264  if (rowinds != NULL) {
265  delete [] rowinds;
266  }
267  }
269  // If the owning process(es) of global row 0 failed to replace the
270  // one entry, throw.
271  gblerr = 0;
272  (void) comm.MaxAll (&lclerr, &gblerr, 1);
273  if (gblerr != 0) {
274  throw std::runtime_error ("One of the owning process(es) of global "
275  "row 0 failed to replace an entry.");
276  }
278  // Run the power method again.
279  lambda = powerMethod (A, niters, tolerance);
280  if (myRank == 0) {
281  cout << endl << "Estimated max eigenvalue: " << lambda << endl;
282  }
284  // This tells the Trilinos test framework that the test passed.
285  if (myRank == 0) {
286  cout << "End Result: TEST PASSED" << endl;
287  }
289 #ifdef HAVE_MPI
290  (void) MPI_Finalize ();
291 #endif // HAVE_MPI
293  return 0;
294 }
297 double
299  const int niters,
300  const double tolerance)
301 {
302  using std::cout;
303  using std::endl;
305  // An Operator doesn't have a Comm, but its domain Map does.
306  const Epetra_Comm& comm = A.OperatorDomainMap ().Comm ();
307  const int myRank = comm.MyPID ();
309  // Create three vectors for iterating the power method. Since the
310  // power method computes z = A*q, q should be in the domain of A and
311  // z should be in the range. (Obviously the power method requires
312  // that the domain and the range are equal, but it's a good idea to
313  // get into the habit of thinking whether a particular vector
314  // "belongs" in the domain or range of the matrix.) The residual
315  // vector "resid" is of course in the range of A.
318  Epetra_Vector resid (A.OperatorRangeMap ());
320  // Local error code for use below.
321  int lclerr = 0;
323  // Fill the iteration vector z with random numbers to start. Don't
324  // have grand expectations about the quality of our pseudorandom
325  // number generator; this is usually good enough for eigensolvers.
326  //
327  // If this call fails, just let the code below finish before trying
328  // to catch the error globally. Ditto for other calls below.
329  lclerr = z.Random ();
331  // lambda: the current approximation of the eigenvalue of maximum magnitude.
332  // normz: the 2-norm of the current iteration vector z.
333  // residual: the 2-norm of the current residual vector "resid"
334  double lambda = 0.0;
335  double normz = 0.0;
336  double residual = 0.0;
338  const double zero = 0.0;
339  const double one = 1.0;
341  // How often to report progress in the power method. Reporting
342  // progress requires computing a residual which can be expensive.
343  // However, if you don't compute the residual often enough, you
344  // might keep iterating even after you've converged.
345  const int reportFrequency = 10;
347  // Do the power method, until the method has converged or the
348  // maximum iteration count has been reached.
349  for (int iter = 0; iter < niters; ++iter) {
350  // If you feel confident that your code is correct, you may omit
351  // everything having to do with lclerr, and just write the following:
352  //
353  // z.Norm2 (&normz); // Compute the 2-norm of z
354  // q.Scale (one / normz, z); // q := z / normz
355  // A.Apply (q, z); // z := A * q
356  // q.Dot (z, &lambda); // Approx. max eigenvalue
358  lclerr = (lclerr == 0) ? z.Norm2 (&normz) : lclerr;
359  lclerr = (lclerr == 0) ? q.Scale (one / normz, z) : lclerr;
360  lclerr = (lclerr == 0) ? A.Apply (q, z) : lclerr;
361  lclerr = (lclerr == 0) ? q.Dot (z, &lambda) : lclerr;
363  // Compute and report the residual norm every reportFrequency
364  // iterations, or if we've reached the maximum iteration count.
365  if (iter % reportFrequency == 0 || iter + 1 == niters) {
366  // If you feel confident that your code is correct, you may omit
367  // everything having to do with lclerr, and just write the
368  // following:
369  //
370  // resid.Update (one, z, -lambda, q, zero); // z := A*q - lambda*q
371  // resid.Norm2 (&residual); // 2-norm of the residual vector
373  lclerr = (lclerr == 0) ? resid.Update (one, z, -lambda, q, zero) : lclerr;
374  lclerr = (lclerr == 0) ? resid.Norm2 (&residual) : lclerr;
376  if (myRank == 0) {
377  cout << "Iteration " << iter << ":" << endl
378  << "- lambda = " << lambda << endl
379  << "- ||A*q - lambda*q||_2 = " << residual << endl;
380  }
381  }
382  if (residual < tolerance) {
383  if (myRank == 0) {
384  cout << "Converged after " << iter << " iterations" << endl;
385  }
386  break;
387  } else if (iter + 1 == niters) {
388  if (myRank == 0) {
389  cout << "Failed to converge after " << niters << " iterations" << endl;
390  }
391  break;
392  }
393  }
395  // If any process failed to insert at least one entry, throw.
396  int gblerr = 0;
397  (void) comm.MaxAll (&lclerr, &gblerr, 1);
398  if (gblerr != 0) {
399  throw std::runtime_error ("The power method failed in some way.");
400  }
402  return lambda;
403 }
Epetra_Map: A class for partitioning vectors and matrices.
Definition: Epetra_Map.h:119
int Random()
Set multi-vector values to random numbers.
int NumMyEntries(int Row) const
Returns the current number of nonzero entries in specified local row on this processor.
int MyGlobalElements(int *MyGlobalElementList) const
Puts list of global elements on this processor into the user-provided array.
virtual int InsertGlobalValues(int GlobalRow, int NumEntries, const double *Values, const int *Indices)
Insert a list of elements in a given global row of the matrix.
virtual const Epetra_Map & OperatorDomainMap() const =0
Returns the Epetra_Map object associated with the domain of this operator.
Epetra_Vector: A class for constructing and using dense vectors on a parallel computer.
int MyPID() const
Return my process ID.
Epetra_MpiComm: The Epetra MPI Communication Class.
std::string Epetra_Version()
virtual int MyPID() const =0
Return my process ID.
int FillComplete(bool OptimizeDataStorage=true)
Signal that data entry is complete. Perform transformations to local index space. ...
virtual int MaxAll(double *PartialMaxs, double *GlobalMaxs, int Count) const =0
Epetra_Comm Global Max function.
const Epetra_Map & RowMap() const
Returns the Epetra_Map object associated with the rows of this matrix.
int NumMyElements() const
Number of elements on the calling processor.
virtual int Apply(const Epetra_MultiVector &X, Epetra_MultiVector &Y) const =0
Returns the result of a Epetra_Operator applied to a Epetra_MultiVector X in Y.
virtual const Epetra_Map & OperatorRangeMap() const =0
Returns the Epetra_Map object associated with the range of this operator.
Epetra_Comm: The Epetra Communication Abstract Base Class.
Definition: Epetra_Comm.h:73
long long global_ordinal_type
int ExtractGlobalRowCopy(int GlobalRow, int Length, int &NumEntries, double *Values, int *Indices) const
Returns a copy of the specified global row in user-provided arrays.
int LID(int GID) const
Returns local ID of global ID, return -1 if not found on this processor.
bool MyGID(int GID_in) const
Returns true if the GID passed in belongs to the calling processor in this map, otherwise returns fal...
int NumProc() const
Returns total number of processes (always returns 1 for SerialComm).
const Epetra_Comm & Comm() const
Access function for Epetra_Comm communicator.
Epetra_SerialComm: The Epetra Serial Communication Class.
double powerMethod(const Epetra_Operator &A, const int niters, const double tolerance)
int MaxAll(double *PartialMaxs, double *GlobalMaxs, int Count) const
Epetra_SerialComm Global Max function.
Epetra_CrsMatrix: A class for constructing and using real-valued double-precision sparse compressed r...
Epetra_Operator: A pure virtual class for using real-valued double-precision operators.
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
long long * MyGlobalElements64() const
virtual int ReplaceGlobalValues(int GlobalRow, int NumEntries, const double *Values, const int *Indices)
Replace specified existing values with this list of entries for a given global row of the matrix...