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Thyra::AdjointLinearOpWithSolveFactory< Scalar > Class Template Reference

Create a LinearOpWithSolveFactory for an adjoint linear op. More...

#include <Thyra_AdjointLinearOpWithSolveFactory.hpp>

Inheritance diagram for Thyra::AdjointLinearOpWithSolveFactory< Scalar >:
Inheritance graph

Private Types

< LinearOpWithSolveFactoryBase
< Scalar > > 

Private Attributes

LOWSF_t lowsf_

Related Functions

(Note that these are not member functions.)

template<class Scalar >
RCP< const
< Scalar > > 
adjointLinearOpWithSolveFactory (const RCP< const LinearOpWithSolveFactoryBase< Scalar > > &lowsf)
 Nonmember constructor. More...
template<class Scalar >
< AdjointLinearOpWithSolveFactory
< Scalar > > 
nonconstAdjointLinearOpWithSolveFactory (const RCP< LinearOpWithSolveFactoryBase< Scalar > > &lowsf)
 Nonmember constructor. More...

Overridden from Constructors/Initializers/Accessors

 AdjointLinearOpWithSolveFactory ()
 Construct to uninitialized. More...
void nonconstInitialize (const RCP< LinearOpWithSolveFactoryBase< Scalar > > &lowsf)
 Initialize given a single non-const LOWSFB object. More...
void initialize (const RCP< const LinearOpWithSolveFactoryBase< Scalar > > &lowsf)
 Initialize given a single const LOWSFB object. More...
< LinearOpWithSolveFactoryBase
< Scalar > > 
getUnderlyingLOWSF ()
RCP< const
< Scalar > > 
getUnderlyingLOWSF () const

Overridden from Teuchos::Describable.

std::string description () const

Overridden from ParameterListAcceptor (simple forwarding functions)

void setParameterList (RCP< ParameterList > const &paramList)
RCP< ParameterList > getNonconstParameterList ()
RCP< ParameterList > unsetParameterList ()
RCP< const ParameterList > getParameterList () const
RCP< const ParameterList > getValidParameters () const

Overridden from LinearOpWithSolveFactoyBase

virtual bool acceptsPreconditionerFactory () const
 returns false. More...
virtual void setPreconditionerFactory (const RCP< PreconditionerFactoryBase< Scalar > > &precFactory, const std::string &precFactoryName)
 Throws exception. More...
virtual RCP
< PreconditionerFactoryBase
< Scalar > > 
getPreconditionerFactory () const
 Returns null . More...
virtual void unsetPreconditionerFactory (RCP< PreconditionerFactoryBase< Scalar > > *precFactory, std::string *precFactoryName)
 Throws exception. More...
virtual bool isCompatible (const LinearOpSourceBase< Scalar > &fwdOpSrc) const
virtual RCP
< LinearOpWithSolveBase
< Scalar > > 
createOp () const
virtual void initializeOp (const RCP< const LinearOpSourceBase< Scalar > > &fwdOpSrc, LinearOpWithSolveBase< Scalar > *Op, const ESupportSolveUse supportSolveUse) const
virtual void initializeAndReuseOp (const RCP< const LinearOpSourceBase< Scalar > > &fwdOpSrc, LinearOpWithSolveBase< Scalar > *Op) const
virtual void uninitializeOp (LinearOpWithSolveBase< Scalar > *Op, RCP< const LinearOpSourceBase< Scalar > > *fwdOpSrc, RCP< const PreconditionerBase< Scalar > > *prec, RCP< const LinearOpSourceBase< Scalar > > *approxFwdOpSrc, ESupportSolveUse *supportSolveUse) const
virtual bool supportsPreconditionerInputType (const EPreconditionerInputType precOpType) const
virtual void initializePreconditionedOp (const RCP< const LinearOpSourceBase< Scalar > > &fwdOpSrc, const RCP< const PreconditionerBase< Scalar > > &prec, LinearOpWithSolveBase< Scalar > *Op, const ESupportSolveUse supportSolveUse) const
virtual void initializeApproxPreconditionedOp (const RCP< const LinearOpSourceBase< Scalar > > &fwdOpSrc, const RCP< const LinearOpSourceBase< Scalar > > &approxFwdOpSrc, LinearOpWithSolveBase< Scalar > *Op, const ESupportSolveUse supportSolveUse) const
void informUpdatedVerbosityState () const
 Overridden from Teuchos::VerboseObjectBase. More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Member Functions inherited from Thyra::LinearOpWithSolveFactoryBase< Scalar >
bool isCompatible (const LinearOpWithSolveFactoryBase< Scalar > &lowsFactory, const LinearOpBase< Scalar > &fwdOp)
void setDefaultObjectLabel (const LinearOpBase< Scalar > &fwdOp, const Ptr< LinearOpWithSolveBase< Scalar > > &Op)
void initializeOp (const LinearOpWithSolveFactoryBase< Scalar > &lowsFactory, const RCP< const LinearOpBase< Scalar > > &fwdOp, const Ptr< LinearOpWithSolveBase< Scalar > > &Op, const ESupportSolveUse supportSolveUse=SUPPORT_SOLVE_UNSPECIFIED)
void initializeAndReuseOp (const LinearOpWithSolveFactoryBase< Scalar > &lowsFactory, const RCP< const LinearOpBase< Scalar > > &fwdOp, const Ptr< LinearOpWithSolveBase< Scalar > > &Op)
void initializePreconditionedOp (const LinearOpWithSolveFactoryBase< Scalar > &lowsFactory, const RCP< const LinearOpBase< Scalar > > &fwdOp, const RCP< const PreconditionerBase< Scalar > > &prec, const Ptr< LinearOpWithSolveBase< Scalar > > &Op, const ESupportSolveUse supportSolveUse=SUPPORT_SOLVE_UNSPECIFIED)
void initializeApproxPreconditionedOp (const LinearOpWithSolveFactoryBase< Scalar > &lowsFactory, const RCP< const LinearOpBase< Scalar > > &fwdOp, const RCP< const LinearOpBase< Scalar > > &approxFwdOp, const Ptr< LinearOpWithSolveBase< Scalar > > &Op, const ESupportSolveUse supportSolveUse=SUPPORT_SOLVE_UNSPECIFIED)
RCP< LinearOpWithSolveBase
< Scalar > > 
linearOpWithSolve (const LinearOpWithSolveFactoryBase< Scalar > &lowsFactory, const RCP< const LinearOpBase< Scalar > > &fwdOp, const ESupportSolveUse supportSolveUse=SUPPORT_SOLVE_UNSPECIFIED)
RCP< LinearOpBase< Scalar > > inverse (const LinearOpWithSolveFactoryBase< Scalar > &LOWSF, const RCP< const LinearOpBase< Scalar > > &fwdOp, const ESupportSolveUse supportSolveUse=SUPPORT_SOLVE_UNSPECIFIED, const Ptr< const SolveCriteria< Scalar > > &fwdSolveCriteria=Teuchos::null, const EThrowOnSolveFailure throwOnFwdSolveFailure=THROW_ON_SOLVE_FAILURE, const Ptr< const SolveCriteria< Scalar > > &adjSolveCriteria=Teuchos::null, const EThrowOnSolveFailure throwOnAdjSolveFailure=THROW_ON_SOLVE_FAILURE)
void uninitializeOp (const LinearOpWithSolveFactoryBase< Scalar > &lowsFactory, const Ptr< LinearOpWithSolveBase< Scalar > > &Op, const Ptr< RCP< const LinearOpBase< Scalar > > > &fwdOp=Teuchos::null, const Ptr< RCP< const PreconditionerBase< Scalar > > > &prec=Teuchos::null, const Ptr< RCP< const LinearOpBase< Scalar > > > &approxFwdOp=Teuchos::null, const Ptr< ESupportSolveUse > &supportSolveUse=Teuchos::null)
- Public Member Functions inherited from Teuchos::Describable
virtual void describe (FancyOStream &out, const EVerbosityLevel verbLevel=verbLevel_default) const
void describe (std::ostream &out, const EVerbosityLevel verbLevel=verbLevel_default) const
virtual ~Describable ()
 LabeledObject ()
virtual ~LabeledObject ()
virtual void setObjectLabel (const std::string &objectLabel)
virtual std::string getObjectLabel () const
DescribableStreamManipulatorState describe (const Describable &describable, const EVerbosityLevel verbLevel=Describable::verbLevel_default)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const DescribableStreamManipulatorState &d)
- Public Member Functions inherited from Teuchos::ParameterListAcceptor
virtual void setParameterList (const RCP< ParameterList > &paramList)=0
- Static Public Attributes inherited from Teuchos::Describable
static const EVerbosityLevel verbLevel_default

Detailed Description

template<class Scalar>
class Thyra::AdjointLinearOpWithSolveFactory< Scalar >

Create a LinearOpWithSolveFactory for an adjoint linear op.

Definition at line 24 of file Thyra_AdjointLinearOpWithSolveFactory.hpp.

Member Typedef Documentation

Definition at line 166 of file Thyra_AdjointLinearOpWithSolveFactory.hpp.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

template<class Scalar >
Thyra::AdjointLinearOpWithSolveFactory< Scalar >::AdjointLinearOpWithSolveFactory ( )

Construct to uninitialized.

Definition at line 33 of file Thyra_AdjointLinearOpWithSolveFactory.hpp.

Member Function Documentation

template<class Scalar >
void Thyra::AdjointLinearOpWithSolveFactory< Scalar >::nonconstInitialize ( const RCP< LinearOpWithSolveFactoryBase< Scalar > > &  lowsf)

Initialize given a single non-const LOWSFB object.

lowsf[in,persisting] The LOWSFB object that will be used to create the LOWSB object for the original system.


  • !is_null(lowsf)

Definition at line 209 of file Thyra_AdjointLinearOpWithSolveFactory.hpp.

template<class Scalar >
void Thyra::AdjointLinearOpWithSolveFactory< Scalar >::initialize ( const RCP< const LinearOpWithSolveFactoryBase< Scalar > > &  lowsf)

Initialize given a single const LOWSFB object.

lowsf[in,persisting] The LOWSFB object that will be used to create the LOWSB object for the original system.


  • !is_null(lowsf)

Definition at line 222 of file Thyra_AdjointLinearOpWithSolveFactory.hpp.

template<class Scalar >
RCP< LinearOpWithSolveFactoryBase< Scalar > > Thyra::AdjointLinearOpWithSolveFactory< Scalar >::getUnderlyingLOWSF ( )

Definition at line 235 of file Thyra_AdjointLinearOpWithSolveFactory.hpp.

template<class Scalar >
RCP< const LinearOpWithSolveFactoryBase< Scalar > > Thyra::AdjointLinearOpWithSolveFactory< Scalar >::getUnderlyingLOWSF ( ) const

Definition at line 243 of file Thyra_AdjointLinearOpWithSolveFactory.hpp.

template<class Scalar >
std::string Thyra::AdjointLinearOpWithSolveFactory< Scalar >::description ( ) const

Reimplemented from Teuchos::Describable.

Definition at line 253 of file Thyra_AdjointLinearOpWithSolveFactory.hpp.

template<class Scalar >
void Thyra::AdjointLinearOpWithSolveFactory< Scalar >::setParameterList ( RCP< ParameterList > const &  paramList)

Definition at line 272 of file Thyra_AdjointLinearOpWithSolveFactory.hpp.

template<class Scalar >
RCP< ParameterList > Thyra::AdjointLinearOpWithSolveFactory< Scalar >::getNonconstParameterList ( )
template<class Scalar >
RCP< ParameterList > Thyra::AdjointLinearOpWithSolveFactory< Scalar >::unsetParameterList ( )
template<class Scalar >
RCP< const ParameterList > Thyra::AdjointLinearOpWithSolveFactory< Scalar >::getParameterList ( ) const

Reimplemented from Teuchos::ParameterListAcceptor.

Definition at line 298 of file Thyra_AdjointLinearOpWithSolveFactory.hpp.

template<class Scalar >
RCP< const ParameterList > Thyra::AdjointLinearOpWithSolveFactory< Scalar >::getValidParameters ( ) const

Reimplemented from Teuchos::ParameterListAcceptor.

Definition at line 306 of file Thyra_AdjointLinearOpWithSolveFactory.hpp.

template<class Scalar >
bool Thyra::AdjointLinearOpWithSolveFactory< Scalar >::acceptsPreconditionerFactory ( ) const

returns false.

Reimplemented from Thyra::LinearOpWithSolveFactoryBase< Scalar >.

Definition at line 316 of file Thyra_AdjointLinearOpWithSolveFactory.hpp.

template<class Scalar >
void Thyra::AdjointLinearOpWithSolveFactory< Scalar >::setPreconditionerFactory ( const RCP< PreconditionerFactoryBase< Scalar > > &  precFactory,
const std::string &  precFactoryName 

Throws exception.

Reimplemented from Thyra::LinearOpWithSolveFactoryBase< Scalar >.

Definition at line 324 of file Thyra_AdjointLinearOpWithSolveFactory.hpp.

template<class Scalar >
RCP< PreconditionerFactoryBase< Scalar > > Thyra::AdjointLinearOpWithSolveFactory< Scalar >::getPreconditionerFactory ( ) const

Returns null .

Reimplemented from Thyra::LinearOpWithSolveFactoryBase< Scalar >.

Definition at line 339 of file Thyra_AdjointLinearOpWithSolveFactory.hpp.

template<class Scalar >
void Thyra::AdjointLinearOpWithSolveFactory< Scalar >::unsetPreconditionerFactory ( RCP< PreconditionerFactoryBase< Scalar > > *  precFactory,
std::string *  precFactoryName 

Throws exception.

Reimplemented from Thyra::LinearOpWithSolveFactoryBase< Scalar >.

Definition at line 351 of file Thyra_AdjointLinearOpWithSolveFactory.hpp.

template<class Scalar >
bool Thyra::AdjointLinearOpWithSolveFactory< Scalar >::isCompatible ( const LinearOpSourceBase< Scalar > &  fwdOpSrc) const
template<class Scalar >
RCP< LinearOpWithSolveBase< Scalar > > Thyra::AdjointLinearOpWithSolveFactory< Scalar >::createOp ( ) const
template<class Scalar >
void Thyra::AdjointLinearOpWithSolveFactory< Scalar >::initializeOp ( const RCP< const LinearOpSourceBase< Scalar > > &  fwdOpSrc,
LinearOpWithSolveBase< Scalar > *  Op,
const ESupportSolveUse  supportSolveUse 
) const
template<class Scalar >
void Thyra::AdjointLinearOpWithSolveFactory< Scalar >::initializeAndReuseOp ( const RCP< const LinearOpSourceBase< Scalar > > &  fwdOpSrc,
LinearOpWithSolveBase< Scalar > *  Op 
) const
template<class Scalar >
void Thyra::AdjointLinearOpWithSolveFactory< Scalar >::uninitializeOp ( LinearOpWithSolveBase< Scalar > *  Op,
RCP< const LinearOpSourceBase< Scalar > > *  fwdOpSrc,
RCP< const PreconditionerBase< Scalar > > *  prec,
RCP< const LinearOpSourceBase< Scalar > > *  approxFwdOpSrc,
ESupportSolveUse supportSolveUse 
) const
template<class Scalar >
bool Thyra::AdjointLinearOpWithSolveFactory< Scalar >::supportsPreconditionerInputType ( const EPreconditionerInputType  precOpType) const
template<class Scalar >
void Thyra::AdjointLinearOpWithSolveFactory< Scalar >::initializePreconditionedOp ( const RCP< const LinearOpSourceBase< Scalar > > &  fwdOpSrc,
const RCP< const PreconditionerBase< Scalar > > &  prec,
LinearOpWithSolveBase< Scalar > *  Op,
const ESupportSolveUse  supportSolveUse 
) const
template<class Scalar >
void Thyra::AdjointLinearOpWithSolveFactory< Scalar >::initializeApproxPreconditionedOp ( const RCP< const LinearOpSourceBase< Scalar > > &  fwdOpSrc,
const RCP< const LinearOpSourceBase< Scalar > > &  approxFwdOpSrc,
LinearOpWithSolveBase< Scalar > *  Op,
const ESupportSolveUse  supportSolveUse 
) const
template<class Scalar >
void Thyra::AdjointLinearOpWithSolveFactory< Scalar >::informUpdatedVerbosityState ( ) const

Overridden from Teuchos::VerboseObjectBase.

Definition at line 573 of file Thyra_AdjointLinearOpWithSolveFactory.hpp.

Friends And Related Function Documentation

template<class Scalar >
RCP< const AdjointLinearOpWithSolveFactory< Scalar > > adjointLinearOpWithSolveFactory ( const RCP< const LinearOpWithSolveFactoryBase< Scalar > > &  lowsf)

Nonmember constructor.

Definition at line 178 of file Thyra_AdjointLinearOpWithSolveFactory.hpp.

template<class Scalar >
RCP< AdjointLinearOpWithSolveFactory< Scalar > > nonconstAdjointLinearOpWithSolveFactory ( const RCP< LinearOpWithSolveFactoryBase< Scalar > > &  lowsf)

Nonmember constructor.

Definition at line 194 of file Thyra_AdjointLinearOpWithSolveFactory.hpp.

Member Data Documentation

template<class Scalar >
LOWSF_t Thyra::AdjointLinearOpWithSolveFactory< Scalar >::lowsf_

Definition at line 168 of file Thyra_AdjointLinearOpWithSolveFactory.hpp.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: