LOCA | |
  Abstract | LOCA abstract interface namespace |
  AnasaziOperator | Various group based operators for computing eigenvalues with Anasazi |
  Bifurcation | |
   PitchforkBord | |
    StatusTest | Convergence tests relating to pitchfork groups |
   TPBord | |
    StatusTest | Convergence tests relating to turning point groups |
  BorderedSolver | Strategies for solving bordered systems of equations |
  Continuation | |
   StatusTest | Convergence tests relating to continuation groups |
  Eigensolver | Collection of eigensolver strategies |
  EigenvalueSort | Collection of eigenvalue sorting strategies |
  Epetra | LOCA Epetra support |
   Interface | Provides a set of interfaces for users to provide information about the nonlinear problem to LOCA |
   TransposeLinearSystem | Strategies for solving transpose linear systems |
  Extended | Extended groups and vectors |
  Hopf | Groups and vectors for Hopf bifurcations |
   MinimallyAugmented | Groups and vectors for locating Hopf bifurcations using the minimally augmented Hopf formulation |
   MooreSpence | Groups and vectors for locating Hopf bifurcations using the Moore-Spence formulation |
  MultiContinuation | Groups and vectors for multi-parameter continuation |
  MultiPredictor | Predictor direction strategies |
  PhaseTransition | Groups and vectors for turning point bifurcations |
  Pitchfork | Groups and vectors for pitchfork bifurcations |
   MinimallyAugmented | Groups and vectors for locating pitchfork bifurcations using the minimally augmented turning point formulation |
   MooreSpence | Groups and vectors for locating pitchfork bifurcations using the Moore-Spence formulation |
  SaveEigenData | Collection strategies to save eigenvector/value data |
  SingularJacobianSolve | Strategies for solving when is (nearly) singular |
  Solver | LOCA Solver classes |
  StatusTest | Status checkers |
  StepSize | Collection of step size control strategies |
  Thyra | LOCA Thyra support |
  TurningPoint | Groups and vectors for turning point bifurcations |
   MinimallyAugmented | Groups and vectors for locating turning point bifurcations using the minimally augmented turning point formulation |
   MooreSpence | Groups and vectors for locating turning point bifurcations using the Moore-Spence formulation |
 NOX | Nonlinear solvers package namespace |
  Abstract | NOX abstract interface for vector and group |
  Direction | Search direction strategies |
  Epetra | Improved version of the Epetra support class |
   Interface | Provides a set of interfaces for users to provide information about the nonlinear problem to NOX |
  LineSearch | NOX linesearches |
  Multiphysics | |
   Solver | NOX nonlinear solvers namespace |
  Petsc | NOX Petsc support |
  Solver | NOX nonlinear solvers namespace |
  StatusTest | Status checkers |
  Thyra | NOX Thyra support |
 Trilinos | |
  Details | |