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1 // Program for testing Epetra64 implementation.
2 // Builds a Laplacian matrx using either Epetra or Epetra64.
3 // Multiplies it by the vector of all ones and checks norms.
4 //
5 // To run:
6 // mpirun -np # test64.exe [n]
7 // where n is an optional argument specifying the number of matrix rows.
8 // Default n == 10.
9 //
10 // Two macro definitions below control behavior:
11 // ITYPE: int --> use Epetra
12 // long long --> use Epetra64
13 // OFFSET_EPETRA64: Add this value to each row/column index. Resulting
14 // matrix rows/columns are indexed from
17 #include <limits.h>
18 #define ITYPE long long
19 #define OFFSET_EPETRA64 0
21 #include <stdio.h>
23 #include "Epetra_ConfigDefs.h"
25 #ifdef EPETRA_MPI
26 #include <mpi.h>
27 #include "Epetra_MpiComm.h"
28 #define FINALIZE MPI_Finalize()
29 #else
30 #include "Epetra_SerialComm.h"
31 #define FINALIZE
32 #endif
34 #include "Epetra_CrsMatrix.h"
35 #include "Epetra_Map.h"
36 #include "Epetra_Vector.h"
39 // Build the following Laplacian matrix using Epetra or Epetra64.
40 //
41 // | 1 -1 |
42 // |-1 2 -1 |
43 // | -1 2 -1 |
44 // | ... |
45 // | -1 1|
46 //
49 #define MIN(a,b) ((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b))
51 int main(int narg, char *arg[])
52 {
53  using std::cout;
55 #ifdef EPETRA_MPI
56  // Initialize MPI
57  MPI_Init(&narg,&arg);
58  Epetra_MpiComm comm(MPI_COMM_WORLD);
59 #else
60  Epetra_SerialComm comm;
61 #endif
63  int me = comm.MyPID();
64  int np = comm.NumProc();
66  ITYPE nGlobalRows = 10;
67  if (narg > 1)
68  nGlobalRows = (ITYPE) atol(arg[1]);
70  bool verbose = (nGlobalRows < 20);
72  // Linear map similar to Trilinos default,
73  // but want to allow adding OFFSET_EPETRA64 to the indices.
74  int nMyRows = (int) (nGlobalRows / np + (nGlobalRows % np > me));
75  ITYPE myFirstRow = (ITYPE)(me * (nGlobalRows / np) + MIN(nGlobalRows%np, me));
76  ITYPE *myGlobalRows = new ITYPE[nMyRows];
77  for (int i = 0; i < nMyRows; i++)
78  myGlobalRows[i] = (ITYPE)i + myFirstRow + OFFSET_EPETRA64;
79  Epetra_Map *rowMap = new Epetra_Map(-1, nMyRows, &myGlobalRows[0], 0, comm);
80  if (verbose) rowMap->Print(std::cout);
82  // Create an integer vector nnzPerRow that is used to build the Epetra Matrix.
83  // nnzPerRow[i] is the number of entries for the ith local equation
84  std::vector<int> nnzPerRow(nMyRows+1, 0);
86  // Also create lists of the nonzeros to be assigned to processors.
87  // To save programming time and complexity, these vectors are allocated
88  // bigger than they may actually be needed.
89  std::vector<ITYPE> iv(3*nMyRows+1);
90  std::vector<ITYPE> jv(3*nMyRows+1);
91  std::vector<double> vv(3*nMyRows+1);
93  // Generate the nonzeros for the Laplacian matrix.
94  ITYPE nMyNonzeros = 0;
95  for (ITYPE i = 0, myrowcnt = 0; i < nGlobalRows; i++) {
96  if (rowMap->MyGID(i+OFFSET_EPETRA64)) {
97  // This processor owns this row; add nonzeros.
98  if (i > 0) {
99  iv[nMyNonzeros] = i + OFFSET_EPETRA64;
100  jv[nMyNonzeros] = i-1 + OFFSET_EPETRA64;
101  vv[nMyNonzeros] = -1;
102  if (verbose)
103  std::cout << "(" << iv[nMyNonzeros] << "," << jv[nMyNonzeros] << ")="
104  << vv[nMyNonzeros] << " on processor " << me
105  << " in " << myrowcnt << std::endl;
106  nMyNonzeros++;
107  nnzPerRow[myrowcnt]++;
108  }
110  iv[nMyNonzeros] = i + OFFSET_EPETRA64;
111  jv[nMyNonzeros] = i + OFFSET_EPETRA64;
112  vv[nMyNonzeros] = ((i == 0 || i == nGlobalRows-1) ? 1. : 2.);
113  if (verbose)
114  std::cout << "(" << iv[nMyNonzeros] << "," << jv[nMyNonzeros] << ")="
115  << vv[nMyNonzeros] << " on processor " << me
116  << " in " << myrowcnt << std::endl;
117  nMyNonzeros++;
118  nnzPerRow[myrowcnt]++;
120  if (i < nGlobalRows - 1) {
121  iv[nMyNonzeros] = i + OFFSET_EPETRA64;
122  jv[nMyNonzeros] = i+1 + OFFSET_EPETRA64;
123  vv[nMyNonzeros] = -1;
124  if (verbose)
125  std::cout << "(" << iv[nMyNonzeros] << "," << jv[nMyNonzeros] << ")="
126  << vv[nMyNonzeros] << " on processor " << me
127  << " in " << myrowcnt << std::endl;
128  nMyNonzeros++;
129  nnzPerRow[myrowcnt]++;
130  }
131  myrowcnt++;
132  }
133  }
135  // Create an Epetra_Matrix
136  Epetra_CrsMatrix *A = new Epetra_CrsMatrix(Copy, *rowMap, &nnzPerRow[0], true);
138  // Insert the nonzeros.
139 #ifndef NDEBUG
140  int info;
141 #endif
142  ITYPE sum = 0;
143  for (int i=0; i < nMyRows; i++) {
144  if (nnzPerRow[i]) {
145  if (verbose) {
146  std::cout << "InsertGlobalValus row " << iv[sum]
147  << " count " << nnzPerRow[i]
148  << " cols " << jv[sum] << " " << jv[sum+1] << " ";
149  if (nnzPerRow[i] == 3) std::cout << jv[sum+2];
150  std::cout << std::endl;
151  }
152 #ifndef NDEBUG
153  info =
154 #endif
155  A->InsertGlobalValues(iv[sum],nnzPerRow[i],&vv[sum],&jv[sum]);
156  assert(info==0);
157  sum += nnzPerRow[i];
158  }
159  }
161  // Finish up
162 #ifndef NDEBUG
163  info =
164 #endif
165  A->FillComplete();
166  assert(info==0);
167  if (verbose) A->Print(std::cout);
169  // Sanity test: Product of matrix and vector of ones should have norm == 0
170  // and max/min/mean values of 0
171  Epetra_Vector sanity(A->RangeMap());
172  Epetra_Vector sanityres(A->DomainMap());
173  sanity.PutScalar(1.);
174  A->Multiply(false, sanity, sanityres);
176  double jjone, jjtwo, jjmax;
177  sanityres.Norm1(&jjone);
178  sanityres.Norm2(&jjtwo);
179  sanityres.NormInf(&jjmax);
180  if (me == 0)
181  std::cout << "SanityTest norms 1/2/inf: " << jjone << " "
182  << jjtwo << " " << jjmax << std::endl;
184  bool test_failed = (jjone != 0) || (jjtwo != 0) || (jjmax != 0);
186  sanityres.MinValue(&jjone);
187  sanityres.MeanValue(&jjtwo);
188  sanityres.MaxValue(&jjmax);
189  if (me == 0)
190  std::cout << "SanityTest values min/max/avg: " << jjone << " "
191  << jjmax << " " << jjtwo << std::endl;
193  test_failed = test_failed || (jjone != 0) || (jjtwo != 0) || (jjmax != 0);
195  if (me == 0) {
196  if(test_failed)
197  std::cout << "Bug_5791_StaticProifle_LL tests FAILED" << std::endl;
198  }
200  delete A;
201  delete rowMap;
202  delete [] myGlobalRows;
205 }
Epetra_Map: A class for partitioning vectors and matrices.
Definition: Epetra_Map.h:127
const Epetra_Map & RangeMap() const
Returns the Epetra_Map object associated with the range of this matrix operator.
int Multiply(bool TransA, const Epetra_Vector &x, Epetra_Vector &y) const
Returns the result of a Epetra_CrsMatrix multiplied by a Epetra_Vector x in y.
virtual void Print(std::ostream &os) const
Print object to an output stream.
int PutScalar(double ScalarConstant)
Initialize all values in a multi-vector with constant value.
virtual int InsertGlobalValues(int GlobalRow, int NumEntries, const double *Values, const int *Indices)
Insert a list of elements in a given global row of the matrix.
Epetra_Vector: A class for constructing and using dense vectors on a parallel computer.
int MyPID() const
Return my process ID.
Epetra_MpiComm: The Epetra MPI Communication Class.
int FillComplete(bool OptimizeDataStorage=true)
Signal that data entry is complete. Perform transformations to local index space. ...
virtual void Print(std::ostream &os) const
Print method.
bool MyGID(int GID_in) const
Returns true if the GID passed in belongs to the calling processor in this map, otherwise returns fal...
int NumProc() const
Returns total number of processes (always returns 1 for SerialComm).
Epetra_SerialComm: The Epetra Serial Communication Class.
Epetra_CrsMatrix: A class for constructing and using real-valued double-precision sparse compressed r...
const Epetra_Map & DomainMap() const
Returns the Epetra_Map object associated with the domain of this matrix operator. ...
int main(int argc, char *argv[])