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Epetra_Object Class Reference

Epetra_Object: The base Epetra class. More...

#include <Epetra_Object.h>

Inheritance diagram for Epetra_Object:
Inheritance graph

Static Public Attributes

static int TracebackMode

Protected Member Functions

std::string toString (const int &x) const
std::string toString (const long long &x) const
std::string toString (const double &x) const

Private Member Functions

Epetra_Objectoperator= (const Epetra_Object &src)

Private Attributes

char * Label_


 Epetra_Object (int TracebackModeIn=-1, bool set_label=true)
 Epetra_Object Constructor. More...
 Epetra_Object (const char *const Label, int TracebackModeIn=-1)
 Epetra_Object Constructor. More...
 Epetra_Object (const Epetra_Object &Object)
 Epetra_Object Copy Constructor. More...
virtual ~Epetra_Object ()
 Epetra_Object Destructor. More...

Attribute set/get methods

virtual void SetLabel (const char *const Label)
 Epetra_Object Label definition using char *. More...
virtual const char * Label () const
 Epetra_Object Label access funtion. More...
static void SetTracebackMode (int TracebackModeValue)
 Set the value of the Epetra_Object error traceback report mode. More...
static int GetTracebackMode ()
 Get the value of the Epetra_Object error report mode. More...
static std::ostream & GetTracebackStream ()
 Get the output stream for error reporting. More...


virtual void Print (std::ostream &os) const
 Print object to an output stream Print method. More...
virtual int ReportError (const std::string Message, int ErrorCode) const
 Error reporting method. More...

Detailed Description

Epetra_Object: The base Epetra class.

The Epetra_Object class provides capabilities common to all Epetra objects, such as a label that identifies an object instance, constant definitions, enum types.

Definition at line 65 of file Epetra_Object.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Epetra_Object::Epetra_Object ( int  TracebackModeIn = -1,
bool  set_label = true 

Epetra_Object Constructor.

Epetra_Object is the primary base class in Epetra. All Epetra class are derived from it, directly or indirectly. This class is seldom used explictly.

Definition at line 50 of file Epetra_Object.cpp.

Epetra_Object::Epetra_Object ( const char *const  Label,
int  TracebackModeIn = -1 

Epetra_Object Constructor.

Creates a Epetra_Object with the given label.

Definition at line 60 of file Epetra_Object.cpp.

Epetra_Object::Epetra_Object ( const Epetra_Object Object)

Epetra_Object Copy Constructor.

Makes an exact copy of an existing Epetra_Object instance.

Definition at line 68 of file Epetra_Object.cpp.

Epetra_Object::~Epetra_Object ( )

Epetra_Object Destructor.

Completely deletes a Epetra_Object object.

Definition at line 122 of file Epetra_Object.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

void Epetra_Object::SetLabel ( const char *const  Label)

Epetra_Object Label definition using char *.

Defines the label used to describe the this object.

Definition at line 134 of file Epetra_Object.cpp.

const char * Epetra_Object::Label ( ) const

Epetra_Object Label access funtion.

Returns the string used to define this object.

Reimplemented in Epetra_CrsMatrix, Epetra_VbrMatrix, Epetra_SerialDenseMatrix, Epetra_BasicRowMatrix, and Epetra_SerialDenseSVD.

Definition at line 130 of file Epetra_Object.cpp.

void Epetra_Object::SetTracebackMode ( int  TracebackModeValue)

Set the value of the Epetra_Object error traceback report mode.

Sets the integer error traceback behavior. TracebackMode controls whether or not traceback information is printed when run time integer errors are detected:

<= 0 - No information report

= 1 - Fatal (negative) values are reported

>= 2 - All values (except zero) reported.

Default is set to 1.

Definition at line 77 of file Epetra_Object.cpp.

int Epetra_Object::GetTracebackMode ( )

Get the value of the Epetra_Object error report mode.

Definition at line 82 of file Epetra_Object.cpp.

std::ostream & Epetra_Object::GetTracebackStream ( )

Get the output stream for error reporting.

Definition at line 88 of file Epetra_Object.cpp.

void Epetra_Object::Print ( std::ostream &  os) const
int Epetra_Object::ReportError ( const std::string  Message,
int  ErrorCode 
) const

Error reporting method.

Definition at line 103 of file Epetra_Object.cpp.

std::string Epetra_Object::toString ( const int &  x) const

Definition at line 153 of file Epetra_Object.h.

std::string Epetra_Object::toString ( const long long &  x) const

Definition at line 158 of file Epetra_Object.h.

std::string Epetra_Object::toString ( const double &  x) const

Definition at line 164 of file Epetra_Object.h.

Epetra_Object& Epetra_Object::operator= ( const Epetra_Object src)

Definition at line 172 of file Epetra_Object.h.

Member Data Documentation

int Epetra_Object::TracebackMode

Definition at line 149 of file Epetra_Object.h.

char* Epetra_Object::Label_

Definition at line 177 of file Epetra_Object.h.

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