Kokkos::Array< T, N, Proxy > | Derived from the C++17 'std::array'. Dropping the iterator interface |
Kokkos::Array< array_index_type, rank > | |
Kokkos::Array< int64_t, Rank > | |
Kokkos::Bitset< Device > | A thread safe view to a bitset |
Kokkos::complex< RealType > | Partial reimplementation of std::complex that works as the result of a Kokkos::parallel_reduce |
Kokkos::ConstBitset< Device > | |
Kokkos::Crs< DataType, Arg1Type, Arg2Type, SizeType > | Compressed row storage array |
Kokkos::Impl::FunctorPolicyExecutionSpace< Functor, Policy, EnableFunctor, EnablePolicy > | Given a Functor and Execution Policy query an execution space |
Kokkos::GraphRowViewConst< GraphType > | View of a row of a sparse graph |
Kokkos::HostSpace | Memory management for host memory |
Kokkos::LaunchBounds< maxT, minB > | Specify Launch Bounds for CUDA execution |
Kokkos::LayoutLeft | Memory layout tag indicating left-to-right (Fortran scheme) striding of multi-indices |
Kokkos::LayoutRight | Memory layout tag indicating right-to-left (C or lexigraphical scheme) striding of multi-indices |
Kokkos::LayoutStride | Memory layout tag indicated arbitrarily strided multi-index mapping into contiguous memory |
Kokkos::Experimental::LayoutTiled< OuterP, InnerP, ArgN0, ArgN1, ArgN2, ArgN3, ArgN4, ArgN5, ArgN6, ArgN7, IsPowerOfTwo > | LayoutTiled |
Kokkos::Impl::TeamPolicyInternal< ExecSpace, Properties >::member_type | Parallel execution of a functor calls the functor once with each member of the execution policy |
Kokkos::Impl::MemorySpaceAccess< DstMemorySpace, SrcMemorySpace > | Access relationship between DstMemorySpace and SrcMemorySpace |
Kokkos::pair< T1, T2 > | Replacement for std::pair that works on CUDA devices |
Kokkos::Impl::ParallelFor< FunctorType, ExecPolicy, ExecutionSpace > | Implementation of the ParallelFor operator that has a partial specialization for the device |
Kokkos::Impl::ParallelReduce< FunctorType, ExecPolicy, ReducerType, ExecutionSpace > | Implementation detail of parallel_reduce |
Kokkos::Impl::ParallelScan< FunctorType, ExecPolicy, ExecutionSapce > | Implementation detail of parallel_scan |
Kokkos::RangePolicy< Properties > | Execution policy for work over a range of an integral type |
Kokkos::ScopeGuard | ScopeGuard Some user scope issues have been identified with some Kokkos::finalize calls; ScopeGuard aims to correct these issues |
Kokkos::ScratchMemorySpace< ExecSpace > | Scratch memory space associated with an execution space |
Kokkos::SpaceAccessibility< AccessSpace, MemorySpace > | Can AccessSpace access MemorySpace ? |
Kokkos::StaticCrsGraph< DataType, Arg1Type, Arg2Type, Arg3Type, SizeType > | Compressed row storage array |
Kokkos::TeamPolicy< Properties > | Execution policy for parallel work over a league of teams of threads |
Kokkos::Timer | Time since construction |
Kokkos::Experimental::UniqueToken< ExecutionSpace, UniqueTokenScope > | Class to generate unique ids base on the required amount of concurrency |
Kokkos::Experimental::UniqueToken< execution_space, Kokkos::Experimental::UniqueTokenScope::Global > | |
Kokkos::UnorderedMap< Key, Value, Device, Hasher, EqualTo > | Thread-safe, performance-portable lookup table |
Kokkos::UnorderedMapInsertResult | First element of the return value of UnorderedMap::insert() |
Kokkos::Impl::ViewToDynRankViewTag | Assign compatible default mappings |
Kokkos::ViewTraits< DataType, Properties > | Traits class for accessing attributes of a View |
Kokkos::ViewTraits< const size_type *, Properties...> | |
Kokkos::View< const size_type *, array_layout, device_type, memory_traits > | |
Kokkos::ViewTraits< const unsigned *, Properties...> | |
Kokkos::View< const unsigned *, execution_space, MemoryTraits< RandomAccess > > | |
Kokkos::ViewTraits< data_type *, Properties...> | |
Kokkos::View< data_type *, array_layout, device_type, memory_traits > | |
Kokkos::ViewTraits< DataType *, Properties...> | |
Kokkos::View< DataType *, array_layout, device_type > | |
Kokkos::ViewTraits< DataType, Arg1Type, Arg2Type, Arg3Type > | |
Kokkos::ViewTraits< DataType, P...> | |
Kokkos::Experimental::DynamicView< DataType, P > | Dynamic views are restricted to rank-one and no layout. Resize only occurs on host outside of parallel_regions. Subviews are not allowed |
Kokkos::ViewTraits< DataType, Properties...> | |
Kokkos::View< DataType, Properties > | View to an array of data |
Kokkos::ViewTraits< DP..., P...> | |
Kokkos::Experimental::DynamicView< DP...> | |
Kokkos::ViewTraits< index_type *, Properties...> | |
Kokkos::View< index_type *, memory_space > | |
Kokkos::ViewTraits< int *, execution_space, void, void > | |
Kokkos::ViewTraits< int, Properties...> | |
Kokkos::View< int, execution_space > | |
Kokkos::View< int[num_scalars], LayoutLeft, device_type > | |
Kokkos::ViewTraits< internal_data_type, Properties...> | |
Kokkos::View< internal_data_type, Kokkos::LayoutLeft, device_type > | |
Kokkos::View< internal_data_type, Kokkos::LayoutRight, device_type > | |
Kokkos::ViewTraits< report_type *, execution_space, void, void > | |
Kokkos::ViewTraits< Scalar *, LayoutLeft, Arg1Type, void > | |
Kokkos::ViewTraits< size_type *, Properties...> | |
Kokkos::View< size_type *, array_layout, device_type > | |
Kokkos::ViewTraits< SP..., P...> | |
Kokkos::Experimental::DynamicView< SP...> | |
Kokkos::ViewTraits< std::int32_t *, Properties...> | |
Kokkos::View< std::int32_t *, memory_space > | |
Kokkos::ViewTraits< typename traits::data_type, Properties...> | |
Kokkos::View< typename traits::data_type, Arg1Type, Arg2Type, Arg3Type > | |
Kokkos::View< typename traits::data_type, execution_space, void, void > | |
Kokkos::View< typename traits::data_type, LayoutLeft, Arg1Type, void > | |
Kokkos::ViewTraits< unsigned *, Properties...> | |
Kokkos::View< unsigned *, execution_space, MemoryTraits< RandomAccess > > | |
Kokkos::ViewTraits< unsigned int, Properties...> | |
Kokkos::View< unsigned int[2], LayoutLeft, Kokkos::HostSpace > | |
Kokkos::ViewTraits< value_type, Properties...> | |
Kokkos::View< value_type, DeviceType > | |
Kokkos::View< value_type, execution_space > | |
Kokkos::View< value_type, Space > | |
Kokkos::RangePolicy< Properties >::WorkRange | Subrange for a partition's rank and size |