Ifpack2::BlockTriDiContainerDetails::AmD< MatrixType > | |
 Ifpack2::BlockTriDiContainer< MatrixType, BlockTriDiContainerDetails::ImplSimdTag >::ApplyParameters | Input arguments to applyInverseJacobi |
 Ifpack2::BlockTriDiContainerDetails::ArrayValueType< T, N > | |
 Ifpack2::BlockTriDiContainerDetails::BlockTridiags< MatrixType > | |
 Ifpack2::BlockTriDiContainerDetails::BlockTridiagScalarType< T > | |
 Ifpack2::BlockTriDiContainer< MatrixType, ImplTagType > | Store and solve local block tridiagonal linear problems |
 Ifpack2::BorderedOperator< Scalar, LocalOrdinal, GlobalOrdinal, Node > | Ifpack2 bordered operator |
 Ifpack2::Details::CanChangeMatrix< RowMatrixType > | Mix-in interface for preconditioners that can change their matrix after construction |
 Ifpack2::Details::CanChangeMatrix< Tpetra::RowMatrix< MatrixType::scalar_type, MatrixType::local_ordinal_type, MatrixType::global_ordinal_type, MatrixType::node_type > > | |
  Ifpack2::AdditiveSchwarz< MatrixType, LocalInverseType > | Additive Schwarz domain decomposition for Tpetra sparse matrices |
  Ifpack2::BlockRelaxation< MatrixType, ContainerType > | Block relaxation preconditioners (or smoothers) for Tpetra::RowMatrix and Tpetra::CrsMatrix sparse matrices |
  Ifpack2::Chebyshev< MatrixType > | Diagonally scaled Chebyshev iteration for Tpetra sparse matrices |
  Ifpack2::Details::Amesos2Wrapper< MatrixType > | Wrapper class for direct solvers in Amesos2 |
  Ifpack2::Details::DenseSolver< MatrixType, stub > | "Preconditioner" that uses LAPACK's dense LU |
  Ifpack2::Details::DenseSolver< MatrixType, false > | Partial specialization for stub=false (the default) |
  Ifpack2::Details::TriDiSolver< MatrixType, stub > | "Preconditioner" that uses LAPACK's tridi LU |
  Ifpack2::Details::TriDiSolver< MatrixType, false > | Partial specialization for stub=false (the default) |
  Ifpack2::IdentitySolver< MatrixType > | "Identity" preconditioner |
  Ifpack2::ILUT< MatrixType > | ILUT (incomplete LU factorization with threshold) of a Tpetra sparse matrix |
  Ifpack2::LocalSparseTriangularSolver< MatrixType > | "Preconditioner" that solves local sparse triangular systems |
  Ifpack2::Relaxation< MatrixType > | Relaxation preconditioners for Tpetra::RowMatrix and Tpetra::CrsMatrix sparse matrices |
  Ifpack2::RILUK< MatrixType > | ILU(k) factorization of a given Tpetra::RowMatrix |
 Ifpack2::Details::CanChangeMatrix< Tpetra::RowMatrix< Scalar, LocalOrdinal, GlobalOrdinal, Node > > | |
  Ifpack2::Details::FastILU_Base< Scalar, LocalOrdinal, GlobalOrdinal, Node > | The base class of the Ifpack2 FastILU wrappers (Filu, Fildl and Fic) |
   Ifpack2::Details::Fic< Scalar, LocalOrdinal, GlobalOrdinal, Node > | The Ifpack2 wrapper to the incomplete Chebyshev preconditioner of ShyLU FastILU |
   Ifpack2::Details::Fildl< Scalar, LocalOrdinal, GlobalOrdinal, Node > | The Ifpack2 wrapper to the ILDL preconditioner of ShyLU FastILU |
   Ifpack2::Details::Filu< Scalar, LocalOrdinal, GlobalOrdinal, Node > | The Ifpack2 wrapper to the ILU preconditioner of ShyLU FastILU |
 Ifpack2::Details::CanChangeMatrix< Tpetra::RowMatrix< Tpetra::RowMatrix< MatrixType::scalar_type, MatrixType::local_ordinal_type, MatrixType::global_ordinal_type, MatrixType::node_type >::scalar_type, Tpetra::RowMatrix< MatrixType::scalar_type, MatrixType::local_ordinal_type, MatrixType::global_ordinal_type, MatrixType::node_type >::local_ordinal_type, Tpetra::RowMatrix< MatrixType::scalar_type, MatrixType::local_ordinal_type, MatrixType::global_ordinal_type, MatrixType::node_type >::global_ordinal_type, Tpetra::RowMatrix< MatrixType::scalar_type, MatrixType::local_ordinal_type, MatrixType::global_ordinal_type, MatrixType::node_type >::node_type > > | |
  Ifpack2::RILUK< Tpetra::RowMatrix< MatrixType::scalar_type, MatrixType::local_ordinal_type, MatrixType::global_ordinal_type, MatrixType::node_type > > | |
   Ifpack2::Experimental::RBILUK< MatrixType > | ILU(k) factorization of a given Tpetra::BlockCrsMatrix |
 Ifpack2::Details::ChebyshevKernel< TpetraOperatorType > | Compute scaled damped residual for Chebyshev |
 Ifpack2::Details::Impl::ChebyshevKernelVectorFunctor< WVector, DVector, BVector, AMatrix, XVector_colMap, XVector_domMap, Scalar, use_beta, do_X_update > | Functor for computing W := alpha * D * (B - A*X) + beta * W and X := X+W |
 Ifpack2::ContainerFactory< MatrixType > | A static "factory" that provides a way to register and construct arbitrary Ifpack2::Container subclasses using string keys |
 Ifpack2::Details::CrsArrayReader< Scalar, LocalOrdinal, GlobalOrdinal, Node >::CountEntriesFunctor | Functor for counting matrix entries per row in parallel |
 Ifpack2::BlockTriDiContainerDetails::ExtractAndFactorizeTridiagsDefaultModeAndAlgo< ArgActiveExecutionMemorySpace > | |
 Ifpack2::Factory | "Factory" for creating Ifpack2 preconditioners |
 Ifpack2::Details::CrsArrayReader< Scalar, LocalOrdinal, GlobalOrdinal, Node >::GetIndicesFunctor | Functor for getting column indices in parallel |
 Ifpack2::Details::CrsArrayReader< Scalar, LocalOrdinal, GlobalOrdinal, Node >::GetValuesFunctor | Functor for getting matrix values in parallel |
 Ifpack2::BlockTriDiContainerDetails::ImplNotAvailTag | |
 Ifpack2::BlockTriDiContainerDetails::ImplObject< MatrixType > | Forward declaration |
 Ifpack2::BlockTriDiContainerDetails::ImplType< MatrixType > | |
 Ifpack2::BlockTriDiContainerDetails::is_cuda< T > | |
 Teuchos::LabeledObject [external] | |
  Teuchos::Describable [external] | |
   Ifpack2::Details::Chebyshev< scalar_type, MV > | |
   Ifpack2::Container< MatrixType > | Interface for creating and solving a set of local linear problems |
    Ifpack2::ContainerImpl< MatrixType, InverseType::scalar_type > | |
     Ifpack2::SparseContainer< MatrixType, InverseType > | Store and solve a local sparse linear problem |
    Ifpack2::BlockTriDiContainer< MatrixType, BlockTriDiContainerDetails::ImplNotAvailTag > | |
    Ifpack2::BlockTriDiContainer< MatrixType, BlockTriDiContainerDetails::ImplSimdTag > | |
    Ifpack2::ContainerImpl< MatrixType, LocalScalarType > | The implementation of the numerical features of Container (Jacobi, Gauss-Seidel, SGS). This class allows a custom scalar type (LocalScalarType) to be used for storing blocks and solving the block systems. Hiding this template parameter from the Container interface simplifies the BlockRelaxation and ContainerFactory classes |
     Ifpack2::BandedContainer< MatrixType, LocalScalarType > | Store and solve a local Banded linear problem |
     Ifpack2::DenseContainer< MatrixType, LocalScalarType > | Store and solve a local dense linear problem |
     Ifpack2::TriDiContainer< MatrixType, LocalScalarType > | Store and solve a local TriDi linear problem |
   Ifpack2::Details::Chebyshev< ScalarType, MV > | Left-scaled Chebyshev iteration |
   Ifpack2::Details::LinearSolver< SC, LO, GO, NT > | Ifpack2's implementation of Trilinos::Details::LinearSolver interface |
   Ifpack2::IlukGraph< GraphType > | Construct a level filled graph for use in computing an ILU(k) incomplete factorization |
   Ifpack2::LocalFilter< MatrixType > | Access only local rows and columns of a sparse matrix |
   Ifpack2::OverlapGraph< LocalOrdinal, GlobalOrdinal, Node > | Construct an overlapped graph from a given nonoverlapping graph |
   Ifpack2::Partitioner< GraphType > | Ifpack2::Partitioner: |
    Ifpack2::OverlappingPartitioner< GraphType > | Create overlapping partitions of a local graph |
     Ifpack2::Details::UserPartitioner< GraphType > | Partition in which the user can define a nonoverlapping partition of the graph in any way they choose |
     Ifpack2::LinearPartitioner< GraphType > | A class to define linear partitions |
     Ifpack2::LinePartitioner< GraphType, Scalar > | Ifpack2::LinePartitioner: A class to define partitions into a set of lines |
 Ifpack2::Details::LapackSupportsScalar< ScalarType > | Type traits class that says whether Teuchos::LAPACK has a valid implementation for the given ScalarType |
 Trilinos::Details::LinearSolver< Tpetra::MultiVector< SC, LO, GO, NT >, Tpetra::Operator< SC, LO, GO, NT >, Tpetra::MultiVector< SC, LO, GO, NT >::mag_type > [external] | |
  Ifpack2::Details::LinearSolver< SC, LO, GO, NT > | Ifpack2's implementation of Trilinos::Details::LinearSolver interface |
 Trilinos::Details::LinearSolverFactory< Tpetra::MultiVector< SC, LO, GO, NT >, Tpetra::Operator< SC, LO, GO, NT >, Tpetra::MultiVector< SC, LO, GO, NT >::mag_type > [external] | |
  Ifpack2::Details::LinearSolverFactory< SC, LO, GO, NT > | Interface for a "factory" that creates Ifpack2 solvers |
 Ifpack2::BlockTriDiContainerDetails::MultiVectorConverter< MatrixType > | |
 Ifpack2::Details::MultiVectorLocalGatherScatter< MV_in, MV_out > | Implementation detail of Ifpack2::Container subclasses |
 Ifpack2::Details::NestedPreconditioner< PrecType > | Mix-in interface for nested preconditioners |
 Ifpack2::Details::NestedPreconditioner< Preconditioner< MatrixType::scalar_type, MatrixType::local_ordinal_type, MatrixType::global_ordinal_type, MatrixType::node_type > > | |
  Ifpack2::AdditiveSchwarz< MatrixType, LocalInverseType > | Additive Schwarz domain decomposition for Tpetra sparse matrices |
 Ifpack2::BlockTriDiContainerDetails::NormManager< MatrixType > | |
 Ifpack2::Details::OneLevelFactory< MatrixType > | "Factory" for creating single-level preconditioners |
 Ifpack2::Preconditioner< Scalar, LocalOrdinal, GlobalOrdinal, Node > | Interface for all Ifpack2 preconditioners |
  Ifpack2::Details::FastILU_Base< Scalar, LocalOrdinal, GlobalOrdinal, Node > | The base class of the Ifpack2 FastILU wrappers (Filu, Fildl and Fic) |
 Ifpack2::Preconditioner< MatrixType::scalar_type, MatrixType::local_ordinal_type, MatrixType::global_ordinal_type, MatrixType::node_type > | |
  Ifpack2::AdditiveSchwarz< MatrixType, LocalInverseType > | Additive Schwarz domain decomposition for Tpetra sparse matrices |
  Ifpack2::BlockRelaxation< MatrixType, ContainerType > | Block relaxation preconditioners (or smoothers) for Tpetra::RowMatrix and Tpetra::CrsMatrix sparse matrices |
  Ifpack2::Chebyshev< MatrixType > | Diagonally scaled Chebyshev iteration for Tpetra sparse matrices |
  Ifpack2::Details::Amesos2Wrapper< MatrixType > | Wrapper class for direct solvers in Amesos2 |
  Ifpack2::Details::DenseSolver< MatrixType, stub > | "Preconditioner" that uses LAPACK's dense LU |
  Ifpack2::Details::DenseSolver< MatrixType, false > | Partial specialization for stub=false (the default) |
  Ifpack2::Details::TriDiSolver< MatrixType, stub > | "Preconditioner" that uses LAPACK's tridi LU |
  Ifpack2::Details::TriDiSolver< MatrixType, false > | Partial specialization for stub=false (the default) |
  Ifpack2::Hiptmair< MatrixType > | Wrapper for Hiptmair smoothers |
  Ifpack2::IdentitySolver< MatrixType > | "Identity" preconditioner |
  Ifpack2::ILUT< MatrixType > | ILUT (incomplete LU factorization with threshold) of a Tpetra sparse matrix |
  Ifpack2::LocalSparseTriangularSolver< MatrixType > | "Preconditioner" that solves local sparse triangular systems |
  Ifpack2::Relaxation< MatrixType > | Relaxation preconditioners for Tpetra::RowMatrix and Tpetra::CrsMatrix sparse matrices |
  Ifpack2::RILUK< MatrixType > | ILU(k) factorization of a given Tpetra::RowMatrix |
 Ifpack2::Preconditioner< Tpetra::RowMatrix< MatrixType::scalar_type, MatrixType::local_ordinal_type, MatrixType::global_ordinal_type, MatrixType::node_type >::scalar_type, Tpetra::RowMatrix< MatrixType::scalar_type, MatrixType::local_ordinal_type, MatrixType::global_ordinal_type, MatrixType::node_type >::local_ordinal_type, Tpetra::RowMatrix< MatrixType::scalar_type, MatrixType::local_ordinal_type, MatrixType::global_ordinal_type, MatrixType::node_type >::global_ordinal_type, Tpetra::RowMatrix< MatrixType::scalar_type, MatrixType::local_ordinal_type, MatrixType::global_ordinal_type, MatrixType::node_type >::node_type > | |
  Ifpack2::RILUK< Tpetra::RowMatrix< MatrixType::scalar_type, MatrixType::local_ordinal_type, MatrixType::global_ordinal_type, MatrixType::node_type > > | |
 Ifpack2::Details::RowGraph< GraphType > | All Ifpack2 implementations of Tpetra::RowGraph must inherit from this class |
  Ifpack2::Details::OverlappingRowGraph< GraphType > | Sparse graph (Tpetra::RowGraph subclass) with ghost rows |
 Ifpack2::Details::RowMatrix< MatrixType > | All Ifpack2 implementations of Tpetra::RowMatrix must inherit from this class |
  Ifpack2::DiagonalFilter< MatrixType > | Ifpack2_DiagonalFilter: Filter to modify the diagonal entries of a given Tpetra_RowMatrix |
  Ifpack2::DropFilter< MatrixType > | Filter based on matrix entries |
  Ifpack2::LocalFilter< MatrixType > | Access only local rows and columns of a sparse matrix |
  Ifpack2::OverlappingRowMatrix< MatrixType > | Sparse matrix (Tpetra::RowMatrix subclass) with ghost rows |
  Ifpack2::ReorderFilter< MatrixType > | Wraps a Tpetra::RowMatrix in a filter that reorders local rows and columns |
  Ifpack2::SingletonFilter< MatrixType > | Filter based on matrix entries |
  Ifpack2::SparsityFilter< MatrixType > | Drop entries of a matrix, based on the sparsity pattern |
 Ifpack2::Details::ScaledDampedResidual< TpetraOperatorType > | Compute scaled damped residual for Chebyshev |
 Ifpack2::Details::Impl::ScaledDampedResidualVectorFunctor< WVector, DVector, BVector, AMatrix, XVector, Scalar, use_beta > | Functor for computing W := alpha * D * (B - A*X) + beta * W |
 Ifpack2::BlockTriDiContainerDetails::SolveTridiagsDefaultModeAndAlgo< ArgActiveExecutionMemorySpace > | |
 Ifpack2::Details::StridedRowView< Scalar, LocalOrdinal, GlobalOrdinal, Node > | Structure for read-only views of general matrix rows |
 Ifpack2::BlockTriDiContainerDetails::SumReducer< T, N, ExecSpace > | |
 Teuchos::TypeNameTraits< ::Ifpack2::Container< MatrixType > > | Partial specialization of TypeNameTraits for Ifpack2::Container |