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EpetraExt::ModelEvaluator::Evaluation< ObjType > Member List

This is the complete list of members for EpetraExt::ModelEvaluator::Evaluation< ObjType >, including all inherited members.

assert_not_null() constTeuchos::RCP< ObjType >
assert_valid_ptr() constTeuchos::RCP< ObjType >
create_strong() constTeuchos::RCP< ObjType >
create_weak() constTeuchos::RCP< ObjType >
debug_assert_not_null() constTeuchos::RCP< ObjType >
debug_assert_valid_ptr() constTeuchos::RCP< ObjType >
element_type typedefTeuchos::RCP< ObjType >
ENull enum nameTeuchos::RCP< ObjType >
evalType_EpetraExt::ModelEvaluator::Evaluation< ObjType >private
Evaluation()EpetraExt::ModelEvaluator::Evaluation< ObjType >inline
Evaluation(const Teuchos::RCP< ObjType > &obj)EpetraExt::ModelEvaluator::Evaluation< ObjType >inline
Evaluation(const Teuchos::RCP< ObjType > &obj, EEvalType evalType)EpetraExt::ModelEvaluator::Evaluation< ObjType >inline
get() constTeuchos::RCP< ObjType >
get_dealloc(const RCP< ObjType > &p)Teuchos::RCP< ObjType >
get_extra_data(const RCP< T2 > &p, const std::string &name)Teuchos::RCP< ObjType >
get_nonconst_dealloc(const RCP< ObjType > &p)Teuchos::RCP< ObjType >
get_nonconst_extra_data(RCP< T2 > &p, const std::string &name)Teuchos::RCP< ObjType >
get_optional_dealloc(const RCP< ObjType > &p)Teuchos::RCP< ObjType >
get_optional_extra_data(const RCP< T2 > &p, const std::string &name)Teuchos::RCP< ObjType >
get_optional_nonconst_dealloc(const RCP< ObjType > &p)Teuchos::RCP< ObjType >
get_optional_nonconst_extra_data(RCP< T2 > &p, const std::string &name)Teuchos::RCP< ObjType >
get_shared_ptr(const RCP< ObjType > &rcp)Teuchos::RCP< ObjType >
getConst() constTeuchos::RCP< ObjType >
getEmbeddedObj(const RCP< ObjType > &p)Teuchos::RCP< ObjType >
getNonconstEmbeddedObj(const RCP< ObjType > &p)Teuchos::RCP< ObjType >
getOptionalEmbeddedObj(const RCP< ObjType > &p)Teuchos::RCP< ObjType >
getOptionalNonconstEmbeddedObj(const RCP< ObjType > &p)Teuchos::RCP< ObjType >
getRawPtr() constTeuchos::RCP< ObjType >
getType() const EpetraExt::ModelEvaluator::Evaluation< ObjType >inline
has_ownership() constTeuchos::RCP< ObjType >
is_null(const RCP< ObjType > &p)Teuchos::RCP< ObjType >
is_null() constTeuchos::RCP< ObjType >
is_valid_ptr() constTeuchos::RCP< ObjType >
nonnull(const RCP< ObjType > &p)Teuchos::RCP< ObjType >
null enum valueTeuchos::RCP< ObjType >
operator bool() constTeuchos::RCP< ObjType >
operator!=(const RCP< ObjType > &p, ENull)Teuchos::RCP< ObjType >
operator!=(const RCP< T1 > &p1, const RCP< T2 > &p2)Teuchos::RCP< ObjType >
operator()() constTeuchos::RCP< ObjType >
operator*() constTeuchos::RCP< ObjType >
operator->() constTeuchos::RCP< ObjType >
operator<<(std::ostream &out, const RCP< ObjType > &p)Teuchos::RCP< ObjType >
operator=(const RCP< ObjType > &r_ptr)Teuchos::RCP< ObjType >
operator=(RCP< ObjType > &&r_ptr)Teuchos::RCP< ObjType >
operator=(ENull)Teuchos::RCP< ObjType >
operator==(const RCP< ObjType > &p, ENull)Teuchos::RCP< ObjType >
operator==(const RCP< T1 > &p1, const RCP< T2 > &p2)Teuchos::RCP< ObjType >
ptr() constTeuchos::RCP< ObjType >
RCP(ObjType *p, ERCPWeakNoDealloc)Teuchos::RCP< ObjType >
RCP(ObjType *p, ERCPUndefinedWeakNoDealloc)Teuchos::RCP< ObjType >
RCP(ObjType *p, Dealloc_T dealloc, ERCPUndefinedWithDealloc, bool has_ownership=true)Teuchos::RCP< ObjType >
RCP(ObjType *p, const RCPNodeHandle &node)Teuchos::RCP< ObjType >
RCP(ENull null_arg=null)Teuchos::RCP< ObjType >
RCP(ObjType *p, bool has_ownership=true)Teuchos::RCP< ObjType >
RCP(ObjType *p, Dealloc_T dealloc, bool has_ownership)Teuchos::RCP< ObjType >
RCP(const RCP< ObjType > &r_ptr)Teuchos::RCP< ObjType >
RCP(RCP< ObjType > &&r_ptr)Teuchos::RCP< ObjType >
RCP(const RCP< T2 > &r_ptr)Teuchos::RCP< ObjType >
rcp(const boost::shared_ptr< ObjType > &sptr)Teuchos::RCP< ObjType >
rcp(ObjType *p, bool owns_mem=true)Teuchos::RCP< ObjType >
rcp(const std::shared_ptr< ObjType > &sptr)Teuchos::RCP< ObjType >
rcp_const_cast(const RCP< T1 > &p1)Teuchos::RCP< ObjType >
rcp_dynamic_cast(const RCP< T1 > &p1, bool throw_on_fail=false)Teuchos::RCP< ObjType >
rcp_implicit_cast(const RCP< T1 > &p1)Teuchos::RCP< ObjType >
rcp_static_cast(const RCP< T1 > &p1)Teuchos::RCP< ObjType >
rcpCloneNode(const RCP< ObjType > &p)Teuchos::RCP< ObjType >
rcpFromPtr(const Ptr< ObjType > &ptr)Teuchos::RCP< ObjType >
rcpFromRef(ObjType &r)Teuchos::RCP< ObjType >
rcpFromUndefRef(ObjType &r)Teuchos::RCP< ObjType >
rcpWithDealloc(ObjType *p, Dealloc_T dealloc, bool owns_mem=true)Teuchos::RCP< ObjType >
rcpWithDeallocUndef(ObjType *p, Dealloc_T dealloc, bool owns_mem=true)Teuchos::RCP< ObjType >
rcpWithEmbeddedObj(ObjType *p, const Embedded &embedded, bool owns_mem=true)Teuchos::RCP< ObjType >
rcpWithEmbeddedObjPostDestroy(ObjType *p, const Embedded &embedded, bool owns_mem=true)Teuchos::RCP< ObjType >
rcpWithEmbeddedObjPreDestroy(ObjType *p, const Embedded &embedded, bool owns_mem=true)Teuchos::RCP< ObjType >
rcpWithInvertedObjOwnership(const RCP< ObjType > &child, const RCP< ParentT > &parent)Teuchos::RCP< ObjType >
release()Teuchos::RCP< ObjType >
reset(const Teuchos::RCP< ObjType > &obj, EEvalType evalType)EpetraExt::ModelEvaluator::Evaluation< ObjType >inline
RCP< ObjType >::reset()Teuchos::RCP< ObjType >
RCP< ObjType >::reset(T2 *p, bool has_ownership=true)Teuchos::RCP< ObjType >
set_extra_data(const T1 &extra_data, const std::string &name, const Ptr< RCP< T2 > > &p, EPrePostDestruction destroy_when=POST_DESTROY, bool force_unique=true)Teuchos::RCP< ObjType >
set_has_ownership()Teuchos::RCP< ObjType >
shared_pointer(const RCP< ObjType > &rcp)Teuchos::RCP< ObjType >
shares_resource(const RCP< T2 > &r_ptr) constTeuchos::RCP< ObjType >
strength() constTeuchos::RCP< ObjType >
strong_count() constTeuchos::RCP< ObjType >
swap(RCP< ObjType > &r_ptr)Teuchos::RCP< ObjType >
total_count() constTeuchos::RCP< ObjType >
weak_count() constTeuchos::RCP< ObjType >
~RCP()Teuchos::RCP< ObjType >