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Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12345]
oCBelos::BiCGStabIterationState< ScalarType, MV >Structure to contain pointers to BiCGStabIteration state variables
|\CBelos::ReorthogonalizationCallback< Scalar >Interface of callback invoked by TsqrOrthoManager on reorthogonalization
oCBelos::BlockGCRODRIterState< ScalarType, MV >Structure to contain pointers to BlockGCRODRIter state variables
oCBelos::CGIterationState< ScalarType, MV >Structure to contain pointers to CGIteration state variables
oCBelos::CustomSolverFactory< Scalar, MV, OP >Interface for custom Belos solver factories
oCBelos::DefaultSolverParametersDefault parameters common to most Belos solvers
oCBelos::FixedPointIterationState< ScalarType, MV >Structure to contain pointers to FixedPointIteration state variables
oCBelos::GCRODRIterState< ScalarType, MV >Structure to contain pointers to GCRODRIter state variables
oCBelos::GmresIterationState< ScalarType, MV >Structure to contain pointers to GmresIteration state variables
oCBelos::InnerSolver< Scalar, MV, OP >Inner solver interface
oCBelos::InnerSolveResultRepresents the result of an inner solve
oCBelos::InnerSolverTraits< Scalar, MV, OP >Wrap an InnerSolver in an OP (operator)
oCBelos::Iteration< ScalarType, MV, OP >
|oCBelos::BiCGStabIter< ScalarType, MV, OP >This class implements the pseudo-block BiCGStab iteration, where the basic BiCGStab algorithm is performed on all of the linear systems simultaneously
|oCBelos::BlockGCRODRIter< ScalarType, MV, OP >Implementation of the Block GCRO-DR (Block Recycling GMRES) iteration
|oCBelos::CGIteration< ScalarType, MV, OP >
|oCBelos::FixedPointIteration< ScalarType, MV, OP >
|oCBelos::GCRODRIter< ScalarType, MV, OP >This class implements the GCRODR iteration, where a single-std::vector Krylov subspace is constructed. The QR decomposition of block, upper Hessenberg matrix is performed each iteration to update the least squares system and give the current linear system residuals
|oCBelos::GmresIteration< ScalarType, MV, OP >
|oCBelos::LSQRIter< ScalarType, MV, OP >Implementation of the LSQR iteration
|oCBelos::MinresIteration< ScalarType, MV, OP >
|oCBelos::PCPGIter< ScalarType, MV, OP >This class implements the PCPG iteration, where a single-std::vector Krylov subspace is constructed. The documentation refers to blocks, but note that at this point, all blocks have unit dimension
|oCBelos::PseudoBlockGmresIter< ScalarType, MV, OP >This class implements the pseudo-block GMRES iteration, where a block Krylov subspace is constructed for all of the linear systems simultaneously. The QR decomposition of each block, upper Hessenberg matrix is performed each iteration to update the least squares system and give the current linear system residuals
|oCBelos::PseudoBlockTFQMRIter< ScalarType, MV, OP >This class implements the preconditioned transpose-free QMR algorithm for solving non-Hermitian linear systems of equations Ax = b, where b is the right-hand side vector and x is the corresponding solution
|oCBelos::RCGIter< ScalarType, MV, OP >This class implements the RCG iteration, where a single-std::vector Krylov subspace is constructed
|oCBelos::StochasticCGIteration< ScalarType, MV, OP >
|\CBelos::TFQMRIter< ScalarType, MV, OP >This class implements the preconditioned transpose-free QMR algorithm for solving non-Hermitian linear systems of equations Ax = b, where b is the right-hand side vector and x is the corresponding solution
oCTeuchos::LabeledObject [external]
|\CTeuchos::Describable [external]
oCBelos::Details::LapackSupportsScalar< ScalarType >Type traits class that says whether Teuchos::LAPACK has a valid implementation for the given ScalarType
oCBelos::Details::LapackSupportsScalar< double >
oCBelos::Details::LapackSupportsScalar< float >
oCBelos::LinearProblem< ScalarType, MV, OP >A linear system to solve, and its associated information
oCTrilinos::Details::LinearSolver< MV, OP, NormType > [external]
|\CBelos::Details::LinearSolver< MV, OP, ScalarType, NormType >Belos' implementation of Trilinos::Details::LinearSolver
oCTrilinos::Details::LinearSolverFactory< MV, OP, NormType > [external]
|\CBelos::Details::LinearSolverFactory< MV, OP, ScalarType, NormType >
oCBelos::details::LocalDenseMatrixOps< Scalar >Low-level operations on non-distributed dense matrices
|\CBelos::BelosErrorParent class to all Belos exceptions
oCBelos::LSQRIterationState< ScalarType, MV >Structure to contain pointers to LSQRIteration state variables, ..
oCLSQRStatusTestA Belos::StatusTest class for specifying convergence of LSQR. The outer status tests passes if an inner status passes a user specified number of times consecutively. The inner status test depends on information specific to LSQR iteration
oCBelos::MinresIterationState< ScalarType, MV >Structure to contain pointers to MinresIteration state variables
oCBelos::MultiVec< ScalarType >Interface for multivectors used by Belos' linear solvers
|\CBelos::GmresPolyMv< ScalarType, MV >
oCBelos::MultiVecTraits< ScalarType, MV >Traits class which defines basic operations on multivectors
oCBelos::MultiVecTraits< ScalarType, MultiVec< ScalarType > >Specialization of MultiVecTraits for Belos::MultiVec
oCBelos::details::MultiVecTsqrAdapter< ScalarType >TSQR adapter for MultiVec
oCBelos::Operator< ScalarType >Alternative run-time polymorphic interface for operators
|\CBelos::GmresPolyOp< ScalarType, MV, OP >Belos's class for applying the GMRES polynomial operator that is used by the hybrid-GMRES linear solver
oCBelos::OperatorT< MV >
oCBelos::OperatorTraits< ScalarType, MV, OP >Class which defines basic traits for the operator type
oCBelos::OperatorTraits< Scalar, MV, InnerSolver< Scalar, MV, OP > >Partial specialization of OperatorTraits for InnerSolver
oCBelos::OperatorTraits< ScalarType, MultiVec< ScalarType >, Operator< ScalarType > >Specialization of OperatorTraits for Operator and MultiVec
oCBelos::OperatorTraits< ScalarType, MV, OperatorT< MV > >Specialization of OperatorTraits for OperatorT
oCBelos::Test::OrthoManagerBenchmarker< Scalar, MV >OrthoManager benchmark
oCBelos::OrthoManagerFactory< Scalar, MV, OP >Enumeration of all valid Belos (Mat)OrthoManager classes
oCBelos::OrthoManagerFactory< ScalarType, MV, OP >
oCBelos::Test::OrthoManagerTester< Scalar, MV >Wrapper around OrthoManager test functionality
oCBelos::OutOfPlaceNormalizerMixin< Scalar, MV >Mixin for out-of-place orthogonalization
|oCBelos::TsqrMatOrthoManager< Scalar, MV, OP >MatOrthoManager subclass using TSQR or DGKS
|\CBelos::TsqrOrthoManager< Scalar, MV >TSQR-based OrthoManager subclass
oCBelos::OutputManager< ScalarType >Belos's basic output manager for sending information of select verbosity levels to the appropriate output stream
oCTeuchos::ParameterListAcceptor [external]
|\CTeuchos::ParameterListAcceptorDefaultBase [external]
oCBelos::PCPGIterState< ScalarType, MV >Structure to contain pointers to PCPGIter state variables
oCBelos::details::ProjectedLeastSquaresProblem< Scalar >"Container" for the GMRES projected least-squares problem
oCBelos::details::ProjectedLeastSquaresSolver< Scalar >Methods for solving GMRES' projected least-squares problem
oCBelos::PseudoBlockGmresIterState< ScalarType, MV >Structure to contain pointers to PseudoBlockGmresIter state variables
oCBelos::PseudoBlockTFQMRIterState< ScalarType, MV >Structure to contain pointers to PseudoBlockTFQMRIter state variables
oCBelos::RCGIterState< ScalarType, MV >Structure to contain pointers to RCGIter state variables
oCBelos::Details::RealSolverManager< ScalarType, MV, OP, isComplex >Base class for Belos::SolverManager subclasses which normally can only compile for real ScalarType
oCBelos::Details::RealSolverManager< ScalarType, MV, OP, Teuchos::ScalarTraits< ScalarType >::isComplex >
|\CBelos::LSQRSolMgr< ScalarType, MV, OP, scalarTypeIsComplex >LSQR method (for linear systems and linear least-squares problems)
oCBelos::Impl::SolverFactorySelector< SC, MV, OP >
oCBelos::Impl::SolverFactorySelector< double, MultiVec< double >, Operator< double > >
oCBelos::Details::SolverManagerRequiresLapack< ScalarType, MV, OP, lapackSupportsScalarType >Base class for Belos::SolverManager subclasses which normally can only compile with ScalarType types for which Teuchos::LAPACK has a valid implementation
oCBelos::Details::SolverManagerRequiresLapack< ScalarType, MV, OP >
|oCBelos::BlockCGSolMgr< ScalarType, MV, OP, lapackSupportsScalarType >The Belos::BlockCGSolMgr provides a powerful and fully-featured solver manager over the CG and BlockCG linear solver
|\CBelos::GCRODRSolMgr< ScalarType, MV, OP, lapackSupportsScalarType >Implementation of the GCRODR (Recycling GMRES) iterative linear solver
oCBelos::Details::SolverManagerRequiresLapack< ScalarType, MV, OP, Belos::Details::LapackSupportsScalar< ScalarType >::value >
|\CBelos::PseudoBlockCGSolMgr< ScalarType, MV, OP, supportsScalarType >The Belos::PseudoBlockCGSolMgr provides a powerful and fully-featured solver manager over the pseudo-block CG iteration
oCBelos::Details::SolverManagerRequiresRealLapack< ScalarType, MV, OP, supportsScalarType >Base class for Belos::SolverManager subclasses which normally can only compile with real ScalarType types for which Teuchos::LAPACK has a valid implementation
oCBelos::Details::SolverManagerRequiresRealLapack< ScalarType, MV, OP, Belos::Details::LapackSupportsScalar< ScalarType >::value &&!Teuchos::ScalarTraits< ScalarType >::isComplex >
|oCBelos::PCPGSolMgr< ScalarType, MV, OP, supportsScalarType >PCPG iterative linear solver
|\CBelos::RCGSolMgr< ScalarType, MV, OP, supportsScalarType >Implementation of the RCG (Recycling Conjugate Gradient) iterative linear solver
oCBelos::StatusTestFactory< Scalar, MV, OP >Factory to build a set of status tests from a parameter list
oCBelos::StatusTestOutputFactory< ScalarType, MV, OP >A factory class for generating StatusTestOutput objects
oCBelos::StochasticCGIterationState< ScalarType, MV >Structure to contain pointers to CGIteration state variables
oCBelos::TFQMRIterState< ScalarType, MV >Structure to contain pointers to TFQMRIter state variables
oCBelos::UndefinedMultiVecTraits< ScalarType, MV >Used by MultiVecTraits to report lack of a specialization
oCBelos::UndefinedOperatorTraits< ScalarType, MV, OP >Class used to require specialization of OperatorTraits
\CBelos::UndefinedWrapperType< Scalar, MV, OP >Undefined wrapper type, to check at compile time whether InnerSolverTraits has been specialized

Generated on Fri Mar 7 2025 09:26:04 for Belos by doxygen 1.8.5