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Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 1234]
oCZoltan2::AlgMJ< mj_scalar_t, mj_lno_t, mj_gno_t, mj_part_t >Multi Jagged coordinate partitioning algorithm
oCZoltan2::Algorithm< Adapter >Algorithm defines the base class for all algorithms
oCZoltan2::Algorithm< Adapter::base_adapter_t >
oCZoltan2::BaseAdapterRootBaseAdapter defines methods required by all Adapters
oCZoltan2::BaseClassMetrics< scalar_t >
oCZoltan2::BasicUserTypes< scalar, lno, gno >A simple class that can be the User template argument for an InputAdapter
oCZoltan2::BasicUserTypes< zscalar_t, zlno_t, zgno_t >
oCZoltan2::CommunicationModel< part_t, pcoord_t >CommunicationModel Base Class that performs mapping between the coordinate partitioning result
oCComparisonHelperA class for comparing solutions, metrics, and timing data of Zoltan2 problems
oCComparisonSourceA class used to save problem solutions and timers
oCGeometricGen::CoordinateDistribution< T, lno_t, gno_t >
oCGeometricGen::CoordinateDistribution< scalar_t, lno_t, gno_t >
oCZoltan2::coordinateModelPartBoxCoordinateModelPartBox Class, represents the boundaries of the box which is a result of a geometric partitioning algorithm
oCGeometricGen::CoordinatePoint< T >
oCGeometricGen::CoordinatePoint< scalar_t >
oCZoltan2::DebugManagerDebugManager contains the methods that perform output of debug and status messages
oCGeometricGen::DOTS< tMVector_t >
oCZoltan2::EnvironmentThe user parameters, debug, timing and memory profiling output objects, and error checking methods
oCZoltan2::EvaluateBaseClassRootA base class for EvaluatePartition, EvaluateOrdering, ..
oCZoltan2_TestingFramework::EvaluateFactoryProblemFactory class contains 1 static factory method
oCGeometricGen::GeometricGenerator< scalar_t, lno_t, gno_t, node_t >
oCZoltan2::GMWM_triplet< vtx_t, wgt_t >
oCZoltan2::GNO_LNO_PAIR< gno_t, part_t >
oCZoltan2::GridHashGridHash Class, Hashing Class for part boxes
oCGeometricGen::Hole< T >
oCGeometricGen::Hole< scalar_t >
oCZoltan2::InputTraits< User >The traits required of User input classes or structures
oCZoltan2::KMeansAlgorithm< IT, WT >KMeansAlgorithm Class that performs clustering of the coordinates, and returns the closest set of coordinates
oCZoltan2::KMeansCluster< IT, WT >KMeansCluster Class
oCZoltan2::KmeansHeap< IT, WT >KmeansHeap Class, max heap, but holds the minimum values
oCZoltan2::Machine< pcoord_t, part_t >MachineClass Base class for representing machine coordinates, networks, etc
oCZoltan2::MachineRepresentation< pcoord_t, part_t >MachineRepresentation Class Base class for representing machine coordinates, networks, etc
oCZoltan2::MachineRepresentation< nNo_t, nCoord_t >
oCZoltan2::Matcher< LO >An implementation of the Matcher interface that operates on Epetra matrices and Graphs
oCMetricAnalyzer< Adapter >
oCZoltan2::MetricOutputManager< T >MetricOutputManager handles output of profiling messages
oCZoltan2::Model< Adapter >The base class for all model classes
oCZoltan2::perProcessorComponentMetrics< Adapter >
oCZoltan2_TestingFramework::ProblemFactoryProblemFactory class contains 1 static factory method
oCZoltan2::ProblemRootProblemRoot allows ptr storage and safe dynamic_cast of all
oCZoltan2::SolutionJust a placeholder for now
oCSomeBadType< A, B, C >
oCZoltan2::SortPairs< key_t, value_t >
oCZoltan2::StridedData< lno_t, scalar_t >The StridedData class manages lists of weights or coordinates
oCZoltan2::TPL_Traits< first_t, second_t >
oCZoltan2::TPL_Traits< first_t, first_t >
oCZoltan2::TPL_Traits< first_t, ZOLTAN_ID_PTR >
oCZoltan2::TPL_Traits< ZOLTAN_ID_PTR, second_t >
oCtype_name< T >
oCZoltan2::uMultiSortItem< IT, CT, WT >Class for sorting items with multiple values. First sorting with respect to val[0], then val[1] then ... val[count-1]. The last tie breaking is done with index values. Used for task mapping partitioning where the points on a cut line needs to be distributed consistently
oCZoltan2::uSignedSortItem< IT, WT, SIGN >
oCZoltan2::uSortItem< IT, WT >Sort items for quick sort function
oCGeometricGen::WeightDistribution< T, weighttype >
oCGeometricGen::WeightDistribution< scalar_t, scalar_t >
oCZoltan2::XpetraTraits< User >Defines the traits required for Tpetra, Eptra and Xpetra objects
oCZoltan2::Zoltan2_DD_Find_Msg< gid_t, lid_t >
oCZoltan2::Zoltan2_DD_Remove_Msg< gid_t, lid_t >
oCZoltan2::Zoltan2_DD_Update_Msg< gid_t, lid_t >
oCZoltan2::Zoltan2_Directory< gid_t, lid_t, user_t >Zoltan2_Directory is an abstract base class
oCZoltan2::Zoltan2_Directory_Node< gid_t, lid_t, user_t >