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Tpetra_Details_crsUtils.hpp File Reference

Functions for manipulating CRS arrays. More...

#include <numeric>
#include <type_traits>
#include "TpetraCore_config.h"
#include "Kokkos_Core.hpp"
#include "Kokkos_UnorderedMap.hpp"

Go to the source code of this file.


 Namespace Tpetra contains the class and methods constituting the Tpetra library.
 Namespace for Tpetra implementation details.


template<class RowPtr , class Indices , class Padding >
void Tpetra::Details::impl::pad_crs_arrays (RowPtr &row_ptr_beg, RowPtr &row_ptr_end, Indices &indices, const Padding &padding)
 Implementation of padCrsArrays. More...
template<class Pointers , class InOutIndices , class InIndices , class IndexMap >
size_t Tpetra::Details::impl::insert_crs_indices (typename Pointers::value_type const row, Pointers const &row_ptrs, InOutIndices &cur_indices, size_t &num_assigned, InIndices const &new_indices, IndexMap &&map, std::function< void(size_t const, size_t const, size_t const)> cb)
 Implementation of insertCrsIndices. More...
template<class Pointers , class Indices1 , class Indices2 , class IndexMap , class Callback >
size_t Tpetra::Details::impl::find_crs_indices (typename Pointers::value_type const row, Pointers const &row_ptrs, Indices1 const &cur_indices, Indices2 const &new_indices, IndexMap &&map, Callback &&cb)
 Implementation of findCrsIndices. More...
template<class RowPtr , class Indices , class Padding >
void Tpetra::Details::padCrsArrays (RowPtr &rowPtrBeg, RowPtr &rowPtrEnd, Indices &indices, const Padding &padding)
 Determine if the row pointers and indices arrays need to be resized to accommodate new entries. If they do need to be resized, resize the indices arrays and shift the existing contents to accommodate new entries. Modify values in the row pointers array to point to the newly shifted locations in the indices arrays. More...
template<class Pointers , class InOutIndices , class InIndices >
size_t Tpetra::Details::insertCrsIndices (typename Pointers::value_type const row, Pointers const &rowPtrs, InOutIndices &curIndices, size_t &numAssigned, InIndices const &newIndices, std::function< void(const size_t, const size_t, const size_t)> cb=std::function< void(const size_t, const size_t, const size_t)>())
 Insert new indices in to current list of indices. More...
template<class Pointers , class Indices1 , class Indices2 , class Callback >
size_t Tpetra::Details::findCrsIndices (typename Pointers::value_type const row, Pointers const &rowPtrs, Indices1 const &curIndices, Indices2 const &newIndices, Callback &&cb)
 Finds offsets in to current list of indices. More...

Detailed Description

Functions for manipulating CRS arrays.

This file, and its contents, are implementation details of Tpetra. The file itself or its contents may disappear or change at any time.

Definition in file Tpetra_Details_crsUtils.hpp.