Optimization Steps

ROL's optimization steps. More...


class  ROL::PrimalDualSystemStep< Real >
 Provides the interface to compute approximate solutions to 2x2 block systems arising from primal-dual interior point methods. More...
class  ROL::AugmentedLagrangianStep< Real >
 Provides the interface to compute augmented Lagrangian steps. More...
class  ROL::BundleStep< Real >
 Provides the interface to compute bundle trust-region steps. More...
class  ROL::FletcherStep< Real >
 Provides the interface to compute Fletcher steps. More...
class  ROL::GradientStep< Real >
 Provides the interface to compute optimization steps with the gradient descent method globalized using line search. More...
class  ROL::LineSearchStep< Real >
 Provides the interface to compute optimization steps with line search. More...
class  ROL::MoreauYosidaPenaltyStep< Real >
 Implements the computation of optimization steps using Moreau-Yosida regularized bound constraints. More...
class  ROL::NewtonKrylovStep< Real >
 Provides the interface to compute optimization steps with projected inexact Newton's method using line search. More...
class  ROL::NewtonStep< Real >
 Provides the interface to compute optimization steps with Newton's method globalized using line search. More...
class  ROL::NonlinearCGStep< Real >
 Provides the interface to compute optimization steps with nonlinear CG. More...
class  ROL::PrimalDualActiveSetStep< Real >
 Implements the computation of optimization steps with the Newton primal-dual active set method. More...
class  ROL::ProjectedNewtonKrylovStep< Real >
 Provides the interface to compute optimization steps with projected inexact ProjectedNewton's method using line search. More...
class  ROL::ProjectedNewtonStep< Real >
 Provides the interface to compute optimization steps with projected Newton's method using line search. More...
class  ROL::ProjectedSecantStep< Real >
 Provides the interface to compute optimization steps with projected secant method using line search. More...
class  ROL::SecantStep< Real >
 Provides the interface to compute optimization steps with a secant method. More...
class  ROL::Step< Real >
 Provides the interface to compute optimization steps. More...
class  ROL::TrustRegionStep< Real >
 Provides the interface to compute optimization steps with trust regions. More...

Detailed Description

ROL's optimization steps.