The output of function Ifpack_Analyze() applied to matrix fidap019.rua is as reported below.
Label = Epetra::CrsMatrix
Global rows = 12005
Global columns = 12005
Stored nonzeros = 259863
Nonzeros / row = 21
Estimated storage (Mbytes) = 3.16638
Actual nonzeros = 259561
Nonzeros in strict lower part = 123929
Nonzeros in strict upper part = 123929
Empty rows = 0 ( 0 %)
Dirichlet rows = 302 ( 2.51562 %)
Diagonally dominant rows = 402 ( 3.3486 %)
Weakly diag. dominant rows = 704 ( 5.86422 %)
Maximum bandwidth = 169
one-norm inf-norm Frobenius
======== ======== =========
A = 7.29106e+07 7.29106e+07 3.25455e+08
A + A^T = 7.29106e+07 7.29106e+07 3.25455e+08
A - A^T = 2.00455 2.00455 19.3218
min avg max
=== === ===
A(i,j) = -1.36169e+07 3440.55 2.75322e+07
|A(i,j)| = 1 130430 2.75322e+07
A(k,k) = 0.000198963 626967 2.75322e+07
|A(k,k)| = 0.000198963 626967 2.75322e+07