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Compadre_LinearAlgebra_Declarations.hpp File Reference
#include "Compadre_Config.h"
#include "Compadre_Typedefs.hpp"
#include "Compadre_ParallelManager.hpp"

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KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION void Compadre::GMLS_LinearAlgebra::createM (const member_type &teamMember, scratch_matrix_right_type M_data, scratch_matrix_right_type weighted_P, const int columns, const int rows)
 Creates a matrix M=A^T*A from a matrix A. More...
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION void Compadre::GMLS_LinearAlgebra::largestTwoEigenvectorsThreeByThreeSymmetric (const member_type &teamMember, scratch_matrix_right_type V, scratch_matrix_right_type PtP, const int dimensions, pool_type &random_number_pool)
 Calculates two eigenvectors corresponding to two dominant eigenvalues. More...
void Compadre::GMLS_LinearAlgebra::batchQRFactorize (ParallelManager pm, double *P, int lda, int nda, double *RHS, int ldb, int ndb, int M, int N, int NRHS, const int num_matrices, const size_t max_neighbors=0, const int initial_index_of_batch=0, int *neighbor_list_sizes=NULL)
 Calls LAPACK or CUBLAS to solve a batch of QR problems. More...
void Compadre::GMLS_LinearAlgebra::batchSVDFactorize (ParallelManager pm, bool swap_layout_P, double *P, int lda, int nda, bool swap_layout_RHS, double *RHS, int ldb, int ndb, int M, int N, int NRHS, const int num_matrices, const size_t max_neighbors=0, const int initial_index_of_batch=0, int *neighbor_list_sizes=NULL)
 Calls LAPACK or CUBLAS to solve a batch of SVD problems. More...
void Compadre::GMLS_LinearAlgebra::batchLUFactorize (ParallelManager pm, double *P, int lda, int nda, double *RHS, int ldb, int ndb, int M, int N, int NRHS, const int num_matrices, const size_t max_neighbors=0, const int initial_index_of_batch=0, int *neighbor_list_sizes=NULL)
 Calls LAPACK or CUBLAS to solve a batch of LU problems. More...