Teuchos - Trilinos Tools Package
Version of the Day
This is the complete list of members for Teuchos::StrUtils, including all inherited members.
after(const std::string &str, const std::string &sub) | Teuchos::StrUtils | static |
allCaps(const std::string &str) | Teuchos::StrUtils | static |
atof(const std::string &str) | Teuchos::StrUtils | static |
atoi(const std::string &str) | Teuchos::StrUtils | static |
before(const std::string &str, const std::string &sub) | Teuchos::StrUtils | static |
before(const std::string &str, char sub) | Teuchos::StrUtils | static |
between(const std::string &str, const std::string &begin, const std::string &end, std::string &front, std::string &back) | Teuchos::StrUtils | static |
find(const std::string &str, const std::string &sub) | Teuchos::StrUtils | static |
findNextNonWhitespace(const std::string &str, int offset) | Teuchos::StrUtils | static |
findNextWhitespace(const std::string &str, int offset) | Teuchos::StrUtils | static |
fixUnprintableCharacters(const std::string &str) | Teuchos::StrUtils | static |
getTokensPlusWhitespace(const std::string &str) | Teuchos::StrUtils | static |
isNonWhite(const std::string &str) | Teuchos::StrUtils | inlinestatic |
isWhite(const std::string &str) | Teuchos::StrUtils | static |
printLines(std::ostream &os, const std::string &linePrefix, const std::string &lines) | Teuchos::StrUtils | static |
readFile(std::istream &is, char comment) | Teuchos::StrUtils | static |
readLine(std::istream &is, std::string &line) | Teuchos::StrUtils | static |
reassembleFromTokens(const Array< std::string > &tokens, int iStart=0) | Teuchos::StrUtils | static |
removeAllSpaces(std::string stringToClean) | Teuchos::StrUtils | static |
splitIntoLines(const std::string &input) | Teuchos::StrUtils | static |
splitList(const std::string &bigstring, Array< std::string > &elements) | Teuchos::StrUtils | static |
stringTokenizer(const std::string &str) | Teuchos::StrUtils | static |
subString(const std::string &str, int begin, int end) | Teuchos::StrUtils | static |
tokenizeFile(std::istream &is, char comment) | Teuchos::StrUtils | static |
varSubstitute(const std::string &rawLine, const std::string &varName, const std::string &varValue) | Teuchos::StrUtils | static |
varTableSubstitute(const std::string &rawLine, const Array< std::string > &varNames, const Array< std::string > &varValues) | Teuchos::StrUtils | static |