#include "Teko_ConfigDefs.hpp"
#include "Tpetra_CrsMatrix.hpp"
#include "Teuchos_VerboseObject.hpp"
#include "Thyra_LinearOpBase.hpp"
#include "Thyra_PhysicallyBlockedLinearOpBase.hpp"
#include "Thyra_ProductVectorSpaceBase.hpp"
#include "Thyra_VectorSpaceBase.hpp"
#include "Thyra_ProductMultiVectorBase.hpp"
#include "Thyra_MultiVectorStdOps.hpp"
#include "Thyra_MultiVectorBase.hpp"
#include "Thyra_VectorBase.hpp"
#include "Thyra_VectorStdOps.hpp"
#include "Thyra_DefaultBlockedLinearOp.hpp"
#include "Thyra_DefaultMultipliedLinearOp.hpp"
#include "Thyra_DefaultScaledAdjointLinearOp.hpp"
#include "Thyra_DefaultAddedLinearOp.hpp"
#include "Thyra_DefaultIdentityLinearOp.hpp"
#include "Thyra_DefaultZeroLinearOp.hpp"
Go to the source code of this file.
Enumerations | |
enum | DiagonalType { Teko::Diagonal, Teko::Lumped, Teko::AbsRowSum, Teko::BlkDiag, Teko::NotDiag } |
Type describing the type of diagonal to construct. More... | |
Functions | |
RCP< Tpetra::CrsMatrix< ST, LO, GO, NT > > | Teko::buildGraphLaplacian (int dim, ST *coords, const Tpetra::CrsMatrix< ST, LO, GO, NT > &stencil) |
Build a graph Laplacian stenciled on a Epetra_CrsMatrix. More... | |
RCP< Tpetra::CrsMatrix< ST, LO, GO, NT > > | Teko::buildGraphLaplacian (ST *x, ST *y, ST *z, GO stride, const Tpetra::CrsMatrix< ST, LO, GO, NT > &stencil) |
Build a graph Laplacian stenciled on a Epetra_CrsMatrix. More... | |
const Teuchos::RCP < Teuchos::FancyOStream > | Teko::getOutputStream () |
Function used internally by Teko to find the output stream. More... | |
double | Teko::computeSpectralRad (const Teuchos::RCP< const Thyra::LinearOpBase< double > > &A, double tol, bool isHermitian=false, int numBlocks=5, int restart=0, int verbosity=0) |
Compute the spectral radius of a matrix. More... | |
double | Teko::computeSmallestMagEig (const Teuchos::RCP< const Thyra::LinearOpBase< double > > &A, double tol, bool isHermitian=false, int numBlocks=5, int restart=0, int verbosity=0) |
Compute the smallest eigenvalue of an operator. More... | |
ModifiableLinearOp | Teko::getDiagonalOp (const Teko::LinearOp &A, const DiagonalType &dt) |
ModifiableLinearOp | Teko::getInvDiagonalOp (const Teko::LinearOp &A, const Teko::DiagonalType &dt) |
const MultiVector | Teko::getDiagonal (const LinearOp &op, const DiagonalType &dt) |
Get the diagonal of a sparse linear operator. More... | |
std::string | Teko::getDiagonalName (const DiagonalType &dt) |
DiagonalType | Teko::getDiagonalType (std::string name) |
double | Teko::norm_1 (const MultiVector &v, std::size_t col) |
double | Teko::norm_2 (const MultiVector &v, std::size_t col) |
Mathematical functions | |
void | Teko::applyOp (const LinearOp &A, const MultiVector &x, MultiVector &y, double alpha, double beta) |
Apply a linear operator to a multivector (think of this as a matrix vector multiply). More... | |
void | Teko::applyTransposeOp (const LinearOp &A, const MultiVector &x, MultiVector &y, double alpha, double beta) |
Apply a transposed linear operator to a multivector (think of this as a matrix vector multiply). More... | |
void | Teko::applyOp (const LinearOp &A, const BlockedMultiVector &x, BlockedMultiVector &y, double alpha=1.0, double beta=0.0) |
Apply a linear operator to a blocked multivector (think of this as a matrix vector multiply). More... | |
void | Teko::applyTransposeOp (const LinearOp &A, const BlockedMultiVector &x, BlockedMultiVector &y, double alpha=1.0, double beta=0.0) |
Apply a transposed linear operator to a blocked multivector (think of this as a matrix vector multiply). More... | |
void | Teko::update (double alpha, const MultiVector &x, double beta, MultiVector &y) |
Update the y vector so that ![]() | |
void | Teko::update (double alpha, const BlockedMultiVector &x, double beta, BlockedMultiVector &y) |
Update for a BlockedMultiVector. More... | |
void | Teko::scale (const double alpha, MultiVector &x) |
Scale a multivector by a constant. More... | |
void | Teko::scale (const double alpha, BlockedMultiVector &x) |
Scale a multivector by a constant. More... | |
LinearOp | Teko::scale (const double alpha, ModifiableLinearOp &a) |
Scale a modifiable linear op by a constant. More... | |
LinearOp | Teko::adjoint (ModifiableLinearOp &a) |
Construct an implicit adjoint of the linear operators. More... | |
Epetra_Operator specific functions | |
const ModifiableLinearOp | Teko::getDiagonalOp (const LinearOp &op) |
Get the diaonal of a linear operator. More... | |
const MultiVector | Teko::getDiagonal (const LinearOp &op) |
Get the diagonal of a linear operator. More... | |
const ModifiableLinearOp | Teko::getInvDiagonalOp (const LinearOp &op) |
Get the diaonal of a linear operator. More... | |
const LinearOp | Teko::explicitMultiply (const LinearOp &opl, const LinearOp &opm, const LinearOp &opr) |
Multiply three linear operators. More... | |
const ModifiableLinearOp | Teko::explicitMultiply (const LinearOp &opl, const LinearOp &opm, const LinearOp &opr, const ModifiableLinearOp &destOp) |
Multiply three linear operators. More... | |
const LinearOp | Teko::explicitMultiply (const LinearOp &opl, const LinearOp &opr) |
Multiply two linear operators. More... | |
const ModifiableLinearOp | Teko::explicitMultiply (const LinearOp &opl, const LinearOp &opr, const ModifiableLinearOp &destOp) |
Multiply two linear operators. More... | |
const LinearOp | Teko::explicitAdd (const LinearOp &opl_in, const LinearOp &opr_in) |
Add two linear operators. More... | |
const ModifiableLinearOp | Teko::explicitAdd (const LinearOp &opl_in, const LinearOp &opr_in, const ModifiableLinearOp &destOp) |
Add two linear operators. More... | |
const ModifiableLinearOp | Teko::explicitSum (const LinearOp &op, const ModifiableLinearOp &destOp) |
Sum an operator. More... | |
const LinearOp | Teko::explicitTranspose (const LinearOp &op) |
const LinearOp | Teko::explicitScale (double scalar, const LinearOp &op) |
double | Teko::frobeniusNorm (const LinearOp &op_in) |
double | Teko::oneNorm (const LinearOp &op) |
double | Teko::infNorm (const LinearOp &op) |
const LinearOp | Teko::buildDiagonal (const MultiVector &v, const std::string &lbl="ANYM") |
Take the first column of a multivector and build a diagonal linear operator. More... | |
const LinearOp | Teko::buildInvDiagonal (const MultiVector &v, const std::string &lbl="ANYM") |
Using the first column of a multivector, take the elementwise build a inverse and build the inverse diagonal operator. More... | |
MultiVector utilities | |
typedef Teuchos::RCP < Thyra::ProductMultiVectorBase < double > > | Teko::BlockedMultiVector |
typedef Teuchos::RCP < Thyra::MultiVectorBase < double > > | Teko::MultiVector |
MultiVector | Teko::toMultiVector (BlockedMultiVector &bmv) |
Convert to a MultiVector from a BlockedMultiVector. More... | |
const MultiVector | Teko::toMultiVector (const BlockedMultiVector &bmv) |
Convert to a MultiVector from a BlockedMultiVector. More... | |
const BlockedMultiVector | Teko::toBlockedMultiVector (const MultiVector &bmv) |
Convert to a BlockedMultiVector from a MultiVector. More... | |
int | Teko::blockCount (const BlockedMultiVector &bmv) |
Get the column count in a block linear operator. More... | |
MultiVector | Teko::getBlock (int i, const BlockedMultiVector &bmv) |
Get the i th block from a BlockedMultiVector object. More... | |
MultiVector | Teko::deepcopy (const MultiVector &v) |
Perform a deep copy of the vector. More... | |
MultiVector | Teko::copyAndInit (const MultiVector &v, double scalar) |
Perform a deep copy of the vector. More... | |
BlockedMultiVector | Teko::deepcopy (const BlockedMultiVector &v) |
Perform a deep copy of the blocked vector. More... | |
MultiVector | Teko::datacopy (const MultiVector &src, MultiVector &dst) |
Copy the contents of a multivector to a destination vector. More... | |
BlockedMultiVector | Teko::datacopy (const BlockedMultiVector &src, BlockedMultiVector &dst) |
Copy the contents of a blocked multivector to a destination vector. More... | |
BlockedMultiVector | Teko::buildBlockedMultiVector (const std::vector< MultiVector > &mvv) |
build a BlockedMultiVector from a vector of MultiVectors More... | |
Teuchos::RCP < Thyra::VectorBase< double > > | Teko::indicatorVector (const std::vector< int > &indices, const VectorSpace &vs, double onValue, double offValue) |
LinearOp utilities | |
typedef Teuchos::RCP < Thyra::PhysicallyBlockedLinearOpBase < ST > > | Teko::BlockedLinearOp |
typedef Teuchos::RCP< const Thyra::LinearOpBase< ST > > | Teko::LinearOp |
typedef Teuchos::RCP < Thyra::LinearOpBase< ST > > | Teko::InverseLinearOp |
typedef Teuchos::RCP < Thyra::LinearOpBase< ST > > | Teko::ModifiableLinearOp |
LinearOp | Teko::zero (const VectorSpace &vs) |
Build a square zero operator from a single vector space. More... | |
LinearOp | Teko::zero (const VectorSpace &range, const VectorSpace &domain) |
VectorSpace | Teko::rangeSpace (const LinearOp &lo) |
Replace nonzeros with a scalar value, used to zero out an operator. More... | |
VectorSpace | Teko::domainSpace (const LinearOp &lo) |
Get the domain space of a linear operator. More... | |
BlockedLinearOp | Teko::toBlockedLinearOp (LinearOp &clo) |
Converts a LinearOp to a BlockedLinearOp. More... | |
const BlockedLinearOp | Teko::toBlockedLinearOp (const LinearOp &clo) |
Converts a LinearOp to a BlockedLinearOp. More... | |
LinearOp | Teko::toLinearOp (BlockedLinearOp &blo) |
Convert to a LinearOp from a BlockedLinearOp. More... | |
const LinearOp | Teko::toLinearOp (const BlockedLinearOp &blo) |
Convert to a LinearOp from a BlockedLinearOp. More... | |
LinearOp | Teko::toLinearOp (ModifiableLinearOp &blo) |
Convert to a LinearOp from a BlockedLinearOp. More... | |
const LinearOp | Teko::toLinearOp (const ModifiableLinearOp &blo) |
Convert to a LinearOp from a BlockedLinearOp. More... | |
int | Teko::blockRowCount (const BlockedLinearOp &blo) |
Get the row count in a block linear operator. More... | |
int | Teko::blockColCount (const BlockedLinearOp &blo) |
Get the column count in a block linear operator. More... | |
LinearOp | Teko::getBlock (int i, int j, const BlockedLinearOp &blo) |
Get the i,j block in a BlockedLinearOp object. More... | |
void | Teko::setBlock (int i, int j, BlockedLinearOp &blo, const LinearOp &lo) |
Set the i,j block in a BlockedLinearOp object. More... | |
BlockedLinearOp | Teko::createBlockedOp () |
Build a new blocked linear operator. More... | |
void | Teko::beginBlockFill (BlockedLinearOp &blo, int rowCnt, int colCnt) |
Let the blocked operator know that you are going to set the sub blocks. More... | |
void | Teko::beginBlockFill (BlockedLinearOp &blo) |
Let the blocked operator know that you are going to set the sub blocks. More... | |
void | Teko::endBlockFill (BlockedLinearOp &blo) |
Notify the blocked operator that the fill stage is completed. More... | |
BlockedLinearOp | Teko::getUpperTriBlocks (const BlockedLinearOp &blo, bool callEndBlockFill) |
Get the strictly upper triangular portion of the matrix. More... | |
BlockedLinearOp | Teko::getLowerTriBlocks (const BlockedLinearOp &blo, bool callEndBlockFill) |
Get the strictly lower triangular portion of the matrix. More... | |
BlockedLinearOp | Teko::zeroBlockedOp (const BlockedLinearOp &blo) |
Build a zero operator mimicing the block structure of the passed in matrix. More... | |
bool | Teko::isZeroOp (const LinearOp op) |
Figure out if this operator is the zero operator (or null!) More... | |
ModifiableLinearOp | Teko::getAbsRowSumMatrix (const LinearOp &op) |
Compute absolute row sum matrix. More... | |
ModifiableLinearOp | Teko::getAbsRowSumInvMatrix (const LinearOp &op) |
Compute inverse of the absolute row sum matrix. More... | |
ModifiableLinearOp | Teko::getLumpedMatrix (const LinearOp &op) |
Compute the lumped version of this matrix. More... | |
ModifiableLinearOp | Teko::getInvLumpedMatrix (const LinearOp &op) |
Compute the inverse of the lumped version of this matrix. More... | |
This file contains a number of useful functions and classes used in Teko. They are distinct from the core functionality of the preconditioner factory, however, the functions are critical to construction of the preconditioners themselves.
Definition in file Teko_Utilities.hpp.