MoochoPack: Miscellaneous Utilities for MOOCHO  Version of the Day
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Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12]
oCOptionsFromStreamPack::AccessExceptionAccess error
oCOptionsFromStreamPack::CommandLineOptionsFromStreamProcessorReads from a file and/or parses from the commandline to initalize an OptionsFromStream object
oCOptionsFromStreamPack::InputExceptionInput from stream error
oCOptionsFromStreamPack::OptionsFromStream::InputStreamErrorThrown if there is an input error
oCFortranTypes::InvalidFileNameExceptionThrown if the file name is not a valid ASCII string
oCStandardCompositionRelationshipsPack::NoRefSetThrown when the reference has not been set
oCFortranTypes::OpenExceptionThrown if the open operation fails
oCOptionsFromStreamPack::OptionsFromStreamExtracts options from a text stream and then allows convenient access to them
oCOptionsFromStreamPack::OptionsFromStreamUtilityPack::OptionsGroupClass used to encapsulate options belonging an options group
oCProfileHackPack::ProfileTimingHelper class that takes care of timing
oCRangePack::Range1D. One-based subregion index range class
oCMemMngPack::ReleaseResourceAbstract interface for releasing an object when it is not needed anymore {abstract}
|\CMemMngPack::ReleaseResource_ref_count_ptr< T >Template class that implements ReleaseResource interface for a RCP<T> object
oCSerializationPack::SerializableMixin interface for objects that can be serialized to and from a stream
oCOptionsFromStreamPack::SetOptionsFromStreamAbstact interface for objects that have options to be set that are contained in an OptionsFromStreamObject
|\COptionsFromStreamPack::SetOptionsFromStreamNodeNode class for setting options from a stream
oCOptionsFromStreamPack::SetOptionsToTargetBase< T >Templated node class manipulating a reference to a target object who will have its options set.
oCStopWatchPack::stopwatchSimple stopwatch object
oCStrideIterPack::stride_iter< T_iterator_type, T_value_type, T_reference_type, T_pointer_type, T_difference_type >C++ Standard Library compatable iterator class for accesing nonunit stride arrays of data
\COptionsFromStreamPack::StringToIntMapMap a string to an enumeration