MoochoPack : Framework for Large-Scale Optimization Algorithms  Version of the Day
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All of the options with full documentation for a MoochoSolver

Below are all of the options that MOOCHO will accept for the the "MamaJama" algorithm configuration with full documentation. This is the file that is returned by with no options. To view these same options stripped of most of the comments see here.

*** Automatically generated options file

*** Begin Moocho.opt.MoochoSolver

*** All of these options can be used with the class MoochoSolver.
*** This file will be maintained and will include every option that
*** users can set.  Most of these options the user will want to
*** leave alone but they are there in any case.
*** For options specific to the NLPAlgoConfigMamaJama configuration
*** class see the file 'Moocho.opt.NLPAlgoConfigMamaJama'.

*** Options specific for the MoochoSolver class.
*** These options work on the highest level in determining
*** what output files are allowed, workspace requirements,
*** objective function scaling etc.
options_group MoochoSolver {

*    workspace_MB = -1.0; *** [default]
     *** (+-dbl) If > 0, givens the number of megabytes that are allocated for
     *** temporary workspace for automatic arrays.  If < 0 then the
     *** this will be determined internally.  This value should be set by the
     *** user for whatever is appropriate for the computing environment.  See
     *** the summary output for statistics on memory allocation usage when the
     *** algorithm finishes.  Example values:
     *** -1.0 : (< 0) Allow the algorithm to decide how much to allocate.
     *** 100  : Allocate 100 MB of ram for this purpose

*    obj_scale = 1.0; *** [default]
     *** (+-dbl) Scale for the objective function.  This can have a dramatic impact
     *** on the behavior of the algorithm in some cases.  Changing this value
     *** does a lot to change the weight between minimizing the objective and converging
     *** the constraints.  Example values:
     *** 1e-8  : Really scale the objective down a lot!
     *** 1.0   : Leave the objective unscaled [default].
     *** 1e+8  : Really scale the objective up a lot!

*    test_nlp = true; *** [default]
*    test_nlp = false;
     *** If true then the NLP will be tested at the initial point.  The
     *** vector spaces (see options_group VectorSpaceTester),
     *** the NLP interface (see options_group NLPTester), and the gradients
     *** (see options_group NLPDirectTester and NLPFirstOrderInfoTester)
     *** will all be tested.  With all of the default options in place
     *** these tests are fairly cheap so it is recommended that you perform
     *** these tests when first getting started.

*    console_outputting = true; *** [default]
*    console_outputting = false;
     *** If true, then output from MoochoTrackerConsoleStd is sent to the
     *** console_out stream (which is std::cout by default) 

*    summary_outputting = true; *** [default]
*    summary_outputting = false;
     *** If true, then output from MoochoTrackerSummaryStd is sent to the
     *** summary_out stream (which is the file 'MoochoSummary.out' by default) 

*    journal_outputting = true; *** [default]
*    journal_outputting = false;
     *** If true, then output from the algorithm steps an other detailed testing
     *** output is set to the journal_out stream (which is the file
     *** 'MoochoJournal.out' by default) 

*    algo_outputting = true; *** [default]
*    algo_outputting = false;
     *** If true, then an algorithm description is sent to the algo_out stream
     *** (which is the file 'MoochoAlgo.out' by default) 

*    print_algo = true; *** [default]
*    print_algo = false;
     *** [algo_outputting == true]
     *** If true then the algorithm will be printed to the algo_out stream
     *** (the file 'NLPAlgo.out' by default).  In order to get more insight into
     *** what all of the options do it is a good idea to print the algorithm
     *** description out and search for the options you are curious about.

*    algo_timing = true; *** [default]
*    algo_timing = false;
     *** [summary_outputting == true]
     *** If true, then the steps in the algorithm will be timed and a table of the
     *** algorithm and step times will be sent to the summary_out stream (the file
     *** 'MoochoSummary.out' by default).  This feature is very useful in examining
     *** performance of the algorithm and can give more detailed information than you
     *** get from a profiler in may ways.

*    generate_stats_file = true;
*    generate_stats_file = false; *** [default]
     *** If true, then a MoochoTrackerStatsStd object will be used to generate
     *** statistics about the solution process to an NLP.  The track object
     *** will overwrite the file 'MoochoStats.out' in the current directory.

*    print_opt_grp_not_accessed = true; *** [default]
*    print_opt_grp_not_accessed = false;
     *** [algo_outputting == true]
     *** If true, then the options groups that are specified but are not read by
     *** some software entity are printed to the algo_out stream (the file 'MoochoAlgo.out'
     *** by default).  This may help you catch problems associated with spelling the name of
     *** an options group improperly and then having its default options used instead of the
     *** options that you set.  Note that some options groups are only looked for depending
     *** on option values from other options groups.

*    configuration = mama_jama; *** [default]
*    configuration = interior_point;
     *** decides which configuration object will be used:
     ***   mama_jama      : standard reduced-space SQP configuration
     ***   interior_point : configuration for a simple reduced-space interior point method


*** Options for NLPSolverClientInterface
*** These are options that are used by every algorithm
*** configuration and they are available to the 
*** optimization steps.
*** These include basic algorithmic control parameters.
*** Note that an algorithm can be interrupted at any time
*** by pressing Ctrl+C.
options_group NLPSolverClientInterface {

*    max_iter = 1000;  *** [default]
     *** (+int) Maximum number of SQP iterations allowed.

*    max_run_time = 1e+10; *** In minutes [default]
     *** (+dbl) Maximum runtime for the SQP algorithm (in minutes).
     *** The default is to run forever.

*    opt_tol = 1e-6;  *** [default]
     *** (+dbl) Convergence tolerance for (scaled) KKT linear dependence of gradients.
     *** This is usually the hardest error to reduce.  The exact definition of this tolerance
     *** depends on the algorithms used and may use different scalings (see other options and
     *** outputted algorithm description for details).  Example values:
     *** 0.0   : The algorithm will never converge except in trivial cases.
     *** 1e-6  : Only converge when opt_kkt_err is below this value [default].
     *** 1e+50 : (big number) Converged when any of the other tolerances are satisfied.

*    feas_tol = 1e-6;  *** [default]
     *** (+dbl) Convergence tolerance for (scaled) feasibility of the equality constraints
     *** ||c(x)||inf.  The norm of the constraints ||c(x)||inf may be scaled (see other
     *** options and the outputted algorithm description).  Example values:
     *** 0.0   : Never converge the algorithm except in trivial cases.
     *** 1e-6  : Only converge when feas_kkt_err is below this value [default].
     *** 1e+50 : (big number)  Converged when any of the other tolerances are satisfied.

*    step_tol = 1e-2;  *** [default]
     *** (+dbl) Convergence tolerance for (scaled) step size ||x_k(+1)-x_k||inf.
     *** This tolerance is usually scaled by x is some way (see other output algorithm
     *** description).  Example values:
     *** 0.0   : Never converge the algorithm except in trivial cases.
     *** 1e-2  : Only converge when the max (scaled) step size is below this value [default].
     *** 1e+50 : (big number) Converged when any of the other tolerances are satisfied.

*    journal_output_level = PRINT_NOTHING;              * No output to journal from algorithm
*    journal_output_level = PRINT_BASIC_ALGORITHM_INFO; * O(1) information usually
*    journal_output_level = PRINT_ALGORITHM_STEPS;      * O(iter) output to journal     [default]
*    journal_output_level = PRINT_ACTIVE_SET;           * O(iter*nact) output to journal  
*    journal_output_level = PRINT_VECTORS;              * O(iter*n) output to journal   (lots!)
*    journal_output_level = PRINT_ITERATION_QUANTITIES; * O(iter*n*m) output to journal (big lots!)
     *** [MoochoSolver::journal_outputting == true]
     *** This option determines the type and amount of output to the journal_out stream
     *** (the file 'MoochoJournal.out' by default) that is generated while the algorithm runs.
     *** In general, each increasing value includes the same output from the lower options
     *** (i.e. PRINT_VECTORS includes all the output for PRINT_ACTIVE_SET and more).  Above,
     *** the identifier 'iter' is the number of total rSQP iterations (see max_iter above), 'nact'
     *** is the total number of active inequality constraints, 'n' is the total number
     *** of NLP variables, and 'm' is the total number of equality constraints.  The higher output
     *** values are generally used for debugging.  For most problems the value
     *** PRINT_ALGORITHM_STEPS is usually the most appropriate and will give a great deal
     *** of information about the algorithm without generating excessive output.
     *** For the fastest possible execution you should set this to PRINT_NOTHING.

*    null_space_journal_output_level = DEFAULT;                    * Set to journal_output_level [default]
*    null_space_journal_output_level = PRINT_ACTIVE_SET;           * O(iter*nact) output to journal  
*    null_space_journal_output_level = PRINT_VECTORS;              * O(iter*(n-m)) output to journal   (lots!)
*    null_space_journal_output_level = PRINT_ITERATION_QUANTITIES; * O(iter*(n-m)^2) output to journal (big lots!)
     *** [MoochoSolver::journal_outputting == true]
     *** This option determines the type and amount of output to the journal_out stream
     *** (the file 'MoochoJournal.out' by default) that is generated for quantities in the
     *** null space while the algorithm runs.  If null_space_journal_output_level is
     *** set to DEFAULT then it will default to the value of journal_output_level.
     *** If set to some other value then this value overrides journal_output_level
     *** for quantities in the null space.  For problems where the null space is small but
     *** the full space is much larger, setting the value of null_space_journal_output_level higher
     *** than journal_output_level can yield significantly more information while not generating
     *** too much output or impacting runtime to any great extent.

*    journal_print_digits = 6;  *** [default]
     *** [MoochoSolver::journal_outputting == true]
     *** (+int) Number of decimal significant figures to print to journal_out stream.
     *** With a higher number more significant figures will be printed.  This may be useful
     *** for debugging or in seeing the effects of subtle rounding differences.  For IEEE double
     *** precision, 18 is usually the maximum number of unique decimal significant figures.

*    check_results = true;  *** (costly?)
*    check_results = false; *** [default]
     *** If true then all computation that can be reasonably checked will be checked at runtime.
     *** When all of the other default testing options are used, this overhead usually will
     *** not dominate the cost of the algorithm so if speed is not critical then it is a
     *** good idea to turning testing on.  If your problem is not solving then you should
     *** definitely try turning this on and try to see if it will catch any errors.  However,
     *** for the fastest possible execution you should set this to 'false'.

*    calc_conditioning = true;  *** (costly?)
*    calc_conditioning = false; *** [default]
     *** If true then estimates of the condition numbers of all of the important nonsingular
     *** matrices used in the algorithm will be computed and printed.  Note that this can be
     *** a fairly expensive operation (especially when iterative solvers are being used)
     *** so it should be used with care.  Warning! see the option calc_matrix_info_null_space_only
     *** as it affects the behavior of this option.

*    calc_matrix_norms = true;  *** (costly?)
*    calc_matrix_norms = false; *** [default]
     *** If true, then estimates of the matrix norms of all of the important
     *** matrices used in the algorithm will be computed and printed.  Note that this can be
     *** a fairly expensive operation (especially if iterative solvers are being used) so
     *** it should be used with care.  Warning! see the option calc_matrix_info_null_space_only.

*    calc_matrix_info_null_space_only = true;  *** (costly?)
*    calc_matrix_info_null_space_only = false; *** [default]
     *** If true, then the options calc_conditioning and calc_matrix_norms will only
     *** apply to quantities in the null space and not the quasi-range space
     *** or the full space for which these options will be considered to be false.


*** Options for testing the NLP interface
*** [MoochoSolver::test_nlp == true]
options_group NLPTester {

*    print_all = true;
*    print_all = false; *** [default]
     *** If true, then everything about the NLP will be printed
     *** to journal_out (i.e. the file 'MoochoJournal.out').
     *** This is useful for initial debugging but not recommended
     *** for larger problems.


*** Options for testing the vector spaces from the NLP object
*** [MoochoSolver::test_nlp == true]
options_group VectorSpaceTester {

*    print_all_tests = true;
*    print_all_tests = false;

*    print_vectors = true;
*    print_vectors = false;

*    throw_exception = true;
*    throw_exception = false;

*    num_random_tests = 4; *** [default]

*    warning_tol = 1e-14; *** [default]

*    error_tol   = 1e-10; *** [default]


*** Options for the finite derivative testing for a
*** standard NLP.
*** See options_group NLPFirstDerivTester in
*** Moocho.opt.NLPAlgoConfigMamaJama

*** Options for the finite difference derivative tester for a 
*** direct sensitivity NLP.
*** See options_group NLPDirectTester in
*** Moocho.opt.NLPAlgoConfigMamaJama

*** Options for the BasisSystem tester used to validate the
*** basis of the constraints Jacobian.
*** See options_group BasisSystemTester in
*** Moocho.opt.DecompositionSystemStateStepBuilderStd

*** Options for the default BasisSystem factory object for
*** the constraints of the Jacobian used by
*** NLPSerialPreprocessExplJac
options_group BasisSystemFactoryStd {

*    direct_linear_solver = DENSE;   *** Use LAPACK xGETRF()
*    direct_linear_solver = MA28;    *** Use Harwell MA28 (see options_group DirectSparseSolverMA28)
*    direct_linear_solver = MA48;    *** Not supported yet
*    direct_linear_solver = SUPERLU; *** Use SuperLU (see options_group DirectSparseSolverSuperLU)
     *** Direct fortran-compatible linear solver for the  basis of the Jacobian.
     *** When a general NLP is being solved this selects the sparse linear solver used.
     *** If the user specializes the BasisSystem object this option might be meaningless.


*** Set options for the MA28 solver.
*** [BasisSystemFactoryStd::direct_linear_solver == MA28]
options_group DirectSparseSolverMA28 {

*    estimated_fillin_ratio = 10.0; *** [default]
     *** (+dbl) Estimated amount of fillin ( > 1.0 ) for the
     *** the sparse LU factorization.  If this is too little
     *** then more storage will automatically be allocated
     *** on the fly (at the cost some wasted computations).
     *** This parameter is mostly problem dependent and can
     *** be adjusted to a proper size to reduce memory requirements.
     *** Example values:
     ***   1.0   : No fill-in?
     ***   10.0  : LU factors have three times the number of nonzeros

*    u = 0.1; *** [default]
     *** (+dbl) Control parameter (0 <= u <= 1.0) that us used
     *** to balance sparsity and accuracy.
     *** Example values:
     ***    0.0 : Pivot for sparsity only
     ***    0.1 : Balance sparsity and stability
     ***    1.0 : Pivot for stability only
*    grow = true;
*    grow = false; *** [default]
     *** See MA28 documentation.

*    nsrch = 4; *** [default]
     *** (+int) Number of columns that MA28 will search to find
     *** pivots to try to reduce fill-in.  Warning, setting a large
     *** value for 'nsrch' can greatly slow down the initial
     *** rSQP iteration.
     *** Example values:
     ***    0  : No columns are searched
     ***    4  : Four columns are searched
     *** 1000  : A thousand columns are searched

*    lbig = true;
*    lbig = false; *** [default]
     *** See MA28 documentation.

*    print_ma28_outputs = true;
*    print_ma28_outputs = false; *** [default]
     *** If true, then the values of the MA28 output will
     *** be dumped to the journal output stream
     *** (if journal_output_level >= PRINT_ALGORITHM_STEPS).

*    output_file_name = NONE; *** [default]
     *** Gives the file name that MA28 Fortran output is set to (from LP and MP).
     *** Example values:
     ***    NONE           : No output file
     ***    any_other_name : Output from MA28 will be sent to this file in the
     ***                     current directory


*** End Moocho.opt.MoochoSolver
*** Moocho.opt.DecompositionSystemStateStepBuilderStd 

*** All of these options can be used with any NLPAlgoConfig
*** subclass that uses the standard DecompositionSystemStateStepBuilderStd
*** class.
*** This file will be maintained and will include every option that
*** users can set.  Most of these options the user will want to leave
*** alone but they are there in any case.

*** Options for IterationPack::Algorithm
*** These are options that are used by every IterationPack::Algorithm
*** object that gets created and used.
options_group IterationPack_Algorithm {

*   interrupt_file_name = "";             *** Does not check for interrupt file [default]
*   interrupt_file_name = ""; *** checks for this file in current directory
    *** This specifies a file name that is looked for at the end of every
    *** step in a running algorithm.  If this file exists, it is read for
    *** algorithm termination criteria (see the class IterationPack::Algorithm
    *** and the option interrupt_file_name).  Using a file to interrupt an running
    *** algorithm allows the algorithm to be gracefully terminated when run in batch
    *** mode or when access to STDOUT or STDIN is not possible.


*** Options specific for the shared rSQP algorithm builder
*** class DecompositionSystemStateStepBuilderStd.
options_group DecompositionSystemStateStepBuilderStd {

*** Variable Reduction range/null space decomposition

*    null_space_matrix = AUTO;         *** Let the solver decide [default]
*    null_space_matrix = EXPLICIT;     *** Compute and store D = -inv(C)*N explicitly
*    null_space_matrix = IMPLICIT;     *** Perform operations implicitly with C, N (requires adjoints)
     *** This option is used to determine the type of implementation to use for
     *** the variable reduction null space matrix Z = [ -inv(C)*N; I ].
     ***    AUTO     : Let the algorithm decide.  The algorithm will take into
     ***               account the number of degrees of freedom in the problem
     ***               (n-r), the number of active inequality constraints and
     ***               other issues when deciding what implementation to use within
     ***               each iteration.  Warning!  These automatic tests are only
     ***               affective when a direct solver for C is used.
     ***    EXPLICIT : The matrix D = -inv(C)*N is computed and formed explicitly and is used
     ***               to form Z = [ D; I ].
     ***    IMPLICIT : The matrix D = -inv(C)*N is not formed explicitly but is
     ***               instead used implicitly in matrix-vector and other
     ***               related operations.

*    range_space_matrix = AUTO;        *** Let the algorithm decide dynamically [default]
*    range_space_matrix = COORDINATE;  *** Y = [ I; 0 ] (Cheaper computationally)
*    range_space_matrix = ORTHOGONAL;  *** Y = [ I; -N'*inv(C') ] (more stable)
     *** This option is used to determine the selection of the range space matrix Y.
     ***    AUTO      : Let the algorithm decide.  The algorithm will take into
     ***                account the number of degrees of freedom in the problem
     ***                (n-r) and other issues when deciding what representation to use.
     ***                Warning!  These automatic tests are only affective when a direct
     ***                solver for C is used.
     ***   COORDINATE : Use the coordinate decomposition Y = [ I; 0 ]
     ***   ORTHOGONAL : Use the orthogonal decomposition Y = [ I; N'*inv(C') ].
     ***                Warning!  For general NLPs this option costs approximately
     ***                O((n-r)^2*r) dense flops per rSQP iteration and will dominate
     ***                the runtime for large (n-r).  In addition, this option
     ***                assumes that you will be using null_space_matrix=EXPLICIT.

*** Reduced Hessian Approximations

*    max_dof_quasi_newton_dense = -1; *** [default]
     *** [quasi_newton == AUTO] (+-int)  This option is used to
     *** determine when the algorithm will switch from quasi_newton=BFGS
     *** to quasi_newton=LBFGS and from range_space_matrix=ORTHOGONAL
     *** to range_space_matrix=COORDINATE.
     *** Example values:
     ***  -1 : (< 0) Let the solver decide dynamically [default]
     ***   0 : Always use limited memory LBFGS and COORDINATE.
     *** 500 : Use LBFGS when n-r >= 500 and dense BFGS when n-m < 500
     ***       Use COORDINATE when (n-m)*r >= 500 and ORTHOGONAL when
     ***       (n-r)*r <= 500.
     *** 1e10: Always use the dense BFGS and the orthogonal decomposition.


*** Options group for CalcFiniteDiffProd class
*** These options control how finite differences are computed
*** for testing and for other purposes.
options_group CalcFiniteDiffProd {

*    fd_method_order = FD_ORDER_ONE;          *** Use O(eps) one sided finite differences
*    fd_method_order = FD_ORDER_TWO;          *** Use O(eps^2) one sided finite differences
*    fd_method_order = FD_ORDER_TWO_CENTRAL;  *** Use O(eps^2) two sided central finite differences
*    fd_method_order = FD_ORDER_TWO_AUTO;     *** Uses FD_ORDER_TWO_CENTRAL or FD_ORDER_TWO
*    fd_method_order = FD_ORDER_FOUR;         *** Use O(eps^4) one sided finite differences
*    fd_method_order = FD_ORDER_FOUR_CENTRAL; *** Use O(eps^4) two sided central finite differences
*    fd_method_order = FD_ORDER_FOUR_AUTO;    *** [default] Use FD_ORDER_FOUR_CENTRAL or FD_ORDER_FOUR
     *** Selects the finite differencing method to use.  Several different
     *** methods of different orders are available.  For more accuracy use a higher order
     *** method, for faster execution time use a lower order method.

*    fd_step_select = FD_STEP_ABSOLUTE; *** [default] Use absolute step size fd_step_size
*    fd_step_select = FD_STEP_RELATIVE; *** Use relative step size fd_step_size * ||x||inf
     *** Determines how the actual finite difference step size that is used is selected.
     ***    FD_STEP_ABSOLUTE : The actual step size used is taken from fd_step_size or
     ***                       is determined by the implementation if fd_step_size < 0.0.
     ***                       Taking an absolute step size can result in inaccurate gradients
     ***                       for  badly scaled NLPs.
     ***    FD_STEP_RELATIVE : The actual step size used is taken from fd_step_size or
     ***                       is determined by the implementation if fd_step_size < 0.0
     ***                       and then multiplied by ||x||inf.  Taking a relative step
     ***                       will not always result in accurate gradients and the user
     ***                       may have to play with fd_step_size some.

*    fd_step_size = -1.0; *** [default] Let the implementation decide
     *** Determines what finite difference step size to use.  If fd_step_select=FD_STEP_ABSOLUTE
     *** then this is the absolute step size that is used.  If fd_step_select=FD_STEP_RELATIVE
     *** the actual step size used in fd_step_size * ||x||inf.
     *** Some common values are:
     ***   < 0.0   : let the implementation decide.
     ***   1e-8    : Optimal step size for FD_ORDER_ONE for IEEE double and perfect scaling?
     ***   1e-5    : Optimal step size for FD_ORDER_TWOx for IEEE double and perfect scaling?
     ***   1e-3    : Optimal step size for FD_ORDER_FOURx for IEEE double and perfect scaling?

*    fd_step_size_min = -1.0; *** [default] Let the implementation decide.
     *** Determines the minimum step size that will be taken to compute the finite differences.
     *** This option is used to forbid the computation of a finite difference with a very small
     *** step size as required by the variable bounds.  Computing finite difference derivatives
     *** for such small step sizes generally result in a lot of roundoff error.  If
     *** fd_step_size_min < 0.0, then the implementation will pick a default value that is
     *** smaller than the default value for fd_step_size.

*    fd_step_size_f = -1.0; *** [default] Let the implementation decide
     *** Determines what finite difference step size to use for the objective function
     *** f(x).  If fd_step_size_f < 0.0, then the selected value for fd_step_size will be
     *** used (see the options fd_step_size and fd_step_select).  This option allows
     *** fine-tuning of the finite difference computations.

*    fd_step_size_c = -1.0; *** [default] Let the implementation decide
     *** Determines what finite difference step size to use for the equality constraints
     *** c(x).  If fd_step_size_c < 0.0, then the selected value for fd_step_size will be
     *** used (see the options fd_step_size and fd_step_select).  This option allows
     *** fine-tuning of the finite difference computations.

*    fd_step_size_h = -1.0; *** [default] Let the implementation decide
     *** Determines what finite difference step size to use for the inequality constraints
     *** h(x).  If fd_step_size_h < 0.0, then the selected value for fd_step_size will be
     *** used (see the options fd_step_size and fd_step_select).  This option allows
     *** fine-tuning of the finite difference computations.


*** Options for EvalNewPoint for NLPFirstOrder.
*** See options_group NLPFirstDerivTester
options_group EvalNewPointStd {

*    fd_deriv_testing = FD_DEFAULT; *** [default] Test if check_results==true (see above)
*    fd_deriv_testing = FD_TEST;    *** Always test
*    fd_deriv_testing = FD_NO_TEST; *** never test
     *** Determines if the derivatives of the NLP returned from the NLPFirstOrder interface
     *** are correct using finite differences (see the options_group NLPFirstDerivTester).
     *** Valid options include:
     ***    FD_DEFAULT : Perform the finite difference tests if check_results==true.
     ***    FD_TEST    : Always test, regardless of the value of check_results.
     ***    FD_NO_TEST : Never test, regardless of the value of check_results.

*    decomp_sys_testing = DST_DEFAULT; *** [default] Test if check_results==true (see above)
*    decomp_sys_testing = DST_TEST;    *** Always test
*    decomp_sys_testing = DST_NO_TEST; *** never test
     *** Determines if the range/null decomposition matrices from DecompositionSystem are
     *** tested or not (see the options_group DecompositionSystemTester).
     *** Valid options include:
     ***    FD_DEFAULT : Perform the tests if check_results==true.
     ***    FD_TEST    : Always test, regardless of the value of check_results.
     ***    FD_NO_TEST : Never test, regardless of the value of check_results.

*    decomp_sys_testing_print_level = DSPL_USE_GLOBAL;    *** [default] Use the value in journal_print_level (see above).
*    decomp_sys_testing_print_level = DSPL_LEAVE_DEFAULT; *** Leave whatever setting in already in use.
     *** This option allows the user to determine how the testing print level is determined.
     *** Valid options include:
     ***    DSLP_USE_GLOBAL    : The value of journal_print_level will be used to determine reasonable values for
     ***                         print_tests and dump_all.
     ***    DSLP_LEAVE_DEFAULT : Whatever values are currently set for DecompositionSystemTester::print_tests and
     ***                         DecompositionSystemTester::dump_all will be used (see the options_group
     ***                         DecompositionSystemTester).


*** Options for determining if variable bounds
*** xL <= x <= xU are violated by
*** more than an acceptable tolerance.
options_group VariableBoundsTester {
*    warning_tol   = 1e-10; *** [default]
*    error_tol     = 1e-5; *** [default]

*** Options for the finite difference testing of derivatives for a
*** standard NLP.
options_group NLPFirstDerivTester {
*    fd_testing_method = FD_COMPUTE_ALL; *** Compute all of the derivatives (O(m))
*    fd_testing_method = FD_DIRECTIONAL; *** [default] Only compute along random directions (O(1))
*    num_fd_directions = 1;   *** [fd_testing_method == DIRECTIONAL]
*    num_fd_directions = -1;  *** [fd_testing_method == DIRECTIONAL] Use single direction y=1.0
*    warning_tol   = 1e-8; *** [default]
*    warning_tol   = 0.0;  *** Show me all comparisons.
*    error_tol     = 1e-3; *** [default]

*** Options for EvalNewPoint for a "Tailored Approach" NLP.
*** See options_group NLPDirectTester
options_group EvalNewPointTailoredApproach {
*    fd_deriv_testing   = FD_DEFAULT;  *** [default] Test if check_results==true (see above)
*    fd_deriv_testing   = FD_TEST;    *** Always test
*    fd_deriv_testing   = FD_NO_TEST; *** never test

*** Options for the finite difference derivative tester for a 
*** direct sensitivity NLP.
options_group NLPDirectTester {
*    Gf_testing_method = FD_COMPUTE_ALL; *** Compute all of the derivatives (O(n))
*    Gf_testing_method = FD_DIRECTIONAL; *** [default] Only compute along random directions (O(1))
*    Gf_warning_tol   = 1e-10;
*    Gf_error_tol     = 1e-5;
*    Gc_testing_method = FD_COMPUTE_ALL; *** Compute all of the derivatives (O(n-m))
*    Gc_testing_method = FD_DIRECTIONAL; *** [default] Only compute along random directions (O(1))
*    Gc_warning_tol   = 1e-10;
*    Gc_error_tol     = 1e-5;
*    num_fd_directions = 1;  *** [testing_method == DIRECTIONAL]
*    dump_all = true;
*    dump_all = false; *** [default]

*** Options for the BasisSystem tester used to validate the
*** basis of the constraints Jacobian.
options_group BasisSystemTester {
*    print_tests = PRINT_NONE;    *** [default]
*    print_tests = PRINT_BASIC;
*    print_tests = PRINT_MORE;
*    print_tests = PRINT_ALL;
*    dump_all = true;
*    dump_all = false;          *** [default]
*    num_random_tests = 1;      *** (+int) Number of sets of random tests to perform
*    warning_tol   = 1e-15;     *** (+dbl) Warning tolerance
*    error_tol     = 1e-12;     *** (+dbl) Error tolerance

*** Options for the DecompositionSystem tester used to validate
*** range/null decomposition matrices (NLPFirstOrder only).
options_group DecompositionSystemTester {
*    print_tests = PRINT_NONE;    *** [default]
*    print_tests = PRINT_BASIC;
*    print_tests = PRINT_MORE;
*    print_tests = PRINT_ALL;
*    dump_all = true;             *** (costly)
*    dump_all = false;            *** [default]
*    num_random_tests   = 1;      *** (+int) Number of sets of random test to perform
*    mult_warning_tol   = 1e-14;  *** (+dbl) Warning tolerance for checking matrix-vector multiplication
*    mult_error_tol     = 1e-8;   *** (+dbl) Error tolerance for checking matrix-vector multiplication
*    solve_warning_tol  = 1e-14;  *** (+dbl) Warning tolerance for checking linear solves
*    solve_error_tol    = 1e-8;   *** (+dbl) Error tolerance for checking linear solves

*** End Moocho.opt.DecompositionSystemStateStepBuilderStd 
*** Begin Moocho.opt.NLPAlgoConfigMamaJama

*** All of these options can be used with the NLPAlgoConfigMamaJama
*** algorithm configuration class.
*** See the file Moocho.opt.DecompositionSystemStateStepBuilderStd
*** for more options that are used by this class.
*** This file will be maintained and will include every option that
*** users can set.  Most of these options the user will want to leave
*** alone but they are there in any case.

*** Options specific for the rSQP algorithm configuration
*** class NLPAlgoConfigMamaJama.
options_group NLPAlgoConfigMamaJama {

*** Variable Reduction range/null space decomposition

*    max_basis_cond_change_frac = -1.0;  *** [default]
     *** (+-dbl) If < 0 then the solver will decide what value to use.
     *** Otherwise this is the change in a very inexact condition number estimate
     *** between iterations (see printed algorithm description) which triggers the
     *** selection of a new basis.
     *** Example values:
     ***    -1 : Allow solver to decide [default] 
     ***     0 : Switch to a new basis every iteration (not a good idea)
     ***   100 : Switch to a new basis when change is more that 100?
     *** 1e+50 : (big number) Never switch to a new basis.

*** Reduced Hessian Approximations

*    exact_reduced_hessian = true; *** Use NLP Hessian info if available
*    exact_reduced_hessian = false; *** Use quasi_newton [default]
     *** If true and if the NLP supports second order information
     *** (hessian of the lagrangian HL) then the exact reduced hessian
     *** rHL = Z'*HL*Z will be computed at each iteration.

*    quasi_newton = AUTO;   *** Let solver decide dynamically [default]
*    quasi_newton = BFGS;   *** Dense BFGS
*    quasi_newton = LBFGS;  *** Limited memory BFGS
     *** [exact_reduced_hessian == false]
     *** ToDo: Finish documentation!

*    num_lbfgs_updates_stored   = -1; *** [default]
     *** [quasi_newton == LBFGS] (+-int) If < 0 then let solver decide
     *** otherwise this is the maximum number of update vectors stored
     *** for limited memory LBFGS.

*    lbfgs_auto_scaling = true;  *** (default)
*    lbfgs_auto_scaling = false;
     *** [quasi_newton == LBFGS] If true then auto scaling of initial
     *** hessian approximation will be use for LBFGS.

*    hessian_initialization = AUTO;                       *** Let the solver decide dynamically [default]
*    hessian_initialization = SERIALIZE;                  *** rHL_(0) read from file (see ReducedHessianSerialization)
*    hessian_initialization = IDENTITY;                   *** rHL_(0) = I
*    hessian_initialization = FINITE_DIFF_SCALE_IDENTITY; *** rHL_(0) = ||fd|| * I
*    hessian_initialization = FINITE_DIFF_DIAGONAL;       *** rHL_(0) = diag(max(fd(i),small),i)
*    hessian_initialization = FINITE_DIFF_DIAGONAL_ABS;   *** rHL_(0) = diag(abs(fd(i))
     *** [exact_reduced_hessian == false] Determines how the quasi-newton hessian is initialized.
     *** ToDo: Finis documentation!

*** QP solvers

*    qp_solver = AUTO;    *** Let the solver decide dynamically
*    qp_solver = QPKWIK;  *** Primal-dual, active set, QR
*    qp_solver = QPOPT;   *** Primal, active set, null space, Gill et. al.
*    qp_solver = QPSOL;   *** Primal, active set, null space, Gill et. al.
*    qp_solver = QPSCHUR; *** [default] Primal-dual, active set, schur complement 
     *** QP solver to use to solve the reduced space QP subproblem (null
     *** space step).  Note that only QPSCHUR ships with MOOCHO by default.

*    reinit_hessian_on_qp_fail = true; *** [default]
*    reinit_hessian_on_qp_fail = false;
     *** If true, then if a QPFailure exception is thrown (see printed algorithm)
     *** then the Hessian approximation will be reinitialized and the QP solver will
     *** attempt to solve the QP again.

*** Line search methods

*    line_search_method = AUTO;               *** Let the solver decide dynamically [default]
*    line_search_method = NONE;               *** Take full steps at every iteration
*    line_search_method = DIRECT;             *** Use standard Armijo backtracking
*    line_search_method = 2ND_ORDER_CORRECT;  *** Like DIRECT except computes corrections for
*                                             *** c(x) before backtracking line search
*    line_search_method = WATCHDOG;           *** Like DIRECT except uses watchdog type trial steps
*    line_search_method = FILTER;             *** [default] Use the Filter line search method
     *** Options:
     *** AUTO : Let the solver decide dynamically what line search method to use (if any)
     *** NONE : Take full steps at every iteration.  For most problems this is a bad idea.
     ***     However, for some problems this can help when starting close to the solution usually.
     *** DIRECT : Use a standard Armijo backtracking line search at every iteration.
     *** 2ND_ORDER_CORRECT : Like DIRECT except computes corrections for before applying
     ***     the backtracking line search (see options_group LineSearch2ndOrderCorrect).
     ***     This can help greatly on some problems and can counter act the Maritos effect.
     *** FILTER : Use the filter line search.  Here we accept either a decrease in the
     ***     objective function for the constraints.  See "Global and Local Convergence of
     ***     Line Search Filter Methods for Nonlinear Programming" by Waechter and Biegler.

*    merit_function_type = AUTO;              *** [line_search_method != NONE] Let solver decide
*    merit_function_type = L1;                *** [line_search_method != NONE] phi(x) = f(x) + mu*||c(x)||1
*    merit_function_type = MODIFIED_L1;       *** [line_search_method != NONE] phi(x) = f(x) + sum(mu(j),|cj(x)|,j)
*    merit_function_type = MODIFIED_L1_INCR;  *** [line_search_method != NONE] Like MODIFIED_L1 except mu(j) are altered in order to take larger steps
     *** Determines the type of merit function used when the line search
     *** method uses a merit function.

*    l1_penalty_parameter_update = AUTO;      *** [merit_function_type == L1] let solver decide
*    l1_penalty_parameter_update = WITH_MULT; *** [merit_function_type == L1] Use Lagrange multipliers to update mu
*    l1_penalty_parameter_update = MULT_FREE; *** [merit_function_type == L1] Don't use Lagrange multipliers to update mu
     *** Determines how the penalty parameter is updated for the L1 merit function.

*** Options for serialization of the reduced Hessian
*** [NLPAlgoConfigMamaJama::hessian_initialization == SERIALIZE]
options_group ReducedHessianSerialization {

*   reduced_hessian_input_file_name = "";   *** [default]
*   reduced_hessian_input_file_name = "";                     *** Does not read from file
    *** The name of a file that will be used to read in the reduced Hessian
    *** in a format that is compatible with the internal implementation.

*   reduced_hessian_output_file_name = "reduced_hessian.out"; *** [default]
*   reduced_hessian_output_file_name = "";                    *** Does not write to file
    *** The name of a file that will be used to write in the reduced Hessian.
    *** This reduced Hessian can then be read back in using the
    *** reduced_hessian_input_file_name option.


*** Options for finite difference initialization of reduced hessian.
*** [NLPAlgoConfigMamaJama::hessian_initialization == FINITE_DIFF_*]
options_group InitFinDiffReducedHessian {
*    initialization_method	= SCALE_IDENTITY;
*    initialization_method	= SCALE_DIAGONAL;
*    initialization_method	= SCALE_DIAGONAL_ABS;
*    max_cond			= 1e+1;
*    min_diag			= 1e-8;
*    step_scale			= 1e-1;

*** Options for checking for skipping the BFGS update.
*** [NLPAlgoConfigMamaJama::exact_hessian == false]
options_group CheckSkipBFGSUpdateStd {
*    skip_bfgs_prop_const = 10.0; *** (+dbl)

*** Options for BFGS updating (dense or limited memory)
*** [NLPAlgoConfigMamaJama::exact_hessian == false]
options_group BFGSUpdate {

*    rescale_init_identity = true;  *** [default]
*    rescale_init_identity = false;
     *** If true, then rescale the initial identity matrix at 2nd iteration

*    use_dampening = true;  *** [default]
*    use_dampening = false;
     *** Use dampened BFGS update

*    secant_testing          = DEFAULT;  *** Test secant condition if check_results==true (see above) [default]
*    secant_testing          = TEST;     *** Always test secant condition
*    secant_testing          = NO_TEST;  *** Never test secant condition

*    secant_warning_tol      = 1e-6; *** [default]
*    secant_error_tol        = 1e-1; *** [default]


*** Options for the convergence test.
*** See the printed step description (i.e. 'MoochoAlgo.out') for a
*** description of what these options do.
options_group CheckConvergenceStd {

*    scale_opt_error_by    = SCALE_BY_NORM_2_X;
*    scale_opt_error_by    = SCALE_BY_NORM_INF_X;
*    scale_opt_error_by    = SCALE_BY_ONE;        *** [default]

*    scale_feas_error_by   = SCALE_BY_NORM_2_X;
*    scale_feas_error_by   = SCALE_BY_NORM_INF_X;
*    scale_feas_error_by   = SCALE_BY_ONE;        *** [default]

*    scale_comp_error_by   = SCALE_BY_NORM_2_X;
*    scale_comp_error_by   = SCALE_BY_NORM_INF_X;
*    scale_comp_error_by   = SCALE_BY_ONE;        *** [default]

     *** Determines what all of the error measures are scaled by when checking convergence
     *** SCALE_BY_NORM_2_X   : Scale the optimality conditions by 1/(1+||x_k||2)
     *** SCALE_BY_NORM_INF_X : Scale the optimality conditions by 1/(1+||x_k||inf)
     *** SCALE_BY_ONE        : Scale the optimality conditions by 1

*    scale_opt_error_by_Gf = true; *** [default]
*    scale_opt_error_by_Gf = false;
     *** Determines if the linear dependence of gradients (i.e. ||rGL_k||inf or ||GL_k||inf)
     *** is scaled by the gradient of the objective function or not.
     *** true  : Scale ||rGL_k||inf or ||GL_k|| by an additional 1/(1+||Gf||inf)
     *** false : Scale ||rGL_k||inf or ||GL_k|| by an additional 1 (i.e. no extra scaling)


*** Options for the TangentalStepWithInequStd_Step
*** This used for NLPs that have bounds.
options_group TangentialStepWithInequStd {

*    warm_start_frac = 0.8; *** [default]
*    warm_start_frac = 0.0; *** Never do a warm start
*    warm_start_frac = 1.0; *** Do a warm start as soon a possible
     *** (+dbl) Determines the number of inequality constraints that
     *** must be the same any two rSQP iterations in order for
     *** a warm start to be used on the next rSQP iteration.

*    qp_testing = QP_TEST_DEFAULT; *** [default] Test if check_results==true
*    qp_testing = QP_TEST;         *** Always test
*    qp_testing = QP_NO_TEST;      *** Never test
     *** Determines if the postconditions for the QP solve are checked
     *** or not.

*    primal_feasible_point_error = true; *** [default] Throw exception on PRIMAL_FEASIBLE_POINT
*    primal_feasible_point_error = false; *** No throw exception on PRIMAL_FEASIBLE_POINT

*    dual_feasible_point_error = true; *** [default] Throw exception on DUAL_FEASIBLE_POINT
*    dual_feasible_point_error = false; *** No throw exception on DUAL_FEASIBLE_POINT


*** Options for the QPSolverRelaxedTester object that is used
*** to test the QP solution.
*** This is only used when the NLP has bounds and a QP solver is used.
*** This sets testing options for the TangentalStepWithInequalStd_Step
*** object.
*** See the MoochoAlgo.opt file for details.
options_group QPSolverRelaxedTester {

*    opt_warning_tol   = 1e-10;  *** [default] Tolerances for optimality conditions
*    opt_error_tol     = 1e-5;   *** [default]

*    feas_warning_tol  = 1e-10;  *** [default] Tolerances for feasibility
*    feas_error_tol    = 1e-5;   *** [default]

*    comp_warning_tol  = 1e-10;  *** [default] Tolerances for complementarity
*    comp_error_tol    = 1e-5;   *** [default]


*** Options for the primal-dual, active-set, schur-complement
*** QP solver QPSchur.
*** [NLPAlgoConfigMamaJama::qp_solver == QPSCHUR]
options_group QPSolverRelaxedQPSchur {

*** Convergence criteria and algorithm control options

*    max_qp_iter_frac  = 10.0;   *** (+dbl) max_qp_itr = max_qp_itr_frac * (# variables)

*    bounds_tol        = 1e-10;  *** (+dbl) feasibility tolerance for bound constraints

*    inequality_tol    = 1e-10;  *** (+dbl) feasibility tolerance for general inequality constraints

*    equality_tol      = 1e-10;  *** (+dbl) feasibility tolerance for general equality constraints

*    loose_feas_tol    = 1e-9;   *** (+dbl) (Expert use only)

*    dual_infeas_tol   = 1e-12;  *** (+dbl) allowable dual infeasibility before reporting an error

*    huge_primal_step  = 1e+20;  *** (+dbl) value of a near infinite primal step

*    huge_dual_step    = 1e+20;  *** (+dbl) value of a near infinite dual step

*    bigM              = 1e+10;  *** (+dbl) value or relaxation penalty in objective

*    iter_refine_at_solution = true;  *** [default]
*    iter_refine_at_solution = false;
     *** If true then iterative refinement will be performed at the solution of
     *** the QP in every case.

*    iter_refine_min_iter = 1; *** [default]
     *** Minimum number of iterative refinement iterations to perform when
     *** using iterative refinement.
     *** Example values:
     *** 0 : Don't perform any iterations of iterative refinement if you don't have to
     *** 1 : Perform at least one step if iterative refinement no matter what the
     ***     residual is.

*    iter_refine_max_iter = 3; *** [default]
     *** Maximum number of steps of iterative refinement to perform.
     *** This helps to keep down the cost of iterative refinement but
     *** can cause the QP method to fail due to ill-conditioning and roundoff.
     *** This number should be kept small since the target residuals may not
     *** be obtainable.
     *** Example values:
     ***   0 : Never perform any steps of iterative refinement
     ***   1 : Never perform more than one step of iterative refinement
     ***  10 : Never perform more than 10 steps of iterative refinement.

*    iter_refine_opt_tol  = 1e-12; *** [default]
     *** Iterative refinement convergence tolerance for the optimality
     *** conditions of the QP.  Specifically this is compared to the
     *** scaled linear dependence of gradients condition.
     *** Example values:
     ***   1e-50 : (very small number) Do iterative refinement until
     ***           iter_refine_max_iter is exceeded.
     ***   1e-12 : [default]
     ***   1e+50 : (very big number) Allow convergence of iterative refinement at
     ***           any time.

*    iter_refine_feas_tol = 1e-12; *** [default]
     *** Iterative refinement convergence tolerance for the feasibility
     *** conditions of the QP.  Specifically this is compared to the
     *** scaled residual of the active constraints (equalities and inequalities)
     *** Example values:
     ***   1e-50 : (very small number) Do iterative refinement until
     ***           iter_refine_max_iter is exceeded.
     ***   1e-12 : [default]
     ***   1e+50 : (very big number) Allow convergence of iterative refinement at
     ***           any time.

*    inequality_pick_policy = ADD_BOUNDS_THEN_MOST_VIOLATED_INEQUALITY; *** [default]
*    inequality_pick_policy = ADD_BOUNDS_THEN_FIRST_VIOLATED_INEQUALITY; *** not supported yet!
*    inequality_pick_policy = ADD_MOST_VIOLATED_BOUNDS_AND_INEQUALITY;

*** Warning and error tolerances

*    warning_tol   = 1e-10;  *** General testing warning tolerance

*    error_tol     = 1e-5;   *** General testing error tolerance

*    pivot_warning_tol = 1e-8;  *** [default]
     *** (+dbl) Minimum relative tolerance for a pivot element in the schur complement
     *** under which a warning message for near singularity will be printed
     *** (see MatrixSymAddDelUpdateable).
     ***  Example values:
     ***    0.0: Don't print any warning messages about near singularity.
     ***   1e-6: default
     ***    2.0: ( > 1 ) Show the pivot tolerance of every update!

*    pivot_singular_tol = 1e-11;  *** [default]
     *** (+dbl) Minimum relative tolerance for a pivot element in the schur complement
     *** under which the matrix is considered singular and an error message will be printed
     *** (see MatrixSymAddDelUpdateable).
     *** Example values:
     ***    0.0: Allow any numerically nonsingular matrix.
     ***   1e-8: default
     ***    2.0: ( > 1 ) Every matrix is singular (makes no sense!)

*    pivot_wrong_inertia_tol = 1e-11;  *** [default]
     *** (+dbl) Minimum relative tolerance for a pivot element in the schur complement
     *** over which the matrix is considered to have the wrong inertia rather than
     *** being singular and an error message will be printed
     *** (see MatrixSymAddDelUpdateable).
     *** Example values:
     ***    0.0: Any pivot with the wrong sign will be considered to have the wrong inertia
     ***   1e-8: default
     ***    2.0: ( > 1 ) Every matrix has the wrong inertia (makes no sense!)

*** Output control

*    print_level = USE_INPUT_ARG;  *** [default] Use the input argument to solve_qp(...)
*    print_level = NO_OUTPUT;
*    print_level = OUTPUT_BASIC_INFO;
*    print_level = OUTPUT_ITER_SUMMARY;
*    print_level = OUTPUT_ITER_STEPS;
*    print_level = OUTPUT_ACT_SET;
*    print_level = OUTPUT_ITER_QUANTITIES;


*** Options for the direct line search object that is used in all the
*** line search methods for the SQP step.
*** [NLPAlgoConfigMamaJama::line_search_method != NONE]
*** See the MoochoAlgo.opt file for details.
options_group DirectLineSearchArmQuadSQPStep {
*    slope_frac       = 1.0e-4;
*    min_frac_step    = 0.1:
*    max_frac_step    = 0.5;
*    max_ls_iter      = 20;

*** Options for the watchdog line search.
*** [NLPAlgoConfigMamaJama::line_search_method = WATCHDOG]
*** Warning!  The watchdog option is not currently supported!
options_group LineSearchWatchDog {
*    opt_kkt_err_threshold	= 1e-3; *** (+dbl)
*    feas_kkt_err_threshold	= 1e-3; *** (+dbl)
     *** Start the watchdog linesearch when opt_kkt_err_k < opt_kkt_err_threshold and
     *** feas_kkt_err_k < feas_kkt_err_threshold

*** Options for the second order correction line search.
*** [NLPAlgoConfigMamaJama::line_search_method == 2ND_ORDER_CORRECT]
*** Warning!  The 2nd order correction option is not currently supported!
options_group LineSearch2ndOrderCorrect {

*    newton_olevel = PRINT_USE_DEFAULT;   *** O(?) output [default]
*    newton_olevel = PRINT_NOTHING;       *** No output
*    newton_olevel = PRINT_SUMMARY_INFO;  *** O(max_newton_iter) output
*    newton_olevel = PRINT_STEPS;         *** O(max_newton_iter) output
*    newton_olevel = PRINT_VECTORS;       *** O(max_newton_iter*n) output
     *** Determines the amount of output printed to the journal output stream.
     *** PRINT_USE_DEFAULT: Use the output level from the overall algorithm
     ***     to print comparable output (see journal_output_level).
     *** PRINT_NOTHING: Don't print anything (overrides default print level).
     *** PRINT_SUMMARY_INFO: Print a nice little summary table showing the sizes of the
     ***    newton steps used to compute a feasibility correction as well as what
     ***    progress is being made.
     *** PRINT_STEPS: Don't print a summary table and instead print some more detail
     ***    as to what computations are being performed etc.
     *** PRINT_VECTORS: Print out relevant vectors as well for the feasibility Newton
     ***     iterations.

*    constr_norm_threshold = 1.0; *** [default]
     *** (+dbl) Tolerance for ||c_k||inf below which a 2nd order correction step
     *** will be considered (see printed description).  Example values:
     ***    0.0: Never consider computing a correction.
     ***   1e-3: Consider a correction if and only if ||c_k||inf <= 1e-3
     ***  1e+50: (big number) Consider a correction regardless of ||c_k||inf.

*    constr_incr_ratio = 10.0; *** [default]
     *** (+dbl) Tolerance for ||c_kp1||inf/(1.0+||c_k||inf) below which a 2nd order
     *** correction step will be considered (see printed description).  Example values:
     ***   0.0: Consider computing a correction only if ||c_kp1||inf is zero.
     ***   10.0: Consider computing a correction if and only if
     ***        ||c_kp1||inf/(1.0+||c_k||inf) < 10.0.
     *** 1e+50: (big number) Consider a correction regardless how big ||c_kp1||inf is.

*    after_k_iter = 0; *** [default]
     *** (+int) Number of SQP iterations before a 2nd order correction will be considered
     *** (see printed description).  Example values:
     ***        0: Consider computing a correction right away at the first iteration.
     ***        2: Consider computing a correction when k >= 2.
     ***   999999: (big number) Never consider a 2nd order correction.

*    forced_constr_reduction = LESS_X_D;
*    forced_constr_reduction = LESS_X; *** [default]
     *** Determine the amount of reduction required for c(x_k+d+w).
     ***   LESS_X_D: phi(c(x_k+d+w)) < forced_reduct_ratio * phi(c(x_k+d)) is all that is required.
     ***             As long as a feasible step can be computed, only one newton
     ***             iteration should be required for this.
     ***   LESS_X:   phi(c(x_k+d+w)) < forced_reduct_ratio * phi(c(x_k)) is required.
     ***             In general, this may require several feasibility step calculations
     ***             and several newton iterations.  Of course the maximum number of
     ***             newton iterations may be exceeded before this is achieved.

*    forced_reduct_ratio = 1.0; *** [default]
     *** (+dbl) (< 1) Fraction of reduction in phi(c(x)) for required reduction.
     *** Example values:
     ***    0.0: The constraints must be fully converged and newton iterations will
     ***         performed until max_newton_itr is exceeded.
     ***    0.5: Require an extra 50% of the required reduction.
     ***    1.0: Don't require any extra reduction.

*    max_step_ratio = 1.0; *** [default]
     *** (+dbl) Maximum ratio of ||w^p||inf/||d||inf allowed for correction step w^p before
     *** a line search along phi(c(x_k+d+b*w^p)) is performed.  The purpose of this parameter
     *** is to limit the number of line search iterations needed for each feasibility
     *** step and to keep the full w = sum(w^p,p=1...) from getting too big. Example values:
     ***    0.0: Don't allow any correction step.
     ***    0.1: Allow ||w^p||inf/||d||inf <= 0.1.
     ***    1.0: Allow ||w^p||inf/||d||inf <= 1.0.
     ***  1e+50: (big number) Allow ||w^p||inf/||d||inf to be a big as possible.

*    max_newton_iter = 3; *** [default]
     *** (+int) Limit the number of newton feasibility iterations (with line searches)
     *** allowed.  Example values:
     ***       0: Don't allow any newton iterations (no 2nd order correction).
     ***       3: Allow 3 newton iterations
     ***  999999: Allow any number of newton iterations (not a good idea)


*** Options for the filter search.
*** [NLPAlgoConfigMamaJama::line_search_method = FILTER]
*** See the MoochoAlgo.out file for details
options_group LineSearchFilter {
*    gamma_theta      = 1e-5; *** [default]
*    gamma_f          = 1e-5; *** [default]
*    f_min            = UNBOUNDED; *** [default]
*    f_min            = 0.0;       *** If 0 is minimum ...
*    gamma_alpha      = 5e-2; *** [default]
*    delta            = 1e-4; *** [default]
*    s_theta          = 1.1;  *** [default]
*    s_f              = 2.3;	*** [default]
*    theta_small_fact = 1e-4; *** [default]
*    theta_max        = 1e10; *** [default]
*    eta_f            = 1e-4; *** [default]
*    back_track_frac  = 0.5;  *** [default]

*** Options for generating feasibility steps for reduced space.
*** [NLPAlgoConfigMamaJama::line_search_method == 2ND_ORDER_CORRECT]
*** Warning!  The 2nd order correction option is not currently supported!
options_group FeasibilityStepReducedStd {
*    qp_objective = OBJ_MIN_FULL_STEP;
*    qp_objective = OBJ_MIN_NULL_SPACE_STEP;
*    qp_objective = OBJ_RSQP;
*    qp_testing   = QP_TEST_DEFAULT;
*    qp_testing   = QP_TEST;
*    qp_testing   = QP_NO_TEST;

*** Options for the direct line search object for
*** the newton steps of the 2nd order correction (see above).
*** [NLPAlgoConfigMamaJama::line_search_method == 2ND_ORDER_CORRECT]
*** Warning!  The 2nd order correction option is not currently supported!
options_group DirectLineSearchArmQuad2ndOrderCorrectNewton {
*    slope_frac       = 1.0e-4;
*    min_frac_step    = 0.1:
*    max_frac_step    = 0.5;
*    max_ls_iter      = 20;

*** Change how the penalty parameters for the merit function
*** are adjusted.
*** [NLPAlgoConfigMamaJama::line_search_method != NONE]
options_group MeritFuncPenaltyParamUpdate {
*    small_mu     = 1e-6;
*    min_mu_ratio = 1e-8
*    mult_factor  = 7.5e-4;
*    kkt_near_sol = 1e-1;

*** Change how the penalty parameters for the modified
*** L1 merit function are increased.
*** [NLPAlgoConfigMamaJama::line_search_method != NONE]
*** [NLPAlgoConfigMamaJama::merit_function_type == MODIFIED_L1_INCR]
options_group MeritFuncModifiedL1LargerSteps {

*    after_k_iter                  = 3;
     *** (+int) Number of SQP iterations before considering increasing penalties.
     *** Set to 0 to start at the first iteration.

*    obj_increase_threshold        = 1e-4;
     *** (+-dbl) Consider increasing penalty parameters when the relative
     *** increase in the objective function is greater than this value.
     *** Set to a very large negative number (i.e. -1e+100) to always
     *** allow increasing the penalty parameters.

*    max_pos_penalty_increase      = 1.0;
     *** (+dbl) Ratio the multipliers are allowed to be increased.
     *** Set to a very large number (1e+100) to allow increasing the penalties
     *** to any value if it will help in taking a larger step.  This will
     *** in effect put all of the weight of the constraints and will force
     *** the algorithm to only minimize the infeasibility and ignore
     *** optimality.

*    pos_to_neg_penalty_increase   = 1.0;  *** (+dbl)

*    incr_mult_factor              = 1e-4; *** (+dbl)


*** End Moocho.opt.NLPAlgoConfigMamaJama
