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The Komplex Solver Package for solving Complex Linear Systems


KOMPLEX is collection of software that solves complex-valued linear systems using an equivalent real-valued formulation. There are two versions of capabilities in this package:

  1. Komplex_LinearProblem: This is the newest capability and should be used if at all possible. Komplex_LinearProblem constructs an Epetra_LinearProblem from existing matrix and coefficient data. A real matrix of twice the dimension of the original complex-valued problem is explicitly constructed as an Epetra_CrsMatrix. Given this matrix and the user-supplied RHS (and possibly an initial guess), the Komplex_LinearProblem object is ready for use with any Trilinos solver and preconditioner.
  2. Aztec 2.1-compatible Komplex functions: An add-on module to AZTEC that allows users to solve complex-valued linear systems using AZTEC C functionality. This approach is not recommended for new development and is provided for maintenance only.

KOMPLEX solves a complex-valued linear system $Ax = b$ by solving an equivalent real-valued system of twice the dimension. Specifically, writing in terms of real and imaginary parts, we have

\[ (A_r + i*A_i)*(x_r + i*x_i) = (b_r + i*b_i) \]

or by separating into real and imaginary equations we have

\[ \left( \begin{array}{rr} A_r & -A_i\\ A_i & A_r \end{array} \right) \left( \begin{array}{r} x_r\\ x_i \end{array} \right) = \left( \begin{array}{r} b_r\\ b_i \end{array} \right) \]

which is a real-valued system of twice the size. If we find $ x_r $ and $ x_i $, we can form the solution to the original system as $x = x_r +i*x_i$.

Installation (Aztec 2.1-compatible only)

Note: Since Komplex builds with the standard Trilinos build process, the build process described below is not required when using Komplex with Trilinos.

Installation and use of Komplex assumes a good working knowledge of Aztec 2.1. To install Komplex 1.0, you must:

  1. Follow the Aztec 2.1 installation procedure to install Aztec.

  2. Compile.

    1. Edit the files 'komplex_lib/Makefile.template' and 'komplex_app/Makefile.template'. Set the Makefile variables MPI_INCLUDE_DIR and MPI_LIB to the appropriate directories and libraries (if using MPI). For example

      MPI_INCLUDE_DIR = -I/Net/local/mpi/include
      MPI_LIB         = -L/Net/local/mpi -lmpich

    2. TYPE ===> set_komplex_makefiles xxxx yyyy

      where xxxx specifies a machine (SOLARIS, SUN4, SGI, SGIM4, SGI10K, I860, DEC, HP, SUNMOS, NCUBE, SP2, T3E, LINUX, or TFLOP) and yyyy specifies a messaging system (MPI, SERIAL, I860, SUNMOS, or NCUBE).

      Example: set_komplex_makefiles SUN4 MPI

      This creates 'Makefile.xxxx.yyyy' which is linked to Makefile.

    3. TYPE ===> cd komplex_lib; make; cd ../komplex_app; make

      'gmake' works on all machines except the Cray T3E where it appears necessary to uncomment Makefile lines refering to implicit compilation.

Other applications can be compiled by switching OBJ lines in app/Makefile.

NOTE: On some machines it is necessary to switch the linker 'LD_*' when the main program is Fortran.

When porting to other machines, the following issues are the most difficult:

  1. Linking between Fortran and C differs between machines. 'lib/az_aztec.h' contains macros corresponding to CFORT in the Makefiles.

  2. Timing routines are different between machines. With any luck, one of the following should work: md_timer_sun.c, md_timer_generic.c, md_timer_mpi.c.

Overview of Using Komplex (Aztec 2.1-compatible version only)

Note: See the class documentation for Komplex_LinearProblem for details on its use.

Possible Formulations

KOMPLEX accept user linear systems in three forms:

  1. The first form is true complex. The user passes in an MSR or VBR format matrix where the values are stored like Fortran complex numbers. Thus, the values array is of type double that is twice as long as the number of complex values. Each complex entry is stored with real part followed by imaginary part (as in Fortran). See AZK_create_linsys_c2k.

  2. The second form stores real and imaginary parts separately, but the pattern for each is identical. Thus only the values of the imaginary part are passed to the creation routines. See AZK_create_linsys_ri2k.

  3. The third form accepts two real-valued matrices with no assumption about the structure of the matrices. Each matrix is multiplied by a user-supplied complex constant. This is the most general form. See AZK_create_linsys_g2k.

Each of the above forms supports a global or local index set. By this we mean that the index values (stored in bindx) refer to the global problem indices, or the local indices (for example after calling AZ_transform). Note that for Form 1 above, indices can be local or global but you cannot use AZ_transform if to create local indices since AZ_transform does not support complex matrices.

All input matrices are formed as AZ_MATRIX structs (see the Aztec 2.1 User Manual). Before using Komplex, you should become very familiar with Aztec.

Step-by-step use of Komplex

  1. Create input matrices, initial guess and right hand side. Create the required input matrices in one of the three forms described in Section Possible Formulations. See Section Example Codes for an example.
  2. Select solver options. Set Aztec input options and parameters. All Aztec parameters and options are valid for Komplex.
  3. Create linear system. Create the Komplex form of the linear system via a call to
    • AZK_create_linsys_c2k - Convert from complex to komplex.
    • AZK_create_linsys_ri2k - Convert from real/imaginary to komplex.
    • AZK_create_linsys_g2k - Convert from general to komplex.
  4. Compute initial residual (if desired). Call AZK_residual_norm.
  5. Create preconditioner. Create the Komplex preconditioner via a call to AZK_create_precon. Note that the Aztec options and parameters you set will determine the preconditioner.
  6. Solve problem. Call AZ_iterate using the matrix, initial guess, RHS, and preconditioner created in the above steps. AZ_iterate is an Aztec 2.1 function.
  7. Verify final residual (if desired). Call AZK_residual_norm.
  8. Extract the solution. Call one of the following:
    • AZK_extract_solution_k2c - recovers solution in complex form.
    • AZK_extract_solution_k2ri - recovers solution in real/imaginary form.
    • AZK_extract_solution_k2g - recovers solution in real/imaginary form (same functionality as AZK_extract_solution_k2ri).
  9. Destroy preconditioner. Destroy the preconditioner and all associated memory.
  10. Destroy the linear system. Destroy the matrix, initial guess/solution vector and RHS vector allocated by AZK_create_linsys_xxx.

Calling Komplex to Solve Multiple Related Systems

Komplex has a very flexible create/destroy framework. Although the steps in Section Step-by-step use of Komplex refer to creating an entire linear system at one time, it is possible to create and destroy the matrix, initial guess and right hand side in separate steps. The matrix is created (destroyed) by calling AZK_matrix_create_xxx (AZK_matrix_destroy_xxx) where xxx refers to the type of input problem as described in Section Possible Formulations. Similarly, the initial guess and RHS can also be built separately. All Komplex objects are created from completely separate storage than what the user provides. As such they remain viable until destroyed.

A few scenarios:

  1. Same matrix, new RHS.
    • Solve 1:
      • AZK_create_linsys_xxx(matrix,x,rhs)
      • AZK_create_precon
      • AZ_iterate - solve problem
      • AZK_extract_solution_xxx
      • AZK_destroy_vector(rhs)
      • AZK_destroy_vector(solution)
    • Solve 2:
      • AZK_create_vector_xxx(new_rhs)
      • AZK_create_vector_xxx(new_x)
      • AZ_iterate - solve problem using same matrix and preconditioner
      • AZK_extract_solution_xxx
      • AZK_destroy_precon
      • AZK_destroy_linsys(matrix,x,rhs)
  2. Different matrices using the same preconditioner (where matrices may be related by being different time steps of the same problem).
    • Solve 1:
      • AZK_create_linsys_xxx(matrix,x,rhs)
      • AZK_create_precon
      • AZ_iterate - solve problem
      • AZK_extract_solution_xxx
      • AZK_destroy_linsys(matrix,x,rhs)
    • Solve 2:
      • AZK_create_linsys_xxx(new_matrix,new_x,new_rhs)
      • AZ_iterate - solve problem using same matrix and preconditioner
      • AZK_extract_solution_xxx
      • AZK_destroy_precon
      • AZK_destroy_linsys(matrix,x,rhs)

Example Codes

The following example code generates a simple diagonal matrix of dimension "n" where "n" is passed in as an argument. The diagonal entries are constructed in a way that exactly 20 unpreconditioned GMRES iteration should be required for convergence, independent of problem size and number of processors used.

The point of this example is to illustrate the flow of calls when using KOMPLEX. This example program can be found in the file komplex_app/simple.c.

A more elaborate sample test program can be found in the file komplex_app/main.c. Note that it relies on service routines from SPARSKIT2. SPARSKIT2 is available at http://www.cs.umn.edu/Research/arpa/SPARSKIT/sparskit.html

 * Copyright 2000, Sandia Corporation.  The United States Government retains a *
 * nonexclusive license in this software as prescribed in AL 88-1 and AL 91-7. *
 * Export of this program may require a license from the United States         *
 * Government.                                                                 *
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <mpi.h>

#include "az_aztec.h"
#include "azk_komplex.h"

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  int    proc_config[AZ_PROC_SIZE];/* Processor information.                */
  int    options[AZ_OPTIONS_SIZE]; /* Array used to select solver options.  */
  double params[AZ_PARAMS_SIZE];   /* User selected solver paramters.       */
  double status[AZ_STATUS_SIZE];   /* Information returned from AZ_solve(). */

  int    *bindx_real;              /* index and values arrays for MSR matrices */
  double *val_real, *val_imag;

  int * update;                    /* List of global eqs owned by the processor */
  double *x_real, *b_real;         /* initial guess/solution, RHS  */
  double *x_imag, *b_imag;

  int    N_local;                  /* Number of equations on this node */
  double residual;                 /* Used for computing residual */

  double *xx_real, *xx_imag, *xx; /* Known exact solution */
  int myPID, nprocs;

  AZ_MATRIX *Amat_real;             /* Real matrix structure */
  AZ_MATRIX  *Amat;                 /* Komplex matrix to be solved. */
  AZ_PRECOND *Prec;                 /* Komplex preconditioner */
  double *x, *b;                    /* Komplex Initial guess and RHS */

  int i;

  /* First executable statement */


  /* Get number of processors and the name of this processor */
  nprocs = proc_config[AZ_N_procs];
  myPID  = proc_config[AZ_node];

  printf("proc %d of %d is alive\n",myPID, nprocs);

  /* Define two real diagonal matrices. Will use as real and imaginary parts */ 

  /* Get the number of local equations from the command line */
  N_local = atoi(argv[1]);

 /* Need N_local+1 elements for val/bindx arrays */
  val_real = malloc((N_local+1)*sizeof(double));
  val_imag = malloc((N_local+1)*sizeof(double));

  /* bindx_imag is not needed since real/imag have same pattern  */
  bindx_real = malloc((N_local+1)*sizeof(int));

  update = malloc(N_local*sizeof(int)); /* Malloc equation update list */

  b_real = malloc(N_local*sizeof(double)); /* Malloc x and b arrays */
  b_imag = malloc(N_local*sizeof(double));
  x_real = malloc(N_local*sizeof(double));
  x_imag = malloc(N_local*sizeof(double));
  xx_real = malloc(N_local*sizeof(double));
  xx_imag = malloc(N_local*sizeof(double));

  for (i=0; i<N_local; i++) 
      val_real[i] = 10 + i/(N_local/10); /* Some very fake diagonals */
      val_imag[i] = 10 - i/(N_local/10); /* Should take exactly 20 GMRES steps */

      x_real[i] = 0.0;         /* Zero initial guess */
      x_imag[i] = 0.0; 

      xx_real[i] = 1.0;        /* Let exact solution = 1 */
      xx_imag[i] = 0.0;

      /* Generate RHS to match exact solution */
      b_real[i] = val_real[i]*xx_real[i] - val_imag[i]*xx_imag[i];
      b_imag[i] = val_imag[i]*xx_real[i] + val_real[i]*xx_imag[i];

      /* All bindx[i] have same value since no off-diag terms */
      bindx_real[i] = N_local + 1;

      /* each processor owns equations 
     myPID*N_local through myPID*N_local + N_local - 1 */
      update[i] = myPID*N_local + i; 

  bindx_real[N_local] = N_local+1; /* Need this last index */

  /* Register Aztec Matrix for Real Part, only imaginary values are needed*/

  Amat_real = AZ_matrix_create(N_local);

  AZ_set_MSR(Amat_real, bindx_real, val_real, NULL, N_local, update, AZ_GLOBAL);

  /* initialize AZTEC options */
  AZ_defaults(options, params);
  options[AZ_solver]  = AZ_gmres; /* Use CG with no preconditioning */
  options[AZ_precond] = AZ_none;
  options[AZ_kspace] = 21;
  options[AZ_max_iter] = 21;
  params[AZ_tol] = 1.e-14;

    /* Construct linear system.  Form depends on input parameters */

       /* Method 1:  Construct A, x, and b in one call.              */
       /* Useful if using A,x,b only one time. Equivalent to Method 2*/
     AZK_create_linsys_ri2k (x_real,  x_imag,  b_real,  b_imag,
                    options,  params, proc_config,
                    Amat_real, val_imag, &x, &b, &Amat);
       /* Method 2:  Construct A, x, and b in separate calls.        */
       /* Useful for having more control over the construction.      */
       /* Note that the matrix must be constructed first.            */

     /* Uncomment these three calls and comment out the above call

     AZK_create_matrix_ri2k (options,  params, proc_config,
                 Amat_real, val_imag, &Amat);

      AZK_create_vector_ri2k(options,  params, proc_config, Amat,
                 x_real, x_imag, &x);

      AZK_create_vector_ri2k(options,  params, proc_config, Amat,
                 b_real, b_imag, &b);

    /* Build exact solution vector.                               */
    /* Check residual of init guess and exact solution            */

      AZK_create_vector_ri2k(options,  params, proc_config, Amat,
                 xx_real, xx_imag, &xx);

      residual = AZK_residual_norm(x, b, options, params, proc_config, Amat);
    if (proc_config[AZ_node]==0)
      printf("\n\n\nNorm of residual using initial guess = %12.4g\n",residual);
      residual = AZK_residual_norm(xx, b, options, params, proc_config, Amat);
    if (proc_config[AZ_node]==0)
      printf("\n\n\nNorm of residual using exact solution = %12.4g\n",residual);

    /* Create preconditioner                                      */

   AZK_create_precon(options,  params, proc_config, x, b, Amat, &Prec);

    /* Solve linear system using Aztec.                           */

   AZ_iterate(x, b, options, params, status, proc_config, Amat, Prec, NULL);

    /* Extract solution.                                          */

     AZK_extract_solution_k2ri(options, params, proc_config, Amat, Prec, x, 
                   x_real,  x_imag); 
    /* Destroy Preconditioner.                                    */

      AZK_destroy_precon (options,  params, proc_config, Amat, &Prec);

    /* Destroy linear system.                                     */

      AZK_destroy_linsys (options,  params, proc_config, &x, &b, &Amat);
  if (proc_config[AZ_node]==0)
      printf("True residual norm squared   = %22.16g\n",status[AZ_r]);
      printf("True scaled res norm squared = %22.16g\n",status[AZ_scaled_r]);
      printf("Computed res norm squared    = %22.16g\n",status[AZ_rec_r]);

  /* Print comparison between known exact and computed solution */
  {double sum = 0.0;
  for (i=0; i<N_local; i++) sum += fabs(x_real[i]-xx_real[i]);
  for (i=0; i<N_local; i++) sum += fabs(x_imag[i]-xx_imag[i]);
  "Processor %d:  Difference between exact and computed solution = %12.4g\n",
  /*  Free memory allocated */

  free((void *) val_real );
  free((void *) bindx_real );
  free((void *) val_imag );
  free((void *) update );
  free((void *) b_real );
  free((void *) b_imag );
  free((void *) x_real );
  free((void *) x_imag );
  free((void *) xx_real );
  free((void *) xx_imag );


return 0 ;