Compadre  1.5.9
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1 // @HEADER
2 // *****************************************************************************
3 // Compadre: COMpatible PArticle Discretization and REmap Toolkit
4 //
5 // Copyright 2018 NTESS and the Compadre contributors.
6 // SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
7 // *****************************************************************************
8 // @HEADER
9 #include <iostream>
10 #include <string>
11 #include <vector>
12 #include <map>
13 #include <stdlib.h>
14 #include <cstdio>
15 #include <random>
17 #include <Compadre_Config.h>
18 #include <Compadre_GMLS.hpp>
19 #include <Compadre_Evaluator.hpp>
22 #include "GMLS_Tutorial.hpp"
23 #include "CommandLineProcessor.hpp"
26 #include <mpi.h>
27 #endif
29 #include <Kokkos_Timer.hpp>
30 #include <Kokkos_Core.hpp>
32 using namespace Compadre;
34 //! [Parse Command Line Arguments]
36 // called from command line
37 int main (int argc, char* args[]) {
39 // initializes MPI (if available) with command line arguments given
41 MPI_Init(&argc, &args);
42 #endif
44 // initializes Kokkos with command line arguments given
45 Kokkos::initialize(argc, args);
47 // becomes false if the computed solution not within the failure_threshold of the actual solution
48 bool all_passed = true;
50 // code block to reduce scope for all Kokkos View allocations
51 // otherwise, Views may be deallocating when we call Kokkos::finalize() later
52 {
54  CommandLineProcessor clp(argc, args);
55  auto order = clp.order;
56  auto dimension = clp.dimension;
57  auto number_target_coords = clp.number_target_coords;
58  auto constraint_name = clp.constraint_name;
59  auto solver_name = clp.solver_name;
60  auto problem_name = clp.problem_name;
62  // the functions we will be seeking to reconstruct are in the span of the basis
63  // of the reconstruction space we choose for GMLS, so the error should be very small
64  const double failure_tolerance = 1e-9;
66  // minimum neighbors for unisolvency is the same as the size of the polynomial basis
67  const int min_neighbors = Compadre::GMLS::getNP(order, dimension, DivergenceFreeVectorTaylorPolynomial);
69  //! [Parse Command Line Arguments]
70  Kokkos::Timer timer;
71  Kokkos::Profiling::pushRegion("Setup Point Data");
72  //! [Setting Up The Point Cloud]
74  // approximate spacing of source sites
75  double h_spacing = 0.05;
76  int n_neg1_to_1 = 2*(1/h_spacing) + 1; // always odd
78  // number of source coordinate sites that will fill a box of [-1,1]x[-1,1]x[-1,1] with a spacing approximately h
79  const int number_source_coords = std::pow(n_neg1_to_1, dimension);
81  // coordinates of source sites
82  Kokkos::View<double**, Kokkos::DefaultExecutionSpace> source_coords_device("source coordinates",
83  number_source_coords, 3);
84  Kokkos::View<double**>::HostMirror source_coords = Kokkos::create_mirror_view(source_coords_device);
86  // coordinates of target sites
87  Kokkos::View<double**, Kokkos::DefaultExecutionSpace> target_coords_device ("target coordinates", number_target_coords, 3);
88  Kokkos::View<double**>::HostMirror target_coords = Kokkos::create_mirror_view(target_coords_device);
91  // fill source coordinates with a uniform grid
92  int source_index = 0;
93  double this_coord[3] = {0,0,0};
94  for (int i=-n_neg1_to_1/2; i<n_neg1_to_1/2+1; ++i) {
95  this_coord[0] = i*h_spacing;
96  for (int j=-n_neg1_to_1/2; j<n_neg1_to_1/2+1; ++j) {
97  this_coord[1] = j*h_spacing;
98  for (int k=-n_neg1_to_1/2; k<n_neg1_to_1/2+1; ++k) {
99  this_coord[2] = k*h_spacing;
100  if (dimension==3) {
101  source_coords(source_index,0) = this_coord[0];
102  source_coords(source_index,1) = this_coord[1];
103  source_coords(source_index,2) = this_coord[2];
104  source_index++;
105  }
106  }
107  if (dimension==2) {
108  source_coords(source_index,0) = this_coord[0];
109  source_coords(source_index,1) = this_coord[1];
110  source_coords(source_index,2) = 0;
111  source_index++;
112  }
113  }
114  if (dimension==1) {
115  source_coords(source_index,0) = this_coord[0];
116  source_coords(source_index,1) = 0;
117  source_coords(source_index,2) = 0;
118  source_index++;
119  }
120  }
122  // Generate target points - these are random permutation from available source points
123  // Note that this is assuming that the number of targets in this test will not exceed
124  // the number of source coords, which is 41^3 = 68921
125  // seed random number generator
126  std::mt19937 rng(50);
127  // generate random integers in [0..number_source_coords-1] (used to pick target sites)
128  std::uniform_int_distribution<int> gen_num_neighbours(0, source_index);
129  // fill target sites with random selections from source sites
130  for (int i=0; i<number_target_coords; ++i) {
131  const int source_site_to_copy = gen_num_neighbours(rng);
132  for (int j=0; j<3; j++) {
133  target_coords(i, j) = source_coords(source_site_to_copy, j);
134  }
135  }
137  //! [Setting Up The Point Cloud]
139  Kokkos::Profiling::popRegion();
140  Kokkos::Profiling::pushRegion("Creating Data");
142  //! [Creating The Data]
145  // source coordinates need copied to device before using to construct sampling data
146  Kokkos::deep_copy(source_coords_device, source_coords);
148  // target coordinates copied next, because it is a convenient time to send them to device
149  Kokkos::deep_copy(target_coords_device, target_coords);
151  // need Kokkos View storing true solution
152  Kokkos::View<double**, Kokkos::DefaultExecutionSpace> vector_sampling_span_basis_data_device("samples of true vector solution",
153  source_coords_device.extent(0), dimension);
154  Kokkos::View<double**, Kokkos::DefaultExecutionSpace> vector_sampling_single_polynomial_data_device("samples of true vector solution",
155  source_coords_device.extent(0), dimension);
157  Kokkos::parallel_for("Sampling Manufactured Solutions", Kokkos::RangePolicy<Kokkos::DefaultExecutionSpace>
158  (0,source_coords.extent(0)), KOKKOS_LAMBDA(const int i) {
159  // coordinates of source site i
160  double xval = source_coords_device(i,0);
161  double yval = (dimension>1) ? source_coords_device(i,1) : 0;
162  double zval = (dimension>2) ? source_coords_device(i,2) : 0;
164  // data for targets with vector input
165  for (int j=0; j<dimension; ++j) {
166  vector_sampling_span_basis_data_device(i, j) = divfreeTestSolution_span_basis(xval, yval, zval, j, dimension, order);
167  vector_sampling_single_polynomial_data_device(i, j) = divfreeTestSolution_single_polynomial(xval, yval, zval, j, dimension);
168  }
169  });
172  //! [Creating The Data]
174  Kokkos::Profiling::popRegion();
175  Kokkos::Profiling::pushRegion("Neighbor Search");
177  //! [Performing Neighbor Search]
180  // Point cloud construction for neighbor search
181  // CreatePointCloudSearch constructs an object of type PointCloudSearch, but deduces the templates for you
182  auto point_cloud_search(CreatePointCloudSearch(source_coords, dimension));
184  // each row is a neighbor list for a target site, with the first column of each row containing
185  // the number of neighbors for that rows corresponding target site
186  // for the default values in this test, the multiplier is suggested to be 2.2
187  double epsilon_multiplier = 2.2;
188  int estimated_upper_bound_number_neighbors =
189  point_cloud_search.getEstimatedNumberNeighborsUpperBound(min_neighbors, dimension, epsilon_multiplier);
191  Kokkos::View<int**, Kokkos::DefaultExecutionSpace> neighbor_lists_device("neighbor lists",
192  number_target_coords, estimated_upper_bound_number_neighbors); // first column is # of neighbors
193  Kokkos::View<int**>::HostMirror neighbor_lists = Kokkos::create_mirror_view(neighbor_lists_device);
195  // each target site has a window size
196  Kokkos::View<double*, Kokkos::DefaultExecutionSpace> epsilon_device("h supports", number_target_coords);
197  Kokkos::View<double*>::HostMirror epsilon = Kokkos::create_mirror_view(epsilon_device);
199  // query the point cloud to generate the neighbor lists using a kdtree to produce the n nearest neighbor
200  // to each target site, adding (epsilon_multiplier-1)*100% to whatever the distance away the further neighbor used is from
201  // each target to the view for epsilon
202  point_cloud_search.generate2DNeighborListsFromKNNSearch(false /*not dry run*/, target_coords, neighbor_lists,
203  epsilon, min_neighbors, epsilon_multiplier);
205  //! [Performing Neighbor Search]
207  Kokkos::Profiling::popRegion();
208  Kokkos::fence(); // let call to build neighbor lists complete before copying back to device
209  timer.reset();
211  //! [Setting Up The GMLS Object]
214  // Copy data back to device (they were filled on the host)
215  // We could have filled Kokkos Views with memory space on the host
216  // and used these instead, and then the copying of data to the device
217  // would be performed in the GMLS class
218  Kokkos::deep_copy(neighbor_lists_device, neighbor_lists);
219  Kokkos::deep_copy(epsilon_device, epsilon);
221  // initialize an instance of the GMLS class
222  // NULL in manifold order indicates non-manifold case
223  // Vector basis to perform GMLS on divergence free basis
224  GMLS vector_divfree_basis_gmls(DivergenceFreeVectorTaylorPolynomial,
226  order, dimension,
227  solver_name.c_str(), problem_name.c_str(), constraint_name.c_str(),
228  0 /*manifold order*/);
230  // pass in neighbor lists, source coordinates, target coordinates, and window sizes
231  //
232  // neighbor lists have the format:
233  // dimensions: (# number of target sites) X (# maximum number of neighbors for any given target + 1)
234  // the first column contains the number of neighbors for that rows corresponding target index
235  //
236  // source coordinates have the format:
237  // dimensions: (# number of source sites) X (dimension)
238  // entries in the neighbor lists (integers) correspond to rows of this 2D array
239  //
240  // target coordinates have the format:
241  // dimensions: (# number of target sites) X (dimension)
242  // # of target sites is same as # of rows of neighbor lists
243  //
244  vector_divfree_basis_gmls.setProblemData(neighbor_lists_device, source_coords_device, target_coords_device, epsilon_device);
246  // create a vector of target operations
247  std::vector<TargetOperation> lro(4);
248  lro[0] = VectorPointEvaluation;
253  // and then pass them to the GMLS class
254  vector_divfree_basis_gmls.addTargets(lro);
256  // sets the weighting kernel function from WeightingFunctionType
257  vector_divfree_basis_gmls.setWeightingType(WeightingFunctionType::Power);
259  // power to use in that weighting kernel function
260  vector_divfree_basis_gmls.setWeightingParameter(2);
262  // generate the alphas that to be combined with data for each target operation requested in lro
263  vector_divfree_basis_gmls.generateAlphas(15 /* # batches */);
265  //! [Setting Up The GMLS Object]
267  double instantiation_time = timer.seconds();
268  std::cout << "Took " << instantiation_time << "s to complete alphas generation." << std::endl;
269  Kokkos::fence(); // let generateAlphas finish up before using alphas
270  Kokkos::Profiling::pushRegion("Apply Alphas to Data");
272  //! [Apply GMLS Alphas To Data]
274  // it is important to note that if you expect to use the data as a 1D view, then you should use double*
275  // however, if you know that the target operation will result in a 2D view (vector or matrix output),
276  // then you should template with double** as this is something that can not be infered from the input data
277  // or the target operator at compile time. Additionally, a template argument is required indicating either
278  // Kokkos::HostSpace or Kokkos::DefaultExecutionSpace::memory_space()
280  // The Evaluator class takes care of handling input data views as well as the output data views.
281  // It uses information from the GMLS class to determine how many components are in the input
282  // as well as output for any choice of target functionals and then performs the contactions
283  // on the data using the alpha coefficients generated by the GMLS class, all on the device.
284  Evaluator gmls_evaluator_vector(&vector_divfree_basis_gmls);
286  auto output_vector_evaluation = gmls_evaluator_vector.applyAlphasToDataAllComponentsAllTargetSites<double**, Kokkos::HostSpace>
287  (vector_sampling_span_basis_data_device, VectorPointEvaluation, VectorPointSample);
288  auto output_curl_vector_evaluation = gmls_evaluator_vector.applyAlphasToDataAllComponentsAllTargetSites<double**, Kokkos::HostSpace>
289  (vector_sampling_span_basis_data_device, CurlOfVectorPointEvaluation, VectorPointSample);
290  auto output_curlcurl_vector_evaluation = gmls_evaluator_vector.applyAlphasToDataAllComponentsAllTargetSites<double**, Kokkos::HostSpace>
291  (vector_sampling_single_polynomial_data_device, CurlCurlOfVectorPointEvaluation, VectorPointSample);
292  auto output_gradient_vector_evaluation = gmls_evaluator_vector.applyAlphasToDataAllComponentsAllTargetSites<double**, Kokkos::HostSpace>
293  (vector_sampling_span_basis_data_device, GradientOfVectorPointEvaluation, VectorPointSample);
295  //! [Apply GMLS Alphas To Data]
297  Kokkos::fence(); // let application of alphas to data finish before using results
298  Kokkos::Profiling::popRegion();
299  // times the Comparison in Kokkos
300  Kokkos::Profiling::pushRegion("Comparison");
302  //! [Check That Solutions Are Correct]
304  // loop through the target sites
305  for (int i=0; i<number_target_coords; i++) {
306  // load vector components from output
307  double GMLS_DivFree_VectorX = output_vector_evaluation(i, 0);
308  double GMLS_DivFree_VectorY = (dimension>1) ? output_vector_evaluation(i, 1) : 0;
309  double GMLS_DivFree_VectorZ = (dimension>2) ? output_vector_evaluation(i, 2) : 0;
311  // load curl of vector components from output
312  double GMLS_Curl_DivFree_VectorX = output_curl_vector_evaluation(i, 0);
313  double GMLS_Curl_DivFree_VectorY = (dimension>2) ? output_curl_vector_evaluation(i, 1) : 0;
314  double GMLS_Curl_DivFree_VectorZ = (dimension>2) ? output_curl_vector_evaluation(i, 2) : 0;
316  // load curl curl of vector components from output
317  double GMLS_CurlCurl_DivFree_VectorX = output_curlcurl_vector_evaluation(i, 0);
318  double GMLS_CurlCurl_DivFree_VectorY = (dimension>1) ? output_curlcurl_vector_evaluation(i, 1) : 0;
319  double GMLS_CurlCurl_DivFree_VectorZ = (dimension>2) ? output_curlcurl_vector_evaluation(i, 2) : 0;
321  // load gradient of vector components from output
322  double GMLS_Gradient_DivFree_VectorXX = output_gradient_vector_evaluation(i, 0);
323  double GMLS_Gradient_DivFree_VectorXY = output_gradient_vector_evaluation(i, 1);
324  double GMLS_Gradient_DivFree_VectorXZ = (dimension==3) ? output_gradient_vector_evaluation(i, 2) : 0.0;
325  double GMLS_Gradient_DivFree_VectorYX = (dimension==3) ? output_gradient_vector_evaluation(i, 3) : output_gradient_vector_evaluation(i, 2);
326  double GMLS_Gradient_DivFree_VectorYY = (dimension==3) ? output_gradient_vector_evaluation(i, 4) : output_gradient_vector_evaluation(i, 3);
327  double GMLS_Gradient_DivFree_VectorYZ = (dimension==3) ? output_gradient_vector_evaluation(i, 5) : 0.0;
328  double GMLS_Gradient_DivFree_VectorZX = (dimension==3) ? output_gradient_vector_evaluation(i, 6) : 0.0;
329  double GMLS_Gradient_DivFree_VectorZY = (dimension==3) ? output_gradient_vector_evaluation(i, 7) : 0.0;
330  double GMLS_Gradient_DivFree_VectorZZ = (dimension==3) ? output_gradient_vector_evaluation(i, 8) : 0.0;
332  // target site i's coordinate
333  double xval = target_coords(i,0);
334  double yval = (dimension>1) ? target_coords(i,1) : 0;
335  double zval = (dimension>2) ? target_coords(i,2) : 0;
337  // evaluation of vector exact solutions
338  double actual_vector[3] = {0, 0, 0};
339  if (dimension>=1) {
340  actual_vector[0] = divfreeTestSolution_span_basis(xval, yval, zval, 0, dimension, order);
341  if (dimension>=2) {
342  actual_vector[1] = divfreeTestSolution_span_basis(xval, yval, zval, 1, dimension, order);
343  if (dimension==3) {
344  actual_vector[2] = divfreeTestSolution_span_basis(xval, yval, zval, 2, dimension, order);
345  }
346  }
347  }
349  // evaluation of curl of vector exact solutions
350  double actual_curl_vector[3] = {0, 0, 0};
351  if (dimension>=1) {
352  actual_curl_vector[0] = curldivfreeTestSolution_span_basis(xval, yval, zval, 0, dimension, order);
353  if (dimension==3) {
354  actual_curl_vector[1] = curldivfreeTestSolution_span_basis(xval, yval, zval, 1, dimension, order);
355  actual_curl_vector[2] = curldivfreeTestSolution_span_basis(xval, yval, zval, 2, dimension, order);
356  }
357  }
359  // evaluation of curl of curl of vector exact solutions
360  double actual_curlcurl_vector[3] = {0, 0, 0};
361  if (dimension>=1) {
362  actual_curlcurl_vector[0] = curlcurldivfreeTestSolution_single_polynomial(xval, yval, zval, 0, dimension);
363  if (dimension>=2) {
364  actual_curlcurl_vector[1] = curlcurldivfreeTestSolution_single_polynomial(xval, yval, zval, 1, dimension);
365  if (dimension==3) {
366  actual_curlcurl_vector[2] = curlcurldivfreeTestSolution_single_polynomial(xval, yval, zval, 2, dimension);
367  }
368  }
369  }
371  double actual_gradient_vector[9] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
372  if (dimension==3) {
373  for (int axes = 0; axes < 9; ++axes)
374  actual_gradient_vector[axes] = gradientdivfreeTestSolution_span_basis(xval, yval, zval, axes/dimension, axes%dimension, dimension, order);
375  }
376  if (dimension==2) {
377  for (int axes = 0; axes < 4; ++axes)
378  actual_gradient_vector[axes] = gradientdivfreeTestSolution_span_basis(xval, yval, zval, axes/dimension, axes%dimension, dimension, order);
379  }
381  // check vector evaluation
382  if(std::abs(actual_vector[0] - GMLS_DivFree_VectorX) > failure_tolerance) {
383  all_passed = false;
384  std::cout << i << " Failed VectorX by: " << std::abs(actual_vector[0] - GMLS_DivFree_VectorX) << std::endl;
385  if (dimension>1) {
386  if(std::abs(actual_vector[1] - GMLS_DivFree_VectorY) > failure_tolerance) {
387  all_passed = false;
388  std::cout << i << " Failed VectorY by: " << std::abs(actual_vector[1] - GMLS_DivFree_VectorY) << std::endl;
389  }
390  }
391  if (dimension>2) {
392  if(std::abs(actual_vector[2] - GMLS_DivFree_VectorZ) > failure_tolerance) {
393  all_passed = false;
394  std::cout << i << " Failed VectorZ by: " << std::abs(actual_vector[2] - GMLS_DivFree_VectorZ) << std::endl;
395  }
396  }
397  }
399  // check curl of vector evaluation
400  if (dimension==2) {
401  if(std::abs(actual_curl_vector[0] - GMLS_Curl_DivFree_VectorX) > failure_tolerance) {
402  all_passed = false;
403  std::cout << i << " Failed curl VectorX by: " << std::abs(actual_curl_vector[2] - GMLS_Curl_DivFree_VectorX) << std::endl;
404  }
405  } else if (dimension>2) {
406  if(std::abs(actual_curl_vector[0] - GMLS_Curl_DivFree_VectorX) > failure_tolerance) {
407  all_passed = false;
408  std::cout << i << " Failed curl VectorX by: " << std::abs(actual_curl_vector[0] - GMLS_Curl_DivFree_VectorX) << std::endl;
409  }
410  if(std::abs(actual_curl_vector[1] - GMLS_Curl_DivFree_VectorY) > failure_tolerance) {
411  all_passed = false;
412  std::cout << i << " Failed curl VectorY by: " << std::abs(actual_curl_vector[1] - GMLS_Curl_DivFree_VectorY) << std::endl;
413  }
414  if(std::abs(actual_curl_vector[2] - GMLS_Curl_DivFree_VectorZ) > failure_tolerance) {
415  all_passed = false;
416  std::cout << i << " Failed curl VectorZ by: " << std::abs(actual_curl_vector[2] - GMLS_Curl_DivFree_VectorZ) << std::endl;
417  }
418  }
420  // check curlcurl curlcurl of vector evaluation
421  if(std::abs(actual_curlcurl_vector[0] - GMLS_CurlCurl_DivFree_VectorX) > failure_tolerance) {
422  all_passed = false;
423  std::cout << i << " Failed curl curl VectorX by: " << std::abs(actual_curlcurl_vector[0] - GMLS_CurlCurl_DivFree_VectorX) << std::endl;
424  }
425  if (dimension>1) {
426  if(std::abs(actual_curlcurl_vector[1] - GMLS_CurlCurl_DivFree_VectorY) > failure_tolerance) {
427  all_passed = false;
428  std::cout << i << " Failed curl curl VectorY by: " << std::abs(actual_curlcurl_vector[1] - GMLS_CurlCurl_DivFree_VectorY) << std::endl;
429  }
430  }
431  if (dimension>2) {
432  if(std::abs(actual_curlcurl_vector[2] - GMLS_CurlCurl_DivFree_VectorZ) > failure_tolerance) {
433  all_passed = false;
434  std::cout << i << " Failed curl curl VectorZ by: " << std::abs(actual_curlcurl_vector[2] - GMLS_CurlCurl_DivFree_VectorZ) << std::endl;
435  }
436  }
438  // check gradient of vector evaluation
439  if (dimension==3) {
440  if (std::abs(actual_gradient_vector[0] - GMLS_Gradient_DivFree_VectorXX) > failure_tolerance) {
441  all_passed = false;
442  std::cout << i << " Failed gradient_x VectorX by: " << std::abs(actual_gradient_vector[0] - GMLS_Gradient_DivFree_VectorXX) << std::endl;
443  }
444  if (std::abs(actual_gradient_vector[1] - GMLS_Gradient_DivFree_VectorXY) > failure_tolerance) {
445  all_passed = false;
446  std::cout << i << " Failed gradient_y VectorX by: " << std::abs(actual_gradient_vector[1] - GMLS_Gradient_DivFree_VectorXY) << std::endl;
447  }
448  if (std::abs(actual_gradient_vector[2] - GMLS_Gradient_DivFree_VectorXZ) > failure_tolerance) {
449  all_passed = false;
450  std::cout << i << " Failed gradient_z VectorX by: " << std::abs(actual_gradient_vector[2] - GMLS_Gradient_DivFree_VectorXZ) << std::endl;
451  }
453  if (std::abs(actual_gradient_vector[3] - GMLS_Gradient_DivFree_VectorYX) > failure_tolerance) {
454  all_passed = false;
455  std::cout << i << " Failed gradient_x VectorY by: " << std::abs(actual_gradient_vector[3] - GMLS_Gradient_DivFree_VectorYX) << std::endl;
456  }
457  if (std::abs(actual_gradient_vector[4] - GMLS_Gradient_DivFree_VectorYY) > failure_tolerance) {
458  all_passed = false;
459  std::cout << i << " Failed gradient_y VectorY by: " << std::abs(actual_gradient_vector[4] - GMLS_Gradient_DivFree_VectorYY) << std::endl;
460  }
461  if (std::abs(actual_gradient_vector[5] - GMLS_Gradient_DivFree_VectorYZ) > failure_tolerance) {
462  all_passed = false;
463  std::cout << i << " Failed gradient_z VectorY by: " << std::abs(actual_gradient_vector[5] - GMLS_Gradient_DivFree_VectorYZ) << std::endl;
464  }
466  if (std::abs(actual_gradient_vector[6] - GMLS_Gradient_DivFree_VectorZX) > failure_tolerance) {
467  all_passed = false;
468  std::cout << i << " Failed gradient_x VectorZ by: " << std::abs(actual_gradient_vector[6] - GMLS_Gradient_DivFree_VectorZX) << std::endl;
469  }
470  if (std::abs(actual_gradient_vector[7] - GMLS_Gradient_DivFree_VectorZY) > failure_tolerance) {
471  all_passed = false;
472  std::cout << i << " Failed gradient_y VectorZ by: " << std::abs(actual_gradient_vector[7] - GMLS_Gradient_DivFree_VectorZY) << std::endl;
473  }
474  if (std::abs(actual_gradient_vector[8] - GMLS_Gradient_DivFree_VectorZZ) > failure_tolerance) {
475  all_passed = false;
476  std::cout << i << " Failed gradient_z VectorZ by: " << std::abs(actual_gradient_vector[8] - GMLS_Gradient_DivFree_VectorZZ) << std::endl;
477  }
478  }
480  if (dimension==2) {
481  if (std::abs(actual_gradient_vector[0] - GMLS_Gradient_DivFree_VectorXX) > failure_tolerance) {
482  all_passed = false;
483  std::cout << i << " Failed gradient_x VectorX by: " << std::abs(actual_gradient_vector[0] - GMLS_Gradient_DivFree_VectorXX) << std::endl;
484  }
485  if (std::abs(actual_gradient_vector[1] - GMLS_Gradient_DivFree_VectorXY) > failure_tolerance) {
486  all_passed = false;
487  std::cout << i << " Failed gradient_y VectorX by: " << std::abs(actual_gradient_vector[1] - GMLS_Gradient_DivFree_VectorXY) << std::endl;
488  }
490  if (std::abs(actual_gradient_vector[2] - GMLS_Gradient_DivFree_VectorYX) > failure_tolerance) {
491  all_passed = false;
492  std::cout << i << " Failed gradient_x VectorY by: " << std::abs(actual_gradient_vector[2] - GMLS_Gradient_DivFree_VectorYX) << std::endl;
493  }
494  if (std::abs(actual_gradient_vector[3] - GMLS_Gradient_DivFree_VectorYY) > failure_tolerance) {
495  all_passed = false;
496  std::cout << i << " Failed gradient_y VectorY by: " << (std::abs(actual_gradient_vector[3] - GMLS_Gradient_DivFree_VectorYY) > failure_tolerance) << std::endl;
497  }
498  }
499  }
501  //! [Check That Solutions Are Correct]
502  // popRegion hidden from tutorial
503  // stop timing comparison loop
504  Kokkos::Profiling::popRegion();
505  //! [Finalize Program]
508 } // end of code block to reduce scope, causing Kokkos View de-allocations
509 // otherwise, Views may be deallocating when we call Kokkos::finalize() later
511 // finalize Kokkos and MPI (if available)
512 Kokkos::finalize();
514 MPI_Finalize();
515 #endif
517 // output to user that test passed or failed
518 if(all_passed) {
519  fprintf(stdout, "Passed test \n");
520  return 0;
521 } else {
522  fprintf(stdout, "Failed test \n");
523  return -1;
524 }
526 } // main
529 //! [Finalize Program]
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION double divfreeTestSolution_span_basis(double x, double y, double z, int component, int dimension, int exact_order)
Lightweight Evaluator Helper This class is a lightweight wrapper for extracting and applying all rele...
PointCloudSearch< view_type > CreatePointCloudSearch(view_type src_view, const local_index_type dimensions=-1, const local_index_type max_leaf=-1)
CreatePointCloudSearch allows for the construction of an object of type PointCloudSearch with templat...
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION double curldivfreeTestSolution_span_basis(double x, double y, double z, int component, int dimension, int exact_order)
int main(int argc, char **argv)
Point evaluation of the curl of a vector (results in a vector)
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION double curlcurldivfreeTestSolution_single_polynomial(double x, double y, double z, int component, int dimension)
Point evaluation of the curl of a curl of a vector (results in a vector)
static KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION int getNP(const int m, const int dimension=3, const ReconstructionSpace r_space=ReconstructionSpace::ScalarTaylorPolynomial)
Returns size of the basis for a given polynomial order and dimension General to dimension 1...
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION double divfreeTestSolution_single_polynomial(double x, double y, double z, int component, int dimension)
Generalized Moving Least Squares (GMLS)
Divergence-free vector polynomial basis.
Kokkos::View< output_data_type, output_array_layout, output_memory_space > applyAlphasToDataAllComponentsAllTargetSites(view_type_input_data sampling_data, TargetOperation lro, const SamplingFunctional sro_in=PointSample, bool scalar_as_vector_if_needed=true, const int evaluation_site_local_index=0) const
Transformation of data under GMLS (allocates memory for output)
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION double gradientdivfreeTestSolution_span_basis(double x, double y, double z, int input_component, int output_component, int dimension, int exact_order)
void setProblemData(view_type_1 neighbor_lists, view_type_2 source_coordinates, view_type_3 target_coordinates, view_type_4 epsilons)
Sets basic problem data (neighbor lists, source coordinates, and target coordinates) ...
constexpr SamplingFunctional VectorPointSample
Point evaluations of the entire vector source function.
Point evaluation of the gradient of a vector (results in a matrix, NOT CURRENTLY IMPLEMENTED) ...
Point evaluation of a vector (reconstructs entire vector at once, requiring a ReconstructionSpace hav...