Amesos2 - Direct Sparse Solver Interfaces  Version of the Day
1 /* ========================================================================== */
2 /* === klu include file ===================================================== */
3 /* ========================================================================== */
4 // @HEADER
5 // ***********************************************************************
6 //
7 // KLU2: A Direct Linear Solver package
8 // Copyright 2011 Sandia Corporation
9 //
10 // Under terms of Contract DE-AC04-94AL85000, with Sandia Corporation, the
11 // U.S. Government retains certain rights in this software.
12 //
13 // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
14 // it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
15 // published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the
16 // License, or (at your option) any later version.
17 //
18 // This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
19 // WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
21 // Lesser General Public License for more details.
22 //
23 // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
24 // License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
25 // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307
26 // USA
27 // Questions? Contact Mike A. Heroux (
28 //
29 // KLU2 is derived work from KLU, licensed under LGPL, and copyrighted by
30 // University of Florida. The Authors of KLU are Timothy A. Davis and
31 // Eka Palamadai. See Doc/KLU_README.txt for the licensing and copyright
32 // information for KLU.
33 //
34 // ***********************************************************************
35 // @HEADER
38 /* Include file for user programs that call klu_* routines */
40 #ifndef _TKLU_H
41 #define _TKLU_H
44 #include "trilinos_amd.h"
45 #include "trilinos_colamd.h"
46 #include "trilinos_btf_decl.h"
48 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
49 /* Symbolic object - contains the pre-ordering computed by klu_analyze */
50 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
52 /* TODO : Entry is not needed in symbolic, numeric and common. Remove TODO */
53 template <typename Entry, typename Int> struct klu_symbolic
54 {
55  /* A (P,Q) is in upper block triangular form. The kth block goes from
56  * row/col index R [k] to R [k+1]-1. The estimated number of nonzeros
57  * in the L factor of the kth block is Lnz [k].
58  */
60  /* only computed if the AMD ordering is chosen: */
61  double symmetry ; /* symmetry of largest block */
62  double est_flops ; /* est. factorization flop count */
63  double lnz, unz ; /* estimated nz in L and U, including diagonals */
64  double *Lnz ; /* size n, but only Lnz [0..nblocks-1] is used */
66  /* computed for all orderings: */
67  Int
68  n, /* input matrix A is n-by-n */
69  nz, /* # entries in input matrix */
70  *P, /* size n */
71  *Q, /* size n */
72  *R, /* size n+1, but only R [0..nblocks] is used */
73  nzoff, /* nz in off-diagonal blocks */
74  nblocks, /* number of blocks */
75  maxblock, /* size of largest block */
76  ordering, /* ordering used (AMD, COLAMD, or GIVEN) */
77  do_btf ; /* whether or not BTF preordering was requested */
79  /* only computed if BTF preordering requested */
80  Int structural_rank ; /* 0 to n-1 if the matrix is structurally rank
81  * deficient. -1 if not computed. n if the matrix has
82  * full structural rank */
84 } ;
86 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
87 /* Numeric object - contains the factors computed by klu_factor */
88 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
89 template <typename Entry, typename Int> struct klu_numeric
90 {
91  /* LU factors of each block, the pivot row permutation, and the
92  * entries in the off-diagonal blocks */
94  Int n ; /* A is n-by-n */
95  Int nblocks ; /* number of diagonal blocks */
96  Int lnz ; /* actual nz in L, including diagonal */
97  Int unz ; /* actual nz in U, including diagonal */
98  Int max_lnz_block ; /* max actual nz in L in any one block, incl. diag */
99  Int max_unz_block ; /* max actual nz in U in any one block, incl. diag */
100  Int *Pnum ; /* size n. final pivot permutation */
101  Int *Pinv ; /* size n. inverse of final pivot permutation */
103  /* LU factors of each block */
104  Int *Lip ; /* size n. pointers into LUbx[block] for L */
105  Int *Uip ; /* size n. pointers into LUbx[block] for U */
106  Int *Llen ; /* size n. Llen [k] = # of entries in kth column of L */
107  Int *Ulen ; /* size n. Ulen [k] = # of entries in kth column of U */
108  void **LUbx ; /* L and U indices and entries (excl. diagonal of U) */
109  size_t *LUsize ; /* size of each LUbx [block], in sizeof (Unit) */
110  void *Udiag ; /* diagonal of U */
112  /* scale factors; can be NULL if no scaling */
113  double *Rs ; /* size n. Rs [i] is scale factor for row i */
115  /* permanent workspace for factorization and solve */
116  size_t worksize ; /* size (in bytes) of Work */
117  void *Work ; /* workspace */
118  void *Xwork ; /* alias into Numeric->Work */
119  Int *Iwork ; /* alias into Numeric->Work */
121  /* off-diagonal entries in a conventional compressed-column sparse matrix */
122  Int *Offp ; /* size n+1, column pointers */
123  Int *Offi ; /* size nzoff, row indices */
124  void *Offx ; /* size nzoff, numerical values */
125  Int nzoff ;
127 } ;
129 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
130 /* KLU control parameters and statistics */
131 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
133 /* Common->status values */
134 #define KLU_OK 0
135 #define KLU_SINGULAR (1) /* status > 0 is a warning, not an error */
136 #define KLU_OUT_OF_MEMORY (-2)
137 #define KLU_INVALID (-3)
138 #define KLU_TOO_LARGE (-4) /* integer overflow has occured */
140 template <typename Entry, typename Int> struct klu_common
141 {
143  /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
144  /* parameters */
145  /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
147  double tol ; /* pivot tolerance for diagonal preference */
148  double memgrow ; /* realloc memory growth size for LU factors */
149  double initmem_amd ; /* init. memory size with AMD: c*nnz(L) + n */
150  double initmem ; /* init. memory size: c*nnz(A) + n */
151  double maxwork ; /* maxwork for BTF, <= 0 if no limit */
153  Int btf ; /* use BTF pre-ordering, or not */
154  Int ordering ; /* 0: AMD, 1: COLAMD, 2: user P and Q,
155  * 3: user function */
156  Int scale ; /* row scaling: -1: none (and no error check),
157  * 0: none, 1: sum, 2: max */
159  /* memory management routines */
160  void *(*malloc_memory) (size_t) ; /* pointer to malloc */
161  void *(*realloc_memory) (void *, size_t) ; /* pointer to realloc */
162  void (*free_memory) (void *) ; /* pointer to free */
163  void *(*calloc_memory) (size_t, size_t) ; /* pointer to calloc */
165  /* pointer to user ordering function */
166  int (*user_order) (Int, Int *, Int *, Int *, struct klu_common<Entry, Int> *) ;
168  /* pointer to user data, passed unchanged as the last parameter to the
169  * user ordering function (optional, the user function need not use this
170  * information). */
171  void *user_data ;
173  Int halt_if_singular ; /* how to handle a singular matrix:
174  * FALSE: keep going. Return a Numeric object with a zero U(k,k). A
175  * divide-by-zero may occur when computing L(:,k). The Numeric object
176  * can be passed to klu_solve (a divide-by-zero will occur). It can
177  * also be safely passed to klu_refactor.
178  * TRUE: stop quickly. klu_factor will free the partially-constructed
179  * Numeric object. klu_refactor will not free it, but will leave the
180  * numerical values only partially defined. This is the default. */
182  /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
183  /* statistics */
184  /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
186  Int status ; /* KLU_OK if OK, < 0 if error */
187  Int nrealloc ; /* # of reallocations of L and U */
189  Int structural_rank ; /* 0 to n-1 if the matrix is structurally rank
190  * deficient (as determined by maxtrans). -1 if not computed. n if the
191  * matrix has full structural rank. This is computed by klu_analyze
192  * if a BTF preordering is requested. */
194  Int numerical_rank ; /* First k for which a zero U(k,k) was found,
195  * if the matrix was singular (in the range 0 to n-1). n if the matrix
196  * has full rank. This is not a true rank-estimation. It just reports
197  * where the first zero pivot was found. -1 if not computed.
198  * Computed by klu_factor and klu_refactor. */
200  Int singular_col ; /* n if the matrix is not singular. If in the
201  * range 0 to n-1, this is the column index of the original matrix A that
202  * corresponds to the column of U that contains a zero diagonal entry.
203  * -1 if not computed. Computed by klu_factor and klu_refactor. */
205  Int noffdiag ; /* # of off-diagonal pivots, -1 if not computed */
207  double flops ; /* actual factorization flop count, from klu_flops */
208  double rcond ; /* crude reciprocal condition est., from klu_rcond */
209  double condest ; /* accurate condition est., from klu_condest */
210  double rgrowth ; /* reciprocal pivot rgrowth, from klu_rgrowth */
211  double work ; /* actual work done in BTF, in klu_analyze */
213  size_t memusage ; /* current memory usage, in bytes */
214  size_t mempeak ; /* peak memory usage, in bytes */
216 } ;
218 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
219 /* klu_defaults: sets default control parameters */
220 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
222 template <typename Entry, typename Int>
223 Int klu_defaults
224 (
225  klu_common<Entry, Int> *Common
226 ) ;
228 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
229 /* klu_analyze: orders and analyzes a matrix */
230 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
232 /* Order the matrix with BTF (or not), then order each block with AMD, COLAMD,
233  * a natural ordering, or with a user-provided ordering function */
235 template <typename Entry, typename Int>
236 klu_symbolic<Entry, Int> *klu_analyze
237 (
238  /* inputs, not modified */
239  Int n, /* A is n-by-n */
240  Int Ap [ ], /* size n+1, column pointers */
241  Int Ai [ ], /* size nz, row indices */
242  klu_common<Entry, Int> *Common
243 ) ;
245 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
246 /* klu_analyze_given: analyzes a matrix using given P and Q */
247 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
249 /* Order the matrix with BTF (or not), then use natural or given ordering
250  * P and Q on the blocks. P and Q are interpretted as identity
251  * if NULL. */
253 template <typename Entry, typename Int>
254 klu_symbolic<Entry, Int> *klu_analyze_given
255 (
256  /* inputs, not modified */
257  Int n, /* A is n-by-n */
258  Int Ap [ ], /* size n+1, column pointers */
259  Int Ai [ ], /* size nz, row indices */
260  Int P [ ], /* size n, user's row permutation (may be NULL) */
261  Int Q [ ], /* size n, user's column permutation (may be NULL) */
262  klu_common<Entry, Int> *Common
263 ) ;
265 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
266 /* klu_factor: factors a matrix using the klu_analyze results */
267 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
269 template <typename Entry, typename Int>
270 klu_numeric<Entry, Int> *klu_factor /* returns KLU_OK if OK, < 0 if error */
271 (
272  /* inputs, not modified */
273  Int Ap [ ], /* size n+1, column pointers */
274  Int Ai [ ], /* size nz, row indices */
275  Entry Ax [ ], /* size nz, numerical values */
276  klu_symbolic<Entry, Int> *Symbolic,
277  klu_common<Entry, Int> *Common
278 ) ;
280 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
281 /* klu_solve: solves Ax=b using the Symbolic and Numeric objects */
282 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
284 template <typename Entry, typename Int>
285 Int klu_solve
286 (
287  /* inputs, not modified */
288  klu_symbolic<Entry, Int> *Symbolic,
289  klu_numeric<Entry, Int> *Numeric,
290  Int ldim, /* leading dimension of B */
291  Int nrhs, /* number of right-hand-sides */
293  /* right-hand-side on input, overwritten with solution to Ax=b on output */
294  Entry B [ ], /* size ldim*nrhs */
295  klu_common<Entry, Int> *Common
296 ) ;
299 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
300 /* klu_tsolve: solves A'x=b using the Symbolic and Numeric objects */
301 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
303 template <typename Entry, typename Int>
304 Int klu_tsolve
305 (
306  /* inputs, not modified */
307  klu_symbolic<Entry, Int> *Symbolic,
308  klu_numeric<Entry, Int> *Numeric,
309  Int ldim, /* leading dimension of B */
310  Int nrhs, /* number of right-hand-sides */
312  /* right-hand-side on input, overwritten with solution to Ax=b on output */
313  Entry B [ ], /* size ldim*nrhs */
314  klu_common<Entry, Int> *Common
315 ) ;
317 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
318 /* klu_refactor: refactorizes matrix with same ordering as klu_factor */
319 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
321 template <typename Entry, typename Int>
322 Int klu_refactor /* return TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise */
323 (
324  /* inputs, not modified */
325  Int Ap [ ], /* size n+1, column pointers */
326  Int Ai [ ], /* size nz, row indices */
327  Entry Ax [ ], /* size nz, numerical values */
328  klu_symbolic<Entry, Int> *Symbolic,
329  /* input, and numerical values modified on output */
330  klu_numeric<Entry, Int> *Numeric,
331  klu_common<Entry, Int> *Common
332 ) ;
334 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
335 /* klu_free_symbolic: destroys the Symbolic object */
336 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
338 template <typename Entry, typename Int>
339 Int klu_free_symbolic
340 (
341  klu_symbolic<Entry, Int> **Symbolic,
342  klu_common<Entry, Int> *Common
343 ) ;
345 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
346 /* klu_free_numeric: destroys the Numeric object */
347 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
349 /* Note that klu_free_numeric and klu_z_free_numeric are identical; each can
350  * free both kinds of Numeric objects (real and complex) */
352 template <typename Entry, typename Int>
353 Int klu_free_numeric
354 (
355  klu_numeric<Entry, Int> **Numeric,
356  klu_common<Entry, Int> *Common
357 ) ;
359 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
360 /* klu_sort: sorts the columns of the LU factorization */
361 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
363 /* this is not needed except for the MATLAB interface */
365 template <typename Entry, typename Int>
366 Int klu_sort
367 (
368  /* inputs, not modified */
369  klu_symbolic<Entry, Int> *Symbolic,
370  /* input/output */
371  klu_numeric<Entry, Int> *Numeric,
372  klu_common<Entry, Int> *Common
373 ) ;
375 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
376 /* klu_flops: determines # of flops performed in numeric factorzation */
377 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
379 template <typename Entry, typename Int>
380 Int klu_flops
381 (
382  /* inputs, not modified */
383  klu_symbolic<Entry, Int> *Symbolic,
384  klu_numeric<Entry, Int> *Numeric,
385  /* input/output */
386  klu_common<Entry, Int> *Common
387 ) ;
389 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
390 /* klu_rgrowth : compute the reciprocal pivot growth */
391 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
393 /* Pivot growth is computed after the input matrix is permuted, scaled, and
394  * off-diagonal entries pruned. This is because the LU factorization of each
395  * block takes as input the scaled diagonal blocks of the BTF form. The
396  * reciprocal pivot growth in column j of an LU factorization of a matrix C
397  * is the largest entry in C divided by the largest entry in U; then the overall
398  * reciprocal pivot growth is the smallest such value for all columns j. Note
399  * that the off-diagonal entries are not scaled, since they do not take part in
400  * the LU factorization of the diagonal blocks.
401  *
402  * In MATLAB notation:
403  *
404  * rgrowth = min (max (abs ((R \ A(p,q)) - F)) ./ max (abs (U))) */
406 template <typename Entry, typename Int>
407 Int klu_rgrowth
408 (
409  Int Ap [ ],
410  Int Ai [ ],
411  Entry Ax [ ],
412  klu_symbolic<Entry, Int> *Symbolic,
413  klu_numeric<Entry, Int> *Numeric,
414  klu_common<Entry, Int> *Common /* Common->rgrowth = reciprocal pivot growth */
415 ) ;
417 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
418 /* klu_condest */
419 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
421 /* Computes a reasonably accurate estimate of the 1-norm condition number, using
422  * Hager's method, as modified by Higham and Tisseur (same method as used in
423  * MATLAB's condest */
425 template <typename Entry, typename Int>
426 Int klu_condest
427 (
428  Int Ap [ ], /* size n+1, column pointers, not modified */
429  Entry Ax [ ], /* size nz = Ap[n], numerical values, not modified*/
430  klu_symbolic<Entry, Int> *Symbolic, /* symbolic analysis, not modified */
431  klu_numeric<Entry, Int> *Numeric, /* numeric factorization, not modified */
432  klu_common<Entry, Int> *Common /* result returned in Common->condest */
433 ) ;
435 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
436 /* klu_rcond: compute min(abs(diag(U))) / max(abs(diag(U))) */
437 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
439 template <typename Entry, typename Int>
440 Int klu_rcond
441 (
442  klu_symbolic<Entry, Int> *Symbolic, /* input, not modified */
443  klu_numeric<Entry, Int> *Numeric, /* input, not modified */
444  klu_common<Entry, Int> *Common /* result in Common->rcond */
445 ) ;
447 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
448 /* klu_scale */
449 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
451 template <typename Entry, typename Int>
452 Int klu_scale /* return TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise */
453 (
454  /* inputs, not modified */
455  Int scale, /* <0: none, no error check; 0: none, 1: sum, 2: max */
456  Int n,
457  Int Ap [ ], /* size n+1, column pointers */
458  Int Ai [ ], /* size nz, row indices */
459  Entry Ax [ ],
460  /* outputs, not defined on input */
461  double Rs [ ],
462  /* workspace, not defined on input or output */
463  Int W [ ], /* size n, can be NULL */
464  klu_common<Entry, Int> *Common
465 ) ;
467 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
468 /* klu_extract */
469 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
471 template <typename Entry, typename Int>
472 Int klu_extract /* returns TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise */
473 (
474  /* inputs: */
475  klu_numeric<Entry, Int> *Numeric,
476  klu_symbolic<Entry, Int> *Symbolic,
478  /* outputs, either allocated on input, or ignored otherwise */
480  /* L */
481  Int *Lp, /* size n+1 */
482  Int *Li, /* size Numeric->lnz */
483  Entry *Lx, /* size Numeric->lnz */
485  /* U */
486  Int *Up, /* size n+1 */
487  Int *Ui, /* size Numeric->unz */
488  Entry *Ux, /* size Numeric->unz */
490  /* F */
491  Int *Fp, /* size n+1 */
492  Int *Fi, /* size Numeric->nzoff */
493  Entry *Fx, /* size Numeric->nzoff */
495  /* P, row permutation */
496  Int *P, /* size n */
498  /* Q, column permutation */
499  Int *Q, /* size n */
501  /* Rs, scale factors */
502  Entry *Rs, /* size n */
504  /* R, block boundaries */
505  Int *R, /* size Symbolic->nblocks+1 (nblocks is at most n) */
507  klu_common<Entry, Int> *Common
508 ) ;
511 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
512 /* KLU memory management routines */
513 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
515 template <typename Entry, typename Int>
516 void *klu_malloc /* returns pointer to the newly malloc'd block */
517 (
518  /* ---- input ---- */
519  size_t n, /* number of items */
520  size_t size, /* size of each item */
521  /* --------------- */
522  klu_common<Entry, Int> *Common
523 ) ;
525 template <typename Entry, typename Int>
526 void *klu_free /* always returns NULL */
527 (
528  /* ---- in/out --- */
529  void *p, /* block of memory to free */
530  size_t n, /* number of items */
531  size_t size, /* size of each item */
532  /* --------------- */
533  klu_common<Entry, Int> *Common
534 ) ;
536 template <typename Entry, typename Int>
537 void *klu_realloc /* returns pointer to reallocated block */
538 (
539  /* ---- input ---- */
540  size_t nnew, /* requested # of items in reallocated block */
541  size_t nold, /* current size of block, in # of items */
542  size_t size, /* size of each item */
543  /* ---- in/out --- */
544  void *p, /* block of memory to realloc */
545  /* --------------- */
546  klu_common<Entry, Int> *Common
547 ) ;
549 /* ========================================================================== */
550 /* === KLU version ========================================================== */
551 /* ========================================================================== */
553 /* All versions of KLU include these definitions.
554  * As an example, to test if the version you are using is 1.2 or later:
555  *
556  * if (KLU_VERSION >= KLU_VERSION_CODE (1,2)) ...
557  *
558  * This also works during compile-time:
559  *
560  * #if (KLU >= KLU_VERSION_CODE (1,2))
561  * printf ("This is version 1.2 or later\n") ;
562  * #else
563  * printf ("This is an early version\n") ;
564  * #endif
565  */
567 #define KLU_DATE "Mar 24, 2009"
568 #define KLU_VERSION_CODE(main,sub) ((main) * 1000 + (sub))
569 #define KLU_MAIN_VERSION 1
570 #define KLU_SUB_VERSION 1
571 #define KLU_SUBSUB_VERSION 0
574 #endif
const int size
Definition: klu2_simple.cpp:74
void scale(ArrayView< Scalar1 > vals, size_t l, size_t ld, ArrayView< Scalar2 > s)
Scales a 1-D representation of a multivector.
int Ap[]
Column offsets.
Definition: klu2_simple.cpp:76
int Ai[]
Row values.
Definition: klu2_simple.cpp:78