Amesos2 - Direct Sparse Solver Interfaces  Version of the Day
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 // @HEADER
2 // *****************************************************************************
3 // Amesos2: Templated Direct Sparse Solver Package
4 //
5 // Copyright 2011 NTESS and the Amesos2 contributors.
6 // SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
7 // *****************************************************************************
8 // @HEADER
22 #include <type_traits>
27 namespace Amesos2 {
29  using Tpetra::MultiVector;
31  template <typename Scalar, typename LocalOrdinal, typename GlobalOrdinal, class Node >
32  MultiVecAdapter<
33  MultiVector<Scalar,
34  LocalOrdinal,
35  GlobalOrdinal,
36  Node> >::MultiVecAdapter( const Teuchos::RCP<multivec_t>& m )
37  : mv_(m)
38  {}
40  template <typename Scalar, typename LocalOrdinal, typename GlobalOrdinal, class Node >
41  Teuchos::RCP<
42  MultiVector<Scalar,
43  LocalOrdinal,
44  GlobalOrdinal,
45  Node> >
46  MultiVecAdapter<
47  MultiVector<Scalar,
48  LocalOrdinal,
49  GlobalOrdinal,
50  Node> >::clone() const
51  {
52  using MV = MultiVector<Scalar, LocalOrdinal, GlobalOrdinal, Node>;
53  Teuchos::RCP<MV> Y (new MV (mv_->getMap(), mv_->getNumVectors(), false));
54  Y->setCopyOrView (Teuchos::View);
55  return Y;
56  }
58  template <typename Scalar, typename LocalOrdinal, typename GlobalOrdinal, class Node >
59  typename MultiVecAdapter<
60  MultiVector<Scalar,
61  LocalOrdinal,
62  GlobalOrdinal,
63  Node> >::multivec_t::impl_scalar_type *
64  MultiVecAdapter<
65  MultiVector<Scalar,
66  LocalOrdinal,
67  GlobalOrdinal,
68  Node> >::getMVPointer_impl() const
69  {
70  TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION( this->getGlobalNumVectors() != 1,
71  std::invalid_argument,
72  "Amesos2_TpetraMultiVectorAdapter: getMVPointer_impl should only be called for case with a single vector and single MPI process" );
74  auto contig_local_view_2d = mv_->getLocalViewHost(Tpetra::Access::ReadWrite);
75  auto contig_local_view_1d = Kokkos::subview (contig_local_view_2d, Kokkos::ALL (), 0);
76  return;
77  }
79  // TODO Proper type handling:
80  // Consider a MultiVectorTraits class
81  // typedef Tpetra::MultiVector<Scalar, LocalOrdinal, GlobalOrdinal, Node> multivector_type
82  // NOTE: In this class, above already has a typedef multivec_t
83  // typedef typename multivector_type::impl_scalar_type return_scalar_type; // this is the POD type the dual_view_type is templated on
84  // Traits class needed to do this generically for the general MultiVectorAdapter interface
87  template <typename Scalar, typename LocalOrdinal, typename GlobalOrdinal, class Node >
88  void
89  MultiVecAdapter<
90  MultiVector<Scalar,
91  LocalOrdinal,
92  GlobalOrdinal,
93  Node> >::get1dCopy(const Teuchos::ArrayView<scalar_t>& av,
94  size_t lda,
95  Teuchos::Ptr<
96  const Tpetra::Map<LocalOrdinal,
97  GlobalOrdinal,
98  Node> > distribution_map,
99  EDistribution distribution) const
100  {
101  using Teuchos::as;
102  using Teuchos::RCP;
103  typedef Tpetra::Map<LocalOrdinal, GlobalOrdinal, Node> map_type;
104  const size_t num_vecs = getGlobalNumVectors ();
107  distribution_map.getRawPtr () == NULL, std::invalid_argument,
108  "Amesos2::MultiVecAdapter::get1dCopy: distribution_map argument is null.");
110  mv_.is_null (), std::logic_error,
111  "Amesos2::MultiVecAdapter::get1dCopy: mv_ is null.");
112  // Check mv_ before getMap(), because the latter calls mv_->getMap().
114  this->getMap ().is_null (), std::logic_error,
115  "Amesos2::MultiVecAdapter::get1dCopy: this->getMap() returns null.");
118  const size_t requested_vector_length = distribution_map->getLocalNumElements ();
120  lda < requested_vector_length, std::invalid_argument,
121  "Amesos2::MultiVecAdapter::get1dCopy: On process " <<
122  distribution_map->getComm ()->getRank () << " of the distribution Map's "
123  "communicator, the given stride lda = " << lda << " is not large enough "
124  "for the local vector length " << requested_vector_length << ".");
126  as<size_t> (av.size ()) < as<size_t> ((num_vecs - 1) * lda + requested_vector_length),
127  std::invalid_argument, "Amesos2::MultiVector::get1dCopy: MultiVector "
128  "storage not large enough given leading dimension and number of vectors." );
129 #endif // HAVE_AMESOS2_DEBUG
131  // Special case when number vectors == 1 and single MPI process
132  if ( num_vecs == 1 && this->getComm()->getRank() == 0 && this->getComm()->getSize() == 1 ) {
133  mv_->get1dCopy (av, lda);
134  }
135  else {
137  // (Re)compute the Export object if necessary. If not, then we
138  // don't need to clone distribution_map; we can instead just get
139  // the previously cloned target Map from the Export object.
140  RCP<const map_type> distMap;
141  if (exporter_.is_null () ||
142  ! exporter_->getSourceMap ()->isSameAs (* (this->getMap ())) ||
143  ! exporter_->getTargetMap ()->isSameAs (* distribution_map)) {
144  // Since we're caching the Export object, and since the Export
145  // needs to keep the distribution Map, we have to make a copy of
146  // the latter in order to ensure that it will stick around past
147  // the scope of this function call. (Ptr is not reference
148  // counted.)
149  distMap = rcp(new map_type(*distribution_map));
150  // (Re)create the Export object.
151  exporter_ = rcp (new export_type (this->getMap (), distMap));
152  }
153  else {
154  distMap = exporter_->getTargetMap ();
155  }
157  multivec_t redist_mv (distMap, num_vecs);
159  // Redistribute the input (multi)vector.
160  redist_mv.doExport (*mv_, *exporter_, Tpetra::REPLACE);
162  if ( distribution != CONTIGUOUS_AND_ROOTED ) {
163  // Do this if GIDs contiguous - existing functionality
164  // Copy the imported (multi)vector's data into the ArrayView.
165  redist_mv.get1dCopy (av, lda);
166  }
167  else {
168  // Do this if GIDs not contiguous...
169  // sync is needed for example if mv was updated on device, but will be passed through Amesos2 to solver running on host
170  //redist_mv.template sync < host_execution_space > ();
171  auto contig_local_view_2d = redist_mv.getLocalViewHost(Tpetra::Access::ReadOnly);
172  if ( redist_mv.isConstantStride() ) {
173  for ( size_t j = 0; j < num_vecs; ++j) {
174  auto av_j = av(lda*j, lda);
175  for ( size_t i = 0; i < lda; ++i ) {
176  av_j[i] = contig_local_view_2d(i,j); //lda may not be correct if redist_mv is not constant stride...
177  }
178  }
179  }
180  else {
181  // ... lda should come from Teuchos::Array* allocation,
182  // not the MultiVector, since the MultiVector does NOT
183  // have constant stride in this case.
184  // TODO lda comes from X->getGlobalLength() in solve_impl - should this be changed???
185  const size_t lclNumRows = redist_mv.getLocalLength();
186  for (size_t j = 0; j < redist_mv.getNumVectors(); ++j) {
187  auto av_j = av(lda*j, lclNumRows);
188  auto X_lcl_j_2d = redist_mv.getLocalViewHost(Tpetra::Access::ReadOnly);
189  auto X_lcl_j_1d = Kokkos::subview (X_lcl_j_2d, Kokkos::ALL (), j);
191  using val_type = typename std::remove_const<typename decltype( X_lcl_j_1d )::value_type>::type;
192  Kokkos::View<val_type*, Kokkos::HostSpace> umavj ( const_cast< val_type* > ( reinterpret_cast<const val_type*> ( av_j.getRawPtr () ) ), av_j.size () );
193  Kokkos::deep_copy (umavj, X_lcl_j_1d);
194  }
195  }
196  }
197  }
198  }
200  template <typename Scalar, typename LocalOrdinal, typename GlobalOrdinal, class Node >
201  template <typename KV>
202  bool
203  MultiVecAdapter<
204  MultiVector<Scalar, LocalOrdinal, GlobalOrdinal, Node>
205  >::get1dCopy_kokkos_view(
206  bool bInitialize,
207  KV& kokkos_view,
208  [[maybe_unused]] size_t lda,
209  Teuchos::Ptr<const Tpetra::Map<LocalOrdinal, GlobalOrdinal, Node> > distribution_map,
210  EDistribution distribution
211  ) const {
212  using Teuchos::as;
213  using Teuchos::RCP;
214  typedef Tpetra::Map<LocalOrdinal, GlobalOrdinal, Node> map_type;
215  const size_t num_vecs = getGlobalNumVectors ();
218  distribution_map.getRawPtr () == NULL, std::invalid_argument,
219  "Amesos2::MultiVecAdapter::get1dCopy_kokkos_view: distribution_map argument is null.");
221  mv_.is_null (), std::logic_error,
222  "Amesos2::MultiVecAdapter::get1dCopy_kokkos_view: mv_ is null.");
223  // Check mv_ before getMap(), because the latter calls mv_->getMap().
225  this->getMap ().is_null (), std::logic_error,
226  "Amesos2::MultiVecAdapter::get1dCopy_kokkos_view: this->getMap() returns null.");
229  const size_t requested_vector_length = distribution_map->getLocalNumElements ();
231  lda < requested_vector_length, std::invalid_argument,
232  "Amesos2::MultiVecAdapter::get1dCopy_kokkos_view: On process " <<
233  distribution_map->getComm ()->getRank () << " of the distribution Map's "
234  "communicator, the given stride lda = " << lda << " is not large enough "
235  "for the local vector length " << requested_vector_length << ".");
237  // Note do not check size since deep_copy_or_assign_view below will allocate
238  // if necessary - but may just assign ptrs.
239 #endif // HAVE_AMESOS2_DEBUG
241  // Special case when number vectors == 1 and single MPI process
242  if ( num_vecs == 1 && this->getComm()->getRank() == 0 && this->getComm()->getSize() == 1 ) {
243  if(mv_->isConstantStride()) {
244  bool bAssigned;
245  //deep_copy_or_assign_view(bInitialize, kokkos_view, mv_->getLocalViewDevice(Tpetra::Access::ReadOnly), bAssigned);
246  deep_copy_only(bInitialize, kokkos_view, mv_->getLocalViewDevice(Tpetra::Access::ReadOnly), bAssigned);
247  return bAssigned; // if bAssigned is true we are accessing the mv data directly without a copy
248  }
249  else {
250  TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(true, std::runtime_error, "Resolve handling for non-constant stride.");
251  }
252  }
253  else {
255  // (Re)compute the Export object if necessary. If not, then we
256  // don't need to clone distribution_map; we can instead just get
257  // the previously cloned target Map from the Export object.
258  RCP<const map_type> distMap;
259  if (exporter_.is_null () ||
260  ! exporter_->getSourceMap ()->isSameAs (* (this->getMap ())) ||
261  ! exporter_->getTargetMap ()->isSameAs (* distribution_map)) {
262  // Since we're caching the Export object, and since the Export
263  // needs to keep the distribution Map, we have to make a copy of
264  // the latter in order to ensure that it will stick around past
265  // the scope of this function call. (Ptr is not reference
266  // counted.)
267  distMap = rcp(new map_type(*distribution_map));
268  // (Re)create the Export object.
269  exporter_ = rcp (new export_type (this->getMap (), distMap));
270  }
271  else {
272  distMap = exporter_->getTargetMap ();
273  }
275  multivec_t redist_mv (distMap, num_vecs);
277  // Redistribute the input (multi)vector.
278  redist_mv.doExport (*mv_, *exporter_, Tpetra::REPLACE);
280  if ( distribution != CONTIGUOUS_AND_ROOTED ) {
281  // Do this if GIDs contiguous - existing functionality
282  // Copy the imported (multi)vector's data into the Kokkos View.
283  bool bAssigned;
284  deep_copy_or_assign_view(bInitialize, kokkos_view, redist_mv.getLocalViewDevice(Tpetra::Access::ReadOnly), bAssigned);
285  return false; // do not return bAssigned because redist_mv was already copied so always return false
286  }
287  else {
288  if(redist_mv.isConstantStride()) {
289  bool bAssigned; // deep_copy_or_assign_view sets true if assigned (no deep copy)
290  deep_copy_or_assign_view(bInitialize, kokkos_view, redist_mv.getLocalViewDevice(Tpetra::Access::ReadOnly), bAssigned);
291  return false; // do not return bAssigned because redist_mv was already copied so always return false
292  }
293  else {
294  TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(true, std::runtime_error, "Kokkos adapter non-constant stride not imlemented.");
295  }
296  }
297  }
298  }
300  template <typename Scalar, typename LocalOrdinal, typename GlobalOrdinal, class Node >
301  Teuchos::ArrayRCP<Scalar>
302  MultiVecAdapter<
303  MultiVector<Scalar,
304  LocalOrdinal,
305  GlobalOrdinal,
306  Node> >::get1dViewNonConst (bool local)
307  {
308  // FIXME (mfh 22 Jan 2014) When I first found this routine, all of
309  // its code was commented out, and it didn't return anything. The
310  // latter is ESPECIALLY dangerous, given that the return value is
311  // an ArrayRCP. Thus, I added the exception throw below.
313  true, std::logic_error, "Amesos2::MultiVecAdapter::get1dViewNonConst: "
314  "Not implemented.");
316  // if( local ){
317  // this->localize();
318  // /* Use the global element list returned by
319  // * mv_->getMap()->getLocalElementList() to get a subCopy of mv_ which we
320  // * assign to l_l_mv_, then return get1dViewNonConst() of l_l_mv_
321  // */
322  // if(l_l_mv_.is_null() ){
323  // Teuchos::ArrayView<const GlobalOrdinal> nodeElements_go
324  // = mv_->getMap()->getLocalElementList();
325  // Teuchos::Array<size_t> nodeElements_st(nodeElements_go.size());
327  // // Convert the node element to a list of size_t type objects
328  // typename Teuchos::ArrayView<const GlobalOrdinal>::iterator it_go;
329  // Teuchos::Array<size_t>::iterator it_st = nodeElements_st.begin();
330  // for( it_go = nodeElements_go.begin(); it_go != nodeElements_go.end(); ++it_go ){
331  // *(it_st++) = Teuchos::as<size_t>(*it_go);
332  // }
334  // // To be consistent with the globalize() function, get a view of the local mv
335  // l_l_mv_ = l_mv_->subViewNonConst(nodeElements_st);
337  // return(l_l_mv_->get1dViewNonConst());
338  // } else {
339  // // We need to re-import values to the local, since changes may have been
340  // // made to the global structure that are not reflected in the local
341  // // view.
342  // Teuchos::ArrayView<const GlobalOrdinal> nodeElements_go
343  // = mv_->getMap()->getLocalElementList();
344  // Teuchos::Array<size_t> nodeElements_st(nodeElements_go.size());
346  // // Convert the node element to a list of size_t type objects
347  // typename Teuchos::ArrayView<const GlobalOrdinal>::iterator it_go;
348  // Teuchos::Array<size_t>::iterator it_st = nodeElements_st.begin();
349  // for( it_go = nodeElements_go.begin(); it_go != nodeElements_go.end(); ++it_go ){
350  // *(it_st++) = Teuchos::as<size_t>(*it_go);
351  // }
353  // return l_l_mv_->get1dViewNonConst();
354  // }
355  // } else {
356  // if( mv_->isDistributed() ){
357  // this->localize();
359  // return l_mv_->get1dViewNonConst();
360  // } else { // not distributed, no need to import
361  // return mv_->get1dViewNonConst();
362  // }
363  // }
364  }
367  template <typename Scalar, typename LocalOrdinal, typename GlobalOrdinal, class Node>
368  void
369  MultiVecAdapter<
370  MultiVector<Scalar,
371  LocalOrdinal,
372  GlobalOrdinal,
373  Node> >::put1dData(const Teuchos::ArrayView<const scalar_t>& new_data,
374  size_t lda,
375  Teuchos::Ptr<
376  const Tpetra::Map<LocalOrdinal,
377  GlobalOrdinal,
378  Node> > source_map,
379  EDistribution distribution )
380  {
381  using Teuchos::RCP;
382  typedef Tpetra::Map<LocalOrdinal, GlobalOrdinal, Node> map_type;
385  source_map.getRawPtr () == NULL, std::invalid_argument,
386  "Amesos2::MultiVecAdapter::put1dData: source_map argument is null.");
388  mv_.is_null (), std::logic_error,
389  "Amesos2::MultiVecAdapter::put1dData: the internal MultiVector mv_ is null.");
390  // getMap() calls mv_->getMap(), so test first whether mv_ is null.
392  this->getMap ().is_null (), std::logic_error,
393  "Amesos2::MultiVecAdapter::put1dData: this->getMap() returns null.");
395  const size_t num_vecs = getGlobalNumVectors ();
397  // Special case when number vectors == 1 and single MPI process
398  if ( num_vecs == 1 && this->getComm()->getRank() == 0 && this->getComm()->getSize() == 1 ) {
399  // num_vecs = 1; stride does not matter
400  auto mv_view_to_modify_2d = mv_->getLocalViewHost(Tpetra::Access::OverwriteAll);
401  for ( size_t i = 0; i < lda; ++i ) {
402  mv_view_to_modify_2d(i,0) = new_data[i]; // Only one vector
403  }
404  }
405  else {
407  // (Re)compute the Import object if necessary. If not, then we
408  // don't need to clone source_map; we can instead just get the
409  // previously cloned source Map from the Import object.
410  RCP<const map_type> srcMap;
411  if (importer_.is_null () ||
412  ! importer_->getSourceMap ()->isSameAs (* source_map) ||
413  ! importer_->getTargetMap ()->isSameAs (* (this->getMap ()))) {
415  // Since we're caching the Import object, and since the Import
416  // needs to keep the source Map, we have to make a copy of the
417  // latter in order to ensure that it will stick around past the
418  // scope of this function call. (Ptr is not reference counted.)
419  srcMap = rcp(new map_type(*source_map));
420  importer_ = rcp (new import_type (srcMap, this->getMap ()));
421  }
422  else {
423  srcMap = importer_->getSourceMap ();
424  }
426  if ( distribution != CONTIGUOUS_AND_ROOTED ) {
427  // Do this if GIDs contiguous - existing functionality
428  // Redistribute the output (multi)vector.
429  const multivec_t source_mv (srcMap, new_data, lda, num_vecs);
430  mv_->doImport (source_mv, *importer_, Tpetra::REPLACE);
431  }
432  else {
433  multivec_t redist_mv (srcMap, num_vecs); // unused for ROOTED case
434  if ( redist_mv.isConstantStride() ) {
435  auto contig_local_view_2d = redist_mv.getLocalViewHost(Tpetra::Access::OverwriteAll);
436  for ( size_t j = 0; j < num_vecs; ++j) {
437  auto av_j = new_data(lda*j, lda);
438  for ( size_t i = 0; i < lda; ++i ) {
439  contig_local_view_2d(i,j) = av_j[i];
440  }
441  }
442  }
443  else {
444  // ... lda should come from Teuchos::Array* allocation,
445  // not the MultiVector, since the MultiVector does NOT
446  // have constant stride in this case.
447  // TODO lda comes from X->getGlobalLength() in solve_impl - should this be changed???
448  const size_t lclNumRows = redist_mv.getLocalLength();
449  for (size_t j = 0; j < redist_mv.getNumVectors(); ++j) {
450  auto av_j = new_data(lda*j, lclNumRows);
451  auto X_lcl_j_2d = redist_mv.getLocalViewHost(Tpetra::Access::ReadOnly);
452  auto X_lcl_j_1d = Kokkos::subview (X_lcl_j_2d, Kokkos::ALL (), j);
454  using val_type = typename std::remove_const<typename decltype( X_lcl_j_1d )::value_type>::type;
455  Kokkos::View<val_type*, Kokkos::HostSpace> umavj ( const_cast< val_type* > ( reinterpret_cast<const val_type*> ( av_j.getRawPtr () ) ), av_j.size () );
456  Kokkos::deep_copy (umavj, X_lcl_j_1d);
457  }
458  }
460  //typedef typename multivec_t::node_type::memory_space memory_space;
461  //redist_mv.template sync <memory_space> ();
463  mv_->doImport (redist_mv, *importer_, Tpetra::REPLACE);
464  }
465  }
467  }
469  template <typename Scalar, typename LocalOrdinal, typename GlobalOrdinal, class Node>
470  template <typename KV>
471  void
472  MultiVecAdapter<
473  MultiVector<Scalar,
474  LocalOrdinal,
475  GlobalOrdinal,
476  Node> >::put1dData_kokkos_view(KV& kokkos_new_data,
477  size_t lda,
478  Teuchos::Ptr<
479  const Tpetra::Map<LocalOrdinal,
480  GlobalOrdinal,
481  Node> > source_map,
482  EDistribution distribution )
483  {
484  using Teuchos::RCP;
485  typedef Tpetra::Map<LocalOrdinal, GlobalOrdinal, Node> map_type;
488  source_map.getRawPtr () == NULL, std::invalid_argument,
489  "Amesos2::MultiVecAdapter::put1dData_kokkos_view: source_map argument is null.");
491  mv_.is_null (), std::logic_error,
492  "Amesos2::MultiVecAdapter::put1dData_kokkos_view: the internal MultiVector mv_ is null.");
493  // getMap() calls mv_->getMap(), so test first whether mv_ is null.
495  this->getMap ().is_null (), std::logic_error,
496  "Amesos2::MultiVecAdapter::put1dData_kokkos_view: this->getMap() returns null.");
498  const size_t num_vecs = getGlobalNumVectors ();
500  // Special case when number vectors == 1 and single MPI process
501  if ( num_vecs == 1 && this->getComm()->getRank() == 0 && this->getComm()->getSize() == 1 ) {
503  // num_vecs = 1; stride does not matter
505  // If this is the optimized path then kokkos_new_data will be the dst
506  auto mv_view_to_modify_2d = mv_->getLocalViewDevice(Tpetra::Access::OverwriteAll);
507  //deep_copy_or_assign_view(mv_view_to_modify_2d, kokkos_new_data);
508  deep_copy_only(mv_view_to_modify_2d, kokkos_new_data);
509  }
510  else {
512  // (Re)compute the Import object if necessary. If not, then we
513  // don't need to clone source_map; we can instead just get the
514  // previously cloned source Map from the Import object.
515  RCP<const map_type> srcMap;
516  if (importer_.is_null () ||
517  ! importer_->getSourceMap ()->isSameAs (* source_map) ||
518  ! importer_->getTargetMap ()->isSameAs (* (this->getMap ()))) {
520  // Since we're caching the Import object, and since the Import
521  // needs to keep the source Map, we have to make a copy of the
522  // latter in order to ensure that it will stick around past the
523  // scope of this function call. (Ptr is not reference counted.)
524  srcMap = rcp(new map_type(*source_map));
525  importer_ = rcp (new import_type (srcMap, this->getMap ()));
526  }
527  else {
528  srcMap = importer_->getSourceMap ();
529  }
531  if ( distribution != CONTIGUOUS_AND_ROOTED ) {
532  // Use View scalar type, not MV Scalar because we want Kokkos::complex, not
533  // std::complex to avoid a Kokkos::complex<double> to std::complex<float>
534  // conversion which would require a double copy and fail here. Then we'll be
535  // setup to safely reinterpret_cast complex to std if necessary.
536  typedef typename multivec_t::dual_view_type::t_host::value_type tpetra_mv_view_type;
537  Kokkos::View<tpetra_mv_view_type**,typename KV::array_layout,
538  Kokkos::HostSpace> convert_kokkos_new_data;
539  deep_copy_or_assign_view(convert_kokkos_new_data, kokkos_new_data);
541  // convert_kokkos_new_data may be Kokkos::complex and Scalar could be std::complex
542  auto pData = reinterpret_cast<Scalar*>(;
543 #else
544  auto pData =;
545 #endif
547  const multivec_t source_mv (srcMap, Teuchos::ArrayView<const scalar_t>(
548  pData, kokkos_new_data.size()), lda, num_vecs);
549  mv_->doImport (source_mv, *importer_, Tpetra::REPLACE);
550  }
551  else {
552  multivec_t redist_mv (srcMap, num_vecs); // unused for ROOTED case
553  // Cuda solvers won't currently use this path since they are just serial
554  // right now, so this mirror should be harmless (and not strictly necessary).
555  // Adding it for future possibilities though we may then refactor this
556  // for better efficiency if the kokkos_new_data view is on device.
557  auto host_kokkos_new_data = Kokkos::create_mirror_view(kokkos_new_data);
558  Kokkos::deep_copy(host_kokkos_new_data, kokkos_new_data);
559  if ( redist_mv.isConstantStride() ) {
560  auto contig_local_view_2d = redist_mv.getLocalViewHost(Tpetra::Access::OverwriteAll);
561  for ( size_t j = 0; j < num_vecs; ++j) {
562  auto av_j = Kokkos::subview(host_kokkos_new_data, Kokkos::ALL, j);
563  for ( size_t i = 0; i < lda; ++i ) {
564  contig_local_view_2d(i,j) = av_j(i);
565  }
566  }
567  }
568  else {
569  TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(true, std::runtime_error, "Kokkos adapter "
570  "CONTIGUOUS_AND_ROOTED not implemented for put1dData_kokkos_view "
571  "with non constant stride.");
572  }
574  //typedef typename multivec_t::node_type::memory_space memory_space;
575  //redist_mv.template sync <memory_space> ();
577  mv_->doImport (redist_mv, *importer_, Tpetra::REPLACE);
578  }
579  }
581  }
583  template <typename Scalar, typename LocalOrdinal, typename GlobalOrdinal, class Node >
584  std::string
585  MultiVecAdapter<
586  MultiVector<Scalar,
587  LocalOrdinal,
588  GlobalOrdinal,
589  Node> >::description() const
590  {
591  std::ostringstream oss;
592  oss << "Amesos2 adapter wrapping: ";
593  oss << mv_->description();
594  return oss.str();
595  }
598  template <typename Scalar, typename LocalOrdinal, typename GlobalOrdinal, class Node >
599  void
600  MultiVecAdapter<
601  MultiVector<Scalar,
602  LocalOrdinal,
603  GlobalOrdinal,
604  Node> >::describe (Teuchos::FancyOStream& os,
605  const Teuchos::EVerbosityLevel verbLevel) const
606  {
607  mv_->describe (os, verbLevel);
608  }
611  template <typename Scalar, typename LocalOrdinal, typename GlobalOrdinal, class Node >
612  const char* MultiVecAdapter<
613  MultiVector<Scalar,
614  LocalOrdinal,
615  GlobalOrdinal,
616  Node> >::name = "Amesos2 adapter for Tpetra::MultiVector";
618 } // end namespace Amesos2
Copy or assign views based on memory spaces.
Amesos2::MultiVecAdapter specialization for the Tpetra::MultiVector class.
Definition: Amesos2_TypeDecl.hpp:89