#include "Teuchos_StandardParameterEntryValidators.hpp"
#include "Teuchos_Version.hpp"
#include "Teuchos_StandardCatchMacros.hpp"
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
using Teuchos::tuple;
bool success = false;
bool verbose = true;
try {
std::cout << Teuchos::Teuchos_Version() << std::endl << std::endl;
ParameterList myPL;
myPL.set("Max Iters", 1550, "Determines the maximum number of iterations in the solver");
myPL.set("Tolerance", 1e-10, "The tolerance used for the convergence check");
RCP<Teuchos::StringToIntegralParameterEntryValidator<int> >
Teuchos::tuple<std::string>( "GMRES", "CG", "TFQMR" )
,"The type of solver to use"
myPL.set("Tolerance", as<float>(1e-10), "The tolerance used for the convergence check");
myPL.set<Array<double> >("Initial Guess", tuple<double>( 10, 0.0 ),
"The initial guess as a RCP to an array object.");
ParameterList& Prec_List = myPL.sublist("Preconditioner", false,
"Sublist that defines the preconditioner.");
Prec_List.set("Type", "ILU", "The tpye of preconditioner to use");
Prec_List.set("Drop Tolerance", 1e-3,
"The tolerance below which entries from the\n""factorization are left out of the factors.");
bool solver_defined = false, prec_defined = false, dtol_double = false;
solver_defined = myPL.isParameter("Solver");
prec_defined = myPL.isSublist("Preconditioner");
bool tol_double = false;
tol_double = myPL.INVALID_TEMPLATE_QUALIFIER isType<double>("Tolerance");
dtol_double = Teuchos::isParameterType<double>(Prec_List, "Drop Tolerance");
int its = -1;
its = myPL.get("Max Iters", 1200);
float tol = -1.0;
tol = myPL.get<float>("Tolerance");
solver = solverValidator->validateString(
Array<double> init_guess = myPL.get<Array<double> >("Initial Guess");
std::cout << "\n# Printing this parameter list using opeator<<(...) ...\n\n";
std::cout << myPL << std::endl;
std::cout << "\n# Printing the parameter list only showing documentation fields ...\n\n";
std::cout << "\n# Showing unused parameters ...\n\n";
myPL.unused( std::cout );
success = true;
return ( success ? EXIT_SUCCESS : EXIT_FAILURE );