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Class Hierarchy

Go to the graphical class hierarchy

This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 1234]
oCEpetra_CrsGraphData::EntriesInOneRow< int_type >Store some data for each row describing which entries of this row are nonzero
oCEpetra_BLASEpetra_BLAS: The Epetra BLAS Wrapper Class
|oCEpetra_CrsMatrixEpetra_CrsMatrix: A class for constructing and using real-valued double-precision sparse compressed row matrices
|oCEpetra_IntMultiVectorEpetra_IntMultiVector: A class for constructing and using dense multi-vectors, vectors and matrices in parallel
|oCEpetra_MultiVectorEpetra_MultiVector: A class for constructing and using dense multi-vectors, vectors and matrices in parallel
|oCEpetra_SerialDenseMatrixEpetra_SerialDenseMatrix: A class for constructing and using real double precision general dense matrices
|oCEpetra_SerialDenseSolverEpetra_SerialDenseSolver: A class for solving dense linear problems
|oCEpetra_SerialDenseSVDEpetra_SerialDenseSVD: A class for SVDing dense linear problems
|\CEpetra_VbrMatrixEpetra_VbrMatrix: A class for the construction and use of real-valued double-precision variable block-row sparse matrices
oCEpetra_CommEpetra_Comm: The Epetra Communication Abstract Base Class
|oCEpetra_MpiCommEpetra_MpiComm: The Epetra MPI Communication Class
|oCEpetra_MpiSmpCommEpetra_MpiSmpComm: The Epetra MPI Shared Memory Parallel Communication Class
|\CEpetra_SerialCommEpetra_SerialComm: The Epetra Serial Communication Class
oCEpetra_CompObjectEpetra_CompObject: Functionality and data that is common to all computational classes
|oCEpetra_BasicRowMatrixEpetra_BasicRowMatrix: A class for simplifying the development of Epetra_RowMatrix adapters
|oCEpetra_CrsMatrixEpetra_CrsMatrix: A class for constructing and using real-valued double-precision sparse compressed row matrices
|oCEpetra_FastCrsOperatorEpetra_FastCrsOperator: A class for constructing matrix objects optimized for common kernels
|oCEpetra_IntMultiVectorEpetra_IntMultiVector: A class for constructing and using dense multi-vectors, vectors and matrices in parallel
|oCEpetra_MultiVectorEpetra_MultiVector: A class for constructing and using dense multi-vectors, vectors and matrices in parallel
|oCEpetra_SerialDenseMatrixEpetra_SerialDenseMatrix: A class for constructing and using real double precision general dense matrices
|oCEpetra_SerialDenseSolverEpetra_SerialDenseSolver: A class for solving dense linear problems
|oCEpetra_SerialDenseSVDEpetra_SerialDenseSVD: A class for SVDing dense linear problems
|\CEpetra_VbrMatrixEpetra_VbrMatrix: A class for the construction and use of real-valued double-precision variable block-row sparse matrices
oCEpetra_CrsSingletonFilterEpetra_CrsSingletonFilter: A class for explicitly eliminating matrix rows and columns
oCEpetra_DataEpetra_Data: The Epetra Base Data Class
|oCEpetra_BlockMapDataEpetra_BlockMapData: The Epetra BlockMap Data Class
|oCEpetra_CrsGraphDataEpetra_CrsGraphData: The Epetra CrsGraph Data Class
|oCEpetra_MpiCommDataEpetra_MpiCommData: The Epetra Mpi Communication Data Class
|oCEpetra_MpiSmpCommDataEpetra_MpiSmpCommData: The Epetra Mpi Shared Memory ParallelCommunication Data Class
|\CEpetra_SerialCommDataEpetra_SerialCommData: The Epetra Serial Communication Data Class
oCEpetra_DirectoryEpetra_Directory: This class is a pure virtual class whose interface allows Epetra_Map and Epetr_BlockMap objects to reference non-local elements
|\CEpetra_BasicDirectoryEpetra_BasicDirectory: This class allows Epetra_Map objects to reference non-local elements
oCEpetra_DistributorEpetra_Distributor: The Epetra Gather/Scatter Setup Base Class
|oCEpetra_MpiDistributorMPI implementation of Epetra_Distributor
|\CEpetra_SerialDistributorEpetra_SerialDistributor: The Epetra Serial implementation of the Epetra_Distributor Gather/Scatter Setup Class
oCEpetra_FlopsEpetra_Flops: The Epetra Floating Point Operations Class
oCEpetra_GIDTypeSerialDenseVector< int_type >Epetra_GIDTypeSerialDenseVector: A class for switching between "int" and "long long" GID Type at compile time
oCEpetra_GIDTypeSerialDenseVector< int >
oCEpetra_GIDTypeSerialDenseVector< long long >
oCEpetra_GIDTypeVector< int_type >Epetra_GIDTypeVector: A class for constructing and using dense "int" and "long long" vectors on a parallel computer
oCEpetra_GIDTypeVector< int >
oCEpetra_GIDTypeVector< long long >
oCEpetra_LAPACKEpetra_LAPACK: The Epetra LAPACK Wrapper Class
|oCEpetra_SerialDenseSolverEpetra_SerialDenseSolver: A class for solving dense linear problems
|\CEpetra_SerialDenseSVDEpetra_SerialDenseSVD: A class for SVDing dense linear problems
oCEpetra_LinearProblemEpetra_LinearProblem: The Epetra Linear Problem Class
oCEpetra_LinearProblemRedistorEpetra_LinearProblemRedistor: A class for redistributing an Epetra_LinearProblem object
oCEpetra_ObjectEpetra_Object: The base Epetra class
|oCEpetra_BasicRowMatrixEpetra_BasicRowMatrix: A class for simplifying the development of Epetra_RowMatrix adapters
|oCEpetra_BlockMapEpetra_BlockMap: A class for partitioning block element vectors and matrices
|oCEpetra_DistObjectEpetra_DistObject: A class for constructing and using dense multi-vectors, vectors and matrices in parallel
|oCEpetra_ExportEpetra_Export: This class builds an export object for efficient exporting of off-processor elements
|oCEpetra_HashTable< value_type >
|oCEpetra_HashTable< int >
|oCEpetra_ImportEpetra_Import: This class builds an import object for efficient importing of off-processor elements
|oCEpetra_IntSerialDenseMatrixEpetra_IntSerialDenseMatrix: A class for constructing and using general dense integer matrices
|oCEpetra_LongLongSerialDenseMatrixEpetra_LongLongSerialDenseMatrix: A class for constructing and using general dense integer matrices
|oCEpetra_MpiCommEpetra_MpiComm: The Epetra MPI Communication Class
|oCEpetra_MpiDistributorMPI implementation of Epetra_Distributor
|oCEpetra_MpiSmpCommEpetra_MpiSmpComm: The Epetra MPI Shared Memory Parallel Communication Class
|oCEpetra_OffsetIndexEpetra_OffsetIndex: This class builds index for efficient mapping of data from one Epetra_CrsGraph based object to another
|oCEpetra_SerialCommEpetra_SerialComm: The Epetra Serial Communication Class
|oCEpetra_SerialDenseMatrixEpetra_SerialDenseMatrix: A class for constructing and using real double precision general dense matrices
|oCEpetra_SerialDenseSolverEpetra_SerialDenseSolver: A class for solving dense linear problems
|oCEpetra_SerialDenseSVDEpetra_SerialDenseSVD: A class for SVDing dense linear problems
|oCEpetra_SerialDistributorEpetra_SerialDistributor: The Epetra Serial implementation of the Epetra_Distributor Gather/Scatter Setup Class
|\CEpetra_TimeEpetra_Time: The Epetra Timing Class
oCEpetra_OperatorEpetra_Operator: A pure virtual class for using real-valued double-precision operators
|oCEpetra_FastCrsOperatorEpetra_FastCrsOperator: A class for constructing matrix objects optimized for common kernels
|oCEpetra_InvOperatorEpetra_InvOperator: An implementation of the Epetra_Operator class that reverses the role of Apply() and ApplyInverse() methods
|\CEpetra_RowMatrixEpetra_RowMatrix: A pure virtual class for using real-valued double-precision row matrices
oCEpetra_OskiErrorEpetra_OskiError: The Epetra OSKI Class to provide access to get and set error handling routines in OSKI
oCEpetra_OskiPermutationEpetra_OskiPermutation: A class for storing the permutation performed on a Epetra_OskiMatrix
oCEpetra_OskiUtilsEpetra_OskiUtils: The Epetra OSKI Class to handle all operations that do not involve the use of a matrix, vector, error or permutation object
oCEpetra_RowMatrixTransposerEpetra_RowMatrixTransposer: A class for transposing an Epetra_RowMatrix object
oCEpetra_SerialDenseOperatorEpetra_SerialDenseOperator: A pure virtual class for using real-valued double-precision operators
|oCEpetra_SerialDenseMatrixEpetra_SerialDenseMatrix: A class for constructing and using real double precision general dense matrices
|\CEpetra_SerialDenseSVDEpetra_SerialDenseSVD: A class for SVDing dense linear problems
oCEpetra_SrcDistObjectEpetra_SrcDistObject: A class for supporting flexible source distributed objects for import/export operations
|oCEpetra_DistObjectEpetra_DistObject: A class for constructing and using dense multi-vectors, vectors and matrices in parallel
|\CEpetra_RowMatrixEpetra_RowMatrix: A pure virtual class for using real-valued double-precision row matrices
oCEpetra_UtilEpetra_Util: The Epetra Util Wrapper Class
oCEpetra_CrsGraphData::IndexData< int_type >
oCEpetra_CrsGraphData::IndexData< int >
oCEpetra_CrsGraphData::IndexData< long long >
oCepetra_test::matrix_dataMatrix_data is a very simple data source to be used for filling test matrices
\CEpetra_HashTable< value_type >::Node